samedi 31 août 2013

Le sang au début de l'époque moderne

Theories of Blood in Late Medieval and Early Modern English Literature and Culture

Call for papers

The Blood Conference
St Anne’s College, Oxford: 8th-10th January, 2014
Theories of Blood in Late Medieval and Early Modern English Literature and Culture
Conveners: Laurie Maguire, Bonnie Lander Johnson, Eleanor Decamp

Blood in the medieval and early modern periods was much more than simply red fluid in human veins. Defined diversely by theologians, medics, satirists and dramatists, it was matter, text, waste, cure, soul, God, and the means by which relationships were defined, sacramentalised and destroyed. Blood was also a controversial ingredient in the production of matter, from organic and medical to mechanical and alchemical. Between the fourteenth and seventeenth centuries debates about the nature and function of blood raised questions about the limits of identity, God’s will for his creatures, science’s encounter with the self, and the structure of families and communities, and its impact was felt in artistic constructions on stage, in print, and on canvas.

This two and a half day conference will gather early modern and medieval scholars from English, history, art history and medical history, to ask: ‘What is Renaissance blood?’

Plenary addresses by Frances Dolan (UC Davis), Patricia Parker (Stanford), Helen Barr (Oxford) and Elisabeth Dutton (Fribourg).

Discussions will cover a range of topics including blood and satire, blood and revenge, blood and gender, blood and genre, queer blood, royal blood, blood and wounding, William Harvey, blood and race, blood on the stage, blood and witchcraft, blood and alchemy, bloodlines, blood and sacrifice, blood and friendship, blood and disease, and blood and automata.

The Blood Conference will feature a professional production of the Croxton Play of the Sacrament directed byElisabeth Dutton, and a session led by David Fuller, with the help of Oxford singers, on early sacramental music and Eucharistic blood. Wellcome Trust archivists will also be offering a session on blood material in their collection.

More speakers are now warmly invited. We are particularly interested in interdisciplinary papers, and those with an emphasis on art history and medical history. But any innovative approaches to historical blood are most welcome!

Please send a 500 word abstract to Micah Coston by September 9th, 2013.

Les métamorphoses de Tho-Radia

Les métamorphoses de Tho-Radia : Paris-Vichy 

Thierry Lefebvre, Cécile Raynal

ISBN 978-2-35815-112-2
210 pages
Éditions Glyphe
6 septembre 2013

L’iconographie publicitaire pour la crème Tho-Radia et ses différentes déclinaisons a suscité bien des fantasmes par le passé. Dépassant le pittoresque habituel, les auteurs ont enquêté sur les acteurs et mobiles de cette aventure sans pareille et ont tenté de répondre à de nombreuses questions. Qui étaient le médecin et le pharmacien à l’origine de ce produit cosmétique ? D’où venaient les capitaux investis ? Y eut-il une implication du réseau Stavisky ? Y avait-il réellement du radium dans Tho-Radia ? La réglementation de 1937 visait-elle en premier lieu ses allégations de santé ? Pourquoi la Légation de Suisse à Vichy défendit-elle bec et ongles cette entreprise durant l’Occupation ? Etc.

vendredi 30 août 2013

Histoire des pharmacies de Terre-Neuve

Newfoundland Drugstores. A History

John K. Crellin

Imprint: Flanker Press
Format: Paperback, 209 pages, b&w photos and illustrations
Pub Date: July 2013
Price: $19.95
ISBN 10: 1-77117-282-7

Although primarily associated with filling doctors' prescriptions and selling medicines and other items for self-care, historically drugstores have also been operated as general stores, selling an intriguing range of toiletries, perfumery, confectionery, seeds for the garden, and household items.

For many years, the shopping experiences of customers owed a good deal to the distinctive drugstore aura created by a store's elegant wooden fixtures, rows of attractive glass containers, and a characteristic aroma arising from drugs and the preparations compounded on the premises.

Newfoundland Drugstores by John K. Crellin is a fascinating account of the important and varied roles that drugstores played in Newfoundland society.

Congrès de l'AAHN

The Art and Rhythm of Nursing through the Years

American Association for the History of Nursing 30th Annual Conference


September 26-29, 2013
Cleveland, Ohio
Intercontinental Hotel & Conference Center

Here is a preview of the conference program!

Conference Brochure

jeudi 29 août 2013

La science du développement humain

Une science du développement humain est-elle possible ?
Controverses du début du XXe siècle

Janette Friedrich, Rita Hofstetter et Bernard Schneuwly (dir.) 

  • 2013 
  • Presses Universitaires de Rennes
    Collection : Paideia 
    Format : 17 x 24 cm
    Nombre de pages : 232 p.
    ISBN : 978-2-7535-2186-5

Une multitude de savants problématisent cette question durant les trente premières années du XXe siècle. Ce livre retrace à la fois l’histoire éphémère mais passionnelle de la pédologie ainsi que la manière dont le concept du développement est convoqué et étayé dans des œuvres phares de l’entre-deux-guerres. La conclusion met en perspective ces approches en discutant la spécificité de l’œuvre piagétienne et des continuations néopiagétiennes, tout en montrant l’apport original de Vygotski pour rendre possible une science du développement.

Histoire de la psychologie

History of Psychology

Call for papers

Universitas Psychologica is published by the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana Psychology Faculty (Bogotá, Colombia). The journal has a wide scope and a diverse thematic and theoretical spectrum. It has a pluralist purpose because includes papers of all the psychology scopes.

Universitas Psychologica publishes original research papers, review literature, theoretical or methodologicalcontributions as well as book reviews and interviews. Universitas Psychologica was founded in 2001 by its current editor Wilson López-López.

Universitas Psychologica is indexed in international databases such as ISI - Thomson, Scopus, PsycInfo,Psicodoc, DOAJ, Dialnet, Redalyc, SciELO, PEPSIC, CLASE. 

In 2010 reached the 1st place among Latin American psychology journals, quartile two multidisciplinary journalranking worldwide, with 1.283 Impact Factor within the Journal Citation Report (ISI - Thompson).

In the second semester of 2014 will publish and entire issue with research papers devoted to HISTORY OF PSYCHOLOGY. Guest Editors will be Ana María Talak (Universidad Nacional de La Plata, Argentina), Hugo Klappenbach (Universidad Nacional de San Luis-CONICET, Argentina), Ana Jacó-Vilela (Universidade do Estado de Rio de Janeiro, Brasil) and Cristiana Facchinetti (Fundação Oswaldo Cruz, Brasil).

The Journal will consider articles written in English and Spanish, resulting from original and unpublished research, and considered to be an advancement of knowledge in the field by the Editorial Committee and the peer-reviewers.

Manuscripts should not exceed 20 pages in length and must be completely formatted according to the APA guidelines (American Psychological Association, Publication Manual, 6th Edition in English or 3rd in Spanish).Instructions for authors are available on the website of the journal:

All manuscripts will be reviewed by two anonymous reviewers. Considering the masked review, manuscripts should include a separate title page with authors names and affiliations, and these should not appear anywhere else on the manuscript. Authors should make every effort to see that the manuscript itself contains no clues to their identities.

Manuscripts must be submitted up to november 15th, 2013 to the next mail:

mercredi 28 août 2013

Le catalogue du marché médical

The Medical Trade Catalogue in Britain, 1870–1914

Claire L Jones

Publisher: Pickering & Chatto
256pp: 234x156mm:
October 2013
HB 978 1 84893 443 6

By the late nineteenth century, advances in medical knowledge, technology and pharmaceuticals led to the development of a thriving commercial industry. The medical trade catalogue became one of the most important means of promoting the latest tools and techniques to practitioners. Drawing on over 400 catalogues produced between 1870 and 1914, Jones presents a study of the changing nature of medical professionalism. She examines the use of the catalogue in connecting the previously separate worlds of medicine and commerce and discusses its importance to the study of print history more widely.

Congrès de la SCHM

Canadian Society for the History of Medicine 2014 Congress

Call for Papers

Brock University May 2014

The Canadian Society for the History of Medicine welcomes paper proposals for its annual meeting at the Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences, Brock University in May 2014. The general theme of this year’s Congress is “Borders Without Boundaries.”

The CSHM Program Committee invites researchers from all disciplines to submit proposals in English or French related to the Congress theme. The Committee will also consider other proposals concerning the history of healthcare and medicine in Canada and elsewhere. Graduate students are encouraged to apply. In addition to individual paper proposals, the Program Committee invites proposals for panels of three papers with a moderator; all panel members must each send an abstract. Please send a brief abstract of your proposal of not more than 350 words plus a one-page curriculum vitae along with your contact information by 30 November 2013 to:

Maureen Lux, PhD, Associate Professor
Graduate Programme Director
History Department, Brock University
500 Glenridge Ave., St. Catharines, Ontario, L2S 3A1
t. 905-688-5550 ext 5553

Applicants are strongly encouraged to submit proposals and curriculum vitae electronically. If you prefer to send your documents by mail, please submit an original and 3 copies.

The Committee will announce its results before 15 January 2014. Speakers invited to participate at Congress must provide a bilingual summary (French and English) of their paper. Please also note that all presenters at our meeting must be members of the Canadian Society for the History of Medicine.

mardi 27 août 2013

Gestion des "big data"

Collecting, organizing, trading big data

Appel à communications

20-22 février 2014
Université de Lausanne
 bâtiments Amphimax et Amphipôle
Métro M1 UNIL-Sorge

Cet événement sera principalement consacré aux transformations des pratiques scientifiques et de gestion induites par le traitement de très grandes quantités de données; que ce soit dans les domaines de la médecine, de la génomique, de la mesure des comportements, de l'économie ou encore du changement climatique. En dehors de cette thématique principale, cette rencontre étant destinée à l'ensemble des chercheurs/ses du domaine STS, débutant-e-s ou avancé-e-s, des propositions de communications peuvent également être faites dans d'autres domaines comme les technologies de la reproduction, la psychiatrie et les sciences du cerveau, les promesses scientifiques, l'histoire des dispositifs expérimentaux, etc.

De nature transdisciplinaire, ce congrès s'adresse aux sociologues, historien-ne-s, anthropologues, économistes du domaine Science, Technologie et Société, mais également aux ingénieur-e-s, médecins et chercheurs/ses en sciences de la vie.

Vous trouverez des informations complémentaires dans le call for papers ci-joint. Les résumés (en anglais) pour les propositions de communications ne doivent pas dépasser 300 mots et parvenir à l'adresse D'ICI AU 15 SEPTEMBRE 2013.

Keynote speakers confirmés à ce jour :

- Anne Beaulieu, University of Groningen
- Rebecca Lemov, Harvard University
- Sabina Leonelli, University of Exeter
- Bruno Strasser, University of Geneva
- Aaro Tupasela, University of Helsinki

Participants confirmés aux tables rondes à ce jour :

- Patrice Poiraud, Big Data Analytics Initiative, IBM France
- Vincent Mooser, Lausanne Institutional Biobank, CHUV

Swiss STS Meeting, 20-22 February 2014 in LausanneCollecting, organizing, trading big data

Since the first Swiss STS Meeting in Zürich in 1999, several conferences have been organized with the Swiss Association for the Study of Science, Technology and Society (STS-CH), like the STS Summer School 2001 in Lausanne, the EASST conference 2006 in Lausanne, the Swiss STS Meeting 2008 ScienceFutures in Zurich, the Science Going Neuro Conference 2010 in Basel. STS-CH intends to encourage and promote the social, historical and philosophical study of the sciences in Switzerland.
The next Swiss STS Meeting, to be held 20-22 February 2014 at the University of Lausanne, is devoted to the subject of big data, of scientific projects based on the production, management and analysis of very large quantities of data. Creating biobanks, statistical processing of behavior and ways of life of large cohorts,
computerized modeling of cerebral functioning or human genome sequencing are research practices that a priori seem to bear witness to new ways of doing science.
They raise novel questions as to their impact and the concrete applications they promise both in social and sanitary politics as well as in the development of new technologies. This meeting attempts to scrutinize the notion of big and its effects (conceptual, rhetoric and practical) in the human and life sciences through two lines of thought: Does the processing of large quantities of data give way to more reliable, useful, efficient, convincing and implementable explanations or does it generate new problems? How do the fabrication modes and tools of big data differ from the ones employed in the production of atlases, encyclopedias, censuses or other collections of information in the 19th and 20th centuries?
We invite participants to discuss the concrete stages of the fabrication and usage of big data, and the problems each of these steps might raise: collecting, discriminating, sharing, sorting, touching, seeing, visualizing, choosing algorithms, conserving, standardizing, applying, etc. The meeting intends to encourage
contributions that adopt a historical, ethnographical, critical and reflexive perspective and that suggest comparison of ways of collecting and analyzing large quantities of data.
The Swiss STS Meeting will last three days, and will host plenary sessions, roundtables, and paper sessions. It proposes to bring together keynote speakers of the field and young STS scholars (PhD candidates and postdoc). Aside of the Meeting’s main topic, colleagues may propose to present work from other areas of
interest, for example about reproductive technologies, psychiatry and brain sciences, scientific promises, history of devices, etc. Sessions with a particular theme already filled with paper abstracts are welcome. All propositions of paper abstracts and/or sessions must consist of a maximum of 300 words, and are to send
to the 15th of September 2013 the latest (answer of the committee: 30th October 2013).

Les fondateurs américains de la santé

Revolutionary Medicine: The Founding Fathers and Mothers in Sickness and in Health

Jeanne E. Abrams is Professor at Penrose Library

Hardcover: 304 pages
Éditeur: New York University Press (13 septembre 2013)
Langue: English
ISBN-10: 0814789196
ISBN-13: 978-0814789193

Before the advent of modern antibiotics, one's life could be abruptly shattered by contagion and death, and debility from infectious diseases and epidemics was commonplace for early Americans, regardless of social status. Concerns over health affected the founding fathers and their families as it did slaves, merchants, immigrants, and everyone else in North America. As both victims of illness and national leaders, the Founders occupied a unique position regarding the development of public health in America. Revolutionary Medicine refocuses the study of the lives of George and Martha Washington, Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, John and Abigail Adams, and James and Dolley Madison away from the usual lens of politics to the unique perspective of sickness, health, and medicine in their era. For the founders, republican ideals fostered a reciprocal connection between individual health and the "health" of the nation. Studying the encounters of these American founders with illness and disease, as well as their viewpoints about good health, not only provides us with a richer and more nuanced insight into their lives, but also opens a window into the practice of medicine in the eighteenth century, which is at once intimate, personal, and first hand. Perhaps most importantly, today's American public health initiatives have their roots in the work of America's founders, for they recognized early on that government had compelling reasons to shoulder some new responsibilities with respect to ensuring the health and well-being of its citizenry. The state of medicine and public healthcare today is still a work in progress, but these founders played a significant role in beginning the conversation that shaped the contours of its development. Jeanne E. Abrams is Professor at Penrose Library

Poste à Yale University

Tenure‐track Assistant or junior Associate Professor in the history of medicine

Yale University School of Medicine, Section of the History of Medicine

Institution Type: College / University
Location: Connecticut, United States
Position: Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, Tenure Track Faculty

History of Medicine. Yale University seeks a tenure-track Assistant or junior Associate Professor in the history of medicine beginning July 1, 2014. Field, region, and period are open, but the committee will especially welcome applications from scholars whose work reaches beyond North America and Europe. Duties will include teaching in the Program in the History of Science and Medicine (Department of History) and in the History of Medicine at the School of Medicine. The search committee will begin considering applications on September 30, 2013. Yale University is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer and actively encourages applications from minority and women scholars. Ph.D. preferred by the time of appointment. Applicants should send a curriculum vitae, graduate transcript, three letters of recommendation, a statement about their work and professional plans, and a sample of their scholarly writing such as a dissertation or book chapter or article to John Harley Warner, Chair, History of Medicine Search Committee, c/o Ramona Moore, Section of the History of Medicine, Yale University School of Medicine, P.O. Box 208015, New Haven, CT 06520-8015, USA.


Applicants should send a curriculum vitae, graduate transcript, three letters of recommendation, a statement about their work and professional plans, and a sample of their scholarly writing such as a dissertation or book chapter or article to John Harley Warner, Chair, History of Medicine Search Committee, c/o Ramona Moore, Section of the History of Medicine, Yale University School of Medicine, P.O. Box 208015, New Haven, CT 06520-8015, USA.


lundi 26 août 2013

Histoire de l'anthrax

The Making of Modern Anthrax, 1875–1920
Uniting Local, National and Global Histories of Disease

James F Stark, University of Leeds

  • Relié: 256 pages
  • Editeur : Pickering & Chatto (Publishers) Ltd (1 octobre 2013)
  • Collection : Science and Culture in the Nineteenth Century
  • ISBN-10: 1848934467
  • ISBN-13: 978-1848934467

From the mid-nineteenth century onwards a number of previously unknown conditions were recorded in both animals and humans. Known by a variety of names, and found in diverse locations, by the end of the century these diseases were united under the banner of ‘anthrax’. Stark offers a fresh perspective on the history of infectious disease. He examines anthrax in terms of local, national and global significance, and constructs a narrative that spans public, professional and geographic domains.

46e congrès Cheiron

Call for Papers: 46th Annual Meeting of Cheiron: The International Society for the History of Behavioral and Social Sciences

Conference Date: June 19th to 22nd, 2014
Conference Location: Hood College, Frederick, MD
Submission Due Date: January 15, 2014, 5pm EST

Papers, posters, symposia/panels, or workshops are invited for the 46th annual meeting of Cheiron: The International Society for the History of Behavioral and Social Sciences.  The conference will be held at Hood College in Frederick, Maryland (45 minutes from Washington, DC and Baltimore, MD). The meeting will take place Thursday, June 19th to Sunday, June 22, 2014.

Submissions may deal with any aspect of the history of the human, behavioral, and social sciences or related historiographical and methodological issues.  All submissions should conform to the guidelines listed below. 

All submissions must be received by 5pm EST, January 15, 2014. Please email your proposals to the 2014 Program Chair, Cathy Faye at


All papers, posters, and proposed symposia/panels should focus on new and original work, i.e. the main part of the work should not have been published or presented previously at other conferences. 

To facilitate the peer review and planning process, please provide a separate sheet that includes: a) title; b) author’s name and affiliation; c) author’s mail and email address and phone number; d) audio/visual needs.

Papers: Submit a 700-800 word abstract plus references that contains the major sources that inform your work. Presentations should be 20-25 minutes in length.

Posters: Submit a 300-400 word abstract plus references that contains the major sources that inform your work.

Symposia/Panels: Organizer should submit a 250-300 word abstract describing the symposium as a whole and a list of the names and affiliations of the participants. Each participant should submit a 300-600 word abstract plus references that contains the major sources that inform your work. 

Workshops: Organizer should submit a 250-300 word abstract describing the workshop and, if applicable, a list of the names and affiliations of those participating.

Student Stipends & Young Scholar Award

Student Travel Stipends: Cheiron will make funds available to help defray travel expenses for students presenting at the conference. We encourage students to apply for matching stipends at their home institutions.  Funding is limited to $100 to $300 per accepted submission; co-authored presentations must be divided among the presenters.
If you wish to be considered for a stipend, please send an additional e-mail to the program chair at the time you submit your proposal.
Young Scholar Award: Beginning in 2008, Cheiron has awarded a prize for the best paper or symposium presentation by a young scholar. To be eligible for consideration, the young scholar must be the sole or first author on the paper and must be responsible for the bulk of the work of the paper. The young scholar must be currently a student or must have completed his or her doctoral work not more than 5 years prior to the 2014 meeting. Please note that the committee may choose not to grant an award in any given year.
If you qualify and would like your paper to be considered, please inform the program chairs at the time you submit your proposal. Three weeks after the meetings, applicants will submit a copy of the presented paper – which may include minor changes – to the Cheiron Executive Officer. The entries will be judged by the Cheiron Program Committee and the Cheiron Review Committee.  The winner will receive a certificate from Cheiron, and may be asked to submit the paper to the Journal of the History of the Behavioral Sciences within a reasonable period of time. If the paper is accepted for publication, the winner will receive a $500 honorarium from Wiley-Blackwell, the publisher of JHBS.  Winners will receive assistance in preparing the paper for submission to JHBS.

dimanche 25 août 2013

Histoire du ressentiment

On Resentment: Past and Present

Bernardino Fantini ; Dolores Martin Moruno, Javier Moscoso

Hardcover: 310 pages
Publisher: Cambridge Scholars Publishing (June 1, 2013)
ISBN-10: 1443847720
ISBN-13: 978-1443847728

Resentment has a history. Paintings such as Gericault's Le Radeau de La Meduse, nineteenth-century women's manifestos and WWI war photographs provide but a few examples to retrace the changing physiognomy of this emotion from the second half of the eighteenth century up to our contemporary society. The essays in this collection attempt to shed light on the historical evolution of this affective experience adopting the French Revolution as a "gravitational force", namely as a moment in which the desire to be other was politically legitimised by means of the ideal of a meritocratic society. From Adam Smith's definition as social passion linked with justice, to Nietzsche's interpretation of resentment as a pathological symptom, this emotion has also shaped a plethora of social movements forging their identity out of hatred mixed with fear and indignation. This volume seeks to provide new insights into the history of emotions by showing how resentment is a cultural experience that contributes to a better understanding of the differences between the past and the present world.

Bourse Hewton et Griffin

Hewton and Griffin Bursaries for Archival Research in 2014

The Friends of the Archives at the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH), dedicated to the history of Canadian psychiatry, mental health and addiction, have established two endowment funds. These funds annually provide bursaries in memory of their late colleagues, Ms. E.M. (Lil) Hewton and Dr. J.D.M. (Jack) Griffin, O.C.

The main purpose of the bursaries is to provide financial assistance to students, and others not necessarily associated with an academic institution, who propose to undertake archival research on an aspect of the history of mental health or addiction in Canada. The FOA board at its discretion may approve bursaries to a maximum of $2,500 each.

There is no application form. Candidates are invited to submit a letter of intent not exceeding 300 words, together with a budget and résumé, not later than November 30, 2013. These awards are conditional on the bursary holders agreeing to submit progress reports within one year, and a final report including a financial synopsis within two years of receiving the bursary.

Please submit an application for the year 2014 by the November 30th, 2013 deadline to:

Vivienne Gibbs – President, Friends of the Archives CAMH, 1001 Queen Street West Toronto, Ontario M6J 1H4 Or by e-mail:

samedi 24 août 2013

L'assainissement urbain

Urban Sanitation Before the Sanitary Revolution

Call for papers  EAUH 2014

The 12th International Conference on Urban History will be held in Lisbon in 2014. Tim Soens (Centre for Urban History, University of Atnwerp) and Dolly Jørgensen (Umeå University) organize the main session 'Urban Sanitation Before the Sanitary Revolution (middle ages - early 19th century). They welcome paper proposals addressing issues of urban drink water supply and wastewater removal before 1850.

Deadline for abstracts: 15 October 2013.

Call for papers

The introduction of centralized sanitation in the nineteenth century city, in its most advanced form combining the distribution of piped drinking water to individual households and the water-carriage of waste using a piped sewerage system, fundamentally altered the relationship of western urban society with its natural environment. Following path-breaking research by Martin Melosi, Joel Tarr and others the impact of this sanitary revolution, both regarding technological path-dependency, the interconnecting of urban households through technological networks, the commodification of natural resources, the externalization of environmental problems and social inequalities in access to environmental services have been elaborated both by environmental historians, and scholars in the field of Science and Technology Studies and Actor/Network Theory.
Whereas the pre-modern period had longtime been regarded as a pre-paradigm period with regard to urban sanitation (Lewis Mumford), there is an increasing tendency to point at important changes in environmental attitudes and practices already in the seventeenth and eighteenth century. In this session we aim to transpose the essential questions on technology and nature released by the debate on the ‘sanitary revolution’ to the study of drinking water supply and wastewater removal in the entire period of pre-modern European urbanisation, from the Middle Ages to 1850.
We welcome paper proposals addressing issues of urban drink water supply and wastewater removal before 1850, either case-studies or broader and comparative papers, that address one or more of the following questions:
- When and why large technological systems were introduced to ensure drinking water supply and wastewater removal?
- Which degree of technological path dependency was generated by these systems?
- Did pre-modern systems also externalize part of the environmental cost of clean water to specific groups within or beyond urban society, as well as to future generations?
- To what extent scientific and intellectual transformations, like the gradual ‘disenchantment’ of nature inspired new technological solutions?
- Do we see a gradual decrease in the physical contact with water, as well as an increasing commodification of water?
- To what extent the urban population was intentionally or unintentionally “governed” through pre-modern drinking water and wastewater-systems and can we conceive these systems as intentional or unintentional instruments of power, through which urban populations were governed?
- Did such systems engender new types of social relations and destroy others?
By bringing together papers on different parts of urban Europe throughout the pre-modern period, a fundamental re-appreciation of pre-modern urban sanitation throughout Europe will become possible.

Submission of papers
Please submit an English-language abstract of maximum 300 words on the website of the European Association for Urban History:
Deadline: October 15, 2013.
The participants will be notified about their paper proposal by December 15, 2013.

Comité consultatif du collège royal des médecins

The Royal College History and Heritage Advisory Committee

Call for applications

The Royal College actively works to preserve and promote the history of specialty medicine and medical education in Canada and abroad. The History and Heritage Advisory Committee, which provides advice and recommendations to the Fellowship Affairs Committee regarding the identification, preservation, promotion and dissemination of the Royal College’s history and heritage, is a vital part of this ongoing effort.

Led by Fellows, Resident Affiliates and other experts in the history of medicine, this committee also promotes and encourages scholarship related to the history of specialty medicine and medical education. It advises on the Royal College collection, a significant collection of works donated during the past 40 years, including more than 3,800 books and many artifacts. The collection contains health research and findings, surgical technology advances and the evolution of medical knowledge since the founding of Canada. The History and Heritage Advisory Committee plays a vital role in celebrating and preserving Canada’s vibrant history of advancements and excellence in specialty medicine.
New: Join our History and Heritage Advisory Committee. Apply by Sept. 30!

Are you interested in medical history? If so, we strongly encourage you to apply to join the History and Heritage Advisory Committee. There are currently three vacancies on the committee: two for Royal College Fellows and one for a current Resident Affiliate. The committee holds a one-day meeting twice a year (Spring and Fall), normally in Ottawa.

To apply, please send a cover letter detailing your experience relating to the History of Medicine; and a professional CV to Jenn Nelson, Heritage and Special Collections Administrator,

Hurry, the deadline for applications is 5 p.m. on Monday, September 30, 2013.

vendredi 23 août 2013

Histoire de l'éthique médicale américaine

Before Bioethics: A History of American Medical Ethics from the Colonial Period to the Bioethics Revolution

Robert Baker

Hardcover: 448 pages
Éditeur: Oxford University Press (18 septembre 2013)
Langue: English
ISBN-10: 0199774110
ISBN-13: 978-0199774111

Before Bioethics narrates the history of American medical ethics from its colonial origins to current bioethical controversies over abortion, AIDS, animal rights, and physician-assisted suicide. The first history of American medical ethics published in more than a half century, Before Bioethics tracks the evolution of American medical ethics from colonial midwives and physicians' oaths, to medical society codes and bioethical principles. Applying the concept of "morally disruptive technologies," it analyzes the impact of the stethoscope on conceptions of fetal life and the criminalization of abortion, and the impact of the ventilator on our conception of death and the treatment of the dying. The narrative offers tales of those whose lives were affected by the medical ethics of their era: unwed mothers executed by puritans because midwives found them with stillborn babies; the unlikely trio - an Irishman, a Sephardic Jew and in-the-closet gay public health reformer - who drafted the American Medical Association's code of ethics but received no credit for their achievement, and the founder of American gynecology celebrated during his own era but condemned today because he perfected his surgical procedures on un-anesthetized African American slave women. The book concludes by exploring the reasons underlying American society's empowerment of a hodgepodge of ex-theologians, humanist clinicians and researchers, lawyers and philosophers - the bioethicists - as authorities able to address research ethics scandals and the ethical problems generated by morally disruptive technologies.



Call for papers

University of Kent, Friday, 25 October 2013

The conference will explore different medical, psychiatric and psychoanalytic narratives on the origins of and cures for exhaustion. It will analyse the ways in which exhaustion features as a main symptom in related diagnostic categories, such as depression, burnout, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, and melancholia, neurasthenia and nervous weakness. It will also explore the metaphorical allure of the term and its deployment in other discourses, in particular in the fields of literature, economics and ecology. 
I have invited experts to talk about the different forms exhaustion can take, and different ways of theorizing its aetiologies and effects, including psychiatrists, psychologists, occupational health specialists, historians, sociologists, literary scholars and psychoanalysts. Simon Wessely andAngela Woods are amongst the speakers.

There are still two slots available for presentations, and I would very much welcome your proposals. If you are interested in participating, please email me – A.K.Schaffner[at] – with a short abstract by August 31.

jeudi 22 août 2013

Le corps victorien

Victorian Body Parts


Barts Pathology Museum, Saturday 14 September 2013

Registration is now open for the Victorian Body Parts Conference. The conference fee is £15 (£10 for students/unwaged). Please register here:


09.30-09.50 Registration and Refreshments

09.50-10.00 Opening Remarks
Carla Valentine (Technical Assistant Curator, Barts Pathology Museum)
Beatrice Bazell and Emma Curry (Birkbeck College, University of London)

10.00-11.15 Keynote Panel
Dr Katharina Boehm (Universität Regensburg), ‘Body Boundary Object’

Dr Kate Hill (University of Lincoln), ‘A Head for Knowledge: Archaeology, Anthropology and Body Parts in Victorian Museums’

Chair: Dr Victoria Mills (Darwin College, University of Cambridge)

11.15-11.45 Tea Break

11.45-13.00 Panel One: Severed Parts
Ellery Foutch (University of Wisconsin-Madison), ‘Sandow’s Arm’

Dr Graeme Pedlingham (University of Sussex), ‘“I take myne owne”: The Hysteric, The Collector and Anatomical Autonomy in Richard Marsh’s “Lady Wishaw’s Hand” (1895)’

Catherine Oakley (University of York), ‘Laughable Limbs: Comic Dismemberment in Early Cinema 1895-1910’

Chair: Diana Garrisi (University of Westminster)

13.00-13.45 Lunch

13.45-15.00 Panel Two: Prosthetic Parts
Clare Stainthorp (University of Birmingham), ‘The Case of the Artificial Hand: Considering Disability, Prosthesis and the Motif of the Hand in the Nineteenth Century’

Ryan Sweet (University of Exeter), ‘“Down Came the Limb with a Frightful Smash”: Prosthesis as Weapon in Nineteenth-Century Literature’

Emma Curry (Birkbeck College, University of London), ‘Wiggery Pokery: Touching Dickens’s Hair’

Chair: Amanda Sciampacone (Birkbeck College, University of London)

15.00-15.15 Break

15.15-16.30 Panel Three: Gendered Parts
Lisa Coar (University of Leicester), ‘The Surgically Sartorial: Cutting it Fine among Wasp-Waisted Men’

Ally Crockford (University of Edinburgh), ‘Erect Victorians: the Anxious Masculinity of the 19th-Century ‘Diphallic’ Terata’

Beatrice Bazell (Birkbeck College, University of London), ‘’Corset, Camera, Constriction: Articulating the Female Body in Mid-Victorian Culture’’

Chair: Dr Corinna Wagner (University of Exeter)

16.30-16.45 Break

16.45-17.30 Keynote Address
Dr Tiffany Watt-Smith (Queen Mary, University of London), ‘Organs of Imitation: Theatrical Body Parts and Scientific Psychology’

Chair: Dr Nicola Bown (Birkbeck College, University of London)

17.30-17.45 Closing Remarks
Dr Nicola Bown (Birkbeck College, University of London)

For more information, please see:

Les femmes dans la science

Revealing lives : women in science 1830-2000

Call for papers

Thurs 22 May–Fri 23 May 2014: The Royal Society, London


This international conference aims to locate and examine women’s participation in science, to identify areas for further research and to reflect on how historical interpretations can inform the role of women in science today. The programme will include contemporary science-led panels to provide context and help build connections between the past and the present.

How are we to recover, interpret and understand women’s experiences in science? Popular history delivers stories of a few ‘heroines’ of science, but perhaps these narratives do more to conceal than reveal? Where were the workaday women scientists – now largely invisible – whose contributions have helped shape science today?

‘Science’ and ‘participation’ will be defined to encourage maximum inclusivity and we welcome contributions from a broad, multidisciplinary perspective. Themes may include (but are not limited to):
Women and learned societies
Women and spaces of scientific production
Women and scientific education and learning
Representations of women scientists: media, fiction, film, art
Scientific collaboration
Women within familial and social networks of science
Gendered roles in science
Science today: issues and challenges
The ‘leaky pipeline’: women leaving science

Selected papers from the conference will appear in a special issue of the Royal Society’s history journal Notes and Records (final papers to be submitted by end of September 2014).

Proposals for panels and for individual papers are encouraged. Please send abstracts for papers (max 20 minutes) of no more than 200 words, and for panels of no more than 400 words, along with brief biographical details, to Dr Claire Jones: and Dr Sue by the deadline of Friday 1 November 2013.

Regular updates concerning programme and registration will be posted here.