mardi 11 février 2020

Le dernier numéro de Social History of Medicine

Social History of Medicine 

Volume 33, Issue 1, February 2020


Foreword by Rosemary Cresswell, Chair, Society for the Social History of Medicine
Rosemary Cresswell


Why Do We Do What We Do? The Values of the Social History of Medicine
Richard A McKay


‘The mothers of England object’: Public Health, Privacy and Professional Ethics in the Early Twentieth-century Debate over the Notification of Pregnancy
Salim Al-Gailani

Beyond Professional Self-interest: Medical Ethics and the Disciplinary Function of the General Medical Council of the United Kingdom, 1858–1914
Andreas-Holger Maehle

Visions of Colonial Nairobi: William Simpson, Health, Segregation and the Problems of Ordering a Plural Society, 1907–1921
Anna Greenwood, Harshad Topiwala

Medicine in Theresienstadt
Anna Hájková

‘An Underworld in Education’: The Demise of Missouri’s Medical Diploma Mills
David Alan Johnson

Cold War Crises: Foreign Medical Graduates Respond to US Doctor Shortages, 1965–1975
Eram Alam

‘Challenging Incommunicability: Tool Use amongst Women Medical Practitioners in Britain, 1860–1914’
Tom Quick

The Origins and Prevalence of and Campaigns to Eradicate Venereal Diseases in British Colonial Cyprus, 1916–1939
Andrekos Varnava

Challenging New Zealand’s Icon, Sir Frederic Truby King
Linda Bryder

A Medical Challenge: The Alcohol Disease in Sweden 1946–1955
Johan Edman

AIDS Inside and Out: HIV/AIDS and Penal Policy in Ireland and England & Wales in the 1980s and 1990s
Janet Weston, Virginia Berridge

Birth Control Pill Trials in Sri Lanka: The History and Politics of Women’s Reproductive Health (1950–1980)
Darshi Thoradeniya

Physiology and Hygiene in the History of Nutrition Science: The Norwegian Case 1870–1970
Kari Tove Elvbakken

On the Roadside: Maria Kunz and the Practice of Itinerant Missionary Doctoring in Rural South Africa, 1930s to 1970s
Vanessa Noble


John Cunningham (ed), Early Modern Ireland and the World of Medicine: Practitioners, Collectors and Contexts
James Kelly

Peregrine Horden, Cultures of Healing: Medieval and After
Faith Wallis

Philip Rieder and François Zanetti (eds), Materia medica: Savoirs et usages des médicaments aux époques médiévales et modernes
Angela Haas

Tricia Starks, Smoking under the Tsars: A History of Tobacco in Imperial Russia
Donna Harsch

Joris Vandendriessche, Medical Societies and Scientific Culture in Nineteenth-Century Belgium
Rita M J Schepers

Jennifer Wallis, Investigating the Body in the Victorian Asylum: Doctors, Patients, and Practices
Dolly MacKinnon

Lindsey Fitzharris, The Butchering Art: Joseph Lister's Quest to Transform the Grisly World of Victorian Medicine
Anne Crowther

Howard Chiang, After Eunuchs: Science, Medicine, and the Transformation of Sex in Modern China
Sandy F Chang

Howard Phillips, In a Time of Plague: Memories of the ‘Spanish’ Flu Epidemic of 1918 in South Africa
George Dehner

Gareth Millward, Vaccinating Britain: Mass Vaccination and the Public Since the Second World War
Michael Dwyer

Dóra Vargha, Polio Across the Iron Curtain: Hungary’s Cold War with an Epidemic
Stephen E Mawdsley

Martin D. Moore, Managing Diabetes, Managing Medicine. Chronic Disease and Clinical Bureaucracy in Post-war Britain
Arleen Marcia Tuchman

Mirko D. Grmek, Pierre-Olivier Méthot (trans & ed), Pathological Realities. Essays on Disease, Experiments and History
Keir Waddington

Richard J. Altenbaugh, Vaccination in America: Medical Science and Children’s Welfare
Lynne Curry

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