lundi 20 décembre 2021

Pause du temps des fêtes

Le blogue est en pause pour le temps des fêtes.

Il sera de retour le 3 janvier 2022.


Bon temps des fêtes et par avance 

bonne année à tou.tes !

dimanche 19 décembre 2021

Les cultures de la contagion

Cultures of Contagion 

Beatrice Delaurenti & Thomas Le Roux (Editors)

Publisher ‏ : ‎ The MIT Press (October 19, 2021)
Language ‏ : ‎ English
Hardcover ‏ : ‎ 360 pages
ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 0262045915
ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-0262045919

Cultures of Contagion recounts episodes in the history of contagions, from ancient times to the twenty-first century. It considers contagion not only in the medical sense but also as a process, a metaphor, and an interpretive model--as a term that describes not only the transmission of a virus but also the propagation of a phenomenon. The authors describe a wide range of social, cultural, political, and anthropological instances through the prism of contagion--from anti-Semitism to migration, from the nuclear contamination of the planet to the violence of Mao's Red Guard.

The book proceeds glossary style, with a series of short texts arranged alphabetically, beginning with an entry on aluminum and "environmental contagion" and ending with a discussion of writing and "textual resemblance" caused by influence, imitation, borrowing, and plagiarism. The authors--leading scholars associated with the Center for Historical Research (CRH, Centre de recherches historiques), Paris--consider such topics as the connection between contagion and suggestion, "waltzmania" in post-Terror Paris, the effect of reading on sensitive imaginations, and the contagiousness of yawning. They take two distinct approaches: either examining contagion and what it signified contemporaneously, or deploying contagion as an interpretive tool. Both perspectives illuminate unexpected connections, unnoticed configurations, and invisible interactions.

Les histoires des sciences et de la médecine au 21e siècle

Histories of Science and Medicine for the C21st

Call for Participants

Early Career Workshop: January-March 2022

Department of History and Civilisation, European University Institute, Florence

In person and on Zoom

What are the histories of science and medicine for? What is the relationship between the history of science and the history of medicine? What are the grand narratives that dominated these fields through much of the twentieth century? What has replaced them, and why? Who writes these histories, and who reads them?

This workshop will bring together early career scholars working on topics across the histories of science and medicine, broadly defined, to discuss how their research relates to trends in history and cognate disciplines. We will also reflect on the audiences for this work, academic and non-academic, and the different media that can be used to reach them.

We will meet on alternate Thursdays, in person - Sala del Torrino, Salviati - and on Zoom.

The dates are: 20 January, 3 February, 17 February, 24 February, 3 March, 17 March 2022, 13:00 - 15:00 CET

Participants are expected to attend all of the sessions.

At the first three sessions, participants will be asked to present a key reading, either foundational or disputed, on a topic in their field. 

In the following three sessions, participants will identify and situate a recent non-academic source (e.g. a piece of journalism, creative work, or legal judgment) which has invoked history and/or historical arguments pertinent to their research.

These workshops are designed to supplement and expand how early stage researchers think about their work; provide a collegiate arena in which they can try out bold and playful ideas; and foster links between historians of science and medicine at the EUI, the University of Cambridge, and other research programmes.

Places are limited. To apply, please submit:

a brief cover letter (one page maximum), including your research title and topic, five keywords that describe your work, and the names of two referees; brief CV (three pages maximum).

Applications should be submitted to by noon CET on 6 January. Early submissions are encouraged. References will only be called once participants have been selected.

samedi 18 décembre 2021

La contrefaçon et l'alchimie moderne, la médecine et la philosophie naturelle

Pseudo-Paracelsus. Forgery and Early Modern Alchemy, Medicine and Natural Philosophy

Didier Kahn and Hiro Hirai (eds)

Publication Date: 02 Dec 2021
ISBN: 978-90-04-50337-3  


The production of forgeries under the name of the Swiss physician Paracelsus (1493/94-1541) was an integral part of the diffusion of the Paracelsian movement in early modern Europe. Many of these texts were widely read and extremely influential. The inability of most readers of the time to distinguish the genuine from the fake amid the flood of publications contributed much to the emergence of Paracelsus’ legendary image as the patron of alchemy and occult philosophy. Innovative studies on largely overlooked aspects of Paracelsianism along with an extensive catalogue of Paracelsian forgeries make this volume an essential resource for future studies.

Contributors are Tobias Bulang, Dane T. Daniel, Charles D. Gunnoe, Jr., Hiro Hirai, Didier Kahn, Julian Paulus, Lawrence M. Principe, and Martin Žemla.

Originally published as Special Issue of the journal Early Science and Medicine, volume 24 (2019), no. 5-6 (published February 2020), with a revised Introduction and a new Appendix by Julian Paulus, entitled “A Catalogue Raisonné of Pseudo-Paracelsian Writings: Texts Attributed to Paracelsus and Paracelsian Writings of Doubtful Authenticity,” has been added.

La chimie hors du laboratoire

Chemistry Outside The Laboratory 

Call for Papers

Two-day virtual workshop May 13–14, 2022

The Society for the History of Alchemy and Chemistry (SHAC) invites proposals for its 13th annual postgraduate workshop, “Chemistry Outside the Laboratory.” This two-day virtual workshop follows the (al)chemical sciences beyond their traditional laboratory remit (which has long been a productive object of historical inquiry) and focuses instead on less archetypal locations of chemical substance and practice: mines, libraries, courtrooms, ecosystems, hospitals, domestic spaces, classrooms, and so forth. What happens to our understanding of alchemy, chemistry, and (al)chemical practitioners once we highlight these (secondary) spaces? How might key insights from laboratory studies, such as the attention to apparatus and other chemical materialities, inform historical work on alchemy and chemistry once they exit laboratory walls? How have chemical practitioners adjudicated the boundary between laboratory and not-laboratory at different times and places, with what consequences for the discipline and its participants?

We welcome proposals for short, 15-minute virtual talks by graduate students, postdoctoral researchers, and other early career scholars. If you are interested in presenting your work, please send a 200–300 word abstract and curriculum vitae to SHAC Student Representative Alison McManus, at Note that the deadline for submissions is February 1, 2022.

Alison McManus, Princeton University Sarah Hijmans, Université Paris Diderot Sarah Lang, Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz Silvia Pérez-Criado, Universidad de Valencia

Sponsored by the Society for the History of Alchemy and Chemistry

vendredi 17 décembre 2021

Couleur et soins dans les médecines anciennes

Couleur et soins dans les médecines anciennes aux époques antique et médiévale entre Orient et Occident. Grèce, Rome, Inde, Proche-Orient

Pallas n° 117 

Isabelle BOEHM, Laurence MOULINIER-BROGI (coord.)
N° ISBN : 978-2-8107-0763-8
PRIX : 25.00 €
Format et nombre de pages : 16 × 24 cm - 308 p.

La couleur de la maladie et la couleur du remède font partie des critères fondamentaux de diagnostic et de thérapeutique dans l’histoire de la médecine et de la pharmacologie. Les contributions réunies ici sont issues d’un colloque consacré à l’utilisation des couleurs au service du soin, aux époques antique et médiévale, et dans une perspective comparatiste, où ont été associées des traditions médicales au-delà de l’Europe, comme le Proche-Orient ou l’Égypte.
Parmi les thématiques envisagées, la question de l’influence des aspects symboliques de la couleur dans la confection des préparations médicamenteuses, comme le vert, chargé de vertus bienfaisantes, est centrale. La couleur des ingrédients utilisés dans les remèdes peut aussi être « choisie » selon le principe de l’analogie, en fonction des parties du corps à traiter ou de l’aspect des symptômes, comme dans le cas de la jaunisse ou des anomalies menstruelles, qui appelaient l’application de préparations à partir d’ingrédients animaux ou végétaux de même couleur. C’est ainsi que s’explique l’importance de certaines couleurs communes aux différentes traditions médicales, comme le vert, le jaune ou le rouge.

Isabelle BOEHM (UMR 5189, HiSoMA) et Laurence MOULINIER-BROGI (UMR 5648, CIHAM) sont toutes deux spécialisées dans le domaine de l’histoire de la médecine : Isabelle Boehm dans celui de la médecine gréco-romaine, Laurence Moulinier-Brogi dans celui de la médecine médiévale. Elles sont professeurs des universités et rattachées à l’université Lumière - Lyon 2, Isabelle Boehm en linguistique et littérature grecques, Laurence Moulinier-Brogi en histoire médiévale.

Doctorat en histoire légale du genre et de la sexualité

PhD studentship: Gender, Sexuality and Legal History

Call for applications

Fully-funded PhD studentship at the Open University, Milton Keynes, UK, beginning 1 October 2022.

Supervised by Dr Caroline Derry and Dr Andrew Gilbert, Open University Law School. (Applications from non-lawyers are welcome!)

Full project description

Application details

Closing date: noon GMT, 16 February 2022. Potential candidates are welcome to contact me for an informal discussion.

This project will allow the successful candidate to develop their own, original research focus within this overall topic area. It invites proposals which explore the legal and socio-legal history of gender and sexuality, particularly those which address intersections of gender and/or sexuality with social class, ethnicity, disability or imperialism. They may but need not focus upon the law of England and Wales, Scotland or Ireland: proposals relating to other common law jurisdictions are welcomed. Potential areas of research could include (but are not limited to) histories of:
• The regulation of female sexuality in the criminal or family courts;
• Feminist campaigns on sexuality and the law;
• Trans legal histories;
• The regulation of gender and sexuality in common law jurisdictions beyond the United Kingdom;
• Gender, sexuality and imperialism.

jeudi 16 décembre 2021

L'image médicale depuis la Renaissance

Anatomy of the Medical Image. Knowledge Production and Transfiguration from the Renaissance to Today

Axel Fliethmann and Christiane Weller (eds.)

Series: Clio Medica Online, Volume: 104
Date: 30 Sep 2021
ISBN: 978-90-04-40675-9 Publication

This volume addresses the interdependencies between visual technologies and epistemology with regard to our perception of the medical body. It explores the relationships between the imagination, the body, and concrete forms of visual representations: Ranging from the Renaissance paradigm of anatomy, to Foucault’s “birth of the clinic” and the institutionalised construction of a “medical gaze”; from “visual” archives of madness, psychiatric art collections, the politicisation and economisation of the body, to the post-human in mass media representations.
Contributions to this volume investigate medical bodies as historical, technological, and political constructs, constituted where knowledge formation and visual cultures intersect.

Contributors are: Axel Fliethmann, Michael Hau, Birgit Lang, Carolyn Lau, Heikki Lempa, Stefanie Lenk, Joanna Madloch, Barry Murnane, Jill Redner, Claudia Stein, Elizabeth Stephens, Corinna Wagner, and Christiane Weller.

Science, médecine et morale à la fin du Moyen Âge

Science, médecine et morale à la fin du Moyen Âge


L’entrée est libre, mais il est plus sûr, pour éviter tout problème lié à la situation sanitaire, de me signaler votre présence à l’une ou l’autre des séances, à cette adresse :

Les séances ont lieu le lundi, de 18h-20h, en salle d’Histoire à la Sorbonne (Escalier E, 1er étage)

- 1ère séance : lundi 15 novembre 2021

Introduction au thème : Médecine et morale à la fin du Moyen Âge

- 2e séance : lundi 6 décembre 2021

Galien et la philosophie morale

- 3e séance : lundi 10 janvier 2022

Héritages médico-moraux de la médecine arabe

- 4e séance : lundi 24 janvier 2022

Autour du De complexionibus de Galien et de la physiognomonie médiévale

- 5e séance : lundi 7 février 2022

Commentaires médicaux aux Economiques d'Aristote (XIVe-XVe s.)

- 6e séance : lundi 14 février 2022

La métaphore politique en médecine dans la longue durée

- 7e séance : lundi 7 mars 2022

Giovanni Dondi (m. 1388) et Tommaso del Garbo (m. 1374) : l’ambiance humaniste du second XIVe siècle

- 8e séance : lundi 21 mars 2022

Michele Savonarola (1384-1468) et le projet d’une morale médicale

- 9e séance : lundi 4 avril 2022

Éthique et passions à Florence – Le De valetudinis cordis procuratione de Giovanni d’Arezzo

- 10e et dernière séance : lundi 11 avril 2022

La dispute des arts – revisitée

mercredi 15 décembre 2021

Les corps gras dans le monde moderne

Fat Bodies in the Early Modern World

Call for Papers


  28-30 June 2022: Frankfurt, Edinburgh & online

 In the emerging field of Fat Studies, historical overviews about the perception and representation of fat and dieting tend to focus on the 19th and 21st centuries. An early exception was Elena Levy-Navarro’s The Culture of Obesity in Early and Late Modernity (2008) which sought to situate the beginnings of ‘modern’ fat hatred in the early modern period. Inspired by Mikhail Bakthin and Norbert Elias, Levy-Navarro argued that the premodern period was a ‘time before fat’, as she suggested it was only
with the development of a ‘civilized elite’ that the individualized, self-contained body could be ‘violated by fat flesh’.

More recent studies, however, such as Georges Vigarello’s Les métamorphoses du gras. Histoire de l’obésité du Moyen Âge au XXe siècle (2010) or Christopher E. Forth’s Fat. A Cultural History of the Stuff of life (2019) have demonstrated that the slim silhouette could already be an ideal for European elites in the Medieval period and that the fat body could be viewed as socially inferior from Roman Antiquity onwards. Moreover, scholars such as Michael Stolberg and Maria-Carla Gadebusch Bondio, have shown how physicians’ advice manuals containing instructions on how to avoid fatness were printed as early as the 1480s, and that the treatment of obesity became part of the university medical curriculum in the later sixteenth century.
This conference seeks to build on and amplify this work by investigating early modern fatness as both aesthetic judgment and social experience. Areas papers might investigate include:

Call for Papers: Fat Bodies in the Early Modern World 28-30 June 2022: Frankfurt, Edinburgh & online. • Where, when and under what conditions could a body be perceived as fat?
• What is the relationship between sociocultural norms and individual preferences with regard to bodily ideals?
• How did it feel to be fat in an era before the concept of ‘weight’ and the weighing scale became ubiquitous?
• How did concepts of fatness/thinness link with ideas about humoral balance, temperament and character?
• In an increasingly interconnected world how was fatness understood in terms of geohumoralism or xenophobia ?
• How is thinness and fatness discussed and appraised in a wide range of literary, historical and artistic contexts?
• What methods did people employ to create a fashionable physique - through, for example, structured clothing or diet in the broadest sense?

Please send us an abstract of up to 300 words, and a short CV or link to a personal website, by 15 January 2022. This conference will take place simultaneously in Frankfurt, Edinburgh and online in order to save on air travel and widen accessibility. For speakers who wish to travel to either
conference hub, expenses will be reimbursed. 

Please email your proposal to all three organisers:,, 

Organised by Jill Burke (University of Edinburgh), Holly Fletcher (University of Manchester), Christine Ott (Goethe-Universität, Frankfurt)

Colloque de la BSHS

The British Society for the History of Science Annual Conference

Call for papers

The British Society for the History of Science Annual Conference will take place from Wednesday 20 July to Saturday 23 July 2022 at the Queen’s University of Belfast.

The Conferences Committee now invites proposals for individual papers and for sessions from historians of science, technology, and medicine, and from their colleagues in the wider scholarly community, on any theme, topic or period. Proposals are welcomed from researchers of all nationalities at all stages of their careers. The Committee is particularly anxious to encourage diversity in its sessions, therefore please follow the guidance on our website when proposing sessions [see,].

Submission of abstracts is not restricted to members of the society, but membership will be included and added to the conference fee for any non-members whose papers/abstracts are accepted

Offers of papers and sessions should be submitted to

Proposals for individual papers should include an abstract of no more than 250 words, be comprehensible to a non-specialist audience and avoid footnotes. Sessions, of either ninety minutes or two hours, should normally consist of three or four papers. They may also have a commentator. Proposals for alternative types of session, such as ‘round-tables’, are strongly encouraged. Please discuss your ideas for such alternative sessions well in advance of the submission deadline.

All enquiries about the programme arrangements should also be addressed to

The deadline for proposals is Friday 4 February 2022.

Please note that this conference will be held in person only. Unless forced to move completely online there will be no facility for presenting or attending remotely. Note that in 2023 we will host a completely online event.


Conference Venue and Events

The 2022 BSHS conference will take place on the main campus of Queens University Belfast. The QUB campus is on the southern edge of Belfast city centre, adjacent to Botanic Gardens. It is within walking distance of City Hall, just over a kilometre away, and is also connected to the city centre by bus. Botanic, a five minute walk, is the nearest train station. Belfast is well connected by ferry to Scotland and England, and by bus and rail to Dublin, which also has ferry connections to Wales.

Belfast has a rich scientific and industrial heritage. It is the birthplace of distinguished scientists such as Lord Kelvin, John Stewart Bell and Jocelyn Bell Burnell, the site of John Tyndall’s infamous presidential address to the British Association for the Advancement of Science in 1874, and the home of inventions as diverse as milk of magnesia, artificial fertiliser, the pneumatic tyre, the portable defibrillator and the ejector seat.

The conference will run from the evening of Wednesday 20th July until the early afternoon of Saturday 23rd July (with sessions starting on the 21st July). There will be plenary addresses by the President of the BSHS, Charlotte Sleigh, David Livingstone, and Jaipreet Virdi. Alongside three days of thematic parallel sessions, visits and workshops with local archives, including Special Collections at QUB, and the Public Record Office of Northern Ireland, have been arranged, as have activities with local heritage organisations such as the Irish Linen Centre and the Belfast Natural History and Philosophical Society. A welcoming reception on the opening night will feature dinner in the Great Hall at Queens, and the conference dinner will be served in the atrium of the Ulster Museum, just across Botanic Gardens from campus.

The conference package will include bed and breakfast accommodation in Queens Elms, a short walk from campus along the Malone Read. Belfast has much to offer visitors, with museums such as the Titanic Museum, Crumlin Road Gaol, and the Ulster Folk and Transport Museum, heritage tours on themes from the Troubles to Game of Thrones, and St George’s Market. The UNESCO world heritage site at the Giant’s Causeway is within easy reach by public transport, as is Dublin and the walled city of Derry.

Host Institution

Queens University Belfast was established by royal charter in 1845, as one of the constituent colleges of the Queen’s University in Ireland. A member of the Russell Group, it is ranked 8th in the UK for research intensity. Its historians of science include Peter Bowler, David Livingstone, Diarmid Finnegan, and Hiroki Shin.

mardi 14 décembre 2021

Bourse de voyage Bensley de la Osler Library

Dr. Edward H. Bensley Osler Library Research Travel Grant

Call for applications


The Dr. Edward H. Bensley Osler Library Research Travel Grant is available to historians, physicians, graduate and post-doctoral students, and to those interested in the arts and humanities of medical history whose project requires them to travel to Montreal to consult material in the Osler Library. Each year up to $4,000 in awards will be made to one or more individuals who require a minimum of 2 weeks to carry out their research during the fiscal year, 1 May 2022 - 30 April 2023.

The Osler Library Research Travel Grant is endowed through the generosity of graduates of the Class of Medicine of 1936, and a $100,000 gift from the Pope-Jackson Fund. The grant recognises Dr. E.H. Bensley’s place in the history of the library. A former dean of the Faculty of Medicine (now the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences), Dr. Bensley's later life was devoted to the history of medicine. He was affiliated with the Department of the History of Medicine (fore-runner of the present Department of Social Studies of Medicine) and taught the history of medicine to second year medical students. He also edited the Osler Library Newsletter and wrote extensively. His last book, “McGill Medical Luminaries,” was the first title to appear in the Osler Library Studies in the History of Medicine series. He was named Honorary Osler Librarian in 1979.

Applicants should fill in the Osler Library Travel Grant Application Form and email it with their CV to the Osler Library, see email address below.

The applications are considered by a committee which gives preference to specific and clearly described projects. Recipients will be requested to submit a report of their work suitable for publication in the Osler Library Newsletter and may be invited to give a brief presentation at the University.

Deadline for applications: 31 January 2022.

Requests for further information should be addressed to:

Osler Library

Telephone (514) 398-4475 extension 09873
E-mail osler.library [at]

Postdoctorat sur les femmes, le genre et la sexualité

Postdoctoral Fellowship, Department of Women, Gender & Sexuality, University of Virgnia

Call for applications

Rising Scholars Postdoctoral Fellowship Program | The Graduate School of Arts & Sciences

Review of applications will begin February 2, 2022.

Rising Scholar Postdoctoral Fellowship, Department of Women, Gender and Sexuality

As part of the Rising Scholars Postdoctoral Fellowship Program, sponsored by the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences and the Mellon Foundation, the UVA Department of Women, Gender and Sexuality invites applications for a 2-year postdoctoral fellowship in critical race and ethnic studies and/or global/transnational approaches to trans/feminist/queer Studies. We seek a rising scholar (candidates who received, or will receive, their Ph.D. degree between August 24, 2020 and August 24, 2022) whose research and teaching are grounded in humanistic modes of inquiry and pedagogy – e.g. literature, art history, film studies etc. Scholars working in trans studies, disability studies, Asian studies, and Latinx Studies are especially welcome to apply.

The Department of Women, Gender and Sexuality offers a variety of professional development opportunities and formal and informal mentoring within a warm and supportive climate unified around the collective project of decentering whiteness and advancing intersectional analyses in our research and teaching. Fellows will participate in course development training and mentoring during their first semester and teach one independent course in each of the following three semesters. The postdoctoral fellow would join the Department at a unique moment in our history: in addition to another Rising Scholar, two new faculty whose work focuses on Black Feminist theory/Black queer studies and global/transnational research and teaching have just joined the department, adding to a growing roster of global/transnational and Black studies experts. We see this postdoctoral fellowship as an opportunity to further build our intellectual community with strengths in trans studies, critical race and ethnic studies, and transnational work, while creating research opportunities for a promising scholar. The fellowship reflects the College of Arts and Sciences’ mission to further our understanding of the legacies of racial inequity and to enhance the career trajectory of an underrepresented scholar whose work focuses on questions related to global and/or comparative dimensions of Race, Justice and Equity.

Possible specializations include but are not limited to:
  • Critical Race and Ethnic Studies (esp. Asian Studies and/or Latinx Studies)
  • Gender and Sexuality Studies (esp. Trans Studies)
  • Disability Studies
  • The Global South (esp. South-South Relations)
  • Diaspora/Migration
  • Non-Western forms of knowledge

Please contact Allison Pugh, Department Chair, with any questions at

An online application and further information are available here:

lundi 13 décembre 2021

Bourse Dimitrije Pivnicki

Dr. Dimitrije Pivnicki Award in Neuro and Psychiatric History 

Call for applications

The Dimitrije Pivnicki Award in Neuro and Psychiatric History is offered by the Osler Library and the Montreal Neurological Institute and Library to support research in the fields of neuro-history and the history of psychiatry. The award was established in 2012 by the family and friends of Dr. Pivnicki (1918-2007), who practiced and taught psychiatry at the Allan Memorial Institute of McGill University from 1956 to 1996. With degrees in law and medicine, he had a wide and eclectic interest in classic and modern languages and literature, and a keen appreciation of the history of neuropsychiatry, an area of scholarship that will be advanced by this award.

The award supports a student or scholar wishing to carry out research utilizing the rich archival and monographic holdings at McGill University, such as the Penfield Archive in the Osler Library, and other resources available at the Osler Library, the Montreal Neurological Institute and the McGill University Archives. The Osler Library’s collections are listed in the McGill Library Catalogue and the Osler Library Archives Collection website.

The award is open to students at McGill University as well as external students and researchers.

Terms: The value varies depending on the project, to a maximum of approximately $4,000. The recipient is required to carry out research in Montreal during the 2020-21 fiscal year (1 May 2020-April 30, 2021). The award may be renewable. Recipients should be aware that the award may be subject to tax.

Requirements: We invite applications from a variety of individuals, including graduate students, scholars and professionals. Recipients are requested to submit a report of their work suitable for publication in the Osler Library Newsletter and may be invited to give a brief presentation at the University.

How to Apply: Applicants should download and fill in the application form. Applicants must also submit a CV and a detailed project proposal, and arrange for two letters of recommendation to be sent to the Osler Library. Electronic submissions are preferred. Please send all documentation attached to an email to osler.library [at] Files should have the name of the applicant, Pivnicki, and the year (e.g. Smith_Pivnicki_2020_application).

Application deadline: 31 January 2022.

For More Information: please contact the Osler Library of the History of Medicine, McGill University, osler.library [at] or 514-398-4475, ext. 09873

Amateurs en sciences

Amateurs en sciences : une histoire par en bas

Appel à communications 

Colloque final du projet « Amateurs en sciences : une histoire par en bas » (5, 6 et 7 septembre 2022 – Le Mans Université)

*** Scroll down for English version ***

Le projet ANR « AmateurS — Amateurs en sciences (France, 1850-1950) : une histoire par en bas » ( tiendra son colloque final à l’Université du Mans (France) du 5 au 7 septembre 2022.

À la suite des recherches réalisées au cours du projet, le colloque propose d’élargir géographiquement (France et au-delà) et chronologiquement (XVIIIe-XXIe siècles) les perspectives ouvertes par une histoire par en bas des amateurs en sciences, attentive à restituer leurs points de vue, leurs pratiques, leurs productions matérielles. Afin d’éviter la simple juxtaposition d’études de cas, les thèmes classiques de l’histoire des amateurs seront réinterrogés par le biais de questions transversales listées ci-dessous.

Session 1 — Vocations et formations.

Comment naît un amateur ? Cette session propose de revenir sur les premières années de l’individu amateur en sciences. Elle interrogera ce que peut représenter la vocation aux yeux des amateurs, les modèles qui les inspirent, les lieux qui contribuent à l’éclosion de leur désir de devenir scientifique. Elle se centrera également sur les différents modes de formation (lectures, parcours scolaires, rencontres, etc.). Partant, elle pourra également porter sur la construction de figures d’amateurs comme modèles pour les amateurs.

Session 2 — Sciences en famille.

L’histoire sociale des amateurs s’est beaucoup intéressée aux sociabilités tissées par les sociétés savantes. Aborder cette question à la lumière de la famille invite, d’une part, à considérer la manière dont on pratique les sciences en famille, et à examiner, par exemple, les logiques de genre ou les rapports entre générations qui s’instaurent autour de pratiques scientifiques. D’autre part, la présence de cercles familiaux ou amicaux dans les réseaux amateurs en diversifie les fonctions et brouille les frontières entre le public et le privé. Leur rôle dans la promotion sociale, dans la structuration ou la reproduction des élites scientifiques, y compris professionnelles, à travers le jeu des alliances amicales ou matrimoniales, pourra être interrogé.

Session 3 — Allégeances et contestations.

Cette session se centrera sur les systèmes de valeurs internes aux amateurs et sur leurs stratégies, individuelles ou collectives, de légitimation. Elle part de l’hypothèse que les amateurs peuvent être pris dans plusieurs logiques, parmi lesquelles notamment la quête de légitimité vis-à-vis des institutions scientifiques, impliquant une adhésion aux valeurs des professionnels, et une quête de légitimité « locale », interne au monde des amateurs, avec des valeurs propres. Ces logiques de légitimation peuvent se combiner ou s’affronter ; elles peuvent peser différemment en fonction des situations individuelles ou collectives, et en fonction d’enjeux politiques et épistémiques (sciences alternatives, participatives, en luttes ou militantes). Elles peuvent peut-être se lire à travers des choix privilégiés de modes et registres d’expression (humour, textes littéraires, etc.).

Session 4 – Les publics des amateurs.

Cette session portera sur le rôle des amateurs comme médiateurs et comme diffuseurs de savoir, et plus largement sur leur manière de se construire un public et les enjeux que cette construction sous-tend. Quelle place occupent les conférences, les expositions, les cours publics, les « causeries », les textes destinés au grand public dans les activités des amateurs ? Que sait-on de leur contenu, des choix didactiques opérés ? Quel rôle joue le choix du médium dans la construction par l’amateur de son public ? Doit-on considérer que ces activités relèvent de la vulgarisation d’un savoir produit par les institutions, telle qu’on l’entend classiquement, et dont les amateurs seraient de simples traducteurs ou passeurs ? Ou bien les amateurs médiatisent-ils des savoirs propres, qu’ils ont eux-mêmes produits, différents de ceux que diffusent les médias de la vulgarisation scientifique ?

Session 5 – Les territoires de la science des amateurs.

La science que pratiquent les amateurs est souvent dépendante de contextes locaux. Celle-ci est même parfois uniquement domestique ou villageoise. Pourtant, elle peut se déployer sur des territoires plus étendus que ceux des savants académiques (missionnaires, militaires, etc.). Dans cette session, nous proposons d’interroger, du local au global, les manières dont se structurent des réseaux ou des pratiques scientifiques amateurs. Dans cette session, pourront être également abordés les lieux et les espaces de contact entre professionnels et amateurs (chantiers archéologiques, observatoires astronomiques, etc.).

Session 6 – Les objets des sciences amateurs et leurs marchés.

L’histoire matérielle a récemment porté son regard sur la collection, les instruments, voire les productions mêmes des amateurs (dessins, maquettes, etc.). À travers le prisme des circuits et des marchés de ces objets, cette histoire ne peut-elle pas aussi permettre de resituer l’amateur dans une circulation en partie vénale des savoirs ? En montrant derrière l’amateur le client ou le consommateur, il s’agit de rappeler son rôle intermédiaire entre réception et production d’objets scientifiques. En contrepoint de l’offre destinée aux amateurs, cette session pourra également présenter l’offre produite par les amateurs eux-mêmes.

Les propositions de communications d’une vingtaine de lignes devront être accompagnées d’une bibliographie intégrant les sources, et d’un court CV d’une page maximale.

Ces propositions devront indiquer le nom de l’auteur, son appartenance institutionnelle et sa fonction, un titre, ainsi que la session dans laquelle s’inscrit la communication.

Les propositions sont à adresser jusqu’au 15 janvier 2022, aux organisateurs du colloque : ; Une réponse sera envoyée avant le 28 février 2022.

Les langues du colloque seront le français et l’anglais.

Comité scientifique :

David Aubin (IMJ-PRG, Sorbonne Université) ; Géraldine Delley (Laténium, Université de Neuchâtel) ; Volny Fages (IDHES, ENS Paris-Saclay) ; Laurence Guignard (CRHEC, Université Paris-Est Créteil INSPÉ) ; Hervé Guillemain (TEMOS, Le Mans Université) ; Aurélie Hess (TEMOS, Université Bretagne-Sud) ; Florian Mathieu (Études sur les sciences et les techniques, Université Paris-Saclay) ; Serge Reubi (CAK, Musée national d’histoire naturelle) ; Nathalie Richard (TEMOS, Le Mans Université) ; Nathan Schlanger (École nationale des chartes) ; Florent Serina (Institut de psychologie, Université de Lausanne) ; Hadrien Viraben (TEMOS, Le Mans Université).
Télécharger l’appel à communications en français



The ANR-funded project ‘AmateurS – Amateurs in Science (France, 1850–1950): A History From Below’ ( will hold its final colloquium at Le Mans University (France) from 5 to 7 September 2022.

Following the research carried out in this project, the colloquium proposes to broaden geographically (France and beyond) and chronologically (18th-21st centuries) the perspectives opened by a history from below of amateurs in science, which restores their points of view, their practices, and their material productions. In order to avoid a mere juxtaposition of case studies, the classical themes of the history of amateurs will be reexamined through the transversal questions listed below.

Session 1 – Vocations and Formation.

How is an amateur born? This session will look back at the early years of the individual amateur in science. It will look at what a vocation means to amateurs, the models that inspire them, and the places that contribute to their desire to become scientists. It will also focus on the different ways of training (readings, school courses, meetings, etc.). It may also focus on the construction of amateur figures as models for amateurs.

Session 2 – Science in the family.

The social history of amateurs has been very interested in the sociabilities woven by learned societies. Addressing this question in the light of the family invites one to consider the way in which science is practised in the family, and to examine, for example, the gender dynamics or the relationships between generations that are established around scientific practices. On the other hand, the presence of family or friendship circles within amateur networks diversifies their functions and blurs the boundaries between the public and the private. Their role in social promotion, in the structuration or reproduction of scientific elites, including the professional ones, through friendly or matrimonial alliances, may be questioned.

Session 3 – Allegiances and contestations.

This session will focus on the internal value systems of amateurs and their individual or collective legitimization strategies. It is based on the hypothesis that amateurs can be caught up in several dynamics, including the quest for legitimacy with respect to scientific institutions, implying adherence to the values of professionals, and a quest for ‘local’ legitimacy, internal to the world of amateurs and to its own values. These strategies of legitimization can be combined or confronted; they can weigh differently according to individual or collective situations, and according to political and epistemic issues (alternative, participative, struggling or militant sciences). They can perhaps also be read through choices of modes and registers of expression (humour, literary texts, etc.).

Session 4 – Amateur publics.

This session will focus on the role of amateurs as mediators and disseminators of knowledge, and more broadly on their way of building an audience and the issues that this construction underlies. What place do conferences, exhibitions, public courses, talks and texts intended for the general public occupy in the activities of amateurs? What do we know about their content and the didactic choices made? What role does the choice of medium play in the amateur’s construction of his audience? Should we consider that these activities are part of the popularization of knowledge produced by the institutions, as is conventionally understood, and of which the amateurs are simple translators or passers-by? Or do amateurs mediate their own knowledge, which they have produced themselves, different from that disseminated by the popular science media?

Session 5 – The territories of amateur science.

The science practised by amateurs is often dependent on local contexts. It is even sometimes only domestic or village-based. However, it can be deployed on wider territories than those of academic scientists (missionaries, military, etc.). In this session, we propose to examine, from local to global, the ways in which networks or amateur scientific practices are structured. In this session, the places and spaces of contact between professionals and amateurs (archaeological sites, astronomical observatories, etc.) will also be addressed.

Session 6 – The objects of amateur science and their markets.

Material history has recently focused on the collection, the instruments, and even the productions of amateurs (drawings, models, etc.). Through the lens of the circuits and markets of these objects, can this history allow us to resituate the amateur in a partly monetary circulation of knowledge? By showing the customer or consumer behind the amateur, the aim is to recall his intermediary role between the reception and production of scientific objects. As a counterpoint to the offer intended for amateurs, this session could also present the offer produced by the amateurs themselves.

Proposals for papers of about twenty lines should be accompanied by a bibliography that includes sources, and a short CV of no more than one page.

These proposals should indicate the name of the author, his/her institutional affiliation and function, a title, as well as the session in which the paper is to be presented.

Proposals should be sent by 15 January 2022 to the colloquium organizers:; A reply will be sent before 28 February 2022.

The languages of the colloquium will be French and English.

Scientific committee:

David Aubin (IMJ-PRG, Sorbonne Université); Géraldine Delley (Laténium, Université de Neuchâtel); Volny Fages (IDHES, ENS Paris-Saclay); Laurence Guignard (CRHEC, Université Paris-Est Créteil INSPÉ); Hervé Guillemain (TEMOS, Le Mans Université); Aurélie Hess (TEMOS, Université Bretagne-Sud); Florian Mathieu (Études sur les sciences et les techniques, Université Paris-Saclay); Serge Reubi (CAK, Musée national d’histoire naturelle); Nathalie Richard (TEMOS, Le Mans Université); Nathan Schlanger (École nationale des chartes); Florent Serina (Institut de psychologie, Université de Lausanne); Hadrien Viraben (TEMOS, Le Mans Université).

dimanche 12 décembre 2021

Le paludisme dans l’Égypte des pharaons

Le paludisme (malaria) dans l’Égypte des pharaons


CENiM, 29, Novembre 2021.
ISSN 2102-6637

Les Égyptiens avaient remarqué que chaque année un groupe de fièvres devenait plus fréquent. C’était la période où le Nil se retire et laisse sur le sol beaucoup d’impuretés. Leurs médecins vont se pencher sur la nature de ces fièvres et les classer selon les rythmes si particuliers avec lesquels elles se manifestaient, puisqu’elles revenaient le plus souvent tous les deux, trois ou quatre jours, après une première manifestation non spécifique. Le traducteur moderne des textes où la pensée médicale de ces médecins a été conservée, avant tout des textes magiques composés à partir de textes médicaux maintenant perdus, y reconnaîtra sans peine les crises caractéristiques du paludisme. Mais comment était vue cette maladie par les anciens Égyptiens et comment elle a influencé leur vie ?

Le genre et l'histoire mondiale

Gender and world history

Call for papers

From the editorial committee of Entremons: UPF Journal of World History, we invite you to send an original text, which we can publish in the next edition of our journal. We are looking for academic articles, as well as reviews of recently published books, which address the ways in which gender intersects with world history.

Suggested themes:

· The origin of gendered inequalities

· Gender and the capitalist economies.

· Masculinities and feminities

· Gender and colonialism

· Slavery and gender

· Gender and political culture

· Maintenance of gendered practices

· Gender, relationships and conceptions of family.

· Childhood and the socialization of gender norms.

· Gender and religion.

In order to be considered, texts should be sent via email to

If you have any further queries, especially regarding formatting queries and word limits please visit our website -

Or feel free to get in touch directly via email -

For both novice and more experienced researchers, this is a valuable opportunity to share your work within a truly flourishing academic field. We hope to hear from you soon and look forward to welcoming you into our project!

La prochaine séance de la Société Française d’Histoire de la Médecine

La prochaine séance de la Société Française d’Histoire de la Médecine 

Samedi 18 DECEMBRE 2021 à 14h30

Dans les locaux de l’Académie nationale de chirurgie, amphithéâtre des Cordeliers,

15, rue de l’École de médecine, 75006 Paris.

Séance habituelle : Lecture du procès-verbal de la séance précédente et adoption, présentation et élection des candidats, informations générales, analyses et présentation d’ouvrages.

Communications :

Philippe MARRE
Histoire de l’Académie nationale de chirurgie créée par Louis XV

L’histoire du fauteuil roulant à propulsion manuelle

Moi, Jean Joseph Reisser, Docteur en médecine à Thann (1750-1816)

Paul Signac, sa vie privée, amylose héréditaire dans sa descendance

vendredi 10 décembre 2021

Bourse de voyage Nickerson de la Osler Library

Mary Louise Nickerson Travel Grant

 Call for applications

Established in 2011, this award is endowed through the generosity of Dr. Granville Nickerson MD CM 1945, Dip. Pediatrics 1950, in honour and in memory of his wife, Mary Louise, who was an inspiration to many of Dr. Nickerson’s classmates of McGill’s Medicine Class of 1945, an acknowledged scholar and an enthusiastic promoter of the Arts. The award allows a scholar to carry out research using the rich and varied Osler Library collections such as rare books, archives and artifacts as well as other resources available at the the Montreal Neurological Institute and the McGill University Archives. The Osler Library’s collections are listed in the McGill Library Catalogue and the Osler Library Archives Collection website.

Terms: Value varies depending on the project, to a maximum of $10,000. More than one recipient may be selected during each fiscal year. The recipient is required to carry out research in Montreal during the 2020-21 fiscal year (1 May 2020 - 30 April 2021). May be renewable.

Requirements: This travel grant is open to historians, physicians, graduate and post-doctoral students, scholars and professionals, and to those interested in the arts and humanities of medical history. Preference will be given to applicants whose research requires them to travel to Montreal to consult the resources of the Osler Library of the History of Medicine of McGill University. Recipients are requested to submit a report of their work suitable for publication in the Osler Library Newsletter and may be invited to give a brief presentation at the University as well.

How to Apply: Applicants should fill in the application form. Applicants must also submit a CV, a detailed project proposal and arrange for two letters of recommendation to be sent to the Osler Library. Electronic submissions are preferred. Please send all documentation attached to an email to osler.library [at] Files should have the name of the applicant, Nickerson, and the year (e.g. Smith_Nickerson_2020_application).

Deadline for applications: 31 January 2022.

For More Information: please contact the Osler Library of the History of Medicine, McGill University, osler.library [at] or 514-398-4475, ext. 09873

Patients, prières et pèlerins

Patients, Prayers and Pilgrims

 Call for papers


The Graduate Centre for Medieval Studies, University of Reading Friday 1 April 2022


Healthcare in the Middle Ages covered a broad range of practices, influenced by religious and scholarly theories of the body. Patients might look to a range of restorative practices from herbal remedies, to more invasive procedures, not to mention charms and prayers. In their search for cure, they might also turn to various healers with practitioners ranging from high-end university-trained physicians, to local wise women, and even the ‘saintly physicians’ whose form of miraculous care emanated from the shrines. Healing could thus be sought through a variety of channels that both complemented and competed against one another. What can we learn about those who engaged with medieval healthcare? Where do the various forms of healthcare sit in relation to each other and in relation to religious and/or academic understanding of corporeal health? In what ways were the ill and impaired able to access healing, and what form did this take? 

Within the third ‘Maladies, Miracles and Medicine’ of this quadrennial series of conferences we invite post graduate and early-career researchers to come together to consider this theme in relation to health, ill health, and healing. 

The conference welcomes papers on all aspects of this theme whether your interests lie in archaeology, art, literature, medicine and science, or miracles and theology (or a little bit of everything). 

 However, specific themes to consider are:

 • environments and experiences of care and recovery 

• gender in relation to practices and treatments 

 • practitioners and particular treatments within medieval healthcare 

• pilgrims as ‘patients’, saints as ‘healers’ 

• the senses and sensory experiences of ill health and cure

• birth, death (and everything in between!) 

• healing charms and magical medicine 

• representations and realities of the ill and healthy body 


Proposals of 200-words (max.) for twenty-minute papers fitting broadly into one of the above themes are welcomed from all post-graduate and early-career researchers before the deadline, 10 January 2022. Proposals and further enquiries should be sent to the organisers (Dr Ruth Salter, Anne Jeavons, and Claire Collins) via: Full details will be released closer to the date, but we are hoping this will be able to go ahead in person rather than online.