dimanche 19 juillet 2020

Pennhurst et les droits des personnes handicapées

Pennhurst and the Struggle for Disability Rights

Dennis B. Downey & James W. Conroy

Series: Keystone Books
Hardcover: 288 pages
Publisher: Penn State University Press; 1 edition (June 22, 2020)
Language: English
ISBN-13: 978-0271086033

Conceived in the era of eugenics as a solution to what was termed the “problem of the feeble-minded,” state-operated institutions subjected people with intellectual and developmental disabilities to a life of compulsory incarceration. One of nearly 300 such facilities in the United States, Pennhurst State School and Hospital was initially hailed as a “model institution” but was later revealed to be a nightmare, where medical experimentation and physical and psychological abuse were rampant. At its peak, more than 3,500 residents were confined at Pennhurst, supervised by a staff of fewer than 600.

Using a blended narrative of essays and first-person accounts, this history of Pennhurst examines the institution from its founding during an age of Progressive reform to its present-day exploitation as a controversial Halloween attraction. In doing so, it traces a decades-long battle to reform the abhorrent school and hospital and reveals its role as a catalyst for the disability rights movement. Beginning in the 1950s, parent-advocates, social workers, and attorneys joined forces to challenge the dehumanizing conditions at Pennhurst. Their groundbreaking advocacy, accelerated in 1968 by the explosive televised exposé Suffer the Little Children, laid the foundation for lawsuits that transformed American jurisprudence and ended mass institutionalization in the United States. As a result, Pennhurst became a symbolic force in the disability civil rights movement in America and around the world.

Extensively researched and featuring the stories of survivors, parents, and advocates, this compelling history will appeal both to those with connections to Pennhurst and to anyone interested in the history of institutionalization and the disability rights movement.

La pandémie dans la société renaissante

Contagium: Exploring the Nexus Between Confraternity, Pandemic and Renaissance Society

Call for Papers

Deadline: 1 August 2020

The Society for Confraternity Studies will sponsor a number of sessions at the 67th Annual Meeting of the Renaissance Society of America (7- 10 April 2021) in Dublin. Accordingly, it invites proposals for papers on the following theme:

Since global communities are currently experiencing the liminal stage of withdrawing from varying degrees of quarantine and social isolation, the Society for Confraternity Studies is keen to scrutinize how Renaissance lay charitable institutions and sodalities grappled with the corporeal, emotional and fiscal injuries caused by society’s exposure to pandemics and epidemics and how their various actions can inform our own social, economic and psychological recuperation. Accordingly, we invite papers that explore the breadth and impact of lay sodalities operating in affected geographical areas between 1300 and 1700. Papers might focus on, but are not limited to the following topics:

· The impact of pandemics on the restrictions of goods and humans and how quarantines, social distancing and limitations on travel affected regular confraternity operations and in turn, touched recipients of charity.

· Legacies and donations awarded to confraternities in light of the plague. Including comparative studies of bequests during times of epidemic and good fortune and those that juxtapose geographically disparate data for the purpose of analysis.

· The orientation of medical science and spiritual doctrine during epidemics and lay charitable institutions’ roles in this co-ordination.

· Artistic commissions of confraternities and other lay charitable institutions and how these reflected the various injuries caused to society by outbreaks of pestilence.

· The impact of post-plague art, architecture, drama, music and ephemera commissioned by confraternities on public spaces and/or the popular conscience.

· The actual and notional value of prophylactic measures designed to protect the body and soul during outbreaks and to what extent these were taken up by lay brotherhoods.

· Confraternity membership and how this was affected by one or more of the following: fear of mass burial; church and oratory closure; fear of the afterlife; concerns regarding spiritual conduct in the face of imminent death.

· The personal toll of plague on those lay brothers and sisters entrusted with public service, healthcare and the custody of people or objects.

· The influence of pestilence on public and private confraternal ritual.

Papers should concentrate on confraternal activities between 1300 and 1700. We are however, also particularly interested in proposals that discuss the value of emerging confraternity studies focusing on historical pandemics and how their findings can inform our own twenty-first century recuperation following our recent encounter with Covid 19.

Proposals should include the presenter’s name, academic affiliation, email, the paper title (no longer than 15 words), the abstract of the paper (no longer than 150 words), a short academic C.V. (between one and five pages), and a series of key-words that suit the presentation. Please be sure all seven (7) categories of information are clearly provided.

Please submit your proposal to Dr Samantha J.C. Hughes-Johnson at samanthajanecaroline@yahoo.co.uk by [1 August 2020].

samedi 18 juillet 2020

Éradiquer la surdité

Eradicating deafness?: Genetics, pathology, and diversity in twentieth-century America

Marion Andrea Schmidt

Series: Disability History
Hardcover: 232 pages
Publisher: Manchester University Press; 1 edition (June 16, 2020)
Language: English
ISBN-13: 978-1526138170

Is deafness a disability to be prevented or the uniting trait of a cultural community to be preserved? Combining the history of eugenics and genetics with deaf and disability history, this book traces how American heredity researchers moved from trying to eradicate deafness to embracing it as a valuable cultural diversity. It looks at how deafness came to be seen as a hereditary phenomenon at all, how eugenics became part of progressive reform at schools for the deaf, and how, from the 1950s on, more sociocultural approaches to disability and minority led to new cooperative projects between professionals and local signing deaf communities. Analysing the transformative effects of exchange between researchers and objects of research, this book offers new insight to changing ideas about medical ethics, reproductive rights, the meaning of scientific progress and cultural diversity.

Les infirmières et la grippe espagnole

Emblems of Resilience: Nurses, ‘Spanish Influenza’ (1918-1919) and the lessons for COVID-19

Online event

August 11 2020, 5pm

Register here: https://www.rcn.org.uk/news-and-events/events/lib-emblems-of-resilience-11082020

The image of the nurse as ‘invincible healer’ acted as calming device for whole populations during the 1918/19 flu pandemic. British nurses donned uniforms and veils, and presented themselves as both military heroines and self-sacrificing angels. Evidence from media such as newspapers, journals, novels and film indicate that people were genuinely moved by these powerful exemplars of hope and civic duty, and were thus enabled to practise a form of collective resilience.

Yet, the calm, cool and courageous image of the early-twentieth-century nurse belied the pressure she was under, and many nurses became severely traumatised as a result of their wartime experiences. These talks will explore not only the mirage of safety and control presented by nurses, but also the toll this mask of resilience took upon the human being behind it. Beyond this, it will examine the extent to which nurses were enabled to recover from the trauma they experienced, and what we can learn from this regarding the impact of the 2020 COVID-19 Pandemic.

This event explores new research by speakers Christine Hallett, Olivia Gordon and Amanda Gwinnup (University of Huddersfield), with reflections on contemporary experiences by historian and healthcare assistant Kelly Swaby.

Please register to attend, and a link will be circulated in advance with instructions on how to join the meeting. All tickets must be booked individually.

vendredi 17 juillet 2020

Le nursing psychiatrique aux États-Unis

Talking Therapy. Knowledge and Power in American Psychiatric Nursing

Kylie Smith

Rutgers University Press
196 pages, 4 b&w images, 6 x 9
Paperback,May 15, 2020,$28.95

Talking Therapy traces the rise of modern psychiatric nursing in the United States from the 1930s to the 1970s. Through an analysis of the relationship between nurses and other mental health professions, with an emphasis on nursing scholarship, this book demonstrates the inherently social construction of ‘mental health’, and highlights the role of nurses in challenging, and complying with, modern approaches to psychiatry. After WWII, heightened cultural and political emphasis on mental health for social stability enabled the development of psychiatric nursing as a distinct knowledge project through which nurses aimed to transform institutional approaches to patient care, and to contribute to health and social science beyond the bedside. Nurses now take for granted the ideas that underpin their relationships with patients, but this book demonstrates that these were ideas not easily won, and that nurses in the past fought hard to make mental health nursing what it is today.

Morale sexuelle et communisme

Morale sexuelle et communisme de 1917 à 1940

Appel à contributions

Cahiers d’histoire. Revue d’histoire critique

Nous soumettons ci-après un appel à contribution pour un numéro de la revue Cahiers d’histoire.Revue d’histoire critique à paraître dans le courant de l’année 2021. Ce dossier a pour thème la morale sexuelle et le communisme de 1917 à 1940. Notre réflexion appelle des contributions aussi bien sur les débats quant à l’avortement, la prostitution, le mariage, la famille, l’homosexualité, et plus généralement ce qui met en jeu la morale sexuelle et les enjeux de libération de ce qu’on nomme parfois les mœurs. Ces propositions d’articles peuvent concerner les débats au sein des milieux communistes autour de ces enjeux, les positions d’actrices et d’acteurs lié·es à cette histoire, mais aussi la dimension juridique quant aux questions sexuelles et l’organisation de la vie sociale.


Les Cahiers d’histoire. Revue d’histoire critique, sont une revue généraliste qui se donne comme objectif, à travers une grande diversité de thématiques, de développer une histoire polarisée autour du fonctionnement des dominations sociales dans toutes leurs dimensions politiques, économiques et culturelles. Cette approche s’accompagne d’une démarche réflexive sur les formes de production et les usages du savoir historique dans ces processus de domination.

Nous soumettons ci-après un appel à contribution pour un numéro de la revue Cahiers d’histoire.Revue d’histoire critique à paraître dans le courant de l’année 2021. Ce dossier a pour thème Morale sexuelle et communisme de 1917 à 1940.

La notion de morale suppose, comme le note le philosophe Yvon Quinioux, un dispositif idéaliste. Le matérialisme, pour qui la vie détermine la conscience plutôt que le sujet, analyse les rapports sociaux dans le cadre des fonctions sociales-économiques[1]. Le communisme a souvent été accusé d'amoralisme, voire de dépravation sexuelle, avec la menace fantasmée du “partage des femmes”[2]. Mais il faut plutôt souligner les croisements persistants et répétés des engagements communistes avec les différents aspects des normes de la morale sexuelle et l'enchevêtrement des enjeux : ceux de la lutte contre l’exploitation et ceux du combat contre ces normes. Le socialisme et les revendications féministes ont cheminé de concert depuis le XIXe siècle, à Londres avec Flora Tristan (1803-1844), Sylvia Pankhurst (1882-1960) ou Paris avec Louise Michel[3]. La féministe et révolutionnaire bolchévique Alexandra Kollontaï (1872-1952) lie étroitement les formes d’union et la morale sexuelle, aux formes de production. Elle appelle de ses vœux l’union libre, fondée sur l’égalité des sexes. Lénine définit le bolchevik, comme un homme dont les qualités intellectuelles et morales sont le produit d’une pédagogie adaptée à l’objectif de la révolution[4]. Le mouvement communiste, tout comme il veut régénérer le socialisme, propose une révolution des mœurs et une nouvelle morale sexuelle.

Les tensions entre les particularités nationales et le mouvement international se révèlent sans doute avec le plus de force lorsqu’il s’agit des questions liées à la morale sexuelle, du fait tout d’abord de la très grande diversité des situations nationales, dans ses multiples déclinaisons locales, culturelles et religieuses. Mais aussi, du fait de l’extrême diversité des situations entre des partis qui participent au pouvoir et des partis communistes très minoritaires, dont les positions politiques n’influencent que très marginalement la vie nationale comme en Grande-Bretagne ou aux États-Unis.

Il est impossible de séparer les évolutions des communismes et celle des sociétés dans leur ensemble. Ainsi la question de l’avortement illustre ces évolutions contradictoires. En France, comme en URSS, la question du contrôle des naissances, a longtemps été ainsi au cœur de ces polémiques. En 1920, la loi française condamne l’avortement en tant que crime (contre celles qui le pratiquent et celles qui y recourent). La même année dans la Russie soviétique, un décret du 18 novembre 1920 le légalise, tout comme la liberté d’union et de divorce, alors que les valeurs bourgeoises sont mises au pilori et que le travail des femmes est valorisé[5]. L’entre-deux-guerres connaît alors le choc des contradictions entre les impératifs économiques et les normes sociales. Les enjeux productifs et reproductifs du travail féminin ne peuvent être dissociés de ceux de la morale. Ce productivisme induit aussi des stéréotypes genrés et des représentations virilisées.

Notre réflexion appelle des contributions aussi bien sur les débats quant à l’avortement, la prostitution, le mariage, la famille, l’homosexualité, et plus généralement ce qui met en jeu la morale sexuelle et les enjeux de libération de ce qu’on nomme parfois les mœurs. Ces propositions d’articles peuvent concerner les débats au sein des milieux communistes autour de ces enjeux, les positions d’actrices et d’acteurs lié·es à cette histoire, mais aussi la dimension juridique quant aux questions sexuelles et l’organisation de la vie sociale.

Modalités de contribution

Les résumés des propositions d’articles compteront entre 300 et 500 mots et seront accompagnés d’un titre provisoire et de 5 à 6 mots-clés ainsi que d’une courte notice biographique.
Ils devront parvenir avant le 30 septembre 2020

aux coordinatrices et coordinateurs de ce dossier, à l’adresse mail suivante :

Les auteur·res dont les propositions auront été retenues devront proposer pour le 15 janvier 2021 leur article complet qui ne devra pas excéder 40 000 signes.

Les auteur·es auront soin de veiller à respecter les normes éditoriales de la revue Cahiers d’Histoire. Revue d’histoire critique : https://journals.openedition.org/chrhc/1296
Les coordinateur·rices du dossier
Bertrand Michel,
Héloïse Morel,
Olivier Mahéo,
Thierry Pastorello.


Anton Lorena, « On n'en parlera jamais... ». Interroger la mémoire de l'avortement en Roumanie communiste », Ethnologie française, 2014/3 (Vol. 44), p. 421-428. DOI : 10.3917/ethn.143.0421. URL : https://www.cairn.info/revue-ethnologie-francaise-2014-3-page-421.htm

Brohm, Jean-Marie. Corps et politique. Paris : J.-P. Delarge, 1975.

Carleton, Gregory. Sexual Revolution in Bolshevik Russia. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 2005.

Claro Mona, « Avortement et norme procréative de la dernière génération soviétique en Russie », Cahiers du Genre, 2016/1 (n° 60), p. 15-37. DOI : 10.3917/cdge.060.0015. URL : https://www.cairn.info/revue-cahiers-du-genre-2016-1-page-15.htm

Clit, Radu. La sexualité collective : de la révolution bolchévique à nos jours. Paris: Éd. du Cygne, 2007.

Corber, Robert J. Homosexuality in Cold War America: Resistance and the Crisis of Masculinity. Durham, N.C: Duke University Press, 1997.

Darabos, Enikő. « Revolution in Sexual Ethics: Communism and the “Sex Problem” » Dans: The Russian Revolution as Ideal and Practice. Critical political theory and radical practice. Cham : Springer, pp. 51-65, 2020.

Darmangeat, Christophe. Le communisme primitif n’est plus ce qu’il était : aux origines de l’oppression des femmes. Toulouse : Smolny, 2009.

Droz, Jacques, Histoire générale du socialisme, Paris, PUF, 1972.

Field, Deborah A. Private Life and Communist Morality in Khrushchev’s Russia. New York; Washington, DC/Baltimore; Bern; Frankfurt, M; Berlin; Brussels; Vienna; Oxford: Lang, 2007.

Fitzpatrick, Sheila. « Sex and Revolution: An Examination of Literary and Statistical Data on the Mores of Soviet Students in the 1920s ». Journal of Modern History, 1978, 252‑78.

Forest, Philippe. Aragon. Paris : Gallimard, 2015.

Healey, Dan. « What Can We Learn from the History of Homosexuality in Russia? » History Compass 1, no 1 (2003).

Kollontaĭ, A, et Judith Stora-Sandor. Marxisme et révolution sexuelle. Paris : F. Maspero, 1979.

Kott, Sandrine et Françoise Thébaud. Le « socialisme réel » à l’épreuve du genre. Clio 41. Paris: belin, 2015.

Le Naour Jean-Yves, Valenti Catherine, Histoire de l'avortement : XIXe-XXe siècle, Paris : Seuil, 2003.

McLellan, Josie. Love in the Time of Communism: Intimacy and Sexuality in the GDR. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2011.

Mendès, Véronique, « Voyage en Icarie. Jeunesse et conflits de générations, 1848-1898 », Siècles. Cahiers du Centre d’histoire « Espaces et Cultures », no. 28, décembre 2008, pp. 37‑58.

Mole, Richard C. M. Soviet and Post-Soviet Sexualities. New York : Routledge, 2019.

Prochasson, Christophe, Les intellectuels et le socialisme : XIXe-XXe siècle, Paris, Plon, 1997.

Quiniou, Yvon, « La question morale dans le marxisme », Autres Temps, vol. 68, no. 1, 2000, pp. 10‑18.

Robrieux, Philippe. Histoire intérieure du Parti communiste. 1, 1, Paris: Fayard, 1980.

Studer, Brigitte, « Communisme et féminisme », Clio. Femmes, Genre, Histoire, 41 | 2015, 41 | 2015, 139-152, URL : https://journals.openedition.org/clio/12393

Thébaud, Françoise, Écrire l’histoire des femmes et du genre, Paris : ENS Éditions, 2007.

Trotsky, Léon. Leur morale et la nôtre.. Paris : Sagittaire, 1939.

Varga-Harris, Christine. Stories of House and Home: Soviet Apartment Life during the Khrushchev Years. Ithaca; Londres : Cornell University Press, 2015.

Yvert-Jalu, Hélène, « L’avortement en Union Soviétique », Annales de démographie historique, vol. 1990, no. 1, 1990, pp. 431‑437.


[1] Yvon Quiniou, , « La question morale dans le marxisme », Autres Temps, vol. 68, no. 1, 2000, pp. 10‑18.

[2] Sur les accusations d’amoralité voir notamment les écrits du philosophe Yvon Quiniou qui démontrent clairement la place des normes morales et des jugements de valeur dans l’œuvre de Marx (Ibid.)

À propos du partage des femmes, initié comme une farce par Aristophane par la voix de Praxagora qui instaure le communisme intégral dans la Cité, son thème est repris par Campanella dont les Icariens prônent la chasteté mais aussi la mise en commun des femmes. Certains compagnons “icariens” d’Etienne Cabet plaident en faveur de cette communauté sexuelle en Icarie, à Corning en Iowa. Voir Véronique Mendès « Voyage en Icarie. Jeunesse et conflits de générations, 1848-1898 », Siècles. Cahiers du Centre d’histoire « Espaces et Cultures », n° 28, décembre 2008, pp. 37‑58. Pour Aristophane voir acques Droz, Histoire générale du socialisme, Paris, PUF, 1972.

Christophe Prochasson cite longuement Campanella dans : Christophe Prochasson, Les intellectuels et le socialisme: XIXe-XXe siècle, Paris, Plon, 1997.

[3] Joseph Fourier propose de mesurer le niveau d’émancipation de la société à l’aune de celui des femmes. Auguste Bebel (1840-1913) écrit lui en 1879 la Femme et le socialisme, qui assigne à la IIe Internationale la tâche de libérer la femme. Sur ces questions voir Françoise Thébaud, Écrire l’histoire des femmes et du genre, ENS Éditions, 2007.

[4] Annie Kriegel les Communistes 1920-1970, Paris : Ed. du Seuil, 1985 p. 66

[5] En 1936, un décret met fin à cette légalisation pour criminaliser l’avortement. Il est à nouveau autorisé en 1955. Voir Hélène Yvert-Jalu, « L’avortement en Union Soviétique », adh Annales de démographie historique, vol. 1990, no. 1, 1990, pp. 431‑437. https://www.persee.fr/doc/adh_0066-2062_1990_num_1990_1_1783

jeudi 16 juillet 2020

Le dernier numéro d'HIstory of Psychiatry

History of Psychiatry - Volume 31 Issue 3, September 2020


Alteration of consciousness in Ancient Greece: divine mania

Yulia Ustinova

History of the opposition between psychogenesis and organogenesis in classic psychiatry: Part 2

Yorgos Dimitriadis 

Freud and Albert Moll: how kindred spirits became bitter foes

Harry Oosterhuis

The electroshock triangle: disputes about the ECT apparatus prototype and its display in the 1960s

Elisabetta Sirgiovanni, Alessandro Aruta

Malaria therapy in Spain: 100 years after its introduction as a treatment for the general paralysis of the insane
Olga Villasante

Patients behind the front lines: the exchange of mentally-ill patients in the 1948 Arab–Israeli War

Daniel Argo, Vladislav Fainstein, Edgar Jones, Moshe Z Abramowitz 

Foucault’s Folie et déraison: its influence and its contemporary relevance

Andrew Scull

Naum Efimovich Ischlondsky: a forgotten protagonist of the concept of reflexology

Birk Engmann

Classic Text No. 123

‘The schizophrenic basic mood (self-disorder)’, by Hans W Gruhle (1929)

Lennart Jansson, Josef Parnas

Book Reviews
Book Review: Edward Shorter and Max Fink, The Madness of Fear: A History of Catatonia

David Kilgannon

Book Review: Claire E Edington, Beyond the Asylum: Mental Illness in Colonial Vietnam

Thuy Linh Nguyen

Book Review: Lucas Richert, Strange Trips: Science, Culture, and the Regulation of Drugs

Andrea Ens

Research on the history of psychiatry

Research on the history of psychiatry

Patients-experts, patients-partenaires

Patients-experts, patients-partenaires : Quels dispositifs de participation en santé ? 

Appel à communications 


Journée d’Études 

17 et 18 décembre 2020

L’objectif de cette journée d’études sera d’analyser des notions qui connaissent un grand succès depuis quelques années dans le champ de la santé : celles en particulier de « patient expert » ou « patient partenaire », d’ « éducation thérapeutique » ou encore de « démocratie sanitaire ».

Soumettre un abstract :

3000 signes maximum. Deadline: 18 septembre 2020. Envoyer par email à renaud.debailly@sorbonne-universite.fr ; antoine.guillain@sorbonne-universite.fr et claire.crignon@sorbonne-universite.fr


Au moment de l’épidémie de Sida, le rôle des associations de patients devient de plus en plus  important pour faire entendre la voix des malades, de leurs proches et engager le dialogue entre  médecine et société (Dodier et Barbot, 2000; Epstein, 2001; Dalagalarrondo, 2015). Avec le développement de traitements plus efficaces, la maladie tend à se transformer en affection chronique au long cours, avec laquelle le patient doit apprendre à composer. La chronicisation des maladies comme le diabète, le cancer etc. conduit à réfléchir au rôle que l’on peut assigner aux patients dans la prise en charge de leur propre maladie et dans le suivi du traitement (observance), mais aussi à la façon dont les interactions entre malades modifient les conduites ou la perception de leur propre condition.

Même une maladie comme le COVID-19, par définition aigüe, tend à être présentée comme chronique puisque des symptômes peuvent persister au-delà de l’affection et que des individus peuvent aussi être considérés comme porteurs de l’infection alors même qu’ils ne présentent aucun symptôme. L’imposition de « gestes barrières » à l’ensemble d’une population peut être envisagée comme une forme collective d’éducation thérapeutique, l’idée étant ici de sensibiliser la population au risque d’un éventuel retour de la pandémie ou de la maladie sous sa forme aigüe.

Les questions de l’éducation thérapeutique et du patient expert ont fait l’objet d’analyses importantes et fouillées dans le champ des sciences de l’éducation (Tourette-Turgis, 2015), dans celui de la sociologie (Jouet et al., 2012) et dans celui de l’histoire des pratiques éducatives en médecine (Grimaldi et al, 2017).

Cette journée proposera un éclairage plus large en incluant d’autres domaines des sciences humaines et sociales, que ce soit la philosophie (des sciences, de la médecine, philosophie politique, éthique biomédicale), la sociologie, l’histoire, mais aussi les sciences de l’information et de la communication. Les médias jouent en effet un rôle de plus en plus important dans la diffusion d’informations scientifiques ou vulgaires (et parfois erronées) sur les maladies et la santé publique.

Les communications proposées lors de cette journée auront pour but :

● D’éclairer le contexte d’apparition de ces notions et de retracer leur histoire.

● De mobiliser des enquêtes de terrain et des retours d’expérience sur le rôle des associations, sur les formations universitaires en éducation thérapeutique, sur les programmes mis en oeuvre au sein de services médicaux afin de comprendre les objectifs recherchés et la manière dont la relation thérapeutique se trouve modifiée. On s’intéressera aussi aux récits de patients sur leur expérience de la maladie et aux réflexions qu’ils ont pu proposer sur le rôle qui leur était assigné dans le suivi du traitement ou sur la manière dont la maladie vient bouleverser le rapport aux autres et le positionnement social (Sontag, 1978; Ogien, 2017).

● De s’interroger sur les outils et les cadres théoriques pertinents pour analyser ces notions, les enjeux de leur apparition et leur usage. On étudiera la dimension épistémologique de la notion de « patient expert » et le partage qui s’effectue entre expertise médicale et savoir d’expérience. La question de la hiérarchisation du savoir et celle de l’autorité épistémique feront l’objet d’une attention particulière (Gross, 2017; Bandini, 2012; Collins et Coulter, 2011).

● De réfléchir à la manière dont la chronicisation des maladies et la détection de plus en plus personnalisée et précoce des maladies tend à brouiller la frontière entre normal et pathologique et à faire de tous les individus des patients potentiels ou des individus cliniquement sains mais biologiquement malades (Nordenfelt, 1994).

● De prendre la mesure des enjeux sociétaux, éthiques, et politiques de ces notions et de leur apparition dans les discours en santé publique. Il convient dans cette perspective de questionner la circulation de ces notions dans des univers sociaux différents et d’analyser les manières dont les acteurs se les approprient.


Bandini, Aude. 2012. Wilfrid Sellars et le mythe du donné . Presses Universitaires de France.

Barbot, Janine et Nicolas Dodier. 2000. L'émergence d'un tiers public dans la relation malade-médecin. L'exemple de l'épidémie à VIH. Sciences sociales et santé . 18(1) pp. 75-119.

Collins, Alf et Angela Coulter. 2011. Making shared decision-making a reality: No decision about me, without me . Disponible à l’adresse: https://www.kingsfund.org.uk/sites/default/files/Making-shared-decision-making-a-reality-paper-Angela-Coulter-Alf-Collins-July-2011_0.pdf

Dalgalarrondo, Sébastien. 2015. Sida : la course aux molécules . New edition. Éditions de l’École des hautes études en sciences sociales, Paris.

Epstein, Steven. 2001. Histoire du sida. 1. Le virus est-il bien la cause du sida ? 2. La grande révolte des malades . Les Empécheurs de penser en rond, Paris.

Grimaldi, André, Yvanie Caillé, Frédéric Pierru et Didier Tabuteau. 2017. Les Maladies chroniques. Vers la troisième médecine . Odile Jacob, Paris.

Gross, Olivia. 2017. L'engagement des patients au service du système de santé . Collection : la Personne en Médecine. DOIN.

Jouet, Emmanuelle, Olivier Las Vergnas et Luigi Flora. 2012. Patients' experiential knowledge recognition - a state of the art. Socialno Delo , Faculty of Social Work - University of Ljubljana, 51(1-3), pp.10-80.

Nordenfelt, Lennart Y. 1994. Concepts and Measurement of Quality of Life in Health Care . Springer Science & Business Media.

Ogien, Ruwen. 2017. Mes Mille et Une Nuits : la maladie comme drame et comme comédie. Albin Michel, Paris.

Sontag, Susan. 1978. Illness as a metaphor . Farrar, Straus & Giroux, New York.

Tourette-Turgis, Catherine. 2015. L’Education Thérapeutique du Patient : La maladie comme occasion d’apprentissage . Collection : éducation thérapeutique, soin et formation. Éditions De Boeck, Paris.

mercredi 15 juillet 2020

La construction des professions juridiques et médicales

La construction des professions juridiques et médicales. Europe occidentale, XVIIIe-XXe siècle

Édité par Jean-Paul Barrière et Hervé Leuwers

Presses Universitaires du Septentrion
Support Livre broché
Nb de pages 308 p. 
ISBN-13 978-2-7574-2959-4

La structuration des activités juridiques et médicales en Europe depuis le XVIIIe siècle a été jusqu'ici trop peu étudiée de manière conjointe, sous l’angle de leur professionnalisation et de leur inscription territoriale.

L’ouvrage résulte d’une collaboration pluridisciplinaire entre historiens, sociologues et juristes. Après avoir présenté la notion de professionnalisation, dans ses dimensions historiographique et sociologique, les contributions analysent les modalités, les rythmes et les limites de la structuration d’activités liées au droit, à la médecine et à l’ordre public dans l’aire continentale ouest-européenne marquée par la tradition romaine (France, Espagne, Italie, Belgique, Allemagne).

De manière originale, les professions libérales au sens strict sont rapprochées d’autres métiers d’ordre public (juges, policiers, gardes champêtres…).

Les normes interrogées par le handicap

Les normes interrogées par le handicap

Appel à communications

Suite à l’annulation de la Conférence Alter 2020 dans le contexte de la pandémie de COVID 19, nous relançons l’appel à communications sur « les normes interrogées par le handicap » (voir pj et sur le site https://alterconf2021.sciencesconf.org) en vue de la Conférence Alter 2021 : celle-ci aura lieu à Rennes les 8 et 9 avril 2021.

La Conférence Alter s’adresse à tous ceux et celles qui sont engagé·e·s dans les recherches en sciences humaines et sociales sur le handicap et la perte d’autonomie : conception et animation de la recherche, enquête de terrain, valorisation scientifique, etc. Les réponses pourront s'inscrire dans l'ensemble des domaines sociaux (éducation, emploi, culture et loisirs, logement, transports, aides humaines et techniques, participation politique, vie affective et sexuelle, etc.).

Cette 9ème Conférence Alter propose d’interroger la construction de la normalité et, plus globalement, le système de pensée qui structure nos sociétés, selon lequel être « valide » serait la norme, au double sens de la situation la plus répandue et la plus souhaitable. Cette perspective critique entend ainsi mettre en évidence la manière dont nos sociétés sont structurellement construites en référence à cette figure de l’individu valide. Si l’injonction récente à construire des sociétés inclusives semble signaler un tournant radical, qu’en est-il concrètement ? En a-t-on réellement fini avec les représentations tendanciellement négatives, défectives, voire tragiques, du handicap ? Les figures « héroïsées » du handicap, devenues omniprésentes dans l’espace public, ne prolongent-elles pas (en les inversant) ces approches du handicap comme écart à la norme ? Certains chercheurs et militants désignent cette construction dominante de la norme et du handicap par la notion de validisme (ableism). Comment les recherches contribuent-elles à cette analyse de la norme/des normes et comment pouvons-nous en tenir compte dans la manière dont nous conduisons nos recherches ?

A cet appel dont la thématique nous paraît plus que jamais d’actualité, nous ajoutons la possibilité de proposer des communications en lien avec la crise sanitaire et sociale que nous traversons en raison de la pandémie (voir à la fin de l’appel). Les propositions acceptées en 2020 seront automatiquement acceptées sans nouvelle évaluation (sauf modification majeure). Il faudra cependant les déposer sur le site Alter2021 pour manifester votre intention de participer.

Les nouvelles propositions sont bienvenues. Cette conférence est prévue en présentiel, sous réserve de l'évolution de l'épidémie et des contraintes de déplacements et de regroupement qui pourront nous contraindre à envisager des modalités alternatives d'organisation.

Les propositions sont attendues pour le 1er octobre 2020. Elles doivent être déposées sur le site https://alterconf2021.sciencesconf.org (Il est pour cela nécessaire de se créer un compte sciencesconf ou de s’y connecter).


Further to the cancellation of the Alter 2020 conference due to the Covid-19 pandemic, we are renewing the call for proposals on “norms interrogated by disabilities” for the Alter 2021 conference (see attached file and on https://alterconf2021.sciencesconf.org ). It will take place in Rennes on April 8th and 9th, 2021.

The Alter conference is directed at everyone involved in human and social science research on disability and the loss of autonomy: including work that addresses conceptional and organisational aspects of research, field research, scientific production, qualitative and quantitative methods, etc. Responses about all social fields are welcome (education, employment, culture and recreation, housing, transport, human and technical assistance, political participation, emotional and sexual life, etc.).

This 9th conference aims to discuss the construction of normality and, more broadly, the system of thought that structures our societies in which being “able” is the norm in the sense of both the most widespread and the most desirable situation. The aim of this critical perspective is therefore to highlight how our societies are structured in relation to the notion of the able individual. While the recent call to build inclusive societies would appear to herald a radical turning point, what is the reality? Have we truly finished with representations of disability that tend towards the negative, the defective or even the tragic? To what extend are the “heroized” figures of disability, omnipresent in the public space, perpetrating the representation of disability as a deviation from the norm? Some researchers and activists refer to this dominant construction of norm and disability as the notion of ableism. How does the research contribute to this analysis of the norm(s) and how can we take it into account in the way we conduct our own researches?

The theme of this conference seems more topical than ever and we would like to add the possibility to submit communications related to the crisis linked to the pandemic that we are going through (see at the end of the call). Proposals accepted in 2020 will be automatically accepted without further evaluation(unless there is a major change). However, you will have to submit them on the Alter2021 site to indicate your intention to participate. 

New proposals are welcome. 

This conference is scheduled onsite, providing the evolution of the COVID 19 epidemic and travel and grouping restrictions that may force us to consider alternative organisational conditions.
Deadline for the call for proposals : 1st october 2020. Submission on the website https://alterconf2021.sciencesconf.org

To submit your proposal, please create your sciencesconf account. This account gives you access to the Sciencesconf platform and all the sites of the conference: Sciencesconf-Registration.

mardi 14 juillet 2020

Les évangélistes américains et la tuberculose au Japon

American Evangelists and Tuberculosis in Modern Japan

Elisheva A. Perelman

Hong Kong University Press
Hardcover: 252 pages
Langue: English
ISBN-13: 978-9888528141

Tuberculosis ran rampant in Japan during the late Meiji and Taisho years (1880s–1920s). Many of the victims of the then incurable disease were young female workers from the rural areas, who were trying to support their families by working in the new textile factories. The Japanese government of the time, however, seemed unprepared to tackle the epidemic. Elisheva A. Perelman argues that pragmatism and utilitarianism dominated the thinking of the administration, which saw little point in providing health services to a group of politically insignificant patients.

This created a space for American evangelical organizations to offer their services. Perelman sees the relationship between the Japanese government and the evangelists as one of moral entrepreneurship on both sides. All the parties involved were trying to occupy the moral high ground. In the end, an uneasy but mutually beneficial arrangement was reached: the government accepted the evangelists’ assistance in providing relief to some tuberculosis patients, and the evangelists gained an opportunity to spread Christianity further in the country. Nonetheless, the patients remained a marginalized group as they possessed little agency over how they were treated.

Elisheva A. Perelman is an assistant professor of history at the College of Saint Benedict/Saint John’s University.

L'histoire de la médecine

Chest medical humanities section

Call for papers

The journal Chest invites articles for a new medical humanities section, including short pieces on the history of medicine. The rest of the editorial board and I are excited to hear about any proposal you might have. Please contact me if you have any interest in contributing, and please feel free to share this message widely.

Call for papers for the history of medicine subsection (“Consilia historiae”):

CHEST invites submissions in the history of medicine, health, and disease and welcomes papers having to do with any era or region. Authors are encouraged to define their approach broadly to include not just the history of medical ideas or practices, but to highlight key determinants of human experience such as law, economy, nature, or class. Potential objects of inquiry can be construed just as broadly, to be a particular physician or patient, a drug or a disease, a medical instrument or even an environmental contaminant.

Abstract length - 250 words, narrative format

Text length - 2,500 words

Reference count - 50 references

Please read our recent announcement of the new section here:


More information about the journal CHEST:


Additional details on article types:


lundi 13 juillet 2020

Le monde du médicament à l'aube de l'ère industrielle

Le monde du médicament à l'aube de l'ère industrielle: Les enjeux de la prescription médicamenteuse de la fin du XVIIIe au début du XIXe siècle

 Pascale Gramain


Les enjeux de la prescription médicamenteuse en France entre la fin du XVIIIe et le début du XIXe siècle. Les enjeux professionnels, sociaux, politiques et épistémologiques de la prescription médicamenteuse en France entre la fin du XVIIIe et le début du XIXe siècle trouvent à s'exprimer dans deux lieux distincts : les ordonnances médicales et les instances de labellisation des remèdes. Après le description des différents types de prescripteurs potentiels, un corpus d'ordonnances est analysé.

Les instances de labellisation sont étudiées principalement par les archives de la Société Royale de Médecine, la situation post-révolutionnaire étant confuse jusqu'à l'instauration en 1820, de l'Académie de Médecine. Les enjeux de la prescription médicamenteuse sont des enjeux de société et rendent nécessaire une vision holiste de celle-ci. Une thèse en épistémologie, Histoire des sciences et Techniques.

Prix de thèse de l'IUHPST/DHST

2021 DHST Dissertation Prize

Call for applications

The International Union of the History and Philosophy of Science and Technology, Division of History of Science and Technology (IUHPST/DHST), invites submissions for the sixth DHST Dissertation Prize to be presented in July 2021. Initiated at the 22nd International Congress of History of Science in 2005 held in Beijing, IUHPST/DHST now awards the prize every two years. Up to three awards for recent Ph.D. historians of science and technology will recognize outstanding doctoral dissertations completed and filed between 1 September 2018 and 1 September 2020.

The Prize does not specify distinct categories, but submissions must be on the history of science, technology, or medicine. The Award Committee endeavors to maintain the broadest coverage of subjects, geographical areas, chronology and civilizations (African, North American, South American, Asian, Islamic, Western and Ancient Civilizations, and others not included in this list).

Prizes consist of a certificate, waiver of registration fees, assistance with travel and accommodation expenditures to the IUHPST/DHST Congress in Prague in July 2021. The winner of a prize whose dissertation engages substantially Islamic science and culture (over competitions five (2016-2018) and six (2018-2020), is also awarded the İhsanoğlu Prize funded by the Istanbul Foundation for Research and Education (ISAR). The Turkish Society of History of Science has graciously funded the İhsanoğlu Prize for the Congress following Prague 2021.


The Award Committee includes DHST Council members and distinguished subject specialists.


Applications open 10 July 2020 and close 1 October 2020 (22:00, GMT). Announcement of prize winners for the sixth competition in early 2021. Award ceremony for winners of competitions 5 and 6: July 2021 in Prague.


Submission in any language is welcome. All dissertations must be accompanied by a detailed summary in English of no more than 20 double-spaced pages.


There are three elements. All three must be submitted in PDF format. Candidates should email one copy of the dissertation and the English language summary to <Mike.Osborne@oregonstate.edu>. Applicants should request that their dissertation supervisor write a separate confidential letter (to the same email address) of three pages or less assessing the dissertation and its historiographical significance. The email header for all three elements should specify in the subject line DHST Dissertation Prize-2021- followed by the last name of the candidate as in this format: DHST Dissertation Prize-2021-Last Name.


dimanche 12 juillet 2020

Les grandes pandémies d'influenza

A History of the Great Influenza Pandemics: Death, Panic and Hysteria, 1830-1920

Mark Honigsbaum 

Paperback: 328 pages
Publisher: Bloomsbury Academic (30 April 2020)
Language: English
ISBN-13: 978-1350160088

Influenza was the great killer of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, and the so-called 'Russian flu' killed around 1 million people across Europe in 1889-93 - including the second-in-line to the British throne, the Duke of Clarence. The Spanish flu of 1918, meanwhile, would kill 50 million people - nearly 3% of the world's population. Here, Mark Honigsbaum outlines the history of influenza in the period, and describes how the fear of disease permeated Victorian culture. These fears were amplified by the invention of the telegraph and the ability of the new mass-market press to whip up public hysteria. The flu was therefore a barometer of wider fin de siecle social and cultural anxieties - playing on fears engendered by economic decline, technology, urbanisation and degeneration. A History of the Great Influenza Pandemics is a vital new contribution towards our understanding of European history and the history of the media.

samedi 11 juillet 2020

La Charité à Lille à la fin du Moyen Âge

La Charité à Lille à la fin du Moyen Âge. Sauver les riches

Irène Dietrich-Strobbe

Préfacier: Crouzet-Pavan (Élisabeth)

Classiques Garnier
Collection: Bibliothèque d'histoire médiévale, n° 24
Nombre de pages: 605
Année d’édition: 2020

Cet ouvrage étudie les enjeux politiques, économiques et sociaux de la charité, à Lille, à la fin du Moyen Âge.

vendredi 10 juillet 2020

La formation du corpus galénique

Pseudo-Galenica. The Formation of the Galenic Corpus from Antiquity to the Renaissance

Edited by Caroline Petit, Simon Swain, and Klaus-Dietrich Fischer

The University of Chicago Press 
256 pages | 6 3/4 x 9 1/4

The works of Galen of Pergamum (c. 129-216 CE) were fundamental in the shaping of medicine, philosophy, and neighboring areas of knowledge from antiquity through to the middle ages and early modern times, across a variety of languages and cultures. Yet as early as Galen’s own lifetime, spurious treatises crept into the body of his authentic works, despite his best efforts to provide the public with a catalogue of his own production (De libris propriis). For centuries, readers and scholars have used a fluid body of Galenic works, shaped by changing intellectual frameworks and social-cultural contexts. Several inauthentic works have enjoyed remarkable popularity, but this has had consequences in modern scholarship. The current reference edition of Galenic works (Kühn, 1821-1833) fails to distinguish clearly between authentic and inauthentic texts, and many works lack any critical study, which makes navigating the corpus unusually difficult. This new volume, arising from a conference held in 2015 at the Warburg Institute at the University of London and funded by the Wellcome Trust, will provide much-needed clarification about the boundaries of the Galenic corpus, identifying and analyzing the works that do not genuinely belong to Galen’s production.

Corps et médecine dans la poésie latine

Body and Medicine in Latin Poetry


Durham University

17 - 18 September, 2020

All the times below are UK Time

Thursday 17 September (Zoom) 

Session 1

11.00-11.15: Welcome and Opening Remarks

11.15-12.00: Chiara Thumiger (University of Kiel): ‘Painful Knowledge: Suffering and the Inside of Man in Some Examples from Latin Poetry’

12.00-12.45: George Kazantzidis (University of Patras): ‘The “Medical Body” in Lucretius: A Few Thoughts on the Use and Abuse of “Medical Discourse” in Latin Poetry’

12.45-13.45: Lunch Break

13.45-14.30: Allegra Hahn (Durham University): ‘Concretizing the Abstract: Medical Imagery in Horace’s Poetry’

14.30-14.45: Coffee Break

Session 2

14.45-15.30: James Uden (Boston University): ‘Medicine in Virgil’s works’ (Title TBC)

15.30-16.15: Ioannis Ziogas (Durham University): ‘The Anatomy of Pleasure in Ovid’s Art of Love’
16.15-16.30: Coffee Break

16.30-17.15: Hunter Gardner (University of South Carolina): ‘The Etiology of Illness in Latin Love Elegy’

Friday 18 September (Zoom) 

Session 1

11.00-11.45: Chiara Blanco (Trinity College, Oxford): ‘Flesh and Stone: Skin and Touch in Ovid’s Pygmalion’

11.45-12.30: Simona Martorana (Durham University): ‘The Body and the City: Disease, Fury and Self-mutilation in Seneca’s Oedipus’

12.30-13.30: Lunch Break Session 2

13.30-14.15: Thorsten Foegen (Durham University): ‘Medical Discourse in Martial and Related Texts’
14.15-14.30: Coffee Break

14.30-15.15: Laurence Totelin (Cardiff University): ‘Carmen Salutiferum: Quintus Serenus and his Health-giving Liber Medicinalis'

15.15-16.00: Final Discussion and Closing Remarks

jeudi 9 juillet 2020

James Burt et la chirurgie de l'amour

The Love Surgeon: A Story of Trust, Harm, and the Limits of Medical Regulation

Sarah B. Rodriguez

Series: Critical Issues in Health and Medicine
Hardcover: 272 pages
Publisher: Rutgers University Press; Critical edition (July 17, 2020)
Language: English
ISBN-13: 978-1978800960

Dr. James Burt believed women’s bodies were broken, and only he could fix them. In the 1950s, this Ohio OB-GYN developed what he called “love surgery,” a unique procedure he maintained enhanced the sexual responses of a new mother, transforming her into “a horny little house mouse.” Burt did so without first getting the consent of his patients. Yet he was allowed to practice for over thirty years, mutilating hundreds of women in the process.

It would be easy to dismiss Dr. Burt as a monstrous aberration, a modern-day Dr. Frankenstein. Yet as medical historian Sarah Rodriguez reveals, that’s not the whole story. The Love Surgeon asks tough questions about Burt’s heinous acts and what they reveal about the failures of the medical establishment: How was he able to perform an untested surgical procedure? Why wasn’t he obliged to get informed consent from his patients? And why did it take his peers so long to take action?

The Love Surgeon is both a medical horror story and a cautionary tale about the limits of professional self-regulation.

Histoire de la Covid-19

Covid-19 Grants for History in the Public Interest 

Call for proposals 


The Albert Lepage Center for History in the Public Interest at Villanova University is pleased to announce a new funding opportunity to support historical projects related to the Covid-19 pandemic that advance the public interest.

The Center will fund up to 10 projects that creatively engage with the broad range of questions, concerns, policies and practices raised by the study of how past pandemics have affected the course of history and how historical study can further public understanding of the current Covid-19 crisis.

The Center is particularly interested in proposals that adopt a global approach and highlight issues of race, gender, power and structural inequality. We strongly encourage BIPOC and members of minority and underrepresented populations to apply.


Up to 10 grants will be awarded to projects that promote historical research, scholarship, teaching and public dialogue on global histories of pandemics and their effects on society, with a particular focus on race, gender, power and structural inequality. Individual grant awards will range from $2,500 - $5,000.

As the grant amounts may not be able to support a project in-full, our goal is to provide seed money and/or to help advance a project from conception to execution. The Center is especially committed to supporting work that may require initial funding to get off the ground.

The Center seeks to inspire a wide range of submissions from a diverse pool of applicants that are original and imaginative in content and form. Examples of the types of projects include: a series of blog posts, a series of podcast conversations, an initiative with a local newspaper to write a series of op-eds, a mapping project, a digital timeline, a crowd-sourced syllabus, a new course, an oral history project, a collaboration with local activists, and other creative ideas.

Proposals from BIPOC and members of minority and underrepresented populations will be looked upon especially favorably.

The grants are made possible by a generous donation by Mr. Albert Lepage (VU ’69).


Proposals are due to the Lepage Center by 11:59 p.m. EST on August 15, 2020.

Proposals should be emailed as a single attachment (PDF or Word document) to lepage@villanova.edu and should not exceed 15 pages. Additional pages will not be reviewed.


Applications should include:
  • A project description, purpose, and its contribution toward the public interest (1-2 pages)
  • A plan of execution, including deliverables, partners, and expected outcomes (1-2 pages)
  • A proposed budget (1 page)
  • C.V. or resumes of principal participants (not to exceed 10 pages)

The Center will award up to 10 grants in amounts ranging from $2,500 - $5,000 depending on the scope, size, ambition and needs of each project. The awards are expected to be distributed along three distinct streams:
  • Undergraduate and graduate research and teaching led by Villanova University students and faculty (maximum of 2 awards);
  • Public-facing historical research and scholarship led by Villanova University faculty in the Department of History and other Departments doing history in the public interest (maximum of 2 awards);
  • Public-facing history content created by local and national historians and historical institutions (maximum of 6 awards).

In evaluating applications, The Center will consider:
  • The track record of the applicant(s);
  • The importance of the project goals, the originality of the method and perspective, and the fit and relevance to the Center’s mission;
  • The feasibility of the proposal;
  • The capacity of the project to seek to shed light on the current crisis;
  • The articulation of an approach to historical thinking about the past that broadly fits disciplinary standards and perspectives (see here and here).

Proposals will be reviewed by an internal committee with award decisions to be made by the end of September 2020 (precise date TBD).

A one-time disbursement of funds will occur in fall 2020 (precise date TBD).


Proposals are limited to scholars and/or institutions in the United States. Global perspectives and transnational partnerships are encouraged.

While not limited to professional historians or history institutions, proposals that feature historians and demonstrate an approach to studying the past that broadly fits disciplinary standards and ethics of professional history will be favored.

Grantees should be amenable to having their projects featured on the Lepage Center website, social media, and other communications. The Lepage Center humbly requests that grantees acknowledgment its support in all their public-facing materials.


Grant awards are subject to federal, state and local tax regulations. Each grantee is responsible for reporting taxable stipend payments, and for remitting any tax due with their personal or institutional income tax return. For specific questions about your tax responsibilities, please contact the Internal Revenue Service, an accountant, or an income tax service.


mercredi 8 juillet 2020

L'appétit et ses insatisfactions

Appetite and Its Discontents: Science, Medicine, and the Urge to Eat, 1750-1950 

Elizabeth A. Williams

Hardcover: 416 pages
Publisher: University of Chicago Press; First edition (July 15, 2020)
Language: English
ISBN-13: 978-0226692999

Why do we eat? Is it instinct? Despite the necessity of food, anxieties about what and how to eat are widespread and persistent. In Appetite and Its Discontents, Elizabeth A. Williams explores contemporary worries about eating through the lens of science and medicine to show us how appetite—once a matter of personal inclination—became an object of science.

Williams charts the history of inquiry into appetite between 1750 and 1950, as scientific and medical concepts of appetite shifted alongside developments in physiology, natural history, psychology, and ethology. She shows how, in the eighteenth century, trust in appetite was undermined when researchers who investigated ingestion and digestion began claiming that science alone could say which ways of eating were healthy and which were not. She goes on to trace nineteenth- and twentieth-century conflicts over the nature of appetite between mechanists and vitalists, experimentalists and bedside physicians, and localists and holists, illuminating struggles that have never been resolved. By exploring the core disciplines in investigations in appetite and eating, Williams reframes the way we think about food, nutrition, and the nature of health itself..

Indian Journal of Critical Disability Studies

Indian Journal of Critical Disability Studies

Call for Papers for issue number 2.1 

A new online peer-reviewed international journal "Indian Journal of Critical Disability Studies" (InJCDS), edited by Anita Ghai and Tanmoy Bhattacharya is being launched. The journal’s editorial board boasts of well-known Critical Disabilities Studies scholars who represent a range of disciplinary perspectives. The journal is fully open-source and will be published bi-annually. (https://jcdsi.org/index.php/injcds)

Although, we do not have a specific theme for this first open call for the newly established journal, we would prefer articles directly or indirectly addressing one of the core foundational principles of critical disability studies, namely, intersectionality. Intersectionality (see Crenshaw, 1989; and Crenshaw 2014 for a newspaper interview) has been most widely employed in feminist movement and gender studies (see Bell Hook, 2014). There is widespread acceptance of the role of intersectionality in finding unifying social oppression patterns across different identities (class, gender, ethnicity, caste, sexuality, ability) and help create collaborative coalitions across these identities. However, the inherent complexity of intersectionality (McCall, 2005, Carastathis, 2016) requires a careful approach to the topic.

When it comes to research on disability, the intersectionality aspect of it is often missing. We believe that disability studies cannot be truly inclusive without addressing intersectionality. Critical disability studies (CDS) framework, among other things to be progressively explored through various issues of this journal, filled this gap by making intersectionality as one of the cornerstones of research on disability studies. Based on initial work such as Söder (2009) and Goodley (2010), more and more research within the domain of CDS is addressing intersectionality (see Artiles, Dorn, & Bal, 2016, Artiles, 2013, among others).

Possible themes of the research papers may include (but are not limited to);
  • Justification of intersectional perspective in (critical) disability studies;
  • Complexity that intersectionality may introduce in disability research;
  • History of intersectionality in disability;
  • Intersectionality and activism in disability;
  • Intersectionality and its relations to other frames of disability reference;
  • The role of ‘the body’ and intersectionality;
  • Importance of intersectionality in disability research in south Asian context; etc.

Pleas visit the journal site for more information at: https://jcdsi.org/index.php/injcds

Contact Info:  Tanmoy Bhattacharya and Anita Ghai
Contact Email:  editor@jcdsi.org

mardi 7 juillet 2020

Le commerce de la santé dans le long dix-huitième siècle britannique

Merchants of Medicines: The Commerce and Coercion of Health in Britain’s Long Eighteenth Century

Zachary Dorner

Hardcover: 280 pages
Publisher: University of Chicago Press; First edition (July 15, 2020)
Language: English
ISBN-13: 978-0226706801

The period from the late seventeenth to the early nineteenth century—the so-called long eighteenth century of English history—was a time of profound global change, marked by the expansion of intercontinental empires, long-distance trade, and human enslavement. It was also the moment when medicines, previously produced locally and in small batches, became global products. As greater numbers of British subjects struggled to survive overseas, more medicines than ever were manufactured and exported to help them. Most historical accounts, however, obscure the medicine trade’s dependence on slave labor, plantation agriculture, and colonial warfare.

In Merchants of Medicines, Zachary Dorner follows the earliest industrial pharmaceuticals from their manufacture in the United Kingdom, across trade routes, and to the edges of empire, telling a story of what medicines were, what they did, and what they meant. He brings to life business, medical, and government records to evoke a vibrant early modern world of London laboratories, Caribbean estates, South Asian factories, New England timber camps, and ships at sea. In these settings, medicines were produced, distributed, and consumed in new ways to help confront challenges of distance, labor, and authority in colonial territories. Merchants of Medicines offers a new history of economic and medical development across early America, Britain, and South Asia, revealing the unsettlingly close ties among medicine, finance, warfare, and slavery that changed people’s expectations of their health and their bodies.

Andrea Cesalpino (1519-1603)

Andrea Cesalpino (1519-1603), a Physician, Philosopher, and Botanist in Renaissance Italy

Call for Papers

RSA Dublin 2021

As his activities intersect, and innovatively shape various fields, Andrea Cesalpino was a key figure in Renaissance culture. Alongside with his work as a professor of botany and medicine at the University of Pisa, where he directed the botanical garden, and as a professor of medicine in Rome and a personal physician to Pope Clemente VIII, Cesalpino’s writings testify to a largely innovative approach to natural philosophy. For example, his philosophical work, Quaestionum peripateticarum libri V (1569) provides an Aristotelian perspective with traces of Averroes. In his medical texts, Cesalpino reveals important insights in the aspects of blood circulation. In De plantis libri XVI (1583), he crucially frames botanical studies within an Aristotelian architecture, laying down the foundation of plant morphology and physiology of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. Yet, he also focused on magic in Daemonum investigation (1580) and metallurgy in De metallis (1596). While these texts are well-known by specialists, a more complete investigation of Cesalpino as a whole is missing in recent scholarship.

In this panel, we aim to explore Cesalpino’s work in detail, unearthing the importance of his studies in different fields and discussing Cesalpino as a major figure in Renaissance knowledge. While the inspection of Cesalpino’s work per se lags behind, and thus the aim of this panel is to fill a gap in scholarship, investigating the debates over Cesalpino’s in the sixteenth century and the reception and presence of Cesalpino in the early modern time suits the scope of the panel.

Proposals for the panel should be sent to fabrizio.baldassarri@gmail.com by the end of July 2020 and should contain a 15-word title, an abstract of 150-word maximum (word count is mandatory!), max 5 page cv, PhD or other terminal degree completion date (past or expected), and full name, affiliation, email address.

More information about RSA2021 Dublin is here

lundi 6 juillet 2020

Brève histoire des épidémies au Québec

Brève histoire des épidémies au Québec. Du choléra à la COVID-19

Denis Goulet

Juillet 2020
180 pages
ISBN : 9782897911867

Du choléra au sida, en passant par le typhus, la variole, la grippe espagnole et la H1N1, le Québec a subi, comme le reste du monde, de grandes épidémies. Entre la peste du XIVe siècle et la pandémie de la COVID-19, la compréhension des modèles de transmission a grandement évolué, et l'on est passé des croyances magico-religieuses à une approche scientifique de la maladie.

Denis Goulet dresse un portrait des grandes épidémies qui ont marqué le Québec depuis le XIXe siècle et présente les différents modèles explicatifs des causes des maladies infectieuses qui ont parsemé cette période. Il fait une analyse originale de l'évolution des réactions, des attitudes et des comportements de la population face à des fléaux qui ont bouleversé sa vie quotidienne. Il met en lumière les difficultés des pouvoirs publics à réagir efficacement face à ces maladies, parfois nouvelles, et dont l'ampleur dépasse les moyens de prévention.

Poste en histoire de la psychologie et de la psychiatrie

Lecturer in Modern British History 

Call for applications

Queen Mary University of London - School of History

Location: London
Salary: £42,433 per annum incl. London allowance (grade 5).
Hours: Full Time
Contract Type: Fixed-Term/Contract

Placed On: 19th June 2020
Closes: 19th July 2020
Job Ref: QMUL22304

Fixed Term 12 months

About the Role
Joining the School’s research group on Science, Medicine and the Emotions, including the Centre for the History of Emotions, the postholder will contribute to the research life of the School; teach three existing undergraduate modules on psychology, psychiatry and the supernatural in modern Britain; and take part in the care of students, assessment and admissions‐related activities.

About You
The successful candidate will have a PhD in history or in a relevant field, experience of teaching at undergraduate level, a track record of high-quality research and clear future publication plans. Higher education teaching accreditation is desirable.

About the School
Queen Mary University of London enjoys an outstanding international reputation for the excellence of its research and teaching in the Humanities and Social Sciences. The School of History is an innovative leader in a wide range of historical fields, and is renowned for its dynamic and supportive research environment.

About Queen Mary
At Queen Mary University of London, we believe that a diversity of ideas helps us achieve the previously unthinkable.

Throughout our history, we’ve fostered social justice and improved lives through academic excellence. And we continue to live and breathe this spirit today, not because it’s simply ‘the right thing to do’ but for what it helps us achieve and the intellectual brilliance it delivers.

We continue to embrace diversity of thought and opinion in everything we do, in the belief that when views collide, disciplines interact, and perspectives intersect, truly original thought takes form.

We offer competitive salaries, access to a generous pension scheme, 30 days’ leave per annum (pro-rata for part-time/fixed-term), a season ticket loan scheme and access to a comprehensive range of personal and professional development opportunities. In addition, we offer a range of work-life balance and family friendly, inclusive employment policies, flexible working arrangements, and campus facilities including an on-site nursery at the Mile End campus.

The post is based at the Mile End Campus in London. It is a full-time fixed term appointment for twelve months, with an expected start date of 1 September 2020. The starting salary will be Grade 5, in the range of £42,433 per annum (pro-rata), inclusive of London Allowance.

Queen Mary’s commitment to our diverse and inclusive community is embedded in our appointments processes. Reasonable adjustments will be made at each stage of the recruitment process for any candidate with a disability. We are open to considering applications from candidates wishing to work flexibly.

Informal enquiries should be addressed to the Head of School, Professor Daniel Todman at history-head@qmul.ac.uk.

To apply for the role, please click the ‘apply’ button. https://www.jobs.ac.uk/job/CAK881/lecturer-in-modern-british-history-tandr-qmul22304?uuid=00637c66-b4fe-11ea-8705-064da8edb92a&campaign=jbew20200623&source=jbe 

The closing date for applications is 19 July 2020.

Interviews are expected to be held remotely shortly thereafter.

Queen Mary is committed to equality of opportunities and to advancing BAME and women’s careers. We offer a range of family friendly, inclusive employment policies, flexible working arrangements, campus facilities and services to support staff from different backgrounds. Whilst all applicants will be judged on merit, we particularly welcome applications from BAME candidates and from women.

Valuing Diversity & Committed to Equality.