mercredi 30 novembre 2022

Combattre le stress dans l'Europe pré-moderne

Combat Stress in Pre-modern Europe

Owen Rees, Kathryn Hurlock, Jason Crowley (Editors)

  • Publisher ‏ : ‎ Palgrave Macmillan; 1st ed. 2022 edition (November 1, 2022)
  • Language ‏ : ‎ English
  • Hardcover ‏ : ‎ 213 pages
  • ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 303109946X
  • ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-3031099465

This book examines the lasting impact of war on individuals and their communities in pre-modern Europe. Research on combat stress in the modern era regularly draws upon the past for inspiration and validation, but to date no single volume has effectively scrutinised the universal nature of combat stress and its associated modern diagnoses. Highlighting the methodological obstacles of using modern medical and psychological models to understand pre-modern experiences, this book challenges existing studies and presents innovative new directions for future research. With cutting-edge contributions from experts in history, classics and medical humanities, the collection has a broad chronological focus, covering periods from Archaic Greece (c. sixth and early fifth century BCE) to the British Civil Wars (seventeenth century CE). Topics range from the methodological, such as the dangers of retrospective diagnosis and the applicability of Moral Injury to the past, to the conventionally historical, examining how combat stress and post-traumatic stress disorder may or may not have manifested in different time periods. With chapters focusing on combatants, women, children and the collective trauma of their communities, this collection will be of great interest to those researching the history of mental health in the pre-modern period.

Owen Rees is Associate Lecturer in Ancient History at Manchester Metropolitan University in the UK. An ancient Greek historian with a recognized expertise in the historiographical debate surrounding ancient post-traumatic stress disorder, he has published widely on ancient Greek socio-military history and the medical humanities.

Kathryn Hurlock is Reader in Medieval History at Manchester Metropolitan University in the UK. She is co-ordinator of the Returning Soldier Network, a collaborative network examining the figure of the returning soldier or veteran from the ancient world to the modern day. Kathryn has published widely on the crusades, including two monographs on aspects of British crusading.

Jason Crowley is Senior Lecturer in Ancient History at Manchester Metropolitan University in the UK, where he specializes in the psychology of combat and combat motivations. As a comparative historian, he works with theories and evidence generated by the experience of modern warfare, but his main focus is on the citizens of Classical Athens who served as hoplites, heavy-infantrymen, during the wars of the fifth and fourth centuries BC.
About the Author
Owen Rees is Associate Lecturer in Ancient History at Manchester Metropolitan University in the UK. An ancient Greek historian with a recognized expertise in the historiographical debate surrounding ancient post-traumatic stress disorder, he has published widely on ancient Greek socio-military history and the medical humanities.

Kathryn Hurlock is Reader in Medieval History at Manchester Metropolitan University in the UK. She is co-ordinator of the Returning Soldier Network, a collaborative network examining the figure of the returning soldier or veteran from the ancient world to the modern day. Kathryn has published widely on the crusades, including two monographs on aspects of British crusading.

Jason Crowley is Senior Lecturer in Ancient History at Manchester Metropolitan University in the UK, where he specialises in the psychology of combat and combat motivations. As a comparative historian, he works with theories and evidence generated by the experience of modern warfare, but his main focus is on the citizens of Classical Athens who served as hoplites, heavy-infantrymen, during the wars of the fifth and fourth centuries BC.


CHIMED-3. The third International Conference on Historical Medical Discourse

Call for Papers

The conference series was initiated in Milan in 2017 and focuses on multidisciplinary research into European historical medical discourse. We welcome studies drawing from linguistics, literary studies and history – among others – to present a comprehensive and well-rounded view of medical discourse in Europe. The third conference focuses on medical discourse in English in the period 1500–1900. Studies may be either synchronic or diachronic, and a long view may stretch even beyond the main frame of time. In accordance with the multidisciplinary aims of the conference series, we encourage papers that approach medical discourse from different methodological and disciplinary perspectives. The language of the conference is English.

We invite submissions for presentations of 30 minutes (20 min. + 10 min. discussion). Abstracts of no more than 500 words (excluding references) should be submitted via email to with the subject line ‘Chimed-3’. Abstract submissions are due by Monday 16th January 2023. All abstracts will be reviewed by an international scientific committee.

Possible topics of papers include the following:
  • medical discourses in their sociohistorical contexts
  • discourses on specific illnesses or treatments
  • representations of illnesses in literary fiction
  • changes in the medical marketplace
  • communication on medical issues for different audiences
  • styles and metaphors in medical discourse
  • narratives in medical discourse
  • appropriation of earlier medical ideas and topics
  • developments in genres and text types (both literary and non-literary)
  • vernacularization of medical and scientific texts: English, Latin and other languages
  • gender and medicine

Outcomes will be communicated by Monday 30th January 2023.

mardi 29 novembre 2022

La déviance en Italie

La devianza in Italia dall’Unità al fascismo. Discorsi e rappresentazioni

a cura di Marco Bernardi e Fabio Milazzo

Biblion Edizioni
Collana: Storia, politica, società
Anno: 2022
Pagine: 378
ISBN: 978-88-3383-291-3

Devianze, anormali, marginalità, controllo e bonifica sociale. Tutti termini tornati recentemente al centro del dibattito pubblico, perlopiù in termini ambigui e strumentali. Ma di cosa si tratta quando si parla di devianza? Quali discorsi ne presiedono la definizione in un certo contesto storico? E chi sono i devianti? Muovendo da tali interrogativi, il progetto di ricerca triennale del Cesdem – Centro Studi per la Storia della devianza e della marginalità, promosso dall’Istituto storico della Resistenza “Dante Livio Bianco” Cuneo, ha cercato di porre sotto esame una categoria problematica, strettamente connessa a logiche di controllo e marginalizzazione sociale espressione di tensioni storiche molteplici, individuabili a partire da analisi specifiche. Nello specifico, le ricerche che costituiscono il presente volume, affrontando figure e temi diversi, nell’arco di tempo compreso tra l’Unità e il fascismo, evidenziano il ruolo svolto dal contesto politico e culturale. E, in linea con i risultati della storiografia degli ultimi decenni, la complessità di un ambito articolato e sfuggente.

Les cultures matérielles de l'hôpital

Funded PhD opportunity. Material Cultures of the NHS Hospital: Exploring Hospital Spaces through Historical Objects

Call for applications 

Funding: Collaborative Doctoral Award with the South, West & Wales Doctoral Training Partnership


Dr Victoria Bates, University of Bristol:

Professor Giovanna Colombetti, University of Exeter:

Dr Laura Humphreys, Science Museum Group:

Material Cultures of the NHS Hospital will explore the multiple ways in which NHS hospitals (1948-present) have been shaped by objects. Using objects held at the Science Museum Group provides an opportunity for the PGR to engage closely with material culture. They will go beyond images, and a visual idea of hospitals, to explore how historic objects felt, smelled, and sounded. The PGR will take an object (or object type) as the centre of their research, and explore it at different scales, including changes to: its materiality and design, how people interacted with or experienced it, and its place in hospital spaces or built environments.

Full details:

How to apply:

lundi 28 novembre 2022

Histoire du concept de dominance cérébrale

Histoire du concept de dominance cérébrale

Journée d’étude

jeudi 15 décembre 2022

Auditorium Lily et Edmond Safra, Institut du Cerveau, Hôpital Pitié - Salpêtrière
47-83 boulevard de l'Hôpital - métro ligne 5 (station Saint-Marcel)
52 boulevard Vincent-Auriol - métro ligne 6 (station Chevaleret)


Inscription gratuite mais obligatoire :

Introduction Olivier Walusinski

Session I • Modérateur Philippe Albou
Olivier Walusinski
La vivisection guerrière et expérimentale au XVIIIe siècle

Emmanuel Broussolle (Lyon)
La théorie holistique de Pierre Flourens

Fausto Viader (Caen)
La localisation des symptômes

Pause café

Session II • Modérateur Jean-Michel Vallat

Thierry Lavabre-Bertrand (Montpellier)
L’aphasie de Dax et de Lordat

Olivier Walusinski
Armand de Fleury et la théorie hémodynamique de la latéralisation gauche du langage

Stéphane Charpier (La Sorbonne)
Eduard Hitzig et Gustav Fritsch: la découverte de l’excitabilité corticale

Pause déjeuner

Session III • Modératrice Laura Bossi

Julien Bogousslavsky (Montreux)
Histoire de l’héminégligence et de l’asomatognosie

François Sellal (Colmar)
L’anosognosie et l’anosodiaphorie de Joseph Babinski

Gilles Fénelon (Créteil)
Prosopagnosie et syndrome de Capgras

Martin Catala (La Salpêtrière)
Le corps calleux et le syndrome de disconnexion inter-hémisphérique

Pause café

Laurent Tatu (Besançon)
Blaise Cendrars et le membre fantôme. Ses itinéraires médicaux

Yves Agid
La synthèse, et maintenant

Á l’année prochaine



Les troubles mentaux parmi les combattants africains

Questioning the trauma. Mental disorders among African fighters (20th – 21st centuries)

Call for papers / Appel à communications

Panel ECAS / 31 May – 3 June 2023

To send a proposal:

This panel aims to question the notion of “war trauma” by confronting it with the contrasting
experiences of African fighters (men and women) during the 20th and 21st centuries. It will
discuss the plurality of experiences and psychological manifestations, modes of care and forms
of recognition in contemporary African societies.
Few research works have focused on mental disorders among African fighters, whether they
were contracted during world conflicts, wars of decolonization, “civil wars” or even terrorist
actions throughout the 20th and 21st centuries. Nevertheless, these plural contexts offer a
variation of situations that invite us to study mental disorders related to war and combat
experiences through different perspectives.
This panel would like to adopt an approach going beyond the normative framework defined by
historical works focused on major European conflicts and medical care of “war traumas”. It
aims to bring together researches on: experiences of mental disorders by African fighters (men
and women); mental care delivered by medical and military institutions, but also by families,
healers and religious institutions; the moral and sociopolitical (non-)recognition of these
experiences, and its consequences on fighters, their psyche and transmission of their memories.
Although this panel is positioned in the historical field, approaches from all social sciences are
welcome and multidisciplinary analyses on the research materials are particularly awaited.
Interventions may concern fighters from all the African continent and its islands, regardless of
the conflict zones adressed.
Questionner le trauma. Troubles psychiques de combattants africains (20e-21e siècles)
Ce panel souhaite réfléchir à la notion de « trauma de guerre » en la confrontant aux
expériences extrêmement contrastées de combattant.e.s africain.e.s au cours des XXème et
XXIème siècles. Il discutera de la pluralité des vécus et des manifestations psychiques, des
modes de prise en charge et des formes de reconnaissance dans les sociétés africaines
Les troubles psychiques de combattant.e.s africains, qu’ils soient liés à la participation aux
conflits mondiaux, aux guerres de décolonisation, aux guerres dites civiles, ou encore aux
phénomènes terroristes tout au long des XXe et XXIe siècles, ont fait l’objet de peu de
recherches. Ces contextes pluriels offrent pourtant une déclinaison de situations qui permettent
d’envisager les troubles liés aux expériences du monde combattant de bien des manières.
Ce panel souhaite promouvoir une approche qui permettrait de sortir du cadre normatif issu en
partie des travaux sur les grands conflits européens et visant la prise en charge des
« traumatismes de guerre » par les institutions militaires et/ou médicales. Il s’agit dans cette
perspective de faire dialoguer des recherches portant sur : l’expérience et le vécu des troubles
mentaux par celles et ceux qui en sont atteints ; leur prise en charge dans des sphères non
seulement médicales ou institutionnelles, mais aussi familiales, religieuses, vernaculaires ; la
(non-)reconnaissance de ce vécu au niveau moral et sociopolitique et les conséquences qu’elle
entraîne sur le sujet, son état psychique et la transmission de son expérience.
Si les travaux à l’origine de ce panel se situent dans la discipline historique, les approches issues
de toutes les sciences sociales sont bienvenues et les réflexions pluridisciplinaires sur les
matériaux mobilisés sont particulièrement attendues. Les interventions pourront concerner les
combattant.e.s issu.e.s de l’ensemble du continent et de ses îles, quelles que soient les zones de

Avant le 9 janvier 2023

dimanche 27 novembre 2022

Droit et folie en situation coloniale

Droit et folie en situation coloniale. Perspectives impériales comparées (xixe-xxe siècle)

Clio Themis, 23, 2022

Silvia Falconieri
Écrire l’histoire juridique de la folie en situation coloniale 

Timothy Collier, Silvia Falconieri, Isabelle Thiebau et Alain Zasadzinski
Sources pour une histoire juridique de la folie en situation coloniale Des documents dispersés à une bibliothèque numérique

Mathilde Ledolley
La réglementation des asiles dans les colonies françaises et britanniques des années 1850 aux années 1920 

Ayang Utriza Yakin, Aya Bejermi et Baudouin Dupret
L’aliénation mentale devant les juges égyptiens pendant la période de tutelle britannique 

Timothy Collier
L’administration coloniale face aux vicissitudes du placement des aliénés en Algérie française (1933-1962) 

Romain Tiquet
Gestion policière et enfermement non pénal : la mise à distance des « fous dangereux » dans le Sénégal colonial 

Marianna Scarfone
Acteurs et pratiques de la psychiatrie coloniale : le cas de la Libye italienne 

Traductions : Droit, géographie et technique
Mariana Valverde et Sandrine Brachotte
Juridiction et échelle : les « technicités » juridiques comme ressources pour la théorie 

Marie-Ève Sylvestre, William Damon, Nicholas Blomley, Céline Bellot et Véronique Fortin
Les tactiques spatiales des tribunaux pénaux et les aspects politiques de la technique juridique 

Frédéric Audren
Un tournant technique des sciences (sociales) du droit ? À propos de la traduction de deux articles sur les « Legal Technicalities »

samedi 26 novembre 2022

Poste en histoire de la médecine, des sciences et de la technologie

Assistant Professor in History of Recent Science, Technology, and Medicine

Call for applications

The Department of History and Philosophy of Science at the University of Cambridge invites applications for the Department's Lipton Lectureship, a permanent Assistant Professorship (with opportunity for promotion). The position is offered in the History of Recent Science, Technology, and Medicine, to start on 1 October 2023 or as soon as possible thereafter. Responsibilities will include contributing to all aspects of undergraduate and graduate teaching, assessing graduate applications and student funding applications, supervising, examining, leading research activities in the history of recent science, technology, and/or medicine, and various administrative duties for the Department. By 'recent', we generally refer to the period following 1945, with the understanding that periodization varies by historical specialty. The Department welcomes applications from scholars across the full range of specializations, including those whose work considers the diverse range of contexts outside Europe and North America, as well as Indigenous knowledge traditions across the world.

Applicants must hold a PhD (or equivalent) and have an outstanding record of excellence in teaching, research, and publication in the history of recent science, technology, and/or medicine. An ability to work in science and technology studies is desirable. The Department offers an exceptionally stimulating and supportive interdisciplinary research environment and the opportunity to develop undergraduate and graduate teaching in the post-holder's areas of expertise. The closing date for receipt of applications is 27 November 2022.

Click on this link to see further particulars and apply online:

For information on the Department of History and Philosophy of Science see; for more on the University of Cambridge see

Please quote reference JN33811 on your application and in any correspondence about this vacancy.

The University actively supports equality, diversity and inclusion and encourages applications from all sections of society.

vendredi 25 novembre 2022

Les pouls chez Galien

Galen on the Pulses: Four Short Treatises and Four Long Treatises

Ian Johnston, Niki Papavramidou

Publisher ‏ : ‎ De Gruyter (November 14, 2022)
Language ‏ : ‎ English
Hardcover ‏ : ‎ 573 pages
ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-3110611618

The arterial pulse was a major aspect of all three major medical traditions - Western, Chinese and Indian. Galen's extant works are the only significant account of Western views surviving from ancient times. Not only does he set out his own views in great detail but he also gives a large amount of information on the views of others whose writings are lost. In the translated treatises in the present work, Galen deals with basic anatomy and physiology, classification of the types of pulses, diagnosis of and from the pulses, causal factors of clinical relevance and the very important matter of the prognostic value of the pulses. This is the first translation into a modern Western language of Galen's very substantial body of work on this subject.

La modernité et l'intestin

Modernity and the Gut

Call for Papers

Keynote speaker
Professor Jean Walton, University of Rhode Island


27-28 April 2023

Concerns about gastric disorders have been around for centuries, but anxiety surrounding the gut intensified with the development of modernity. The rise of sedentary living and industrialised food processes deepened the chasm between what was perceived as a healthy gut and the status of people’s digestive systems. Often viewed as out of time with the frantic pace of urban working life, the gut has been characterised as a victim of modernity and yet the processes associated with it —consumption, absorption, disassembly, and waste— were closely allied to the project of modernism. Today’s scientists also note that the lifestyle changes caused by the agricultural and industrial revolutions have profoundly altered the ecological relationships and disease patterns of populations, notably the diversity of our gut bacteria. In this conference we explore the relationship between the digestive system and modernity including dedicated sessions on the gut and literary modernism.

We invite papers of 15-20 minutes by speakers from any discipline (including history, literary studies, philosophy, art history, sociology, psychology, anthropology, geography, microbiology, biochemistry, immunology, bacteriology)

• Please send an abstract of around 200 words to by 16 January 2023. Abstracts should be framed with a view to addressing an audience made up of both specialists and non-specialists and should include the proposer’s contact details (email).
• We also encourage proposals for complete panels (of 3 or 4 speakers). These should include the names and e-mail addresses of all speakers, and those of the proposed session chair. As well as an abstract for each speaker, proposals should contain a brief outline of the rationale and motivation of the proposed panel. One individual involved should be clearly designated as the proposer with overall responsibility for the proposed session.
• We are also keen to encourage other formats which might include (but are not limited to): pre-circulated materials, performance or creative practices, project-based sessions, lightning talks, non-academic partnerships.

Possible themes
• Modern temporalities and the gut
• Early understandings of gut microbes
• Changing understandings of space and the gut
• Modern science and new understandings of the gut itself
• Modernist writing and the digestive system
• Changing concepts of emotions and the relationship with the gut
• Human-animal relations
• Circadian rhythms and the digestive system
• Gut disorders and sleep deprivation
• Gut conditions as a disease of civilization
• Gut health and media

We especially invite applications from postgraduate students and there will be some funding available for PGR travel from within the UK. Please note: this will be an in person conference.

jeudi 24 novembre 2022

La Première Guerre mondiale et la fabrique transnationale de la réhabilitation

Bodies of Work: The First World War and the Transnational Making of Rehabilitation  

Julie M. Powell

Publisher ‏ : ‎ Cambridge University Press; New edition (October 27, 2022)
Language ‏ : ‎ English
Hardcover ‏ : ‎ 280 pages
ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-1009230285

Bodies of Work examines the transnational development of large-scale national systems, international organizations, technologies, and cultural material aimed at rehabilitating Allied ex-servicemen, disabled in the First World War. When nations mobilised in August 1914, it was thought that casualties would be minimal and the war would be quickly over. Little consideration was given to what ought to be done for those men whose bodies would forever bear the marks of war's destruction. Julie M. Powell charts how rehabilitation emerged as the best means to deal with millions of disabled ex-servicemen. She considers the ways in which rehabilitation was shaped by both durable and discrete influences, including social reformism, paternalist philanthropy, the movement for workers' rights, patriotism, class tensions, cultural ideas about manliness and disability, nationalism, and internationalism. Powell sheds light on the ways in which rehabilitation systems became sites for the contestation and maintenance of boundaries of belonging.

Construire une histoire du handicap et de la surdité à travers les siècles

Construire une histoire du handicap et de la surdité à travers les siècles 


Intervenant·e·s Fabrice Bertin [référent·e] professeur certifié, EHESS / Centre d'étude des mouvements sociaux (CEMS)
Ninon Dubourg contrat postdoctoral, FRS-FNRS
Gildas Brégain chargé de recherche, CNRS

Le séminaire « Construire une histoire du handicap et de la surdité à travers les siècles » a été mis en place dès 2021 à partir d’un constat : alors que les synthèses sur l’histoire du handicap et de la surdité à toutes les époques historiques se multiplient actuellement dans la littérature anglo-saxonne, aucun ouvrage collectif recouvrant ces deux champs d’étude n’a été publié dans la sphère francophone depuis le début des années 2000.

Les tentatives pour rassembler la communauté scientifique s’intéressant à l’histoire du handicap et de la surdité de l’espace francophone n’ont pas pu aboutir et les réseaux existants se structurent plutôt autour de thématiques particulières (cécité, surdité) ou se limitent à une période historique (comme le XXe siècle).

Par exemple, l’histoire du handicap et celle de la surdité à l’époque contemporaine ont pris des chemins divergents. Du côté de la surdité, l’historiographie a fondé ses approches sur une conception socio-anthropologique des sourds et de la langue des signes en laissant le concept de surdité rivé à une histoire médicale de la déficience ou tout au moins, à une histoire de catégories technico-institutionnelles et à sa critique. Du côté de l’histoire du handicap, une partie de la recherche s’est centrée sur l’histoire institutionnelle du handicap et sur les politiques publiques de sa prise en charge. La Deaf History et la Disability History, ont construit ainsi leurs propres réseaux scientifiques internationaux et leurs propres épistémologies avec une certaine distanciation, voire parfois de manière hermétique. Si les histoires du handicap et de la surdité s’entremêlent au cours de l’époque contemporaine (l’origine de l’éducation des sourds et des aveugles remonte au XVIIIe siècle, les sourds luttent d’ailleurs aux côtés des aveugles pour conquérir le droit à une éducation gratuite, laïque et obligatoire au cours des années 1930), les historiographies de l’une comme de l’autre ne se croisent que rarement.

Ce séminaire mensuel a pour objectif de remédier à ces états de fait, en faisant converger des historien·e·s qui, depuis les vingt dernières années, renouvellent les deux champs de recherche par des approches, des méthodes et des objets nouveaux.

Concernant la période médiévale, par exemple, la plupart des ouvrages publiés jusqu’à présent sont soit des études approfondies centrées sur des cas particuliers, soit des propos assez généraux sur la société étudiée. De plus, les thématiques centrales divergent selon les époques : les chercheurs intéressé·e·s par les époques médiévale et moderne prêtent un intérêt considérable au poids de la religion, ce qui n’est pas le cas pour l’époque contemporaine. La littérature historique sur la période contemporaine a évolué d’un intérêt pour les politiques publiques, l’action des institutions éducatives, celle des associations ou la trajectoire biographique ou l’action des grands personnages historiques (médecins, éducateurs), vers des approches transnationales ou davantage biographiques, ou vers des approches plus intersectorielles, prenant en compte le genre ou la race. Dans le paradigme intersectionnel, le « handicap » ne constitue que l’une des multiples caractéristiques identitaires de l’individu. Seuls quelques travaux historiques ont pour l’instant pris en compte ce mode de pensée interdisciplinaire.

Nous souhaitons poursuivre et formaliser l’élan de l’année universitaire précédente, afin de contribuer à la fois à la diffusion des travaux récents ou en cours ; à la formation des jeunes chercheurs ; ainsi qu’à la structuration d’un réseau francophone de recherche sur l’histoire du handicap et de la surdité toutes périodes historiques confondues.

La constitution d’un réseau francophone est d’autant plus urgente que le champ disciplinaire de l’histoire du handicap et de la surdité connaît actuellement un renouvellement considérable des méthodes et des approches scientifiques. Pendant de nombreuses années, le handicap a été considéré sous l’angle de l’histoire sociale de la marginalité, de la pauvreté et de la déviance. Dans les années 2000, les chercheurs ont clairement admis que la signification et donc l’expérience du handicap changeaient au fil du temps dans une culture donnée et entre cultures différentes. La littérature sur le handicap s’est rapidement développée après 2005, en s’appuyant sur une approche qui présente le handicap comme un phénomène socioculturel. Dans ces ouvrages, le handicap est mis en contraste avec la normativité au niveau conceptuel : il est conçu comme ce qui s’écarte des « normes » culturellement constituées à un moment donné. En tant qu’histoire culturelle, l’histoire du handicap et de la surdité doit prendre en compte les continuités et les changements passés, en cultivant une vision à long terme entre les époques préhistoriques et contemporaines, révélant les significations plurielles du handicap et de la surdité à travers les siècles. Elle aurait avantage à considérer également les significations du handicap et de la surdité des territoires non occidentaux, afin de mieux cerner la manière dont les nombreuses vagues de migrations ont interprété le handicap et la surdité. Cette approche culturelle permet aussi de mettre en lumière la participation individuelle et collective des personnes aux rituels sociaux à différentes époques, une participation qui peut aussi être éclairée par des disciplines comme l’archéologie, rarement mobilisées.

Mardi 29 novembre 2022 : Nouvelles perspectives historiographiques (Fabrice Bertin, Gildas Brégain & Ninon Dubourg) Introduction (40 minutes environ)
Pierre-Henri Ortiz (Université d'Angers), « Possibilités et difficultés de l'histoire de la folie dans les périodes anciennes : une histoire sans archives, sans cas et donc sans "sujet" »

Mardi 6 décembre 2022 : Handicap et inégalités sociales                                                                       Didier Lett (Université Paris-Cité), « Genre, pauvreté et handicap dans les Marches (Italie) au XVe siècle »
Rozenn Colleter (Inrap Grand-Ouest ; Simon Fraser University), « L'archéologie du handicap et des inégalités sociales au couvent des Jacobins de Rennes (XIIIe-XVIIIe siècles) »

Mardi 3 janvier 2023
: Représentations visuelles du handicapJules Masson Mourey (Université d’Aix-Marseille), « Les pieds-bots de la vallée des Merveilles : hypothèses autour d’une iconographie néolithique »
Anna Russakoff (American University of Paris), « Représentations de la cécité dans l’art médiéval (XIIIe et XIVe siècles) »

Mardi 17 janvier 2023 : Microhistoires et historiographiesFabrice Bertin, « Donner à voir : Auguste Bébian, précurseur des Deaf Studies ? »
Anatole Le Bras (Université de Strasbourg), «Aliénation mentale et handicap au XIXe siècle. Relire l’histoire des aliénés à l’aune des disability studies »

Mardi 31 janvier 2023 : Polémiques et handicapMarion Chottin (CNRS-IHRIM-ENS de Lyon), « La cécité au XVIIIe siècle. Le problème de Molyneux a-t-il handicapé les personnes aveugles ? »
David Doat (Université Catholique de Lille), « Infirmité et préhistoire : retour sur une polémique précurseur de la bioarchéologie du soin »

Mardi 7 février 2023 : Identification du handicapBénédicte Lhoyer (École du Louvre), « L’Égypte pharaonique face à la différence et au handicap »
Hélène Coqueugniot (CNRS - EPHE-PSL), « Le handicap et sa prise en charge aux temps préhistoriques, quelles preuves ? »

Mardi 7 mars 2023 : DifférencesEvelyne Samama (Université de Versailles Saint-Quentin), « Les mots pour le dire : le lexique antique de la surdité »
Damien Jeanne (Université de Caen Normandie), « De la lèpre au covid: Penser la place des malades et la place du soin de la chrétienté médiévale à la société contemporaine : continuités et ruptures »

Mardi 21 mars 2023 : Genre et handicapNinon Dubourg (Fnrs - Université de Liège), « Prêtres handicapés dans l'histoire du Décret de Gratien (1160) au Code de droit canonique de 1983 »
Clément Collard (Sciences Po), « Mutilés de guerre et masculinités pendant la 1re WW »

Mardi 4 avril 2023 : SurdicécitéCatherine Baroin (Université de Rouen Normandie), « Surdité et cécité dans la vie publique et privée du citoyen romain »
Soline Vennetier (EHESS), « Surdicécité et mobilisations collectives transnationales à la fin du XXe siècle »

Mardi 16 mai 2023 : Handicap et migrationsGildas Brégain (CNRS - Université Rennes II), «Les luttes des tuberculeux nord-africains soignés en institutions »
Mariana Scarfone (Université de Strasbourg), « Histoire des migrants psychiatrisés »

Mardi 30 mai 2023 : Histoire du sport, handicap et surditéYacine Tajri (Université Gustave Eiffel), « Vers la scolarisation de la rééducation physique pour les élèves « déficients » dans les années 1940 : trier et redresser les corps »
Didier Séguillon (U. Nanterre) : Le sport silencieux, un élément clé de l’identité sourde dans la première partie du XXe siècle.

Mardi 6 juin 2023 : Débats autour des frontières de l'histoire du handicap, de la surdité, de la psychiatrie

mercredi 23 novembre 2022

Maladie, douleur et soins de santé dans le christianisme primitif

Illness, Pain, and Health Care in Early Christianity

Helen Rhee 

Publisher ‏ : ‎ Eerdmans (October 22, 2022)
Language ‏ : ‎ English
Hardcover ‏ : ‎ 367 pages
ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 0802876846
ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-0802876843

In this wide-ranging interdisciplinary study, Helen Rhee examines how early Christians viewed illness, pain, and health care and how their perspective was influenced both by Judeo-Christian tradition and by the milieu of the larger ancient world. Throughout her analysis, Rhee places the history of medicine, Greco-Roman literature, and ancient philosophy in constructive dialogue with early Christian literature to elucidate early Christians’ understanding, appropriation, and reformulation of Roman and Byzantine conceptions of health and wholeness from the second through the sixth centuries CE.

Utilizing the contemporary field of medical anthropology, Rhee engages illness, pain, and health care as sociocultural matters. Through this and other methodologies, she explores the theological meanings attributed to illness and pain; the religious status of those suffering from these and other afflictions; and the methods, systems, and rituals that Christian individuals, churches, and monasteries devised to care for those who suffered. Rhee’s findings ultimately provide an illuminating glimpse into how Christians began forming a distinct identity—both as part of and apart from their Greco-Roman world.

Postdoctorat à Emory

Post Doctoral Fellow - Center for Healthcare History and Policy - School of Nursing

Call for applications


Job Number 102762
Job Type Regular Full-Time
Division School Of Nursing
Department SON: Academic Advancement
Campus Location (For Posting) : City Atlanta
Location : Name Emory Campus-Clifton Corridor
This position may involve the following Health and Safety issues: Not Applicable
Discover Your Career at Emory University

Emory University is a leading research university that fosters excellence and attracts world-class talent to innovate today and prepare leaders for the future. We welcome candidates who can contribute to the diversity and excellence of our academic community. 


The Center for Healthcare History and Policy (CHHAP) located within the Nell Hodgson Woodruff School of Nursing (SON) at Emory University seeks applicants for a two-year postdoctoral fellowship in the history of healthcare to START AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. Preference for start date is during Spring or Summer 2023 but the job will remain open until a suitable candidate is found.

The fellow will have research, teaching, and administrative responsibilities in the Center’s online program in the history of healthcare which offers courses on the history of race and racism in US healthcare. The CHHAP is an interdisciplinary teaching and research unit that bridges the humanities, social sciences, and health sciences across the various department and schools at Emory University to foster innovative, interdisciplinary scholarship and to train undergraduates, graduate students, and health professionals with skills to apply critical social analysis to the understanding of health and disease. The fellow will have protected time to pursue a sustained program of research and writing, mentored by CHHAP and the History Department faculty, and is expected to make progress towards publication goals.

Duties include:
• Pedagogical and administrative support for CHHAP courses, including lecturing, facilitating class discussions, and grading.
• Liaising with CHHAP, SON and Emory University faculty members, administrators and instructional designers.
• Mentoring CHHAP and SON students.
• Organizing CHHAP events.
• Working with the CHHAP Director and related faculty to develop new programs.
• Developing content for CHHAP online and social media presence.

MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS: A doctoral degree or equivalent (Ph.D., M.D., ScD., D.V.M., DDS etc) in an appropriate field. Excellent writing ability and strong oral communication skills. The ability to work effectively and collegially with colleagues. Additional qualifications as specified by the Principal Investigator.

Emory Supports a Diverse and Inclusive Culture

To ensure the safety of our campus community, the COVID-19 vaccine is required. For more information on the University and Hospital policies and potential exemptions, please see our website.

Emory University is dedicated to providing equal opportunities and equal access to all individuals regardless of race, color, religion, ethnic or national origin, gender, genetic information, age, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, and veteran's status. Emory University does not discriminate in admissions, educational programs, or employment on the basis of any factor stated above or prohibited under applicable law. Students, faculty, and staff are assured of participation in University programs and in the use of facilities without such discrimination. Emory University complies with Executive Order 11246, as amended, Section 503 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Vietnam Era Veteran's Readjustment Assistance Act, and applicable executive orders, federal and state regulations regarding nondiscrimination, equal opportunity and affirmative action. Emory University is committed to achieving a diverse workforce through application of its affirmative action, equal opportunity and nondiscrimination policy in all aspects of employment including recruitment, hiring, promotions, transfers, discipline, terminations, wage and salary administration, benefits, and training. Inquiries regarding this policy should be directed to the Emory University Department of Equity and Inclusion, 201 Dowman Drive, Administration Building, Atlanta, GA 30322. Telephone: 404-727-9867 (V) | 404-712-2049 (TDD).

Emory University is committed to providing reasonable accommodations to qualified individuals with disabilities upon request. To request this document in an alternate format or to request a reasonable accommodation, please contact the Department of Accessibility Services at 404-727-9877 (V) | 404-712-2049 (TDD). Please note that one week advance notice is preferred.

Apply Now

mardi 22 novembre 2022

Les cigarettes en URSS

Cigarettes and Soviets: Smoking in the USSR

Tricia Starks

Publisher ‏ : ‎ Northern Illinois University Press (November 15, 2022)
Language ‏ : ‎ English
Hardcover ‏ : ‎ 324 pages
ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-1501765483

Enriched by color reproductions of tobacco advertisements, packs, and anti-smoking propaganda, Cigarettes and Soviets provides a comprehensive study of the Soviet tobacco habit. Tricia Starks examines how the Soviets maintained the first mass smoking society in the world while simultaneously fighting it. The book is at once a study of Soviet tobacco deeply enmeshed in its social, political, and cultural context and an exploration of the global experience of the tobacco epidemic.

Starks examines the Soviet antipathy to tobacco yet capitulation to market; the development of innovative cessation techniques and clinics and the late entry into global anti-tobacco work; the seeming lack of cultural stimuli alongside massive use; and the expansion of smoking without the conventional prompts of capitalist markets. She tells the story of Philip Morris's "Mission to Moscow" campaign for the Soviet market, the triumph of the quintessential capitalist product―the cigarette―in a communist system, and the successes and failures of the world's first national antismoking campaign. The interplay of male habits and health against largely female tobacco producers and medical professionals adds a gendered dimension.

Smoking developed, continued, and grew in the Soviet Union without mass production, intensive advertising, seductive industrial design, or product ubiquity. The Soviets were early to condemn tobacco, and yet, by the end of the twentieth century Russians smoked more heavily than most most other nations in the world. Cigarettes and Soviets challenges interpretations of how tobacco use rose in the past and what leads to mass use today.

Histoires de la science, de la médecine et de l'environnement dans les pays du Sud

PhD Opportunity – Histories of Science, Medicine, and the Environment in the Global South

Call for applications

The Department of History at UC Santa Cruz is recruiting up to three PhD students to begin in the fall of 2023 to pursue research on the histories of science, medicine, and/or the environment in the Global South. Applicants may specialize in the study of the Middle East and North Africa, Latin America, the Caribbean, South Asia, East Asia, or indigenous communities across the globe (including North America). Applicants may – but need not be – from the geographies that fall within the broad category of the Global South as long as their research agenda is focused on the geographies described.

UCSC is known for its reputation as a center for the study of science (e.g. feminist science studies, multi-species studies, the study of race and genomics). The successful applicant will become part of an interdisciplinary community of scholars whose work focuses on questions of science, medicine, and the environment. In pursuing a research agenda situated in the Global South, they will have the opportunity to join researchers across the university and to participate in various transdisciplinary forums that include the Science and Justice Research group, the Center for Cultural Studies, the Center for the Middle East and North Africa, the Center for South Asian Studies, the program in Global and Community Health, the Center for Southeast Asian Coastal Interactions, and events sponsored by the Departments of Politics, Sociology, Anthropology, History of Consciousness, Feminist Studies, Anthropology, and Critical Race and Ethnic Studies.

In addition to university support, successful applicants will receive additional funding intended to support for language training and research from a CAREER grant from the National Science Foundation on the theme of “The History of Science at the Interface of Biomedical and Environmental Concerns,” whose Principal Investigator is Jennifer L. Derr (History). Further information about the history department’s graduate program can be found on their web page ( Please contact Jennifer L. Derr ( or the Graduate Program Coordinator for the Department of History, Cindy Morris ( with any questions regarding applying or the graduate program. Applications must be submitted no later than December 10th, 2022.

lundi 21 novembre 2022

La peste à l'époque byzantine

Plague in Byzantine Times: A Historical and Medical Study


Costas Tsiamis

Publisher ‏ : ‎ De Gruyter (November 14, 2022)
Language ‏ : ‎ English
Hardcover ‏ : ‎ 158 pages
ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-3110611199

The lack of reliable demographic data for Byzantine cities raises questions as to the actual rate of expansion and mortality of plague. This essentially leads to the question of change and progress of the nature of infectious diseases in that period. Also, the analysis of the written sources raised a series of questions, mainly epidemiological in nature: the entry points and spreading of the disease in the Mediterranean, the epidemic dynamics as well as the evolution of the microbial agent of plague, i.e. Yersinia pestis. The present study offers a substantial explanation for the outbreaks of plague that struck Byzantium by exploring the multiple factors that caused or triggered epidemics. The study covers the entire period extending from the beginning of the Byzantine Empire until its fall in 1453, which was marked by two major pandemics, namely the Plague of Justinian and the Black Death. All known primary sources were collected and grouped from a spatiotemporal perspective, so as to retrace the unfolding of the two pandemics. The focus of the research shifts from known historical frameworks to ones of human activities, endemic foci and natural environment of the era as risk factors of the outbreaks.

Durham Residential Research Library Fellowships

Durham Residential Research Library Fellowships for the academic year 2022 - 2023

Call for applications

The Durham Residential Research Library ( is delighted to invite applications from researchers for Visiting Fellowships of one month in duration.

The Durham Residential Research Library aims to enable and foster research across the historic collections of Durham, notably Palace Green Library, the Oriental Museum, the Library of Ushaw College (the former Roman Catholic seminary just outside the City), and the medieval Priory Library and the archives of Durham Cathedral. The resources available to scholars include not only libraries and archives, but also collections of visual and material culture, and architectural assets. The purpose of the Visiting Fellowships is to support research into these globally significant collections.

The Barker Visiting Fellowships are intended to support research into any of the collections held in Durham and there are a number of Lendrum Priory Library Fellowships available specifically to support work on the surviving contents of Durham Cathedral’s medieval priory library. This collection is currently the focus of a large-scale digitisation project, Durham Priory Library Recreated

In addition, there is availability for 2 remaining Holland PhD studentships. Fellows will be encouraged to work collaboratively with academic subject specialists, librarians, archivists and curators to realise the collections’ research potential, and to develop innovative research agendas. They will also be encouraged to participate in the life of the University, particularly its broad range of seminar series.


Applicants should submit a short CV together with a summary of the project and materials they propose to work on, and the expected publications or other outcomes (maximum two sides of A4). Applications should demonstrate a serious research interest that focuses on primary source material within the collections held at Durham. Applicants who plan to collaborate with Durham academic staff are especially welcome and should mention this in their application.

Applicants should indicate their preferred dates. They should also indicate to which university department(s) and/or research centres their research most relates.

Applications should be submitted by noon on Wednesday 7 December 2022. We shall aim to notify successful candidates by the end of December 2022. Fellows will be granted an honorarium of £1,800 per month towards their transport and subsistence costs. A small number of PhD bursaries may be available to the value of £540.

Please note that fellows will be expected to arrange their own travel and accommodation.

Applicants are strongly advised to consult with the relevant collections staff to ensure that the materials they wish to work with are available at the times of their visit. This is particularly important in the case of the Oriental Museum and Ushaw Library, both of which have limited opening hours. Recipients of all fellowships are expected to be in continuous residence in Durham and to participate in and make a contribution to the intellectual life of the University.

Information about the collections can be found here:

Academic enquiries: Dr James Kelly

Please send applications to: