dimanche 24 décembre 2017

Joyeux Noël

L'équipe d'Historiens de la santé vous souhaite un Joyeux Noël et une excellente nouvelle année !

Le Père Noël distribuant des jouets aux enfants d'un hôpital de Londres 

Nous serons de retour le lundi 8 janvier 2018.

samedi 23 décembre 2017

Approches du geste chirurgical

Approches du geste chirurgical (20e-21e S.). Histoire, littérature, philosophie, arts visuels

Journée d'étude

Jeudi 11 janvier 2018

Académie nationale de médecine
16 rue Bonaparte, 75006 Paris

Conférences avec traduction simultanée

8h30 : Accueil des participants
Mots d’accueil par M. Christian Chatelain, président de l’Académie nationale de médecine pour 2018 et par M. Jérôme van Wijland, Directeur de la Bibliothèque de l’Académie nationale de médecine.

9h00 : Introduction du colloque par Thomas Augais et Julien Knebusch (FNS/Université de Fribourg)

9h30 : Conférence inaugurale par Thomas Schlich (McGill University, Canada) : The Changing Rules of Surgical Performance: Styles of Surgery, 1800-1920

10h : Discussion

10h30 : Pause

10h50 : Joël Danet (Université de Strasbourgl) : Approches filmiques du geste chirurgical : un geste exemplaire, un geste cinégénique, un geste comptable

11h30 : Alexandre Wenger (Université de Genève) : Gestes, mains, gants : la chirurgie dans The Knick de Steven Soderbergh

11h50 : Christina Lammer (Akademie der Bildenden Künste, Wien, Österreich) : Performing Surgery

13h00 : Repas

14h30 : Isabelle Percebois (Professeure agrégée de Lettres Modernes) : Gestes et pouvoirs du chirurgien dans la fiction fantastique : Le Docteur Lerne, sous-Dieu de Maurice Renard

15h : Danièle Leclair (Université Paris-Descartes / UMR Thalim) : Le ballet des mains chez Lorand Gaspar : dessin, danse et chirurgie

15h30 : Discussion

16h : Pause

16h30 : Julia Pröll (Universität Innsbruck, Institut für Romanistik, Österreich) : Dépasser l’« emprunt à l’atlas d’anatomie »? Le geste chirurgical au miroir de la littérature française de l’extrême contemporain. Un dialogue entre trois chirurgiens-écrivains (Maurice Mimoun, Gilbert Schlogel, Antoine Sénanque) et Maylis de Kerangal

17h : Philippe Hubinois (chirurgien et philosophe) : Actes et gestes chirurgicaux : de la chirurgie classique à la télé-chirurgie

17h30 : Discussion et clôture de la journée

Le travail reproductif dans l'est asiatique

Reproductive Labor and Gynocentric Technologies in East Asia, 1800s-2000s

Call for Papers - Early Carrer Scholar Workshop

Jacob Eyferth (Chicago), Suzanne Gottschang (Smith), Gonçalo Santos (HKU)

Date: October 12-14, 2018
Venue: Smith College


The starting point of this Working Group is the idea that social life is fundamentally about “people-making.” Following David Graeber, we recognize that “while any society has to produce food, clothing, shelter, and so forth,” in most societies the production of material objects “is very much seen as a subordinate moment in larger productive processes aimed at the [creation and] fashioning of humans.” Industrial societies obfuscate the primacy of “people making” by separating material production in the workplace from social reproduction at home, marking the former as male, public, and important, and the latter as female, private, and unimportant. An earlier generation of feminist scholars challenged this doctrine of separate spheres and its explicit devaluation of women’s work. Our working group draws significant inspiration from this earlier scholarship to call for a re-appreciation of the centrality of reproductive labor in modern industrial societies. We argue that reproductive labor is not just a basic precondition of “production” (i.e., the replenishing of the labor force so that the production of goods can go on); the work involved in the reproduction of life in its social and biological dimensions is also an end result that remains important even where it is denigrated and overlooked.

We refer to the goals of reproductive labor as “gynocentric” because in most societies – including East Asian societies – women tend to play a central role in the work of creating and fashioning humans. Such work relies on a variety of tools, techniques, and practices (which we call “gynocentric technologies”, drawing on Francesca Bray’s notion of “gynotechnics”) that are often spatially dispersed and involve many different actors and institutions. Children are not simply raised by mothers in households; they are moved around from caretaker to caretaker, or people move around to take care of children, or outside agents are called in to help. Similarly, the reproduction of life at home – the cooking, feeding, cleaning, etc, that is the precondition for all social life – depends on networks of cooperation between women who help each other in these tasks. If one adds technology to the mix, one gets complex, spatially dispersed assemblages of people, techniques, and artifacts that come together in the work of creating and fashioning humans. These infrastructures can have many different scales (local, national, and global) and they have become more complex in recent times, with increased transnational mobility, and the growing significance of law, state policy, science, medicine, industry, and the media.

There is an important historical question here. The work of human reproduction always involved dispersed networks of people that were gynocentric in the sense that they could include men but were basically built around the labor of women, linked to each other through kinship or other ties. In the old agrarian order, everyday survival depended on a number of skills — textile manufacture, garment manufacture, food processing, healing, childcare, midwifery, etc. — that were important sources of prestige and dignity for women, even in the most oppressive circumstances. After the industrial revolution, many of these skills were gradually incorporated into the factory system and the logic of the market. Historians working on Western societies have drawn attention to a dynamics of de-skilling, whereby women either forgot old skills or else continued performing their old labor subject to the authority of experts and no longer in control of the productive process. This research tends to overstate the extent to which these transformations have led to a demise of women’s work. In contrast, we start from the assumption that gynocentric work did not disappear but was transformed and obscured. In East Asia as elsewhere, a modern focus on “production” – understood as commodity production outside the home – led to an understanding of women’s work as “reproductive chores,” with the effect that work that reproduced life at home often ceased to be seen as work at all. At the same time, women’s work became the object of attention of state regulators, reformist elites, and commercial providers, and was subjected to increased controls.

We ask questions about the transformation of reproductive labor and gynocentric technologies in East Asia from the 1800s onwards, when processes of industrialization and globalization were significantly accelerated. Throughout the region, we see a transition from an agrarian economy rooted in gendered divisions of labor in small producing households, to a modern political economy in which productive work is defined as taking place outside the household, in offices and factories. In the agrarian economy, women’s efforts were seen as subordinate but also complementary to men’s work. Ideally, “men tilled and women wove;” if either of them stopped performing their gendered work, people would starve or freeze. Beginning in the late nineteenth century, Japanese, Chinese, and Korean intellectuals began to think of “the economy” as a distinct realm, separate from the household and populated by male income earners. In this new model, domestic work performed by women became invisible, even though women, as artisans, cash croppers, and small commodity producers, continued to contribute to their households in the same way as men. Yet the ideological erasure of gynocentric work should not be confused with its actual disappearance. Precisely because such work was typically construed as private and unimportant, it could escape systematic transformation.

Rather than assuming a straightforward process in which women were progressively deskilled, their autonomy undermined by male experts, their work made redundant by industrially produced commodities, we assume an uneven transformation in which new skills and technologies interacted with older cultures of cooperation. We trace this transformation by focusing on changes in the everyday technologies that are involved in the work of “people-making.” We are thinking, for example, of how breast pumps, formula, and plastic bottles make it possible to disperse the work of nursing across time and space, or how cell phones and tracker wristbands allow Chinese migrant parents to be involved in child raising from a distance. Such arrangements are part of larger material and organizational infrastructures that have become increasingly transnational and commercialized as we entered the 21st century. An important part of this project is to show how these emerging infrastructures vary across East Asia, and how these variations are shaped by long-term socio-cultural and politico-economic processes, linked to a number of different projects of gender equality and female emancipation.


We invite proposals from PhD students and early career scholars working on topics related to gynocentric work and technology in East Asia. We welcome proposals focusing on historical and/or contemporary issues, and drawing on one or several of the following disciplinary approaches (anthropology, history, sociology, STS). We are particularly interested in inter-disciplinary and cross-disciplinary perspectives that speak to larger issues in East Asian and global history and society.

The selection of specific topics for the workshop will ultimately depend on the availability of speakers, but we are interested in paper proposals focusing on one or several of the following key interconnected themes:

  • Biological reproduction. Traditional and modern techniques that regulate and aid the reproduction of biological life, including fertility treatments, contraception, abortion, pre- and postnatal care, midwifery, and infant nursing.
  • Homemaking includes the “three C’s” (caring, cooking, and cleaning), but also (in pre-industrial environments) hauling water, gathering fuel, spinning, weaving, sewing, raising animals, preserving food, etc. We also include commercial or public services (restaurants, canteens, laundry services, etc.) that supplement or replace domestic work.
  • Intimacy and connection. Techniques that maintain and shape social bonds in the family and beyond. These include, among others, the exchange of gifts and other objects, the creation of intimacy (and sometimes control) through cell phones and social media.
  • Healing and care include techniques ranging from routine “maintenance” of bodies to healing and caring for the sick, aged, and dying.

Abstracts (500 words max) should be submitted to the organizers by January 25th 2018 at the latest.

We will announce the shortlist of selected abstracts in early February 2018. Invited speakers will be expected to submit a full-length paper (8,000 words max) by September 1st 2018 to be presented and discussed at the workshop. We will provide assistance for costs of travel and accommodation of invited speakers.

Contact: Jacob Eyferth (Chicago), email: eyferth@uchicago.edu

Suzanne Gottschang (Smith), email: szhang@smith.edu

Gonçalo Santos (HKU), email: santos@hku.hk

vendredi 22 décembre 2017

Les traitements des Tudor

Pustules, Pestilence and Pain: Tudor Treatments and Ailments of Henry VIII 

Seamus O'Caellaigh

Paperback: 132 pages
Publisher: MadeGlobal Publishing (December 8, 2017)
Language: English
ISBN-13: 978-8494729843

Henry VIII lived for 55 years and had many health issues, particularly towards the end of his reign.

In Pustules, Pestilence, and Pain, historian Seamus O'Caellaigh has delved deep into the documents of Henry's reign to select some authentic treatments that Henry's physicians compounded and prescribed to one suffering from those ailments.

Packed with glorious full-colour photos of the illnesses and treatments Henry VIII used, alongside primary source documents, this book is a treat for the eyes and is full of information for those with a love of all things Tudor. Each illness and accident has been given its own section in chronological order, including first-hand accounts, descriptions of the treatments and photographic recreations of the treatment and ingredients.

Les cultures de la maladie dans les périodes médiévale et moderne

The Worlds That Plague Made: Cultures of Disease in the Medieval and Early Modern Period

Call for papers

NYU Medieval and Renaissance Center
13-14 april 2018
The Annual Conference at the Medieval and Renaissance Center will be held on April 13th and 14th. This year’s theme will be « The Worlds That Plague Made: Cultures of Disease in the Medieval and Early Modern Period. » Keynote speakers will be Ann Carmichael, Indiana University, and Susan Jones, University of Minnesota.

We invite submissions from any discipline in Medieval and Renaissance Studies on any aspect of the history of plague and disease.

Submissions will be accepted on a rolling basis until January 15th 2018. Please submit a 250 word abstract and a brief CV to marc.center@nyu.edu (put « Conference Submission » in the subject line).

More info on the organisator website.

jeudi 21 décembre 2017

Archives des sciences psychiatriques

Archives des sciences - Contribution à l'histoire de la psychiatrie

Revue d'histoire des sciences (2/2017)

Armand Colin
Parution décembre 2017
214 pages
EAN 9782200931360

Archives des sciences : Contribution à l’histoire de la psychiatrie.

Introduction : La psychiatrie en ses archives, entre histoire et épistémologie 
Elisabetta Basso et Mireille Delbraccio

Archiving psychiatry’s past : Emil Kraepelin’s archive and papers Eric J. Engstrom
Wolfgang Burgmair et Matthias M. Weber 

Les archives de l’ancien asile psychiatrique de San Servolo (Venise), 1840-1877 : Trames, classifications, sujets 
Egidio Priani

Usages et mésusages de la notion de précurseur en histoire des sciences et des techniques, en particulier en histoire de la psychiatrie : À propos d’un échange épistolaire entre Henri Ellenberger et Georges Canguilhem (1967) 
Emmanuel Delille

Une archive pour l’histoire des sociabilités savantes au XXe siècle : Georges Lantéri-Laura (1930-2004) et l’Encyclopédie médico-chirurgicale 
Emmanuel Delille

Le centre documentaire du CAPHÉS : Un lieu d’archives 
Nathalie Queyroux

Les sources historiques

La source, « cet obscur objet du désir »

Appel de textes de la RHUS volume 11 – no.1

La Revue d’Histoire de l’Université de Sherbrooke (RHUS) invite étudiants.es et chercheurs.es à soumettre des textes portant sur le rapport de l’historien.ne aux sources pour le premier numéro de son onzième volume dont la publication est prévue à l’automne 2018. Ces textes peuvent prendre la forme d’article scientifique, d’essai, de note de recherche ou de bilan historiographique, le thème se prêtant bien à toutes ces écritures.

Pour une description de ces types de texte, consultez :

Présentation de la revue
La RHUS a pour mission de diffuser les travaux des étudiants.es ainsi que de susciter l’intérêt envers leurs champs de recherche. Elle publie des contributions d’étudiants.es ainsi que de chercheurs.es du Québec comme de l’étranger. Toutes nos publications sont révisées par des évaluateurs.es. Le premier numéro de chaque volume porte sur une thématique annoncée et le second numéro publie les actes du colloque annuel des étudiants.es en histoire de l’Université de Sherbrooke. Pour plus d’informations, veuillez consulter notre site web (http://rhus.association.usherbrooke.ca/), nous contacter par courriel (revuehistoire.udes@gmail.ca) ou nous suivre via Facebook.

La source est sans doute le « pain de l’historien » pour reprendre l’expression de Joseph Morsel1 ; c’est en effet par elle que l’historien.ne peut vérifier, comparer, comprendre et enfin faire le récit de ce qui a été dans le passé. En ce sens, on le conçoit bien, elle est objet de désir chez l’historien.ne, car ne dépouille-t-on pas les sources dans l’espoir d’une découverte magistrale, d’un retournement historiographique? Alors même que l’historien.ne s’attarde à ce que lui révèle la source, a-t-il/elle conscience de la source en elle-même et de son propre rapport avec celle-ci?

Comment la source devient-elle source? De quelle manière et sous quels principes elle accède au titre de document d’archive? Pourquoi cette source plutôt qu’une autre?

Comment s’insère-t-elle dans un corpus? Le métier d’historien.ne nous fait-il nous engager dans une démarche scientifique dont on tait une part obscure, celle concernant la source en laquelle l’historien.ne fonde ses espoirs? Ce sont ces dimensions de la production de la source, de sa conservation et de sa disponibilité, puis de sa sélection et de son appropriation, parfois mises à l’écart dans la discipline historique que nous souhaitons explorer. L’analogie de la relation d’espérance et de dépendance mise en scène par Luis Buñuel dans le film « Cet obscur objet du désir », et celle de l’historien.ne avec les sources nous paraît fécond.

Les textes exploitant les thématiques suivantes sont les bienvenus, ainsi que tout autre aspect du rapport de l’historien.ne à la source :

• Appropriation des sources;

• Dématérialisation et accessibilité;

• Censure;

• Émergence de nouvelles sources nées numériques, qu’elles soient textuelles, iconographiques, audio et/ou visuelles.

Par ailleurs, nous sollicitons des comptes rendus qui, pour leur part, ne doivent pas obligatoirement porter sur le rapport entre l’historien et la source.

Modalités d’envoi des propositions et de sélection

Toute proposition devra être envoyée par courriel, en format doc et PDF au plus tard le 31 janvier 2018 à : revuehistoire.udes@gmail.com. Elle devra être accompagnée d’une courte présentation de l’auteur.e. Nous vous prions de bien vouloir respecter les normes de présentations que vous pouvez consulter sur notre site web

Les résultats des évaluations seront connus à la mi-mars. Les textes finaux (corrections et mise en forme) devront être envoyés pour la mi-avril pour publication à l’automne 2018.

L’équipe éditoriale :
Coordonnatrice: Catherine Dubé (Doctorat en histoire);
Responsable des communications : Mélisande Bélanger (Doctorat en histoire);
Responsable de l’évaluation : Samuel Heine (Maîtrise en histoire);
Responsable de l’édition : Alexandre Leclerc (Maîtrise en histoire);
Responsable de la diffusion et webmestre : Cédrik Lampron (Maîtrise en histoire).

1Morsel, Joseph, « Les sources sont-elles “le pain de l’historien”? », Hypothèses, vol. 1, no 7 2004, www.cairn.info/revue-hypotheses-2004-1-page-271.html

mercredi 20 décembre 2017

L'orthopédie mentale

Transforming IQ into “Orthopédie Mentale“. An Introduction to A. Binet and V. Vaney on Mental Orthopedics
Hayo Siemsen, John Testelin, Lisa Martin-Hansen, Karl Hayo Siemsen, Bernard Andrieu, Jean-Marie Fèvre 

Briefs in Education

This volume discusses Alfred Binet’s works on pedagogy based on his “Orthopédie Mentale”. Binet had empirically found that his idea of a test of general intelligence could be replaced by a test on “problem areas”. These problem areas were then to be specifically addressed and improved within a relatively short time. As a result, students dramatically improved in their IQ test results. Binet died before he could publish the results. Fortunately, the rector of the school, Victor Vaney, published the results of Binet’s experiments in his school. This volume provides the first English translation of Vaney's publication as well as an introduction to Binet's mostly forgotten late work.

Histoires comparées du sida en Europe

Comparative Histories of HIV/AIDS in Europe

Call for Papers

We invite expressions of interest from scholars of any discipline, working on histories of HIV/AIDS in Europe, to participate in a one-day symposium in London on 19July 2018.

Recently, research on HIV and AIDS in historical perspective has intensified, with new projects looking at the UK, Sweden, Ireland, Switzerland, Spain, and more. This exciting work is not only painting a large and vibrant picture of the histories of AIDS and HIV, incorporating groups and experiences previously under-documented, but it is also beginning to signal the vital importance of local and national contexts. Responses to, and experiences of AIDS and HIV were modulated by features that varied from place to place, within and between countries, and reflected the importance of the social, cultural, and political settings in which AIDS and HIV emerged.

This one-day symposium seeks to draw together these existing research projects, to encourage comparative perspectives and to consider resonances and dissonances between them. It will provide an opportunity for scholars at all career stages to discuss their work and to identify key avenues for further research. We anticipate that the symposium will lead to an edited collection, and significant future research collaborations.

We encourage a focus on comparative histories or national specificities, particularly those which capture previously unexamined experiences of those affected by HIV. Themes may include AIDS and HIV in relation to young people, women, and families, immigration, sex workers, and national politics, and the position of transnational networks and North American influences within Europe. These are suggestions only: we look forward to seeing what further themes may emerge. We will aim to include papers focusing on a variety of different European settings.

The symposium will be held in London on Thursday 19th July 2018, towards the end of a month-long public Festival of AIDS Cultures and Histories taking place in London and Amsterdam.

Please note that the symposium will follow a workshop format, with pre-circulated papers.

If you are interested in participating, please send up to 500 words, no later than 29 January 2018 to: HistoriesOfAids@gmail.com

This should be a summary of the research you would like to share and discuss at the symposium, highlighting its geographical focus and key themes.

mardi 19 décembre 2017

Histoire de la psychologie positive

Happier? The History of a Cultural Movement That Aspired to Transform America

Daniel Horowitz

Oxford Universioty Press
320 p. 
ISBN: 9780190655648

When a cultural movement that began to take shape in the mid-twentieth century erupted into mainstream American culture in the late 1990s, it brought to the fore the idea that it is as important to improve one's own sense of pleasure as it is to manage depression and anxiety. Cultural historian Daniel Horowitz's research reveals that this change happened in the context of key events. World War II, the Holocaust, post-war prosperity, the rise of counter-culture, the crises of the 1970s, the presidency of Ronald Reagan, and the prime ministerships of Margaret Thatcher and David Cameron provided the important context for the development of the field today known as positive psychology.

Happier? provides the first history of the origins, development, and impact of the way Americans -- and now many around the world -- shifted from mental illness to well-being as they pondered the human condition. This change, which came about from the fusing of knowledge drawn from Eastern spiritual traditions, behavioral economics, neuroscience, evolutionary biology, and cognitive psychology, has been led by scholars and academic entrepreneurs, as they wrestled with the implications of political events and forces such as neoliberalism and cultural conservatism, and a public eager for self-improvement.

Linking the development of happiness studies and positive psychology with a broad series of social changes, including the emergence of new media and technologies like TED talks, blogs, web sites, and neuroscience, as well as the role of evangelical ministers, Oprah Winfrey's enterprises, and funding from government agencies and private foundations, Horowitz highlights the transfer of specialized knowledge into popular arenas. Along the way he shows how marketing triumphed, transforming academic disciplines and spirituality into saleable products. Ultimately, Happier? illuminates how positive psychology, one of the most influential academic fields of the late twentieth and early twenty-first centuries, infused American culture with captivating promises for a happier society.

Histoire de l'axe intestin-cerveau

‘The Gut-Brain Axis’: Cultural and Historical Perspectives

Call for Contributions

4-5 May 2018, University of Glasgow, Scotland, UK

Research into the so-called ‘gut-brain axis’ has seen extraordinary growth in the past decade as microbiologists, neurologists and nutrition scientists have discovered new ways in which these supposedly separate parts of the body interact. Whereas our guts, brains, nervous systems, and behaviour were thought to be distinct, increasing evidence shows that the boundaries between them are more porous. Both scientific and popular interest in the topic continues apace, with a constant stream of publications aimed at specialist and lay audiences, and the first international Gut-Brain Axis Summit taking place in San Francisco in December 2017.

Important work has also been undertaken on gastro-psychic connections by researchers from the history of medicine, literature and psychology, but so far, there has been little in the way of a coordinated, targeted contribution to the debate on the gut-brain relationship from the humanities and the social sciences.

This workshop will consider the value of cultural and historical perspectives on the relationship between the gut and the brain, an area of our lives that so emphatically crosses somatic, emotional and psychological experiences. The event will engage with this topic from a critical perspective, not only taking new approaches but also asking:
  • What are the risks or challenges involved in studying the gut-brain relationship from perspectives beyond the strictly biological or the clinical?
  • How can disciplines beyond science contribute to the understanding of this area of human experience? How does a humanities and social sciences approach differ from and / or enrich scientific research on the gut-brain axis?
  • What can a cultural and historical perspective on digestive health achieve?
  • How might different cultural understandings of the gut-brain relationship be communicated to scholars in the sciences, non-academic audiences, and public health practitioners and organisations?
  • Who might the audiences be for this form of research?

Topics may include but are not limited to:
  • The implications of categories such as race, class, age, or gender on understandings of the gut-brain relationship
  • Variations across nations and cultures in understanding the links between the gut and brain
  • The history of the gut-brain relationship
  • Shifting definitions of ‘the gut’ and ‘the brain’ according to discipline, nation or time period
  • The construction of the gut-brain relationship through productions such as literature, the visual arts, and film
  • The ways in which links between the gut and the brain might contribute to our understanding of what it is to be human

Contributions are invited from scholars in any area of the humanities and the social sciences, but preference may be given to papers focusing on the modern period (1800 to the present). Papers focusing on non-Western nations are strongly encouraged, as are proposals from postgraduate and early career researchers.

The confirmed keynote speaker for this event is Professor Elizabeth Williams (Oklahoma State University), who has published seminal articles on psycho-gastric conditions in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. She is currently completing a study of scientific and medical thinking about the appetite for food from the Enlightenment to the mid-twentieth century.

Proposals of 250 words for 15-20 minute papers, along with a 150-word biography, should be sent to manon.mathias@glasgow.ac.ukby 19 January 2018.

lundi 18 décembre 2017


Immunization. How Vaccines became Controversial

Stuart Blume
The University of Chicago Press
October 2017
288 pages | 6 x 9
ISBN: 9781780238371 Published

One of the most important tools in the public health arsenal, vaccines are to thank for the global eradication of smallpox, and for allowing us to defeat the dire threat of infectious disease for more than one hundred years. Vaccine development is where scientists turn when faced with the frightening spread of new diseases like Zika, SARS, and Ebola. So if vaccines have proven to be such an effective tool, why are growing numbers of people questioning the wisdom of vaccinating children? Why have public-sector vaccine producers almost vanished? And can we trust the multinational corporations that increasingly dominate vaccine development and production?

In this highly original and controversial new book, Stuart Blume argues that processes of globalization and unmet healthcare needs are eroding faith in the institutions producing and providing vaccines. He brings together short, readable histories of immunization practices over the past century, from the work of early pioneers such as Louis Pasteur and Robert Koch to the establishment of the World Health Organization and the introduction of genetic engineered vaccines. Focusing on today’s “vaccine hesitancy,” the book exposes the inadequacies of public health persuasion, and discusses what will be needed to restore parents’ confidence. This is a timely history, one that not only sheds new light on the origins of our global vaccine crisis, but also points a way forward.

Le normal et le pathologique

Le normal et le pathologique

Appel à communication

XXIVe Journées de la Société d’histoire et épistémologie des sciences de la vie (SHESVIE)
 15-17 mars 2018, Lausanne
Institut des humanités en médecine (IHM)

Les XXIVe Journées de SHESVIE se tiendront à Lausanne les 15, 16 et 17 mars 2018, à l’invitation de l’Institut des humanités en médecine. Le thème du Congrès 2018 est : « Le normal et le pathologique ». Le congrès sera inauguré par une conférence introductive de Mme Anne Fagot-Largeault (Collège de France, Académie des sciences).
Le Congrès de la Shesvie est tous les ans l'occasion pour les membres de notre société, et pour ceux qui souhaitent la rejoindre, de présenter leurs travaux. Nous vous invitons dès à présent à nous faire parvenir par email un titre et un résumé de votre proposition de communication (max. 500 mots) avant le 15 janvier 2018.
Les communications pourront porter soit sur le thème du congrès, ou sur tout sujet intéressant l’histoire et l’épistémologie des sciences de la vie. Après avis du Comité scientifique du colloque, vous recevrez une réponse au plus tard le 26 janvier 2017. La procédure d’inscription au colloque sera alors mise en route.
Contact : jennifer.bernard@univ-lyon1.fr.

La thématique du normal et du pathologique a été retenue en fonction des intérêts communs de la SHESVIE et de Inst tut des humanités en médecine (IHM) de Lausanne, donc à la croisée des études historiques et philosophiques sur la biologie et la médecine. Dans sa thèse de médecine, soutenue en 1943, Georges Canguilhem a développé une critique de la conception scientifique et quantitative de la maladie, faisant valoir l’irréductible normativité des catégories du normal et du pathologique. Cette critique de l’objectivisme médical est étroitement liée chez Canguilhem avec une réflexion sur la normativité de la vie. Depuis 1943, le contexte de discussion a bien changé. En philosophie de la médecine, les débats ont été en grande partie structurés par l’alternative entre les conceptions naturaliste et normativiste de la santé et de la maladie, la normativité étant alors envisagée dans son aspect social et culturel, non au sens « biologique » de Canguilhem. Simultanément, la philosophie de la biologie et la philosophie de la médecine n’ont cessé de s’éloigner l’une de l’autre, une tendance lourde aujourd’hui remise en question par certains auteurs. Le style de recherche a aussi changé : l’approche « historico-épistémologique » chère à Canguilhem a perdu de son évidence, au profit d’un divorce croissant entre les travaux proprement historiques, et des études philosophiques de caractère analytique. Le contexte scientifique a aussi considérablement changé. Pour ne citer que quelques exemples, la notion épidémiologique de facteur de risque a discrédité l’idée d’une démarcation claire entre phénomènes normaux et phénomènes pathologiques ; la génétique médicale, l’immunologie, la médecine des troubles mentaux ont par ailleurs bouleversé l’explication, la nosologie et la prise en charge des pathologies. Enfin la médicalisation croissante des sociétés contemporaines se traduit par
une pathologisation d’innombrables problèmes dont la solution était traditionnellement sociale plutôt que médicale.
Le congrès SHESVIE 2018 a pour ambition d’évaluer dans quelle mesure les catégories du normal et du pathologique ont connu une mutation et si elles sont toujours d’actualité. Les rapports entre biologie et médecine seront au coeur du débat. Les approches historiques autant que les approches philosophiques seront bienvenues.

dimanche 17 décembre 2017

Bourse Margaret M. Allemang

CAHN Margaret M. Allemang Scholarship/ ACHN la bourse Margaret M. Allemang

Call for applications / Appel à candidatures

The Canadian Association for the History of Nursing (CAHN-ACHN) invites applications for the Margaret M. Allemang Scholarship for graduate students (Masters or PhD level) studying in the field of nursing history. Preference will be given to candidates studying Canadian nursing history. Students must be enrolled at a recognized centre for the study of the history of nursing in Canada or the United States, or in a university department of history or women's studies, or study with a recognized Canadian nurse historian. Application forms are available online at http://cahn-achn.ca/awards/, and must be accompanied by proof of current enrollment and 5-7 page proposal outlining the study to be completed.

Applications must be submitted electronically by February 1, 2018. Questions and completed applications can be sent to Dr. Geertje Boschma, University of British Columbia at geertje.boschma@ubc.ca

L’Association canadienne de l’histoire du nursing (CAHN/ ACHN) invite les étudiants gradués à soumettre leur dossier pour la bourse Margaret M. Allemang (niveau maîtrise ou doctorat). Les candidat(e)s doivent travailler dans le domaine de l’histoire du nursing; la priorité sera donnée à ceux et celles qui étudient l’histoire du nursing canadien. Les candidat(e)s doivent être inscrits à un programme qui étudie l’histoire du nursing au Canada ou aux Etats-Unis ou dans un département d’histoire, d’études féminines ou encore dirigés par un(e) spécialiste canadien reconnu dans le domaine. Les formulaires sont disponibles en ligne à l’adresse suivante : http://cahn-achn.ca/awards/. Le dossier de candidature doit être accompagné d’une preuve d’inscription et d’un projet de 5 à 7 pages évoquant précisément la nature de l’étude proposée.

Les dossiers de demande doivent parvenir, par voie électronique, avant le 1 février 2018, au Dr. Geertje Boschma, University of British Columbia par courriel à geertje.boschma@ubc.ca Pour toute question ou demande d’information supplémentaire veuillez également contacter le Dr Boschma.

Les collections médicales au 21e siècle

Beyond the Museum Walls. Medical Collections and Medical Museums in the 21st Century

Call for Papers

EAMHMS Congress Barcelona, September 19th – 22nd 2018

The 19th European Association of Museums of the History of Medical Sciences biennial Congress will be held in Barcelona (Spain), 19th-22nd September 2018, and is jointly hosted between the Medical History Museum in Catalonia, the Catalan Society for the History of Science and Technology (IEC), the Spanish Research Council (IMF), the Royal Academy of Medicine in Catalonia and the Sant Pau Art Nouveau Hospital site.

EAMHMS is an active global network of curators, scholars and stakeholders with an interest in medical collections. The biennial Congress is a great opportunity to present research within a vibrant forum of debate and discussion, and promote international exchange and collaboration amongst medical history museums.

Following the stimulating EAMHMS biennial conferences hosted in Edinburgh (2008), Copenhagen (2010), Berlin (2012), London (2014) and Groningen (2016), the 2018 Congress opens the door wide to all those interested in the material culture of medicine and cordially invites you to Barcelona. This will be the second time that Barcelona hosts a meeting of the association, the previous Congress was held in 1990.

The 2018 Congress will focus on the curatorial approaches that are redefining what it means to be a 21st century medical museum. It will explore new ways of thinking about museum basics – collecting/researching, exhibiting/communicating, and teaching/learning – through perspectives that take digital tools into account and new lines of research that are fostered by enriching perspectives such as contemporary art and the history of art, the history of scientific technology, medical education and practice and the medical entrepreneurial business. In a world which increasingly consumes history, medical museums have so much to offer to different kinds of publics. In addition, the Congress will address possibilities and approaches to topics inscribed in medical artefacts which connect with society and everyday life.

We welcome contributions on these topics in the following strands:

The digital museum: How are digital technologies transforming medical museums and what is their proposed value? How does an adoption of a user-centric approach create new relationships between museums and communities? Using these technologies, how can we care for medical contemporary heritage? What is the role of medical museums between digital and real objects? Should we integrate digital into the workflow of our museums? Should our collections be in the app store or should our museums have a channel on YouTube? What kind of skills and competencies do we need in our collections and museums in the 21st century?

Synergies: art, technology and thinking: Should we create spaces to work together with colleagues from a wider range of different fields? Do we foster fruitful relationships with other colleagues? Do we profit from the social visibility of such working teams? Do we need graphic designers or visual translators? What is the meaning of a curator today in our fields and what are his/her functions: historian, developer, designer, researcher, communicator, teacher, restorer, fundraiser, scientist, manager?

Publics: Who are our publics and how do we engage with them? Are they students, families, medical doctors, citizens, tourists …? What models of communication do we use to explain that medical artefacts matter to different kinds of publics? How do we foster citizen building and critical thinking through medical collections and our current and daily life? Can we contribute to the making of participative citizens regarding medical science? How free can we really be when considering some controversial medical topics?

Free section: an open session of topics currently relevant within the framework of medical history objects and collections.

Paper presentations are requested to be no more than 15 minutes in length (with an additional 15 minutes allotted for questions). As spaces for speakers are limited, on this occasion there will be a special session of short and sharp presentations (8 minutes in length each) where students, professionals and institutions can present research, collections, objects, pictures, exhibitions or plans for the future. The language for abstracts, talks, and discussions will be English. Short abstracts will be circulated to Congress participants in advance.

We ask you to select a topic from the strands above and send your paper abstract (maximum 1000 characters) with a title, your name and brief biography, the name of your institution (if you are attached to any) and your contact details (preferably e-mail address) to Alfons Zarzoso, Curator of the Medical History Museum in Catalonia, Barcelona. E-mail: azarzoso@museudelamedicina.cat

We especially want to encourage colleagues from Southern European countries to participate in this conference. However, this Call for Papers is directed to attract interested colleagues from all over the world.

Deadline for submission: 1 February 2018.

A programme committee will select abstracts to build an inspiring programme. Speakers and short presenters will receive confirmation by end-March 2018.

EAMHMS shares costs across the congress, so unfortunately speakers are also required to pay the Congress fee. The fee is envisaged at about Euro 200, but will be confirmed shortly. There may be a reduced fee for a small number of student contributors. General enrolment for this conference will open in April 2018, when the confirmed programme wil also be released.

For further information and registration, go to this web page: https://eamhms2018barcelona.wordpress.com/

We’re looking forward to a thrilling conference! See you in Barcelona in 2018

Les listes

Les listes

Appel à communication

Journée d’étude
Université de Strasbourg
17 mai 2018

Catalogues de vaisseaux antiques, énumérations poétiques, comptes, inventaires, cahiers nota-riaux, rôles fiscaux, index, glossaires, sommes, dictionnaires et Thesaurus, encyclopédies et Encyclopé-die, florilèges de vies de saints ou de hauts faits, catalogues, dénombrements, anthologies, collections, herbiers, éphémérides, listes électorales, listes du personnel, listes de ventes, tables décennales, ta-bleaux de classements, nomenclatures, bibliographies, sondages, enregistrements de chartes royales, registres d’écrou, de comptes ou d’effectifs militaires... Les listes sont aussi multiples que leurs usages dans la recherche historique.
Mises à l’honneur par la recherche actuelle, elles continuent de susciter les réflexions des cher-cheurs et chercheuses. Outre les informations qu’elles contiennent, les listes témoignent des préoccupa-tions de leurs contemporains (concepteurs ou rédacteurs ; bénéficiaires ou destinataires) ; du contexte historique dans lequel elles ont été pensées et élaborées ; des pratiques et des enjeux de leur écriture et de leur mise en forme ; ainsi que des techniques utilisées et de la manière dont celles-ci évoluent à tra-vers le temps.
L’étude des listes ne va pas sans difficultés : bâties suivant une logique ou un code qui leur sont propres et dont la signification échappe parfois, il revient aux historien·ne·s de les déchiffrer et d’en analyser le contenu et les usages, et cela requiert d’être attentif à la fois aux structures organisatrices de la source (macro), à l’infime de l’information présente (micro), ainsi qu’au non-dit.
Enfin, à une multiplicité ontologique ancienne, vient s’adjoindre une explosion du volume de production des listes et une grandissante pluralité de ses usages, notamment grâce aux possibilités of-fertes par les nouvelles technologies (imprimerie, informatique) ; des technologies auxquelles les sciences historiques ont aussi recours pour traiter le fruit de leurs recherches : les logiciels démulti-plient les possibilités de calculs, de classement, offrant des perspectives d’étude et des degrés d’analyse toujours plus vastes des sources sous forme de liste(s).
Ce sont ces sources que la quatrième journée d’études de l’AJCH propose à la réflexion des jeunes chercheurs, suivant les différents axes que voici :

Axe 1 : Concevoir une/des liste(s) : contexte de production et de diffusion
- Qui conçoit ou fait concevoir une/des liste(s) ?
- Dans quel contexte ? Y a-t-il des périodes et des milieux où l’usage de listes s’avère particuliè-rement important ?
- Qui en sont les bénéficiaires ou destinataires ?
- Les listes sont-elles destinées à être diffusées ? Par quels moyens ?

Axe 2 : L’objet liste : formes et évolutions d’un type de source
- Comment les listes sont-elles élaborées ? Quelle est leur structure ?
- Comment sont-elles qualifiées ? Quels noms spécifiques ont pu leur être attribués suivant leur contenu, leur période d’élaboration, leur perception par leurs contemporains ?
- Pourquoi certaines méthodes, techniques ou mises en forme sont-elles privilégiées ? Les rédac-teurs répondaient-ils à des normes alors en vigueur ? Ou en ont-ils créé en fonction des be-soins ?
- Quelles logiques de sélection et de classement sont mises en oeuvre dans l’organisation du con-tenu des listes ?

Axe 3 : Ordonner, classer, dénombrer, trier : usages et enjeux de conception des listes
- Quel sont les objectifs (avoués ou non) de celles-ci et leurs réels enjeux ? Sont-ils d’ordre pra-tique ? Mnémotechnique ? De savoir pur ?
- La sélection et la classification du contenu des listes correspondent-elles à des perspectives de hiérarchisation ? Ont-elles des implications sociales ou politiques ?
- Les listes ont-elles toujours répondu aux attentes de leur concepteur ? D’éventuels détourne-ments sont-ils perceptibles ?

Axe 4 : Lire, transcrire et interpréter : l’usage des listes par les sciences historiques
- Comment chercher et trouver les listes ? Dans quelle mesure sont-elles connues ?
- Quels nouveaux champs d’étude offrent-elles à l’histoire et à l’archéologie ?
- Comment les transcrire, les comprendre ? Certaines listes requièrent-elles des méthodes d’étude particulières ?
- Dans quelle mesure les nouvelles technologies facilitent-elles, transforment-elles le travail des historiens ? En dépit de cela, que dire des cas rétifs à tout déchiffrage, à toute interprétation ?
- Existe-t-il des cas où la/les liste(s) constituent les seules sources connues ou exploitables pour analyser un milieu, une personne, un événement précis ?

Cette journée d’étude, organisée par l’Association des Jeunes Chercheurs en Histoire (AJCH) est dédiée aux jeunes chercheurs et chercheuses – doctorant·e·s et docteur·e·s – en histoire, histoire du droit, histoire de l’art et archéologie, travaillant sur toutes les périodes. Elle devrait faire l’objet d’une publication.

Les propositions de contributions, d’environ 3000 signes, accompagnées d’un CV, sont à en-voyer à l’adresse ajchsources2018@gmail.com, avant le 15 janvier 2018.

Le résultat des sélections des propositions de contribution par le comité scientifique sera connu courant mars.

Organisation : Marine Carcanague (IHMC – Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne), Juliette Deloye (ARCHE- Université de Strasbourg), Efstathia Dionysopoulou (ArcHiMedE – Université de Strasbourg), Emmanuel Falguières (CENA – EHESS), Marjolaine Lémeillat (CRHEC – Université de Paris Est-Créteil), Bryan Muller (CRULH – Université de Lorraine), Valentina Mussa (Orient & Méditerranée –RESMED - Université Paris IV - Paris-Sorbonne), Nga Bellis-Phan (Institut d’Histoire du Droit – Université Paris 2 Panthéon-Assas), Matthieu Rajohnson (CHISCO - Université Paris-Nanterre), Anna Shapovalova (CHSP – Sciences Po Paris).

vendredi 15 décembre 2017

Bourse de recherche Vera Roberts

CAHN-ACHN - Vera Roberts’ Research Award/Bourse de recherche

Call for Applications/ Appel à Candidatures

The Canadian Association for the History of Nursing (CAHN-ACHN) invites applications for the Vera Roberts’ Endowment (VRE). The VRE provides funding to qualified investigators for historical research and publication of topics related to outpost nursing with priority given to circumpolar regions (defined as “North of 60 degrees parallel” for Canada). Eligible applicants include: graduate and post-doctoral students, established researchers in nursing history, and persons with informal experience in historical research.

Application forms are available at http://cahn-achn.ca/awards/ and must be accompanied by a 7-10 page proposal, curriculum vitae, and all other necessary documents. Please refer to the Guidelines for Nursing History Proposals.

Applications must be submitted electronically by February 1, 2018. Questions and completed applications can be sent to Dr. Geertje Boschma, University of British Columbia at geertje.boschma@ubc.ca

Le Fonds Vera Roberts (FVR)

L’Association canadienne pour l’histoire du nursing (CAHN-ACHN) sollicite des candidatures pour Le Fonds Vera Roberts (FVR). Le FVR fournit des subventions à des enquêteures qualifiées* pour leurs recherches et publications en histoire du nursing en régions éloignées au Canada. Une priorité est accordée aux régions circumpolaires canadiennes (c’est à dire celle au nord du 60ième parallèle). 

Les enquêteures admissibles comprennent: les graduées et celles qui font des études postdoctorales, les chercheures reconnues en histoire du nursing, ainsi que les personnes possédant de l’expérience non-professionelle en recherche de type historique.

Les formulaires de demande sont disponibles à http://cahn-achn.ca/awards et doive être accompagnés d’une proposition de 7 à 10 pages, un curriculum vitae, et tous les autres documents nécessaires. Pour plus d’informations, référez-vous aux “directives de soumissions de projects de recherche en histoire du nursing” inclus dans le formulaire de demande au lien électronique ci-dessus.

Les applications doivent être soumises par voie électronique d’ici le 1er février 2018. Adressez vos questions et demandes dûment remplies à Dr. Geertje Boschma, University of British Columbia par courriel à geertje.boschma@ubc.ca

*Dans cette correspondance, le féminin inclut le masculin.

La science de Naples

The Science of Naples: Making Knowledge in Italy's Pre-eminent City, 1500-1700 

Call for Papers

(University College London, Friday 20 April 2018)

Keynote speaker: Prof. David Gentilcore (University of Leicester and Aix-Marseille Université)

Organising committee: Andrew Campbell (UCL), Lorenza Gianfrancesco (University of Chichester) and Neil Tarrant (University of York)

In the early modern period, Naples was one of the most important capitals in Europe. As an international centre of learning, Naples encouraged debates on natural philosophy and science which promoted intellectual networking and the transfer of knowledge. Operating within the university, academies, hospitals, monasteries and private spaces, local scientists researched a variety of topics that included medicine, surgery, anatomy (both human and animal), the art of barbers, and pharmacology.

Scientists and intellectuals also studied the medical implications of other disciplines. Research on medicine and cosmology encouraged the circulation of books on physiognomy, metoposcopy and astrological medicine, which in some cases were placed on the list of prohibited books and had to be published outside Naples.

Moreover, the geological structure of Campania positioned Naples at the forefront of research in disciplines such as paleontology, vulcanology, seismology and environmental studies. The large number of manuscript and printed texts on these subjects produced in the city are testament to its status as a major nexus for the circulation of ideas. This intellectual climate attracted scholars from all over Europe, who corresponded with Neapolitan scientists, visited the city's museums and laboratories, purchased books and frequented local academies.

The importance of early modern Naples is becoming increasingly recognised in current scholarship. Accordingly, this one-day workshop aims to discuss the city's position as a scientific research hub that cut across disciplinary, national and ideological boundaries. We invite proposals for twenty-minute papers, in either English or Italian, which include, but are not limited to, the following themes:
  • Alchemy
  • Cosmology
  • Environmental studies
  • Galen and Paracelsus
  • Local heroes (Giovan Battista della Porta, Marco Aurelio Severino, etc.)
  • Museums and laboratories
  • Science and the body
  • Science, religion and the Inquisition
  • Venues: academies, monasteries, hospitals, university and private spaces.
  • Vulcanology
A limited number of travel bursaries will be available for postgraduate students.

Proposals of no more than 300 words, in either English or Italian, along with a short bio, should be sent to the following address by 21 January 2018: scienceofnaples2018@gmail.com

For further information, see: https://scienceofnaples.wordpress.com/

jeudi 14 décembre 2017

La médecine, le système pénal et les crimes sexuels en Angleterre

Medicine, the Penal System and Sexual Crimes in England, 1919-1960s: Diagnosing Deviance

Janet Weston 

Hardcover: 240 pages
Publisher: Bloomsbury Academic (December 14, 2017)
Language: English
ISBN-13: 978-1350021099

Sexual crime, past and present, is rarely far from the headlines. How these crimes are punished, policed and understood has changed considerably over the last century. From hormone injections to cognitive behavioural therapy, medical and psychological approaches to sexual offenders have proliferated. This book sets out the history of such theories and treatments in England. 

Beginning in the early 20th century, it traces the evolution of medical interest in the mental state of those convicted of sexual crime. As part of a broader interest in individualised responses to crime as a means to rehabilitation, doctors offered new explanations for some sexual crimes, proposed new solutions, and attempted to deliver new cures. From indecent exposure to homosexuality between men, from sadistic violence to thefts of underwear from washing lines, the interpretation and treatment of some sexual offences was thought to be complex. Of less medical interest, though, were offences against children, prostitution, and rape. 

Using a range of material, including medical and criminological texts, trial proceedings, government reports, newspapers, and autobiographies and memoirs, Janet Weston offers powerful insights into changing medico-legal practices and attitudes towards sex and health. She highlights the importance of prison doctors and rehabilitative programmes within prisons, psychoanalytically-minded private practitioners, and the interactions between medical and legal systems as medical theories were put into practice. She also reveals the extent and legacy of medical thought, as well as the limitations of a medical approach to sexual crime.

Soigner en terre étrangère au XIXe siècle

Hippocrate sans frontières : soigner en terre étrangère au XIXe siècle (Europe, mondes atlantiques et coloniaux)

Appel à communications

Colloque international

Académie de médecine, Université Paris-Sorbonne, Université Paris-Nanterre

15-16 novembre 2018

En janvier 2016, le Quotidien du médecin rapportait que pour la première fois, des internes en médecine générale en France étaient exclus de leur service pour incompétence et renvoyés faire un stage de remise à niveau de six mois. Caractéristique de ces étudiants : ils avaient tous commencé leur cursus médical hors de France, profitant ensuite de la possibilité offerte à tout étudiant européen de faire son internat en France jusqu’au doctorat. Ce fait, relativement anecdotique (8 internes sur 8 881 classés cette année-là) fut largement repris dans la presse nationale, réveillant et révélant des inquiétudes anciennes vis-à-vis de la figure du médecin étranger.

Si la situation (professionnelle, juridique, sociale) des médecins étrangers au XXe siècle a suscité en France l’intérêt des juristes (Wolmark, 2001 et 2012), des politistes (Déplaude, 2011) et des sociologues (Lochard, Meilland, Viprey, 2007 ; Bontron, Voisin, 2012), elle peine à rentrer pleinement dans les problématiques historiennes malgré les travaux d’Henry Nahum sur les médecins juifs et Vichy (Nahum, 2006 et 2007) et l’étude éclairante de Julie Fette sur l’entre-deux-guerres et le régime de Vichy (Fette, 2012). 

L’actualité réitérée des questions sur le statut du médecin étranger, sa formation, ses pratiques et ses compétences tend largement à oblitérer l’ancienneté du phénomène et son acuité par-delà les frontières françaises. Le XIXe siècle, temps d’invention des États-nations en Europe et de réformes des législations nationales sur l’enseignement et l’exercice de la médecine, fait pourtant figure d’époque relativement favorable à la circulation européenne des étudiants en médecine et des praticiens, incarnée par un Mateu Orfila, devenu doyen de la faculté de médecine de Paris, ou par l’itinérance d’un Eduard Jacob von Siebold, professeur à Göttingen engagé dans un véritable tour de l’Europe obstétricale dans les années 1830. Ces grandes figures de la médecine du XIXe siècle ne suffisent cependant pas à épuiser les enjeux que recouvre l’exercice médical à l’étranger, quelles que soient les figures professionnelles qui l’incarnent (docteur en médecine, médecin « licencié », sage-femme, etc.).

En ce siècle de réforme universitaire et de bouleversement des paradigmes scientifiques, s’intéresser aux mobilités médicales, interroge tant l’évolution des savoirs médicaux et des attentes sociales qu’ils véhiculent, que le rapport aux institutions nationales de formation. À ce titre, il implique d’éclairer, dans la lignée des travaux sur les étudiants étrangers parisiens (Warner, 1998 ; Moulinier, 2012), les choix étudiants, la constitution de communautés nationales estudiantines et les modalités de diplomation des non-nationaux dans les différentes universités européennes. Cette approche, tout comme celle impliquant l’exercice à l’étranger, impose, entre autres, d’appréhender les aspects économiques en jeu dans l’expatriation estudiantine ou professionnelle.

Ce mouvement des médecins interroge aussi les attendus politiques qui encadrent l’exercice médical et lient dans un nombre croissant de pays le maintien ou le rétablissement de la santé à l’appartenance nationale des médecins. La mise au point d’une exclusivité nationale du droit d’exercer pose la question d’un avantage national accordé aux praticiens nés et diplômés dans le pays et la victoire d’un principe selon lequel on ne serait jamais mieux soigné que chez soi et par ses semblables. Elle interroge aussi les attitudes des médecins étrangers eux-mêmes face à la construction de ces exclusivités nationales, la manière dont ils composent (ou non) avec les règlementations, et les formes de leur exercice dans leur pays d’installation (type de clientèle, pratiques médicales, relations avec les médecins locaux).

Au-delà, le mouvement des médecins s’inscrit dans les dynamiques migratoires européennes qui peuvent les mener dans un pays étranger autant que dans une colonie, alors que s’affirme dans plusieurs métropoles, une politique d’expansion coloniale. 

Exercer dans des colonies qui ne sont pas celles de sa métropole – si tant est que celle-ci en possède – amène à s’interroger sur les modalités de la pratique médicale en terrain colonial où souvent nécessité fait loi. La législation s’exerce-t-elle de la même manière selon qu’il s’agit de soigner les Européens installés outre-mer ou les populations colonisées ? La question nationale se pose-t-elle pour les médecins missionnaires, dans des colonies où l’exclusivité est peu de mise ? Par ailleurs, l’insertion des femmes médecins dans les colonies pose-t-elle les mêmes questions que celle des hommes, alors qu’à la fin du XIXe s., l’outremer peut être vu comme un terrain particulièrement favorable à l’exercice féminin, notamment en ce qu’elles n’y font pas de concurrence aux hommes ?

Ces mobilités interrogent enfin sur l’existence de migrations en communautés et le maintien d’une culture médicale nationale entretenue par des flux continus depuis le pays ou la métropole d’origine dans le cadre de ces migrations ? De ce point de vue, la médecine de diaspora, au service des siens dans un autre pays, constitue un autre pan des questionnements possibles de ce colloque.

Sans s’interdire d’étudier des propositions portant sur des thématiques connexes, le comité scientifique souhaite que les contributions s’inscrivent autant que possible dans les quatre axes suivants :

- étudier la médecine à l’étranger : l’itinérance estudiantine ;
- autoriser et encadrer : le praticien étranger aux prises avec la législation du pays d’accueil ;
- soigner en terre coloniale ;
- exercer la médecine auprès de ses compatriotes : la médecine de diaspora.

Les études portant sur d’autres pays que la France seront particulièrement bienvenues. Le comité est ouvert tant à des approches à l’échelle nationale et sur la longue durée qu’à des recherches plus micro-historiques sur des parcours individuels ou collectifs de médecins. La question du genre des soignants ou de leur patientèle pourra constituer un angle d’approche pertinent. Enfin, les aires géographiques prioritairement concernées seront l’Europe et ses espaces d’expansion coloniale mais, les migrations des Européens outre-Atlantique pourront être envisagées, de même que la présence ou l’exercice de médecins extra-européens en Europe.

Calendrier et modalités pratiques :
Les propositions de communications (titre, résumé d’une page max., bref CV) devront parvenir en français, anglais, italien, espagnol aux organisateurs avant le 30 janvier 2018. Elles seront examinées et évaluées par les organisateurs du colloque, faisant fonction de comité scientifique. La sélection des communications sera indiquée aux proposants avant le 28 février 2018. Les communications pendant le colloque pourront se faire en français, anglais, italien, espagnol et devront être accompagnées d’un diaporama dans une autre langue (français ou anglais) pour une meilleure compréhension générale. Elles dureront 30 minutes, questions comprises.

Les propositions de communications devront être envoyées à l’adresse suivante : hippocrate19@sciencesconf.org

Comité scientifique :
Delphine Diaz, Université de Reims-Champagne-Ardenne
Claire Fredj, Université Paris Nanterre
Isabelle Renaudet, Aix-Marseille Universités
Philippe Rieder, Université de Genève
Isabelle Robin, Université Paris-Sorbonne
Nathalie Sage Pranchère, Université Paris-Sorbonne
Jérôme van Wijland, Bibliothèque de l’académie nationale de médecine

Comité d’organisation :
Claire Fredj, Université Paris Nanterre
Isabelle Robin, Université Paris-Sorbonne
Nathalie Sage Pranchère, Université Paris-Sorbonne
Jérôme van Wijland, Bibliothèque de l’Académie nationale de médecine

mercredi 13 décembre 2017

Une histoire de la boisson en France

Le goût de l'ivresse. Une histoire de la boisson en France

Matthieu Lecoutre

Collection Histoire
464 Pages 
Date de parution : 09/04/2017
ISBN : 978-2-7011-9499-8 

"Dis-moi ce que tu bois : je te dirai ce que tu es » aurait pu asséner le gastronome Brillat-Savarin au début du XIXe siècle. Entre la France du vin et celle de la bière, la piquette et les grands crus, l’eau de rivière et les eaux médicinales, le lait et les jus, le garum antique ou les sodas contemporains, la boisson est un geste vital qui révèle une culture, signe un rang social, implique un jeu économique… Sur plus de 1500 ans, de la fin de l’antiquité à aujourd’hui, Matthieu Lecoutre regarde la boisson sous tous les angles pour nous en révéler les fastes et le quotidien. Avec le lecteur, il sonde les caves du savoir historique en questionnant le goût, la nécessité, la sociabilité, l’excès, la médecine, l’éducation, l’esthétique, le plaisir, le sacré, le profane, la différenciation, la culture populaire, le genre, les normes morales, les orientations politiques, l’industrie agro-alimentaire, la publicité, la tradition ou la mondialisation.

L’auteur nous livre une analyse précise des racines alimentaires françaises et de ses évolutions au fil du temps et nous conduit à regarder sous un jour nouveau comment se sont construites nos pratiques parfois radicalement opposées, du binge drinking à base d’alcool fort au « repas gastronomique des Français » fondé notamment sur l’association raffinée des mets et des vins.

Les corps mangeants et les corps buvants

Bodies that Eat, Bodies that Drink. Biocultural approaches to nutrition, incorporation and commensality

Call for Papers


Vitoria-Gasteiz, May 24th-25th 2018


Founded in 2009 after a series of seminars organised between 2001 and 2008 at the EHESS (Paris) and the Autonomous University of Madrid, CORPUS aims to be an effective participant in the construction of a widely diverse and scientifically based dialogue on the subject of the anthropological aspects of the body. CORPUS aims to offer a forum of cross-thinking and open dialogues about this fascinating object of study.
CORPUS now boasts around 460 researchers from more than sixty five different countries. The eleventh International Symposium of CORPUS will be organised with the support of the Universidad del País Vasco/ Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea in Vitoria-Gasteiz (Spain) on May 2018. Its theme will be “Bodies that eat, bodies that drink. Biocultural approaches to nutrition, incorporation and commensality”.
Consequently, we invite researchers (anthropologists, archaeologists, historians, philosophers, physicians, psychologists, sociologists, etc.) interested in the bodies that eat and drink to participate at this meeting, especially considering one of the following themes:
  • Cultures of the body that eat and drink: way of eating/drinking, positions and forms of involvement of the body during the eating/drinking processes, use of utensils, etc.
  • Sensory experiences and their cultural transcriptions: epistemology of sensory analysis, cultural use, control and lecture of facial expressions of disgust/satisfaction, biocultural dynamics of taste, etc.
  • Cultural, medical and psychological implications of food/drink incorporation: magic eating, placebo/nocebo, superfoods, ideal diets, aphrodisiac/anaphrodisiac foods, etc.
  • Dietetics paradigms and nutritional knowledges: ancient, traditional and biomedical dietetics conceptions, popular reception of academic nutritional knowledge, etc.
  • Cultural responses to the physiological consequences of food/drink incorporation: management of drunkenness and flush syndromes, aesthetic constructions of slim/fat bodies, material culture and representations of excretion, etc.
  • Eating disorders, malnutrition and their social and political readings.
  • Valorisation and demonization of drinks/foods within the framework of health politics: forms, effectiveness and social consequences.
  • Gender approaches to forms of commensality, rituals of consumption, etc.
  • Representations of the bodies that eat or drink in arts and advertising.
Presentations will be preferably delivered in English. The proposals must include an abstract (400 words) and a current CV. The deadline for receiving presentation proposals is January 20th 2018. Please use the addresses provided below to send your proposal to Frédéric Duhart, Maria José García Soler y Paris Aguilar Piña. All proposals will be evaluated by an international scientific committee.
There will be no registration fee. Transportation, visa, travel insurance costs and accommodation will be the sole responsibility of each participant.
Frédéric Duhart
CORPUS General Coordinator
Maria José García Soler
11th Symposium Coordinator
Paris Aguilar Piña
Scientific Committee Coordinator

More information about CORPUS and its activities: http://corpus.comlu.com

mardi 12 décembre 2017

Congrès HOMSEA 2018

History of Medicine in Southeast Asia International Conference

Settha Palace Hotel
Vientiane, Lao People’s Democratic Republic
January 15-17, 2018

Monday January 15, 2018

8.00 am - 9.00 am: Registration

9.00 am – 9.45 am: Opening Remarks
9.45 am – 11.00 am: Session 1. Medicine and Health in Laos: Historical Perspectives
Chair: Pascale Hancart-Petitet (IRD, Lao PDR)

Evolution of Public Health Professionals in Lao PDR
Vanphanom Sychareun (University of Health Sciences, Lao PDR)

The Evolution of Nursing Education in the Lao people’s Democratic Republic
Anousone Sisoulath and Khanitta Nuntaboot (Khon Kaen University, Thailand)

How Lao’s History of Changing Health Regimes can be Mapped by the Rate of Pathogen Discovery and this Measure Used to Estimate Pathogen Diversity
Madeleine Clarkson, Ricardo Aguas, Kathryn Sweet, Michel Strobel and Paul N. Newton (Lao-Oxford-Mahosot Hospital – Wellcome Research Unit LOMWRU, Lao PDR)

11.00 am - 11.30 am: Coffee/ tea break

11.30 am – 12.45 pm: Session 2. Physicians and Innovative Knowledge from the Colonial to the Postcolonial
Chair: Warwick Anderson (University of Sydney, Australia)

Disease Ecology in Cold War Southeast Asia
Michitake Aso (University at Albany SUNY, USA)

Physicians and the Formation of Colonial Knowledge in Mid-Nineteenth Century Netherlands-Indies
Gani Jaelani (Universitas Padjadjaran, Indonesia)

Alfred Whitmore: An Unsung Hero of Tropical Medicine
David Dance (Lao-Oxford-Mahosot Hospital – Wellcome Research Unit LOMWRU, Lao PDR/ London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, UK)

12.45 – 2.00 pm: Lunch break

2.00 pm – 3.45 pm: Session 3. Medical Assistance, Partnerships, and Networks in (pre-)Cold War Southeast Asia
Chair: John Harley Warner (Yale University, USA)

Friend, Orphan, Partner
Jenna Grant (University of Washington, USA) and Rethy Chhem (independent scholar, Cambodia)
Indochinese Solidarity: Laos’ Medical Assistance Program to Cambodia in the 1980s
Kathryn Sweet (Independent scholar, Lao PDR)

Between Neutrality and Partiality: The role of Indonesian Red Cross (PMI) and Dutch Red Cross Department of Indonesia (NERKAI) in Java, 1945 – 1949
Risky Eka Saputra (Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia)

The Spoils of War and Medical Development in Sulawesi, Indonesia from 1944-1950
Jennifer Nourse (University of Richmond, USA)

3.45 pm – 4.15 pm: Coffee/tea break

4.15 pm – 5.30 pm: Session 4. Veterinary Medicine and Epizootics in Southeast Asia
Chair: Laurence Monnais (Université de Montréal, Canada)

The Pasteur Institute in Nha Trang and the Control of Epizootics, 1900-45
Annick Guénel (Independent scholar, France)

Veterinary Medicine in French Indochina: Protecting the Buffalos
William Summers (Yale University, USA)

When Colonial Veterinary Medicine and Filipino Culture Collide: An Analysis of the Veterinary Policies and Education Program in the Philippines during the Early 20th Century
Arleigh Ross Dela Cruz (De La Salle University-Manila, Philippines)

Tuesday January 16, 2018

8.00 am – 9.00 am: Registration

9.00 am – 10.45 am: Session 5. Dealing with Epidemics and Pandemic Threats
Chair: Francis Gealogo (Ateneo de Manila University, Philippines)

Pandemic Localities: Dengue Fever in Pamanoekan, Dutch East Indies
Maurits B. Meerwijk (Hong Kong University, Hong Kong)

Indonesia’s Influenza Pandemic 1918, The Forgotten One
Syefri Luwis (university of Indonesia, Indonesia)

Cows and Cowpox, or the Lack Thereof, and the Problems of Propagating Vaccinia in Early 19th Century Southeast Asia
C.-Michele Thompson (Southern Connecticut State University, USA)

Relations of Catastrophe in Indonesia: Engaging a Minister of Health During the H5N1 Influenza Outbreak in Indonesia
Celia Lowe (University of Washington, USA)

10.45 am – 11.15 am: Coffee/tea break

11.15 am – 12.30 pm: Session 6. Maternal and Child Health
Chair: Vanphanom Sychareun (University of health Sciences, Lao PDR)

Birthing in the Country in the Conception of a Sovereign Nation”: An Assessment of the Maternal and Neonatal Health through the Public Health Programs and Policies in the Philippines during the American Colonial Period, 1902-1941
Alvin Cabalquinto (Ateneo de Manila University, Philippines)

Maternal and Child Health in the American Occupied Philippines
Francis Gealogo (Ateneo de Manila University, Philippines)

The Historical Perspectives and Development of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists in Laos
Alongkone Phengsavanh (University of Health Sciences, Lao PDR) and Michael Runge (University of Freiburg, Germany)

12.30 pm – 2.00 pm: Lunch break

2.00 pm – 3.45 pm: Session 7. Medical Institutions and Laboratories in ‘Indonesia’
Chair: Byron J. Good (Harvard University, USA)

Plantungan: “Lepratorium” for Women Political Prisoners
Amurwani Dwi Lestariningsih (Directorate of History, Directorate General of Culture, Indonesia)

Dokter Lubang Buaya: The Story of a Health Practitioner at Inrehab Camp in the New Order Era
Martina Safitri (Independent scholar, Indonesia)

The History of Pathology Laboratory in Medan, 1906-1942
Budi Agustono, Kiki Maulana, and Junaidi (University of Sumatera Utara, Medan, Indonesia)

From a Small Clinic to a Hospital: The History of Chinese Hospital in Java. Case Study: Dr Oen 
Hospital (Solo) and Panti Nirmala Hospital (Malang), 1929-Present
Ravando (Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia)

3.45 pm – 4.15 pm: Coffee/tea break

4.15 pm – 5.30 pm: Session 8. Madness, Mental Health, and Psychiatry
Chair: Hans Pols (University of Sydney, Australia)

Historiographic Reflections: Vernacular Histories of Mental Health
Nancy Hunt (University of Florida, USA)

Monarchs, Madness and Medicine: The French Colonial State and Vietnamese Emperor Thanh Thai
Robert Aldrich (University of Sydney, Australia)

Resolving the Dilemma of Dr J. A. Slot
David Mitchell (Monash University, Australia)

Wednesday January 17, 2018

9.00 am– 10.15 am: Session 9. Malaria(S)
Chair: Por Heong Hong (University of Malaya, Malaysia)

From Kaipaa or Intermittent to Malaria: Changing Concept and Knowledge of Malarial Fever in Siam, 1840s-1940s
Chatichai Muksong (Srinakharinwirot University, Thailand)

Mosquitoes are more Dangerous than Tigers: Fear of Mosquitoes as Death Carrier from Malaria Outbreaks in Thai Society during 1917-1927
Tanong Boonmasu (Srinakharinwirot University, Thailand)

The Problem of Malaria and Its Eradication in the Extreme Salient of Java during the Dutch Colonial Era
Sebastian Nawiyanto (Jember University, Indonesia)

10.15 am – 10.45 am: Coffee/tea break

10.45 am – 12.30 pm: Session 10. Public Health, Poverty, and Urban Planning
Chair: Kathryn Sweet (Independent scholar, Lao PDR)

Neither Hospital nor Home: Sick Receiving Houses as Societal Response to the Paucity of Care Institution for the Weak and Aged Immigrant Population in Colonial Malaya, 1867-1941
Por Heong Hong (University of Malaya, Malaysia)

Slaughterhouse Reform and Public Health in Nineteenth Century Manila
Ros A. Costelo (University of the Philippines, Philippines/ Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas-Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain)

“Living in a State of Filth and Indifference to … their Health”: Weather, Public Health and Urban Governance in Colonial Penang
Fiona Williamson (National University of Singapore, Singapore)

Philippine Science during the Cold War: Mobilising Applied Medical Knowledge for the Nation, 1950s
Vivek Neelakantan (Universitas Airlangga, Indonesia)

12.30 pm – 2.00 pm: Lunch break

2.00 pm – 3.45 pm: Session 11. (Re)inventing Cures, Disseminating Commodities
Chair: Rethy Chhem (independent scholar, Cambodia)

Tropical Disease and the Colonial’s Medicine Chest
Nandini Bhattacharya (University of Dundee, UK)

Drugs’ Circulation and Pharmaceutical Values in Cambodia
Laurent Pordié (CNRS-CERMES 3, France)

Penis Inserts and Pubic Plaques in Pre-Colonial Southeast Asia
Raquel Reyes (SOAS-University of London, UK)

Metformin Imaginaries: Transnational Konwledge and Postcolonial Research
Brad Bolman (Harvard University, USA)

3.45 pm – 4.15 pm: Coffee/tea break

4.15 pm – 5.30 pm: Session 12. The Many Meanings (and Challenges) of Tradition and Modernity in Health
Chair: Michele Thompson (Southern Connecticut State University, USA)

Questioning Boundaries between Medicine and Religion in Myanmar
Celine Coderey (National University of Singapore, Singapore)

‘Traditional’ Medicine in Rural Laos: Continuity and Governmentality
Elizabeth Elliott (University College London, UK)

Modern Bodies and the Challenge of Ancient Maladies: Historicising Mass Hysteria and Singapore’s 1967 Koro Epidemic
Jialin Christina Wu (Université Paris I –Panthéon Sorbonne, France)

5.30 pm – 6 pm : Concluding remarks

6.30 pm: COCKTAIL RECEPTION AND BOOK LAUNCH (at the Settha Palace)