lundi 17 juillet 2023

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dimanche 16 juillet 2023

Écrire la souffrance au XIXe siècle

Écrire la souffrance au XIXe siècle. Fédor Dostoïevski, Charles Baudelaire, Edgar Allan Poe

Manon Amandio

Collection : Critiques Littéraires
Broché - format : 13,5 x 21,5 cm • 336 pages
Langue : français
ISBN : 978-2-14-049321-8

À l'ère de la pensée positive, la souffrance a-t-elle encore son mot à dire ? Cet ouvrage s'adresse à celles et ceux qui s'intéressent au XIXe siècle, à Edgar Allan Poe, Fédor Dostoïevski ou Charles Baudelaire, ainsi qu'à celles et ceux qui voudraient comprendre la façon dont leurs textes se répondent à travers l'écriture des émotions et leur influence, au sein et hors du texte. Issue d'une thèse de littérature comparée, l'étude est fondée sur une approche systémique des représentations de la souffrance qui entend souligner leur complexité et la pluralité des modes de réflexion auxquels elles invitent. Elle propose une comparaison entre des auteurs issus de différentes cultures, mais aussi entre des œuvres de différents formats : romans plus ou moins longs, nouvelles, poèmes en vers ou en prose. Penser la souffrance aujourd'hui, c'est penser les représentations qui nous gouvernent et leurs mécanismes d'influence. Date de publication : 29 juin 2023

samedi 15 juillet 2023

Analogies végétales dans la connaissance de la vie

Analogies végétales dans la connaissance de la vie de l’Antiquité à l’Âge classique

Sarah CARVALLO – Arnaud MACÉ (coord.)

Presses universitaires de Franche-Comté
Collection : Sciences : concepts et problèmes
2023 – ISBN : 978-2-84867-974-7 – 276 pages – format : 16x22 cm
e-ISBN : 9782848679754

Pourquoi et comment les médecins recourent-ils aux plantes pour dire et comprendre le corps humain ? De la plante au cosmos en passant par le corps de l’homme, médecins et philosophes conçoivent de façon analogique les semences, la génération, la nutrition, la circulation, la croissance et rassemblent ainsi des choses et des êtres qui peuvent aujourd’hui paraître davantage étrangers les uns aux autres. L’enquête menée à travers des textes médicaux, botaniques, agricoles ou philosophiques européens de l’Antiquité, du Moyen-Âge et de la première Modernité repère les usages des analogies végétales pour dire, penser, voir et soigner le corps humain. Le prisme végétal rend ainsi visible l’intuition d’une communauté des processus élémentaires entre différents types de vivants.

Introduction. La vie et ses analogies : une histoire des discours et des pratiques savants

Sarah Carvallo et Arnaud Macé

Pour une poétique végétale du traité hippocratique De la génération / De la nature de l’enfant

Alessandro Buccheri

De l’univers à l'embryon : le végétal comme source d’analogies opératoires chez Anaximandre et dans le traité hippocratique De la génération / De la nature de l’enfant.

Arnaud Macé

Systasis. Quand l’écoulement prend corps : le passage de liquide à solide dans la physiologie antique

Pascal Luccioni

L’embryon est-il une plante ? La réponse des néoplatoniciens

Luc Brisson

Soigner la terre, matrice des plantes. Agriculture et gynécologie chez Columelle

Marine Bretin-Chabrol

Arbres anthropomorphes et corps arborescents. Analogies et structuration du discours botanique dans les encyclopédies médiévales

Alice Laforêt

L’analogie dans la botanique d’Andrea Cesalpino

Quentin Hiernaux

L’homme et la plante dans l’anatomie renaissante

Sarah Carvallo

Jean Fernel and William Harvey on Seeds

Benjamin Goldberg

Same Machine, Different Structure: Animal-Plant Analogy in Cartesian Mechanical Physiology

Fabrizio Baldassarri

Les êtres humains au miroir des plantes. Contrepoint

Aliènor Bertrand

vendredi 14 juillet 2023

Charmes et amulettes écrites dans l'Angleterre médiévale

Textual Magic. Charms and Written Amulets in Medieval England

Katherine Storm Hindley

The University of Chicago Press

Publication supported by the Bevington Fund
312 pages | 18 halftones, 26 tables | 6 x 9 | © 2023

Katherine Storm Hindley explores words at their most powerful: words that people expected would physically change the world. Medieval Europeans often resorted to the use of spoken or written charms to ensure health or fend off danger. Hindley draws on an unprecedented archive of more than a thousand such charms from medieval England—more than twice the number gathered, transcribed, and edited in previous studies and including many texts still unknown to specialists on this topic. Focusing on charms from 1100 to 1350 CE as well as previously unstudied texts in Latin, French, and English, Hindley addresses important questions of how people thought about language, belief, and power. She describes seven hundred years of dynamic, shifting cultural landscapes, where multiple languages, alphabets, and modes of transmission gained and lost their protective and healing power. Where previous scholarship has bemoaned a lack of continuity in the English charms, Hindley finds surprising links between languages and eras, all without losing sight of the extraordinary variety of the medieval charm tradition: a continuous, deeply rooted part of the English Middle Ages. 

jeudi 13 juillet 2023

Les morts qui dérogent

Des morts qui dérogent. À l’écart des normes funéraires, XIXe-XXe siècles

Anne Carol, Isabelle Renaudet, dir.

Corps & Âmes
Date de parution: 2023 trimestre 3
Nombre de pages: 242
ISBN: 9791032004722 

Les sociétés européennes ont construit, depuis le XIXe siècle, un régime funéraire qui a placé le corps au centre des soins que les vivants prodiguent aux morts et qui s’articule autour de la tombe et du cimetière. Il arrive pourtant que des corps se voient privés de ces soins ou que leur mise en œuvre soit perturbée, intentionnellement ou pas. Ce livre offre à travers quelques cas de figures exemplaires un panorama de ces morts qui dérogent à la norme funéraire. Ces écarts à la norme peuvent procéder du statut marginal ou exceptionnel des morts : mort-nés, criminels exécutés, morts anonymes, icones politiques ; dans d’autres cas, ils peuvent découler des circonstances anomiques où la mort est survenue : temps de guerre, épidémies, catastrophes industrielles ou massacres ; l’a-normalité peut enfin se nicher au cœur des pratiques mêmes dont le corps est la cible : nécrophilie, crémation, exhumation, inhumation hors cimetière. Pour chacun de ces cas de figure, les textes réunis ici s’attacheront à montrer en quoi le processus funéraire est suspendu, dévoyé, dégradé voire subverti, et à évaluer l’impact de ces dissidences sur les sensibilités contemporaines ; mais aussi à repérer les efforts, même minimes, pour réparer, rétablir un semblant de normalité dans les funérailles, ainsi que d’identifier les acteurs impliqués dans les deux cas.

mercredi 12 juillet 2023

Médecine médiévale et médiévisme médical

Beyond Cadfael. Medieval Medicine and Medical Medievalism

Edited by Lucy C. Barnhouse and Winston Black

Publication date: June, 2023
Pages: 330, colour
ISBN 978-615-6405-81-4 

Medievalism and medieval medicine are vibrant subfields of medieval studies, enjoying sustained scholarly attention and popularity among undergraduates. Popular perceptions of medieval medicine, however, remain understudied. This book aims to fill that lacuna by providing a multifaceted study of medical medievalism, defined as modern representations of medieval medicine intended for popular audiences. The volume takes as its starting point the fictional medieval detective Brother Cadfael, whose observations on bodies, herbs, and death have shaped many popular conceptions of medieval medicine in the Anglophone world. The ten contributing authors move beyond Cadfael by exploring global medical medievalisms in a range of genres and cultural contexts. Beyond Cadfael is organized into three sections, the first of which engages with how disease, injury, and the sick are imagined in fictitious medieval worlds. The second, on doctors at work, looks at medieval medical practice in novels, films and television, and public commemorative practice. These essays examine how practitioners are represented and imagined in medieval and pseudo-medieval worlds. The third section discusses medicine designed for and practiced by women in the Middle Ages and today, with a focus on East Asian medical traditions. These essays are guided by the recognition that medieval medical practices are often in dialogue with contemporary medical practices that fall outside the norms of Western biomedicine.

Santé et environnement dans les États-Unis du XIXe siècle

Postdoctoral Researcher / Health and the Environment in the Nineteenth-Century United States

Call for applications

Page contents
Job Information
Offer Description
Additional Information
Work Location(s)
Where to apply

Job Information Organisation/Company
Sorbonne UniversitéDepartment
Department of English / Research Unit VALEResearch Field
Literature » American literature
History » Other
Medical sciences » Health sciences

Environmental science » EcologyResearcher Profile
First Stage Researcher (R1)Country
FranceApplication Deadline
15 Sep 2023 - 23:59 (Europe/Paris)Type of Contract
TemporaryJob Status
Full-timeHours Per Week
35Offer Starting Date
1 Nov 2023Is the job funded through the EU Research Framework Programme?
Not funded by an EU programmeIs the Job related to staff position within a Research Infrastructure?

Offer Description

Project "AmHealth" aims to investigate the tangled histories of health and ecological crises as they are represented in a wide range of literary and cultural productions of the nineteenth-century United States. It focuses on the notion of "environment" as a complex nexus of contradictory theorizations and pressures, between a natural resource for obtaining or preserving health and a human-made site where toxic forces have pushed many species on the verge of extinction. Doing so, the project elaborates literary and cultural criticism as a set of methods for thinking about the interrelated, and ongoing, health and ecological crises that shape our current condition through the action of environmental factors.

We are looking to hire a postdoctoral researcher to advance research on the relations between health and the environment in the nineteenth-century United States’ literature and culture. The successful post-doctoral fellow will play a crucial role in implementing the objectives of this initiative. This is an 18-month fixed-term contract (starting date: November 1st, 2023, or as soon as possible thereafter). The researcher will be supervised by Prof. Thomas Constantinesco (Sorbonne Université) and will be a member of the VALE research team at Sorbonne Université.

Main activities:

- The fellow is expected to be in residence in Paris and will carry on a research project of their own at the crossroads of nineteenth-century United States’ literature and culture, health humanities and / or environmental humanities, whose objectives are relevant to project “AmHealth.”

- They will also work with the team members of project “AmHealth” to develop relevant research and outreach activities. In particular, the researcher:will assist with the organization of the project’s worskshops and conference;
will promote the project’s activities by administering its website and social media accounts;
will monitor recent and ongoing research in the core fields of the project.


Research FieldLiterature » American literatureEducation LevelPhD or equivalent
Research FieldHistory » OtherEducation LevelPhD or equivalent
Research FieldEnvironmental science » EcologyEducation LevelPhD or equivalent
Research FieldMedical sciences » Health sciencesEducation LevelPhD or equivalent


Expected competences and skills :

The successful candidate should demonstrate prior expertise in the fields of American literary and cultural studies and / or health humanities and / or environmental humanities.
The candidate should have evidence of a research record commensurate with their stage of career.
The candidate should demonstrate a strong research agenda and have an established record of collaborations with US institutions. They should also have evidence of some knowledge of French academia.
The candidate should be fluent in English. French language skills will be an asset.
Experiences with grant-funded research and grant applications are highly desirable.
The candidate should possess the ability to work collaboratively with colleagues, while also being able to apply their own initiative and creativity to solve problems that arise in the research context.
The candidate should be able to organize their own time and work to meet deadlines and manage competing priorities.

Research FieldLiterature » American literature
Research FieldHistory » Other
Research FieldEnvironmental science » Ecology
Research FieldMedical sciences » Health sciences

Additional Information


Salary: 32,184€ per annum (gross amount).

The researcher will have access to the French statutory health insurance system and will be entitled to statutory paid leave.

Eligibility criteria

Applicants must hold a PhD in either of the following fields: American Literature, American History, Health Humanities, or Environmental Humanities. They must have defended their thesis before the start of the fellowship but no more than five years prior to this time.

Selection process

Applicants are invited to submit:a cover letter detailing their expertise in the relevant fields, as well as their intended scientific contribution to the project;
proof of completed PhD
a CV, including a full list of publications;
a writing sample (e.g. thesis chapter, journal essay, or book chapter);
the names and contact details of two referrees who may be asked to comment on the applicant's qualifications for the job.

Interviews will be held on zoom for selected applicants in the second half of September 2023.

Work Location(s)
Number of offers available1Company/InstituteResearch Unit VALE (UR 4085)CountryFranceCityParisPostal Code75005Street1 Rue Victor CousinGeofield

Consortium for the History of Science, Technology, and Medicine

Energy History Working Group, 2023-2024, Consortium for the History of Science, Technology, and Medicine

Call for Papers

The Energy History Working Group solicits work from within the field of energy history for our 2023-2024 schedule. The working group meets at 1:30 PM Eastern Time on the second Friday of each month, beginning in September. Meetings will be held via Zoom. A full schedule can be found here:

The Consortium for the History of Science, Technology, and Medicine Working Groups brings together scholars from around the world in online fora to share their works-in-progress on specialized topics in the history of science, technology and medicine.

Priority Deadline: August 15, 2023

Submit to: Sarah Stanford-McIntyre at Sarah.StanfordMcintyre “at”

The Energy History Working Group seeks to highlight work that provides new analytical focus for the study of energy and its history. We solicit papers that access the deep linkages between business, labor, and environmental history as well as issues of technological development, cultural production, and scientific experimentation. Access to desirable minerals – from coal to oil to rare earths has been a limiting factor in the design of energy technologies, systems, and consumption habits. Control over energy systems, networks, and infrastructures have ramifications for politicians, individuals, and societies. Globalized capitalism has depended upon intricate communication and trade networks that have relied on abundant and cheap energy. Energy scholarship prioritizes the large role that networks – including supply chains, labor regimes, diplomatic connections, trade systems, and financial institutions – have played in the development of technologies and in crafting everything from health and medical standards to large-scale infrastructure projects. The sometimes unintended consequences of such systems, from the destruction of older patterns of work to their local and global impacts on public health are still being teased out by a generation of historians and social scientists. However, there is still much more work to be done in this evolving field.

The co-conveners welcome papers on the following (and related) topics:

-Extractive Regimes
- Energy Infrastructure and the State
-Energy Systems and Supply Chains
-Waste and Discard Studies
-Plastics, Synthetics, and Consumption
-Mining History
-Water History
-Just Transitions
-Public Health and Environmental Racism

-Energy and culture
-Fossil Fuels and foreign policy
-Nuclear Waste
-Too-Big-To-Fail Technologies and Disaster
-Labor and Energy Production

Scholars interested in sharing a draft article, dissertation chapter, book proposal, or book chapter for discussion should submit, as a single PDF, a proposal of no more than 500 words including:
- A paper abstract (300 wds max)
- Explanation of what you hope to gain from discussion with the group
- Relevant biographical/contextual information (name, email contact, affiliation, and status - ie. recent Phd, writing second book, etc.)

Submissions, as well as any questions, should be submitted to Sarah Stanford-McIntyre at Sarah.StanfordMcintyre “at” Submissions will be accepted until all dates are filled, however priority will be given to abstracts submitted by August 15, 2023.

lundi 10 juillet 2023

Aux sources du thermalisme de santé en France

Esculape et les naïades. Aux sources du thermalisme de santé en France (1530-1680) 

Joël Coste

Classiques Garnier
Mise en ligne : 05/07/2023
Nombre de pages : 286
Parution : 05/07/2023
ISBN : 978-2-406-14851-7

Plusieurs fois rené de ses cendres, le thermalisme suscite encore bien des questions. Cet ouvrage étudie le développement du thermalisme de santé dans la première modernité française et considère les usages, les connaissances scientifiques ainsi que les dimensions sociales et esthétiques de la prise des eaux.

La « médecine féminine »

Bourses de doctorats - La « médecine féminine » (MEDIF). Une histoire des premières femmes médecins et de leur contribution à l’innovation médicale entre la Suisse francophone et la France, 1867-1939


Appel à candidatures 

Aude Fauvel, Rémy Amouroux

31.08.2023 – 30.08.2027



Aude Fauvel, Institut of humanities in medecine
Rémy Amouroux, Institut de psychologie Faculté des Sciences Sociales et Politiques Université de Lausanne

Partenaires de projet 

Aurélien Ruellet, Département d'histoire Faculté lettres, langues & sciences humaines Le Mans Université
Joëlle Schwarz, Département de médecine de famille Unisanté
Disciplines et mots clés
Histoire générale (sans préhistoire)


Numéro de projet 215100

Instrument d’encouragement Encouragement de projets

Mise au concours Projects SSH 2022 October

Montant accordé 872 156 CHF

Statut Accordé

Institution de recherche Université de Lausanne - LA

Institut Institut des humanités en médecine CHUV-UNIL

lundi 3 juillet 2023

Postdoctorat sur les alternatifs

Postdoctoral Researcher on the ESRC ‘Alternative Healers’ project

Call for applications 

University of Hertfordshire

Post Title: Postdoctoral Researcher on the ESRC ‘Alternative Healers’ project
SBU/Department: School of Creative Arts/Department of Humanities (History)
FTE: 1.0fte, working 37 hours per week
Duration of Contract: Fixed Term Contract for 24 months
Salary: UH7 £36,333 pa with potential to progress to £43,155 pa by annual increment on achieving designated skills and experience
Annual Leave: 35 days plus standard public holidays and an additional 4 days including the closure of our office between Christmas and New Year
Location: College Lane Campus, Hatfield

The Postdoctoral Researcher will work with historian Professor Owen Davies, Principal Investigator on the ESRC-funded project ‘Healers, healing, and the unofficial medical economy in England and Wales, 1834-1948’. The project explores the social, economic, and cultural influence of unofficial healing and healers in the period between the advent of the New Poor Law and the founding of the NHS, with an emphasis on gender, life-cycles, and therapeutic decision making. Central to the project is the creation of a database concerning the myriad unofficial healers active in the period, ranging from cunning-folk and charmers to bone setters and herbalists.

Main duties and responsibilities
You will undertake History research within the scope of the project, establishing a programme of research activity working collaboratively with colleagues at UH and partner organisations as appropriate. The role will require you to attend project meetings, seek external funding as appropriate and disseminate the outcomes of the project in publications, at conferences and through other appropriate media.

You will also be expected to create opportunities to maximise the wider economic and social impact of research activities, capturing relevant evidence to support impact and engaging with external partners and stakeholders as appropriate. Additionally you will take an active part in the academic life of the School through participation in seminars and other events.

Skills and experience required
You will have proven History research experience in the broad subject area and a record of relevant scholarly work, such as publications in peer reviewed journals. They will also demonstrate knowledge of research methodologies appropriate for the subject area, and experience of appropriate databases for the discipline and ability to conduct literature searches in the discipline using appropriate electronic resources.
In addition to this you will have the ability to plan and manage own activities effectively and deal with sensitive material with a strict confidentiality. You will also be flexible and adaptable to team and work load requirements and be effective in a team setting.

Qualifications required
An undergraduate honours degree at a minimum 2:2 (or equivalent in a relevant discipline), and a PhD or equivalent in a relevant subject or equivalent experience is required for this role.

Please view the job description and person specification for a full list of the duties and essential criteria. Please attach a personal statement showing clearly how your skills and experience match the Person Specification.

An appointment to this role may require an Academic Technology Approval Scheme (ATAS) certificate.

Contact Details/Informal Enquiries: Professor Owen Davies, email:

Closing Date: 16 July 2023
Interview Date: To be confrimed
Reference Number: 052215
Date advert placed: 27 June 2023

Our vision is to transform lives: UH is committed to Equality, Diversity and Inclusion and building a diverse community. We welcome applications from suitably qualified and eligible candidates regardless of their protected characteristics, and recognise there are different ways applicants may achieve the criteria in this document. We offer a range of employee benefits including generous annual leave, flexible location opportunities within the UK, discounted Sports Village memberships and free Active Staff sessions, personal and professional development and family-friendly policies. #GoHerts

Click on the link(s) below to view documents
052215 Job Description and Person Specification
