vendredi 15 février 2019

Dernier numéro du JHMAS

Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences

Volume 74, Issue 1, January 2019

Nancy Tomes; Kathleen W Jones

New Directions in the Historiography of Psychiatry
Deborah Doroshow; Matthew Gambino; Mical Raz

 Homosexuality and Psychoanalysis Meet at a Mental Hospital: An Early Institutional History
Naoko Wake

Pathologizing the Crisis: Psychiatry, Policing, and Racial Liberalism in the Long Community Mental Health Movement
Nic John Ramos

Psychiatric Jim Crow: Desegregation at the Crownsville State Hospital, 1948–1970
Ayah Nuriddin

The Final Years of Central State Hospital
Ellen Dwyer

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