mardi 30 juin 2020

L'école de Boerhaave

Bodily Fluids, Chemistry and Medicine in the Eighteenth-Century Boerhaave School

Ruben Verwaal

Palgrave Macmillan
224 p. 

This book explores the importance of bodily fluids to the development of medical knowledge in the eighteenth century. While the historiography has focused on the role of anatomy, this study shows that the chemical analyses of bodily fluids in the Dutch Republic radically altered perceptions of the body, propelling forwards a new system of medicine. It examines the new research methods and scientific instruments available at the turn of the eighteenth century that allowed for these developments, taken forward by Herman Boerhaave and his students. Each chapter focuses on a different bodily fluid – saliva, blood, urine, milk, sweat, semen – to investigate how doctors gained new insights into physiological processes through chemical experimentation on these bodily fluids. The book reveals how physicians moved from a humoral theory of medicine to new chemical and mechanical models for understanding the body in the early modern period. In doing so, it uncovers the lives and works of an important group of scientists which grew to become a European-wide community of physicians and chemists.

Les humanités médicales

10th Annual Western Michigan University Medical Humanities Conference

Call for Abstracts

Due Date: July 1, 2020 
Conference Dates: Sept. 24-26, 2020

COVID-19 has disrupted many elements of healthcare and daily life, and in this, the Western Michigan University Medical Humanities Conference is no exception. We have cancelled all in-person meetings planned for 2020.

That said, the discussions that our work prompts are even more valuable in these times. The humanities are integral to understanding many of this year’s most-discussed issues, from the practice of remote medicine to the spread of misinformation. Therefore, we are reorganizing the 2020 conference into an all-digital format, to be convened in late September.

We are seeking abstracts for panel discussions and individual presentations to be delivered remotely. Topics include all aspects of the medical humanities, including theory and practice, the arts, literature, ethics, and history. We are particularly interested in presentations relating to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and anticipate the formation of discussion threads related to this topic.

We will hold sessions synchronously, with a live audience. We value the investigative power of discourse, and hope to offer an environment in which audience members and presenters can engage in productive dialogue.

Submission Guidelines
Submissions should include name, department/institutional affiliation, project title, and an abstract not to exceed 500 words. Proposals should be submitted electronically by July 1 in either .doc/.docx or .pdf to

Please indicate which broad area the abstract falls under (e.g., philosophy/ ethics, clinical practice, religion, conceptual or empirical research, performance/visual arts, history, etc.) Accepted presentations will be notified by July 15.

lundi 29 juin 2020

Les asiles privés en Angleterre

Private Madhouses in England, 1640–1815. Commercialised Care for the Insane

Leonard Smith

Palgrave Macmillan
ISBN 978-3-030-41640-9

This book examines the origins and early development of private mental health-care in England, showing that the current spectacle of commercially-based participation in key elements of service provision is no new phenomenon. In 1815, about seventy per cent of people institutionalised because of insanity were being kept in private ‘madhouses’. The opening four chapters detail the emergence of these madhouses and demonstrate their increasing presence in London and across the country during the long eighteenth century. Subsequent chapters deal with specific aspects in greater depth - the insane patients themselves, their characteristics, and the circumstances surrounding admissions; the madhouse proprietors, their business activities, personal attributes and professional qualifications or lack of them; changing treatment practices and the principles that informed them. Finally, the book explores conditions within the madhouses, which ranged from the relatively enlightened to the seriously defective, and reveals the experiences, concerns and protests of their many critics.

Au-delà de Florence Nightingale

Beyond Florence

Call for Bloggers 

In recognition of the 200th anniversary of Florence Nightingale’s birth, 2020 is the International Year of the Nurse and Midwife. Often called the mother of modern nursing, Nightingale’s contribution to the professionalization of nurse education and practice is significant, but there is more to the history of nursing than that. To focus solely on Nightingale is to create the idea that nursing did not exist before 1820, and that the profession was created by one woman – and neither of those things are true.

Now, 2020 is also the year of COVID-19, in which nurses are prominent in the media and popular imagination. They have been hailed as heroes, yet expected to go to work without adequate equipment. Many have died, and more have been fired when they dare to speak out. And as historians of medicine turn to the past to explore previous pandemics for solutions and lessons, where are the histories of nursing?

For Beyond Florence, Nursing Clio invites pitches for essays of 500–1,500 words that complicate our understanding of how nursing has evolved as a profession and a practice of care. We invite contributions that seek to complicate the intersection between race, class, and gender in caring work and that take us beyond the limitations of 200 years of white women’s nursing history. We are interested in pieces that disrupt the narrative of nurses as heroes or explore the way that people called nurses have sought to destabilize professional boundaries. We also welcome essays that demonstrate the complicated politics of caregiving and that highlight the efforts of groups or individuals to engage an ethics of social justice in their work.

Please send your pitch – a few sentences on your topic – and a CV to by July 15, 2020. Essays will be due in August to be published over the fall.


Want to contribute? We’re eager to include new voices and welcome writing on a wide range of topics. If you would like to write with us, send an email to introducing yourself. Please attach a your CV/resume, and give us two article ideas — pieces you could see yourself writing and publishing on the site.

There are a variety of interesting pieces on the site, but if you think you might be interested in contributing and want to get a sense of our style and tone, we suggest you review our Style Guide and check out these examples:
What’s in your Vulva?, by Elizabeth Reis
See Sally Menstruate, by Jacqueline Antonovich
George Washington’s Bodies, by Thomas A. Foster

A Little About Us

We’re an open access, collaborative blog project that ties historical scholarship to current political, social, and cultural issues related to gender and medicine. Bodies, sexuality, health care, medical technology, and reproductive rights play central roles in both political debate and popular culture. Our tagline — “The Personal is Historical” — emphasizes the fact that these issues don’t develop spontaneously; they represent ongoing dialogues that reach far back into the past.

Nursing Clio provides a platform for historians, students, health care workers, community activists, and the public at large to analyze, discuss, and debate these kinds of connections between the present and the past. We do publish long-form, scholarly pieces, but we also want to focus on shorter, historically-informed responses to the world around us — current events, music, film, television, sports, and anything else that intersects with gender and medicine. We want, ultimately, to create a balance between fun conversations, political debate, and serious scholarship.

We are an all-volunteer group, from our editorial team to our contributors. To learn more about Nursing Clio, see our about page or meet the NC team.

samedi 27 juin 2020

Histoire de l'anthropologie cérébrale

Brain and Race. A History of Cerebral Anthropology

Claudio Pogliano

Series: Nuncius Series, Volume: 4
Publication Date: 04 Jun 2020
ISBN: 978-90-04-42933-8

Since the second half of the eighteenth century, generations of scientists persisted in studying the relationships between the volume, weight or shape of the human brain and the degree of ‘intelligence’. In Pogliano’s book, the thread of time drives the narrative up to the mid-twentieth century. It investigates the duration and changes of a game that was intrinsically political, although having to do with bones and nervous matter. Races made its main object, during a long period when Western culture believed the human species to be naturally partitioned into a number of discrete types, with their innate and hereditary traits. Never leading to irrefutable achievements, the polycentric (as well as visual) enterprise herein described is full of growing tensions, doubts, and disillusionment.

vendredi 26 juin 2020

Les critiques de Galien

Contre Galien. Critiques d'une autorité médicale de l'Antiquité à l'âge moderne.

Sous la direction d'Antoine Pietrobelli

Honoré Champion
Format 15,5 X 23,5 CM
Nombre de pages 302
Date de publication 15/06/2020
ISBN 9782745353269

Galien de Pergame (129-ca 216) a systématisé l’ensemble du savoir médical ancien et sa doctrine s’est maintenue jusqu’à l’époque moderne. Son œuvre tentaculaire a aussi innervé la pensée philosophique, logique et théologique. Toutefois, Galien a fait l’objet de critiques de la part de ses contemporains, puis de ses successeurs. Après le triomphe du galénisme à la fin de l’Antiquité, les penseurs islamiques ont introduit les premières brèches dans ce système. Ces attaques, relayées en Occident latin et à Byzance, ont connu une ampleur nouvelle à la Renaissance avec la remise en cause et la déconstruction de l’autorité galénique.

Dans ce livre est proposée une histoire dynamique de la réception de Galien à travers différents cas d’anti-galénismes. Les études qui y sont réunies portent sur des textes peu connus, voire inédits. Elles recensent les critiques contre Galien, tout en explorant différentes facettes de sa pensée médicale et philosophique. Ce parcours permet ainsi de suivre les changements de paradigmes épistémologiques qui s’opèrent au fil des siècles, mais aussi de mieux cerner, par la négative, ce que fut le galénisme durant sa longue tradition.

Antoine Pietrobelli est helléniste, philologue et historien de la médecine. Il est maître de conférences titulaire d’une HDR à l’Université de Reims. En 2005, il a découvert à Thessalonique un manuscrit de Galien qui contenait des textes inédits, dont le Ne pas se chagriner publié en 2010 dans la Collection des Universités de France. Dans cette même collection, il a fait paraître en 2019 le premier volume du commentaire de Galien au Régime des maladies aiguës d’Hippocrate. Il est l’auteur de nombreux articles sur Galien et la médecine galénique.

Ont contribué à cet ouvrage : Susan P. Mattern, Anna Motta, Matyáš Havrda, Pauline Koetschet, Philippe Vallat, Joël Chandelier, Nicoletta Palmieri, Danielle Jacquart, Vivian Nutton et Fabrizio Bigotti.

Sépultures, deuils et incarnations

Sépultures, deuils et incarnations : la question du corps, d’Antigone à Covid-19, une approche inter/trans disciplinaire

Appel à communications


2, 3 et 4 décembre 2020 à Lomé

(Université de Lomé, Université de Bourgogne Franche-Comté)

Organisé par les équipes et laboratoires : I.M.A.F – CoDIReL, ELLIADD, CURIO

Date-limite d’envoi des propositions de communication : 30 juillet 2020


L’idée de ce colloque est née d’un projet théâtral intitulé « Antigone ou la tragédie des corps dispersés. » Un metteur en scène (Gaëtan Noussouglo, doctorant à l’Université de Franche-Comté) et un auteur dramatique (Kossi Efoui, Prix des cinq continents, Prix Ahmadou Kourouma, Grand Prix Littéraire d’Afrique Noire) décident ensemble de relire Antigone sous l’angle particulier de la question des corps dispersés, privés de sépultures.

Antigone cherche à enterrer Polynice, et soulève par-là, la question du droit des morts et de celui des vivants, la question fondamentale du rituel sur les cadavres qui leur permet d’amorcer le voyage dans l’au-delà. En se révoltant contre le roi Créon, Antigone célèbre la liberté individuelle, la loi de la conscience contre la loi de l’Homme ou des dieux. Le projet n’est pas une réécriture d’Antigone, mais une appropriation, un détournement de la figure d’Antigone pour raconter la tragédie des corps dispersés. On pense, par exemple, à ces femmes que l’on voit remuer le désert de l’Atacama pour exhumer les restes de leurs proches démembrés[1] , ces Hereros et ces Namas pendant la colonisation, ou encore toutes ces familles privées de deuils, de sépultures dans les dictatures. Si le geste est à l’inverse de celui d’Antigone, c’est que celle-ci a affaire à une présence effrayante du corps mort, alors que les chiliennes du film ont affaire à une absence effrayante de corps, mais la question est la même. Qu’est-ce qu’une paix fondée sur le refus de l’acte où s’origine toute l’humanité : le rituel funéraire?

Partant de ces considérations, nous voudrions ouvrir une série de questionnements en lien avec les traitements et considérations que réservent les sociétés humaines à la question de la mort et aux défunts. Dans un monde récemment en proie au Covid-19, une interdiction douloureuse et une restriction des funérailles reposent avec acuité la question de la dureté de la loi même si elle se déclare protectrice des habitants. Faire le deuil est primordial dans la reconstruction de l’identité d’un individu, d’une société. La notion de corps fait entrer en jeu celle d’autopsie pris dans le sens étymologique du terme : « une démarche mystique qui permettrait de contempler les dieux et de participer à leur puissance ». Ce qui se distingue de la nécropsie, l’examen médical des cadavres.

Le corps est aussi un matériau indispensable, un outil de travail au théâtre et en danse, en génétique, autant que dans les sciences médico-légales…. Dans le domaine juridique, sans corps il n’y a souvent pas de crime, par conséquent pas de procès. Sur le plan social, sans corps il n’y a pas de deuil non plus. Dans le domaine théâtral et rituel, le corps conducteur et réceptacle est une jonction entre les univers invisibles et visibles. Quelles sépultures donner aux corps des rois arrachés à leur peuple pendant la colonisation ou l’esclavage ? Quels traitements donner aux restes des corps des résistants à la colonisation, de la dépouille du roi dahoméen, aux crânes des insurgés Hereros, Namas ou Maoris conservés dans les musées occidentaux. Qu’en est-il des morts du Covid-19 ou des cadavres donnés à la science ? Que deviennent tous ces corps disparus en Méditerranée ou enlevés et dispersés pendant les guerres ou les grandes dictatures qu’a connues le monde ? A-t-on le droit de punir un mort ou de lui refuser une sépulture ?

Dans cette inquiétante mutation, s’interroger sur le personnage d’Antigone, c’est réinterroger les notions d’ordre, de mort, de rituel, de funérailles et de deuils. C’est aussi retourner à l’esprit des lois, aux pratiques rituelles, à l’essence même du théâtre et à la question fondamentale du cadavre. Qu’est-ce le théâtre ? N’est-ce pas un art vivant qui traduit une relation du vivant au vivant, qui se parle du (des) corps à corps et qui induit des interactions et des interpénétrations ? Faire du théâtre virtuel, sans corps présents, est-ce encore du théâtre? Pourquoi le théâtre ? Qu’est-ce le corps ? Que représente l’absent dans le présent, son influence sur l’identité du vivant ? La question du théâtre est aussi liée à cette problématique du corps vivant, mort, manipulé. Que fait-on d’un corps ? Toute réponse à la question s’avère, au final, transdisciplinaire.

Comme on peut le reconnaître, les interrogations sont multiples, et le corps, au final, est un médium incontournable dans la construction de multiples identités. Ce colloque international voudrait convoquer le maximum de disciplines pour tenter d’ouvrir des voies nouvelles à une réflexion sur le corps et ses représentations. Le colloque international et transdisciplinaire qui aura lieu du 4 au 6 décembre 2020 à Lomé s’inscrit fondamentalement dans une démarche de recherche-création, au sens où le processus de production d’une œuvre théâtrale intègre un volet important d’enquêtes et de recherches.

Axes et propositions de communications

Les propositions de communications sont ouvertes à toutes les disciplines qui s´intéressent à la question du corps ou du cadavre, au niveau théorique et pratique. Chaque proposition de communication pourrait s’articuler au moins autour d´un des axes suivants :

Axe1 : Le corps et la présence dans le théâtre

Sur une scène, il faut établir un rapport dialogique entre le corps et l’esprit, le visible et l’invisible, le rôle et l’acteur possédé par son rôle. Ce qui fait appel à la notion de mise en scène, de l’anthropologie théâtrale, existentielle et aux recherches sur le terrain sur la gestion des corps dans les traditions et le théâtre. L’enrichissement est dans la tension, dans le mouvement vers l’autre. Le théâtre est à la fois profane et spirituel, comment exploiter les matériaux laissés par la tradition, les traditions. Du théâtre de la mort à la mort du théâtre…

Axe2 : Cadavres, funérailles dans les rituels (approche comparée)

Dans Antigone, une figure itérative pour le théâtre et les arts, la question du deuil et des funérailles est centrale. Qu’en est-il dans d’autres œuvres et pratiques rituelles ? On s’intéressera au corps du roi, à l’imago du roi, aux cultes des reliques et des ancêtres, aux corps dans la danse, au théâtre et aux arts visuels, à la possession transe et transition, la liminalité et les rites de passage, la mise en scène des cadavres et spectacles funéraires. Par exemple : les cercueils fantaisistes des Ghanéens, les « asseins » dans le vodou ou la nécromancie dans diverses cultures. La disparition du corps du Christ comme fondement de la religion catholique. Le corps lévitant du bouddha. Le corps errant du chamane.

Artistes et écrivains invités sur le projet
Kossi EFOUI, écrivain, France-Togo
Gaëtan NOUSSOUGLO, Metteur en scène –comédien, France-Togo
Marcel Kodjovi DJONDO, Metteur en scène – comédien, France – Togo
Odile SANKARA, comédienne, Présidente de Récréatrales, Burkina Faso
Florisse ADJONOHOUN, Actrice, comédienne et autrice, directrice de Parole en Scène, Bénin
Beno Kokou SANVEE, comédien, directeur artistique de Ziticomania, Togo
Roger Atikpo, Comédien Koraïste, Togo
Eustache Bowokabadi KAMOUNA, Artiste comédien et musicien, Togo
Anani GBETEGLO, Percussionniste, Togo
Paulo SODRE, Musicien, Brésil


Vos propositions de communication (en anglais ou en français) devront comporter :
Des indications sur l’auteur (nom et prénoms, université d’attache) ;
Le titre de l’article ;
Un abstract de 200 à 250 mots ;
Les mots clés (4 ou 5 mots).

Les propositions devront être envoyées au plus tard le 30 Juillet 2020 aux adresses électroniques suivantes : ,

Comité scientifique
Guy FREIXE, Professeur, Université de Franche-Comté, Besançon, France
Mme Karin BARBER, Professeure en Anthropologie à l’Université de Birmingham, Royaume Uni
Jean Paul COLLEYN, Directeur d’études à l’EHESS, Paris, France
Nicolau PARES, Professeur à l’Université Fédérale de Bahia, Brésil
Joice Aglae BRONDANI, Professeure à l’Université Fédérale de Bahia, Brésil
YIGBE Dotsé Gilbert, Professeur titulaire, Université de Lomé, Togo
Kakpo MAHOUGNON, Professeur Titulaire, Université d’Abomey-Calavi, Bénin
Cesar HUAPAYA, Professeur associé de théâtre et de performance au Centre d’arts, Université Fédéral d’Espirito Santo, Vitoria, Brésil
Kangni ALEMDJRODO, Maître de Conférences, Université de Lomé, Togo
Koffi Litinmé MOLLEY, Maître de Conférences, Université de Lomé, Togo
Didier AMELA, Maître de Conférences, Université de Lomé, Togo
Mme Christine DOUXAMI, Chercheuse à l’Institut des Mondes Africains (IMAF) et Maitre de Conférences HDR à l’Université de Franche Comté, France
Bernard MÜLLER, Enseignant à l’Ecole Supérieure d’Art d’Avignon, membre associé à l’IRIS (EHESS, Paris) et Institut für Ethnologie (Cologne), France – Allemagne
Mme Nancy BOISSEL, Docteure Université Paris 8, Besançon, France
Mischa TWITCHIN, lecturer in the Theatre and Performance Department at Goldsmiths, University of London, Grande Gretagne
Mme Christelle PATIN, chercheure associée au centre Alexandre Koyré-EHESS, France
Mme Nanette Jacomijn SNOEP, directrice du Musée Rautenstrauch-Joest-Museum, Cologne, Allemagne

[1] Cf. le film documentaire de Patricio Guzman, Nostalgie de la lumière, Icarus Film, Chili/France, 2010.

jeudi 25 juin 2020

Comptes rendus critiques de la psychologie francophone par Jung

C. G. Jung, Comptes rendus critiques de la psychologie francophone.

Introduction, traduction et notes par Florent Serina

Collection: Sources en perspective
200 pages, 2020
ISBN : 978-2-940527-10-6

Avant de prendre le parti de Freud et de la psychanalyse, C. G. Jung (1875-1961) s’est souvent présenté comme médiateur de la psychologie de langue française en terres germaniques. Il s’employa ainsi durant plusieurs années à synthétiser et à discuter de l’actualité francophone de cette jeune science pour le compte de revues européennes. Republiées pour la première fois dans une édition comprenant le texte original allemand et une traduction française inédite, ces analyses bibliographiques qui éclairent d’un jour nouveau l’œuvre du célèbre psychiatre helvétique, sont agrémentées d’un appareil critique et d’une introduction resituant les principaux enjeux de la pratique de la recension selon Jung et dans le champ des sciences de la psyché au XXe siècle.

Voir le sommaire.

Humanités médicales en Chine

Early Career Medical Humanities Fellowships 2020/21 - The Medical Humanities China-UK (MHCUK)

Call for applications

University of Strathclyde, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences

The MHCUK Partnership is a pioneering collaboration between three Chinese institutions (Shanghai University, Fudan University, the Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences) and two UK institutions (The Centre for the Social History of Health and Healthcare (CSHHH) Glasgow at the University of Strathclyde, and the Centre for the History of Science, Technology and Medicine (CHSTM) at the University of Manchester). 

Its chief purpose is to connect, and foster co-working between, UK and Chinese researchers in the Medical Humanities. It is supported by investment from each institution and a major funding award by the Wellcome Trust.

Invitations are now invited for the MHCUK Early Career Medical Humanities Fellowships. They are designed for candidates who will be in the fourth year of doctoral study or in the first two years of a postdoctoral career in the academic year 2020/21. Successful applicants will spend six months working in Shanghai across the three institutions and six months at the UK partner universities.

The post will enable the Researcher to experience research in a new academic environment and enhance their employability. Shanghai University will deliver tailored Chinese language support for Fellows to enable them to develop spoken skills for effective professional communication.

The Fellowships will provide a Research Associate grade 7 salary, the costs of one return airfare to China, visas and medical insurance for periods out with the UK. The Fellows will also have access to an additional £1,000 for research trips and/or conference attendance, subject to PI approval.

To be considered for the role, you will be educated to a minimum of PhD level in Medical Humanities (broadly defined), have sufficient breadth or depth of knowledge in the History of Health and Medicine and an ability to contribute to research activities and co-working designed to grow research environments. You will demonstrate a developing ability to conduct individual research work, to disseminate results and to prepare research proposals and have excellent interpersonal and communication skills, with the ability to listen, engage and persuade, and to present complex information in an accessible way to a range of audiences. 

The anticipated start is 01 August 2020 however, due to current global circumstances regarding COVID-19, this date is provisional. Whilst it is the intension that the successful candidates will work for a 6 month period in the UK Campuses and 6 months in China, location of work will be dependent upon up to date government guidelines and risk assessments. The University of Strathclyde is currently working off campus and candidates should therefore have the ability to take up post remotely. 

Application Procedure

Applicants are required to complete an application form including the name of three referees who will be contacted before interview without further permission, unless you indicate that you would prefer otherwise. Applicants should also submit a Curriculum Vitae and a covering letter detailing the knowledge, skills and experience you think make you the right candidate for the job. Applicants should also complete the Equal Opportunities Monitoring Form.

mercredi 24 juin 2020

Aaron McDuffie Moore

Aaron McDuffie Moore: An African American Physician, Educator, and Founder of Durham's Black Wall Street

Blake Hill-Saya

Hardcover: 280 pages
Publisher: University of North Carolina Press (May 18, 2020)
Language: English
ISBN-13: 978-1469655857

Aaron McDuffie Moore (1863–1923) was born in rural Columbus County in eastern North Carolina at the close of the Civil War. Defying the odds stacked against an African American of this era, he pursued an education, alternating between work on the family farm and attending school. Moore originally dreamed of becoming an educator and attended notable teacher training schools in the state. But later, while at Shaw University, he followed another passion and entered Leonard Medical School. Dr. Moore graduated with honors in 1888 and became the first practicing African American physician in the city of Durham, North Carolina. He went on to establish the Durham Drug Company and the Durham Colored Library; spearhead and run Lincoln Hospital, the city's first secular, freestanding African American hospital; cofound North Carolina Mutual Life Insurance Company; help launch Rosenwald schools for African American children statewide; and foster the development of Durham's Hayti community. 

Dr. Moore was one-third of the mighty "Triumvirate" alongside John Merrick and C. C. Spaulding, credited with establishing Durham as the capital of the African American middle class in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries and founding Durham's famed Black Wall Street. His legacy can still be seen on the city streets and country backroads today, and an examination of his life provides key insights into the history of Durham, the state, and the nation during Reconstruction and the beginning of the Jim Crow Era.

Maladie, santé et contagion dans le monde francophone postcolonial

Health, Disease, and Contagion in the Francophone Postcolonial World

Call for 10-minute Video Presentations 

In order to maintain the Society for Francophone Postcolonial Studies's academic discussion following the recent difficult but inevitable decision to cancel this year’s annual conference, we should like to invite proposals for 10-minute video presentations, on the theme of ‘Health, Disease and Contagion in the Francophone Postcolonial World’. These will then be considered by the SFPS Executive Committee and a selection of 4-5 ‘winning’ presentations will be hosted, and freely accessible, on the SFPS website from autumn 2020.

Please send proposals of 200-250 words to Chabha Ben Ali Amer ( and Abdelbaqi Ghorab (, by the deadline of Friday 26 June. 

We hope that this will allow as many of you as possible to continue to engage with the Society’s activities virtually in these testing times, and look forward to receiving your proposals.

mardi 23 juin 2020


Galen: A Thinking Doctor in Imperial Rome

Vivian Nutton

Series: Routledge Ancient Biographies
Hardcover: 224 pages
Publisher: Routledge; 1 edition (May 20, 2020)
Language: English
ISBN-13: 978-0367357221

This volume offers a comprehensive biography of the Roman physician Galen, and explores his activities and ideas as a doctor and intellectual, as well as his reception in later centuries. 

Nutton’s wide-ranging study surveys Galen's early life and medical education, as well as his later career in Rome and his role as court physician for over forty years. It examines Galen's philosophical approach to medicine and the body, his practices of prognosis and dissection, and his ideas about preventative medicine and drugs. A final chapter explores the continuing impact of Galen's work in the centuries after his death, from his pre-eminence in Islamic medicine to his resurgence in Western medicine in the Renaissance, and his continuing impact through to the nineteenth century even after the discoveries of Vesalius and Harvey. 

Galen is the definitive biography this fascinating figure, written by the preeminent Galen scholar, and offers an invaluable resource for anyone interested in Galen and his work, and the history of medicine more broadly.

La politique des corps morts en temps de pandémie

Burial and the politics of dead bodies in pandemic times

Call for Contributions for a special issue of Human Remains and Violence

Guest editors:

Finn Stepputat (Danish Institute for International Studies),

Gaëlle Clavandier (Saint Etienne Jean Monnet University) and

Graham Denyer Willis (Cambridge University)

Epidemics tend to reveal the state’s management and rationalisation of public health. Crucially, too, acute mortality also reveals the what-and-whereabouts of dead bodies, and their ordering. Amidst an exceptional moment, the COVID19 pandemic has brought with it acute discussions and disturbing images of queues of people waiting to receive urns with the remains of their loved ones in Wuhan, of military trucks bringing away coffins in Bergamo, and of temporary mass burials at the potter’s field on Hart Island in New York City. Here, and in myriad places, the pace of dead bodies has outstripped the capacity of existing institutions and spaces with assumed responsibility for the proper treatment and/or disposal of dead bodies. The scale of the management of death has been reordered in dramatic ways, such that in São Paulo, Brazil, drones have become important to visualise mass burial in cemeteries from a different height.

Epidemics and the shocking imagery and discussion that surrounds them are by no means new, nor unaddressed by scholars and scholar-practitioners. However, the current and ongoing crisis carries with it a conspicuous set of conditions, and with them, a cohort of global scholars caught up in varied experiences and scales of uncertainty with death and illness.

With three guest editors, Human Remains and Violence seeks to gather scholarly manuscripts, critical, empirically based reflections and/or primary research reports from scholars around the world for a Special Issue that would begin to address questions about the varied management of dead bodies, globally, in the wake of COVID19. Potential contributions and collaborations might attend to the following kinds of inquiry:

1) To document patterns in the shifting treatment of dead bodies, including how under-resourced and/or unprepared state institutions attend to care; what kinds of conflicts have developed over the fate of dead bodies; how various institutions, authorities and publics have engaged in actions or discussions of (proper) disposal of the dead;

2) To identify changes and continuities in relation to former situations of ‘surplus death’ – disease related or otherwise – to see how this reflects or announces larger changes in formations of authority, power, and norms around the world. Such changes might also address the spatiality and materiality of death, burial and its governance by state or non-state organisations;

3) What kind of analytical lenses can be used for understanding continuities and changes in relation to similar past epidemics, at different scales? To reassess existing frameworks or to sketch out novel analytical tools and theories for understanding practices and discourses surrounding dead bodies in times of surplus death.

4) What does the (mis)management and irrationalisation of human remains in the current moment reveal about everyday political economy, capitalism and burial, its fractures or trajectories?

Human Remains and Violence is an open access, peer reviewed (double blind) journal published by Manchester University Press


· July 1, 2020: Submission of abstract (1-2 pages) to

· August 1: Notification of acceptance

· October 15, 2020: Submission of full paper, max. 8.000 words (all included) and beginning of the double-blind peer-reviewing process.

· Autumn 2021: Publication

Abstracts are accepted in English, French, Spanish, Portuguese, and Italian.

Contact Email:

lundi 22 juin 2020

L'éternel retour des théories biologiques du crime

L'éternel retour des théories biologiques du crime 

Julien Larregue

Le Seuil
Date de parution 18/06/2020
23.00 € TTC
272 pages
EAN 9782021451917

Depuis les années 1990, un nombre croissant de juridictions pénales à travers le monde recourent à des expertises qui prennent appui sur la génétique comportementale et les neurosciences afin d’évaluer la responsabilité et la dangerosité des auteurs d’actes délinquants.
Ce livre propose d’éclairer les prémisses de ce savoir scientifique en s’intéressant à la naissance et au développement de la criminologie biosociale aux États-Unis depuis les années 1960. Dans une enquête inédite, reposant sur des études de la littérature et de controverses scientifiques, des analyses statistiques et des entretiens avec des criminologues, sociologues et psychologues, il montre comment cette
branche de la criminologie, au départ marginale, a gagné en visibilité et en légitimité. Ce développement n’est pas sans conséquences : en prétendant pouvoir identifier les causes biologiques et environnementales des comportements dits « antisociaux », les criminologues biosociaux participent à la redéfinition de la frontière entre le normal et le pathologique.
Héréditaire explore ainsi plus largement les recompositions de l’expertise dans les sociétés contemporaines, et notamment les luttes de territoire que les professions médicales et judiciaires engagent fréquemment pour s’arroger le monopole du diagnostic, de la prise en charge et du traitement des déviances individuelles.

dimanche 21 juin 2020

L'épidémie de sida en Afrique centrale

L'épidémie de sida occultée en Afrique centrale pendant la décennie 1980. L'évidence scientifique à l'épreuve de la politique

Michel Caraël, Philippe Van de Perre, Etienne Karita, Philippe Lepage

Préface de Françoise Barré-Sinoussi (Prix Nobel de Médecine 2008)

Collection : Sciences et Société
Date de publication : 4 mars 2020
Broché - format : 13,5 x 21,5 cm • 224 pages
ISBN : 978-2-343-19678-7

Dès sa reconnaissance aux Etats-Unis en 1981, l'épidémie de sida est interprétée et désignée comme une maladie « gay ». Or, cette épidémie était déjà en plein essor dans les villes d'Afrique centrale. La reconnaissance de cette épidémie hétérosexuelle va prendre plusieurs années. Ce livre nous raconte cette bataille scientifique peu connue. Les auteurs travaillaient au sein d'un « Projet Sida » dans le principal hôpital de Kigali au Rwanda, une ville où 18% des adultes étaient infectés par le VIH dès 1985. Ils font face à de multiples difficultés et à un grand scepticisme de la communauté scientifique. Près d'une dizaine d'années sont perdues dans la lutte contre le sida. Un passé lointain et inimaginable aujourd'hui ? Ou un scénario toujours d'actualité ?

samedi 20 juin 2020

L'affaire Semmelweis

L'affaire Semmelweis. Un scandale sanitaire sans équivalent

Roger Teyssou

Collection : Acteurs de la Science 
Date de publication : 7 avril 2020
Broché - format : 13,5 x 21,5 cm • 140 pages
ISBN : 978-2-343-19910-8

Entre 1847 et 1880, des milliers de jeunes femmes et de nouveau-nés moururent de septicémie. Pourtant, dès 1847, Ignace- Philippe Semmelweis (1818-1865) apportait la preuve irréfutable de la responsabilité des accoucheurs dans la contamination des femmes en couches. Les médecins lui réservèrent un accueil hostile. Toute l'Europe médicale était au courant des méthodes prophylactiques préconisées par Semmelweis dès 1848, mais celles-ci n'ont commencé à êre appliquées qu'à la fin du XIXe siècle. L'Affaire Semmelweis reste un exemple de l'aveuglement qui frappe un novateur parce qu'il remet en cause une tradition séculaire et des intérêts corporatistes.

vendredi 19 juin 2020

Les textes médicaux médiévaux gallois

Medieval Welsh Medical Texts. Volume One: The Recipes  

Diana Luft

University of Wales Press
Language: English
Genre(s): Medieval
June 2020 · 640pages · 216x138mm
·Paperback - 9781786835482
· eBook - pdf - 9781786835499

Click here to read Medieval Welsh Medical Texts: Volume One: The Recipes in PDF format for free

This volume presents the first critical edition and translation of the corpus of medieval Welsh medical recipes traditionally ascribed to the Physicians of Myddfai. These offer practical treatments for a variety of everyday conditions such as toothache, constipation and gout. The recipes have been edited from the four earliest collections of Welsh medical texts in manuscript, which date from the late fourteenth century. A series of notes provides sources and analogues for the recipes, demonstrating their relationship with the European medical tradition. The identification of herbal ingredients in the recipes is based on pre-modern plant-name glossaries rather than modern dictionaries, and has led to new interpretations of many of the recipes. Comprehensive glossaries allow the reader to find any recipe based on the ingredients and equipment used in it or the condition treated. This new interpretation of these texts clearly shows that they are not unique, but rather form part of the medical tradition that was common throughout Europe during the Middle Ages.

Le glissement numérique en histoire de la médecine

Silences in the LAMS: Digital Surrogacy in the Time of Pandemic

Call for Papers

FHNN Virtual Conference
Date: October 12, 2020 (VIRTUAL)

Intro: The College of Physicians of Philadelphia, in conjunction with the CLIR-funded project For the Health of the New Nation (FHNN) through a partnership with the Philadelphia Area Consortium for Special Collections Libraries (PACSCL), invites proposals for a one-day, online conference on the use of digital primary sources.

In a time when the use of hard-copy primary sources has been all but eliminated, how are teachers, scholars, and other researchers using digital surrogates in their work? How has this digital format impacted the research process? What are the strengths and weaknesses of working solely with digital collections? How do (or don’t) digital surrogates manifest silences within archives? This conference will explore these questions and more to examine the challenges and rewards of conducting or teaching history in a near virtual environment.

Session Formats

Presenting online creates new challenges, but it also offers new possibilities. While we suggest your proposal match one of the session formats below, we encourage presenters to use any digital presentation style that would engage and entice viewers.

Traditional Paper Presentation – 30-minute session of one fully prepared paper, with time for comments and discussion

Panel Discussion – 60-minute session consisting of three to five panelists discussing perspectives on a selected topic

Lightning Talks – 30-minute session of four to five 5-minute talks on a given topic

Proposal Evaluation: The Program Committee invites proposals on the following topics, as they relate to digital archival collections:
  • Archival silences
  • Exclusions in the history of medical education
  • Metadata and access
  • Teaching with primary sources
  • Loss of physicality
  • Effective digital tools to mine content

Presenters are encouraged, though not required, to use digitized materials from the CLIR Hidden Collections grant project, For the Health of the New Nation…, in their proposals.

Submitting a Proposal: Initial proposals require an abstract of up to 250 words as well as a preliminary title. If the abstract is accepted, full papers will be due this fall (see below for more details).

Submission form:

Deadline for abstract submission: July 1, 2020

Date of acceptance notification: July 15, 2020

RBM publication: If your abstract is accepted, you may be asked to submit your full presentation for potential publication in RBM: A Journal of Rare Books, Manuscripts and Cultural Heritage, Spring 2021 issue. Final selection for publication will be dependent on the number of submissions and input from the RBM editorial board.

Deadline for paper/presentation submission: September 1, 2020

RBM accepted papers due: September 15, 2020

Word limit for papers: Papers must conform to the publication guidelines of RBM. We suggest no more than 3500 words.

Review Committee members:

Beth Lander, College Librarian/The Robert Austrian Chair, College of Physicians of Philadelphia
Kelsey Duinkerken, Special Collections & Digital Services Librarian, Thomas Jefferson University
Kelly O’Donnell, Ph.D., NEH Postdoctoral Fellow, Consortium for History of Science, Technology, and Medicine

Keynote Speaker: Melissa Grafe, Ph.D. John R. Bumstead Librarian for Medical History, Head of the Medical Historical Library

Contact names

Beth Lander, College of Physicians of Philadelphia (
Kelsey Duinkerken, Thomas Jefferson University (

For the Health of the New Nation is supported by a Digitizing Hidden Special Collections and Archives grant from the Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR). The grant program is made possible by funding from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.

jeudi 18 juin 2020

La contagion dans la littérature du dernier dix-neuvième siècle

Kept from All Contagion: Germ Theory, Disease, and the Dilemma of Human Contact in Late Nineteenth-Century Literature 

Kari Nixon

Series: SUNY series, Studies in the Long Nineteenth Century
Hardcover: 224 pages
Publisher: SUNY Press (May 1, 2020)
ISBN-13: 978-1438478494

Highlights connections between authors rarely studied together by exposing their shared counternarratives to germ theory’s implicit suggestion of protection in isolation.

Kept from All Contagion explores the surprising social effects of germ theory in the late nineteenth century. Connecting groups of authors rarely studied in tandem by highlighting their shared interest in changing interpersonal relationships in the wake of germ theory, this book takes a surprising and refreshing stance on studies in medicine and literature.

Each chapter focuses on a different disease, discussing the different social policies or dilemmas that arose from new understandings in the 1860s–1890s that these diseases were contagious. The chapters pair these sociohistorical considerations with robust literary analyses that assess the ways authors as diverse as Thomas Hardy, Henrik Ibsen, and Mary Elizabeth Braddon, among others, grappled with these ideas and their various impacts upon different human relationships—marital, filial, and social.

Through the trifocal structure of each chapter (microbial, relational, and sociopolitical), the book excavates previously overlooked connections between literary texts that insist upon the life-giving importance of community engagement—the very thing that seemed threatening in the wake of germ theory’s revelations. Germ theory seemed to promote self-protection via isolation; the authors covered in Kept from All Contagion resist such tacit biopolitical implications. Instead, as Kari Nixon shows, they repeatedly demonstrate vitalizing interpersonal interactions in spite of—and often because of—their contamination with disease, thus completely upending both the ways Victorians and present-day literary scholars have tended to portray and interpret purity.

“From the perspective of cultural history and the history of medicine, Nixon provides a long-term, much-needed cultural history of germ theory. From a literary perspective, she offers provocative new readings of well-known works like Jane Eyre and Jude the Obscure,and relates them to lesser-known nineteenth-century novels such as Grant Allen’s The Woman Who Did.” — Laura Otis, author of Banned Emotions: How Metaphors Can Shape What People Feel

Kari Nixon is Assistant Professor of Literature at Whitworth University and the coeditor (with Lorenzo Servitje) of Endemic: Essays in Contagion Theory

L'héritage de Florence Nightingale

Florence Nightingale’s Legacy 

Online event

Tuesday 7 July 2020, 5.30 – 6.30pm

Booking link:

RCN President Professor Anne Marie Rafferty co-edited Notes on Nightingale, a collection of essays about her life and legacy. Here, she talks about Nightingale as a celebrity in her own lifetime. Her image was of great appeal to the public and must have been a source of tremendous reassurance in a time of crisis.

Two hundred years on from Nightingale’s birth, we're facing new challenges. What can we learn about the COVID-19 pandemic from Florence Nightingale's legacy? And how does the history of nursing continue to shape views of the profession?

mercredi 17 juin 2020

Les manuscrits grecs de la Wellcome Collection

Exploring Greek Manuscripts in the Library at Wellcome Collection in London

Petros Bouras-Vallianatos

ISBN 9781138601598
Published May 26, 2020 by Routledge
196 Pages

This book offers new insights into a largely understudied group of Greek texts preserved in selected manuscripts from the Library at Wellcome Collection, London. The content of these manuscripts ranges from medicine, including theories on diagnosis and treatment of disease, to astronomy, philosophy, and poetry. With texts dating from the ancient era to the Byzantine and Ottoman worlds, each manuscript provides its own unique story, opening a window onto different social and cultural milieus. All chapters are illustrated with black and white and colour figures, highlighting some of the most significant codices in the collection.

Vivre et vaincre l'épidémie

The Testimony of History: To Live and Overcome the Epidemic in the Present

International Symposium

June 18-19, 5:30-7:00 p.m. (Lisbon time)

The new coronavirus (SARS-CoV 2) and COVID-19 brought unexpected challenges to Humanity. The answer to these challenges is more than a quest for biomedical science and transcends health issues. In this context and seeking complementarity between health sciences and the emerging field of health humanities, this Symposium is promoted, which aims to recourse to historical knowledge to understand and help to live the difficult present time.

This role attributed to the humanities and historical studies has been highlighted in recent months in various initiatives (webinars, online conferences, special magazine numbers, interviews, opinion articles) carried out by various institutions and civil society, and in several countries.

This seminar aims to be a space for knowledge sharing on the theme of epidemics, in different geographical contexts, national and foreign, limited to the Middle and Early Modern Ages, seeking to establish a bridge between the past and the present. It will be held in two days and consists of brief presentations (10 min.) carried out by invited researchers, followed by debate, and open to all those interested in participating.

This proposal is a joint initiative of two ongoing hospital and health history research projects: Hospitalis: Hospital architecture in Portugal (PTDC/ART-HIS/30808/2017)  (IR: Joana Balsa de Pinho; European Institute for Culture Sciences Padre Manuel Antunes; ARTIS - Institute of History of Art, Faculty of Letters, University of Lisbon) and Royal Hospital of All Saints: the city and health (IR's: André Teixeira, Edite Martins Alberto, Rodrigo Banha da Silva; DPC-Lisbon City Council, CHAM – Center for Humanities, NOVA FCSH).

The event will be broadcast on CHAM's YouTube channel.

day 18:
day 19:


The program attached to this email.

Organizers: Edite Martins Alberto (CHAM, NOVA FCSH; DPC, CML) and Joana Balsa de Pinho (IECCPMAL; ARTIS, FLUL)

Institutional partnerships: Artis – Art History Institute, School of Arts and Humanities, Universidade of Lisbon; CHAM – Centre for the Humanities, NOVA FCSH; CIDH – Chair Infante Dom Henrique for Atlantic Island Studies and Globalization, Aberta University; European Institute for Cultural Sciences Father Manuel Antunes; Lisbon City Council.



Joana Balsa de Pinho

+351 916767470