mardi 31 octobre 2017

Histoire du handicap prémoderne

Pre-Modern Dis/ability History. A Companion 

Cordula Nolte, Bianca Frohne, Uta Halle, Sonja Kerth (Eds)


Covering the period from 500 to 1800, this volume serves as a comprehensive guide into the growing field of dis/ability history. Its contributions by 80 international scholars present groundbreaking research in various historical disciplines, often unearthing hitherto unknown material and highlighting premodern societies from unfamiliar perspectives. The wide range of approaches and subjects comprises theoretical and methodological frameworks, general questions of gender, life-cycle and social status, daily life experiences,work and sustenance, legal norms and practices, strategies of coping and of self-help, medical therapies, organisation of care, emotions and religious interpretations. Compact information, vivid case studies and rich visual material grant an enjoyable and instructive reading for audiences who wish to explore premodern culture on innovative paths. ·

Le corps comme architecture

Body as Architecture/ Architecture as Body

Call for Papers

Invitation to submit to Panel at the Association for Art History Conference 2018, 
Courtauld Institute & King's College London, 5-7 April 2018

Co-convenors: Kelly Freeman (University College London; and
Rebecca Whiteley (University College London;

‘[J]ust as the head, foot, and indeed any member must correspond to each other and to all the rest of the body in a living being, so in a building [...] the parts of the whole body must be so composed that they all correspond to one another’.
-Leon Battista Alberti, De re aedificatoria (c. 1450).

There has, since classical antiquity, been a complex set of correspondences between the human body and the designed building. Such interactions spring from the enduring art theoretical ideal whereby art and architecture should imitate nature, as well as from broader cultural, medical and anatomical thinking wherein the body is described in terms of architecture and domestic arrangement. Throughout recorded history, architects have turned to the proportions, structures, processes, and narratives of the human body when designing built spaces. Likewise, artists and writers working in anatomy, medicine, politics and literature, to name a few, have turned to the shape, design and spaces of the building when discussing and explaining the body.
Our panel will explore how this enduring correspondence has been expressed and shaped by visual culture. We encourage papers that treat as broad an array of visual and theoretical material as possible: from art theory and architecture to anatomical print. Papers may wish to address one of the following themes: the body's architecture, organic and anatomical theories and representations in architecture, metaphors of bodies and buildings, the (gendered) materiality and form of the body and of architecture.
We intend to set no limits on geography or period, and to convene a session with as wide a scope as possible. In response to the theme of 'look out!', we hope to bring together a variety of disciplines – from art history and architecture, to literature, history of science and medicine – and to bring different theoretical and disciplinary approaches into conversation.

Please send your proposed title and abstract (max 250 words) for a 25 minute paper to the convenors by 6th November. 
Kelly Freeman (University College London;
Rebecca Whiteley (University College London;

lundi 30 octobre 2017

Les grossesses imparfaites

Imperfect Pregnancies. A History of Birth Defects and Prenatal Diagnosis

Ilana Löwy

Johns Hopkins University Press
Hardback, 296 pages 
September 2017

In the 1960s, thanks to the development of prenatal diagnosis, medicine found a new object of study: the living fetus. At first, prenatal testing was proposed only to women at a high risk of giving birth to an impaired child. But in the following decades, such testing has become routine. 

In Imperfect Pregnancies, Ilana Löwy argues that the generalization of prenatal diagnosis has radically changed the experience of pregnancy for tens of millions of women worldwide. Although most women are reassured that their future child is developing well, others face a stressful period of waiting for results, uncertain prognosis, and difficult decisions. Löwy follows the rise of biomedical technologies that made prenatal diagnosis possible and investigates the institutional, sociocultural, economic, legal, and political consequences of their widespread diffusion. 

Because prenatal diagnosis is linked to the contentious issue of selective termination of pregnancy for a fetal anomaly, debates on this topic have largely centered on the rejection of human imperfection and the notion that we are now perched on a slippery slope that will lead to new eugenics. Imperfect Pregnancies tells a more complicated story, emphasizing that there is no single standardized way to scrutinize the fetus, but there are a great number of historically conditioned and situated approaches. This book will interest students, scholars, health professionals, administrators, and activists interested in issues surrounding new medical technologies, screening, risk management, pregnancy, disability, and the history and social politics of women’s bodies.

Ilana Löwy is emerita senior research fellow at the French National Institute of Health and Medical Research. She is the author of Preventive Strikes: Women, Precancer, and Prophylactic Surgery and A Woman’s Disease: The History of Cervical Cancer.

Histoire de la médecine et humanités numériques

Viral Networks: An Advanced Workshop in Medical History and Digital Humanities
Call for Papers

deadline : November, 8th

Organizers of the Viral Networks workshop seek proposals for Contributing Scholars who will present work in progress using the tools and methods of network analysis to advance scholarship at the intersection of medical history and digital humanities. Viral Networks will pursue an innovative approach to collaborative scholarly publication that combines virtual editing environments with a face-to-face two day workshop hosted by the National Library of Medicine at the National Institutes of Health in Bethesda, Maryland, on January 28-30, 2018. Contributing scholars will commit to share works in progress and engage in networked learning as they revise their contributions in a collaborative framework. Proposals are especially welcome from advanced graduate students, faculty and librarians new to the field, and experienced scholars interested in new approaches to research. The outcome of the workshop will be a publication that includes chapters from contributing scholars and introductory essays by consulting scholars, using innovative tools in digital publication that ensure open access, broad dissemination, and scholarly rigor. Proposals are welcome from faculty, librarians, and graduate students in any field who use methods from the digital humanities and medical history. Proposals that address medical history topics in global contexts, focus on underrepresented populations and communities, and address questions of identity, power, and equity are particularly encouraged. Proposals must be submitted using an online form, available here (

dimanche 29 octobre 2017

La Civilisation des odeurs

La Civilisation des odeurs (XVIe-début XIXe siècle)

Robert Muchembled 

Les Belles Lettres
272 pages
Parution : 13/10/2017
EAN13 : 9782251447094

Pourquoi l’odorat, ce sens primordial d’adaptation au danger comme de repérage du meilleur partenaire sexuel, demeure-t-il si méconnu ? 
Son histoire paradoxale, pour peu qu’on s’y attache, est des plus captivantes. 
Dans cette synthèse sans équivalent, Robert Muchembled mène l’enquête et présente les extraordinaires mutations de l’odorat en Occident, de la Renaissance au début du XIXe siècle.
Les sources utilisées sont multiples et riches : manuels de physiognonomie ; oeuvres de médecins, philosophes, poètes, conteurs, théologiens, polémistes, moralistes ; traités de civilité, traités de "Secrets pour dames" ; édits royaux ; règlements du métier de gantier parfumeur, inventaires après-décès (apothicaires, gantiers parfumeurs) ; iconographie du sens olfactif...
Muchembled s'empare de cet extraordinaire ensemble et dresse l'histoire du puissant refoulement qui, depuis un demi-millénaire, nous a fait considérer l'odorat comme le plus méprisable des sens avant que de le hisser récemment au rang du plus affûté. 
Des miasmes exhalés par les concentrations humaines aux émanations intimes nauséabondes, des senteurs "excrémentielles" (musc, civette et ambre) prétendument protectrices de la peste aux condamnations des moralistes, de la révolution olfactive du XVIIIe siècle, qui transforme la goutte de parfum floral ou fruité en vecteur d'hédonisme jusqu'aux dernières découvertes scientifiques, c'est à un extraordinaire voyage olfactif dans la civilisation des mœurs que Muchembled convie son lecteur.

Sexologies et théories de la sexualité

Sexologies et théories de la sexualité


30-31 Octobre 2017 – the American University of Paris (Paris), France

Lundi 30 Octobre
9h-10h30. Session d’ouverture / Opening session

Président : Alain Giami
Ouverture : Sharman Levinson : the American University of Paris (Gender and Sexuality Program)
Introduction Sylvie Chaperon : Le réseau Sexologies Européennes
Introduction Alain Giami : Sexologies et théories de la sexualité

Conférence d’ouverture :
Présidente et discutante: Sylvie Chaperon
André Béjin, L’évolution des conceptions des fantasmes sexuels depuis deux siècles

10h30-11h Pause / Break

11h-12h30. Deuxième session : Perspectives internationales : sexologie, culture, politique
Président et discutant : Alain Giami
Katrina Liskova, La sexologie et la formation du désir et du sens de soi dans la Tchécoslovaquie communiste
Cynthia Kraus, La réception de Masters et Johnson en Suisse : naissance d’une clinique des « troubles » sexuels dans la capitale vaudoise (Lausanne, 1950-1980)

Jane Russo, La psychanalyse et la sexologie à Rio de Janeiro au début du 20ème siècle : Entre la science et une littérature sur le développement personnel

12h30-14h. Pause déjeuner / Lunch

14h-15h30. Troisième session : Genèses de la sexologie en France : entre littérature, médecine, science et philosophie
Présidente et discutante : Julie de Ganck

Julie Mazaleigue – Labaste, Les invertis, un « vice allemand » ? Littérature et psychopathologie sexuelle à la Belle Epoque en France, entre diffusion des savoirs et renforcement des stéréotypes de genre et de race

Gonzague de Larocque, Fille ou garçon ? Naissance Française du mot sexologie (1901-1933)

Pauline Mortas, La fabrique d’une identité de genre par les discours proto-sexologiques sur la défloration en France au XIXe siècle

15h30-16h : Pause / Break

16h-17h30. Quatrième session : Médicalisation, pathologisation / Medicalization, pathologization
Président et discutant : Régis Schlagdenhaufen

Kayte Stokoe, La médicalisation de la sexualité, la médicalisation du genre: Les discours sexologiques mis en oeuvre dans Monsieur Vénus (Rachilde, 1884) et The Well of Loneliness (Radclyffe Hall, 1928)

Taline Garibian, Les paradoxes de la prise en charge des paraphilies en Suisse ; entre thérapie et répression (1940 – 1960)

Discussion générale

Mardi 31 Octobre

9h-10h30. Cinquième session :
Présidente et discutante : Janine Mossuz-Lavau

Jean Christophe Coffin, L’exploration de quoi ? Sexualités et savoirs psys dans les années 1960

Isabelle Perreault, Une guerre du sexe qui n’a pas eu lieu: sur la place de la sexualité des femmes dans les recherches en sexologie au Québec dans les années 1970-80

Stéphanie Pache, Définir les relations ‘saines’: politiques de la violence sexuelle et consentement dans les États-Unis d’aujourd’hui
10h30-11h : Pause / Break

11h-12h30. Sixième session : : Traductions, usages et appropriations des savoirs sur la sexualité de l’Autre
Président et discutante : Sharman Levinson

Delphine Peiretti-Courtis, L’hypersexualité des Africain(e)s sous le regard du médecin: une menace pour les colons blancs? Une « sexualité noire » face à une « sexualité blanche »

Marie Walin, « Falta de claridad » y « premisas falsas ». Collaborations et traductions dans les demandes de nullité de mariage pour impuissance, Espagne – XIXe siècle. »

Katie Sutton, Zones de négociation de la connaissance de la sexualité : Le cas du travesti

12h30-14h. Pause déjeuner / Lunch

14h-15h00. Septième session : Epistémologies politiques
Présidente et discutante : Stéphanie Pache

David Simard, Les enjeux anthropologiques de l’épistémologie historique de la sexualité chez Foucault

Andrea Beckmann, Une exploration en histoire comparative de l’opération du “biopouvoir”: La régulation et le contrôle de “pratiques corporelles” mises dans la catégorie de “sadomasochisme” {dans le contexte de sociétés patriarcales, capitalistes de consommation}

15h-15h15. Pause / Break

15h15-16h. Huitième session : conférence de clôture
Président et discutant : Alain Giami

Gert Hekma, La soupe à l’alphabet. De Sade à l’époque moderne

16h15-17h30. Discussion générale et perspectives du réseau

Animation : Sylvie Chaperon / Julie de Ganck / Alain Giami

samedi 28 octobre 2017

La médecine judiciaire

La médecine judiciaire d'hier à aujourd'hui : regards croisés

Philippe Galanopoulos, Sylvie Humbert et Alexandre Lunel

Collection / Série : Actes et séminaires
Prix de vente au public (TTC) : 34 €
158 pages ; 240 x 160 cm ; broché
ISBN 978-2-84874-709-5

Résumé : La médecine judiciaire a la vertu d’être un pont permettant de relier deux rives : celles de la médecine et du droit. Experts médicaux et juristes s’y côtoient afin de résoudre les difficultés qui relèvent de leurs disciplines respectives. De nos jours, où la médecine judiciaire – ou médecine légale – est devenue une discipline médiatisée, on imagine mal les obstacles qu’elle a dû vaincre pour obtenir ses lettres de noblesse. Connue dans l’Antiquité romaine, pratiquée à l’époque médiévale, généralisée sous l’Ancien Régime, transformée au temps des Lumières, la médecine légale ne s’impose définitivement comme une interlocutrice privilégiée, reconnue et quotidienne de la justice qu’à partir de la deuxième moitié du XIXe siècle. Elle doit donc être étudiée au regard de sa construction historique et de sa réalité contemporaine pour comprendre la place et le rôle des experts et de l’expertise dans la construction de la décision judiciaire. Les débats ont réuni universitaires juristes et historiens, experts judiciaires, avocats et magistrats pour apprécier le domaine actuel de l’expertise judiciaire, et, par l’étude de son passé, faire entrevoir ses transformations à travers l’Histoire.

Séminaires de Cambridge

Cambridge History of Medicine Seminars

Michaelmas Term 2017

Department of History and Philosophy of Science
University of Cambridge
History of Medicine Seminars

**Early Science and Medicine**
Organised by Lauren Kassell and Dániel Margócsy

10 October
James Clifton (MFA, Houston)
Joachim Wtewael and the human body

24 October
Maaike van der Lugt (University of Versailles)
Individual complexion and personalized care in medieval medicine

21 November
Erica Charters (University of Oxford)
Knowing numbers, counting men: paper technology and manpower in the eighteenth century

**History of Modern Medicine and Biology**
Organised by Mary Brazelton and Nick Hopwood

7 November
Kathleen Vongsathorn (University of Warwick)
The place of birth: mothers, midwives, birth attendants, and choices about childbirth in twentieth-century Uganda

14 November
Stuart Hogarth (Sociology, Cambridge)
Regulatory regimes for diagnostic devices

28 November
James Stark (University of Leeds)
The cult of youth: rejuvenation in interwar Britain

**Generation to Reproduction**
Organised by Nick Hopwood and Lauren Kassell

17 October
Nicole Bourbonnais (Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies, Geneva)
Spreading the good news around the world: international family planning prophets in the mid-twentieth century

31 October
Boyd Brogan (HPS, Cambridge)
Generation, demons and disease: rethinking gender in the Denham exorcisms, 1585–86

Seminars are held in Seminar Room 1, Department of History and Philosophy of Science, Free School Lane, Cambridge CB2 3RH.
Tea and biscuits are available from 4:40pm; seminars run from 5:00 to 6:30pm.

vendredi 27 octobre 2017

La collection de Sainte-Anne

Entre art des fous et art brut. La collection de Sainte-Anne

Anne-Marie Dubois

Coédition Musée d’Art et d’Histoire de l’Hôpital Sainte-Anne, Paris / Somogy éditions d'Art
Pages : 160
Illustrations : 240
Format : 19 x 26,5 cm
EAN : 9782757213285

Au-delà de l’engouement du monde artistique et psychiatrique pour « l’art des fous », puis pour « l’art brut », la Collection Sainte-Anne a toujours su garder sa singularité, comme support de réflexion quant à l’identité de l’homme qui s’engage dans un processus de création, qu’il soit malade ou non.
Ce livre présente les œuvres, parfois fort anciennes et rares, qui sont à l’origine de ce fonds. Elles sont remarquables par la multiplicité de leurs styles et de leurs intentions. Certaines ont permis, en 1949 et en 1950, à l’artiste Jean Dubuffet et au médecin psychiatre Robert Volmat de confronter leurs conceptions respectives de l’art et de la folie, au travers de la présentation inédite des mêmes artistes.

Julian de Ajuriaguerra

Ajuriaguerra en héritage

Demi-journée scientifique

Le mardi 7 novembre 2017 (9h-13h). CH Sainte-Anne, Amphi Morel, rue Cabanis 1 – 75014 Paris.

Inscriptions: gratuite mais obligatoire auprès du service Communication.

Cette demi-journée scientifique sera l’occasion d’approcher la richesse et la variété des champs de recherche et des enseignements dispensés par le Pr Julian de Ajuriaguerra, grande figure fondatrice de la neuropsychiatrie de l’enfant et de l’adolescent en France ayant exercé à Sainte-Anne de 1933 à 1959.
Le début de la matinée sera consacrée aux films d’observation de bébés réalisés par l’équipe du Pr Julian de Ajuriaguerra, dans les années 1970-1980. Ces films proviennent du fonds d’archive de recherche de Marguerite Auzias, proche collaboratrice d’Ajuriaguerra durant 30 ans.
La seconde partie de la matinée permettra d’évoquer certaines pratiques cliniques et axes de recherche actuels, en vigueur à Sainte-Anne, découlant directement de l’héritage d’Ajuriaguerra : il s’agira alors de s’intéresser aux enfants plus grands, au moment où ils entrent dans les apprentissages, où ils se mettent à lire, à écrire et à compter…
Marguerite Auzias souhaitait que l’œuvre du Pr Julian de Ajuriaguerra puisse être transmise et comprise dans son originalité et l’importance capitale de son apport, aussi bien dans le domaine de la psychiatrie de l’adulte que dans celui de la neuropsychiatrie et neuropsychologie de l’enfant. Elle souhaitait également que soit conservé ce précieux héritage pour la formation scientifique, la recherche, la prévention et les thérapies en santé mentale et en éducation.
Situer cet héritage dans la clinique et la recherche contemporaines constitue l’ambition de notre matinée.


8h45 Café d’accueil 

9h15 Introduction de la journée Dr Alain Mercuel, président de CME 10 mn

9h25 « Filmer des bébés » : d’un réservoir de données pour la recherche à un fonds d’archives numérisé 
Viviane Auzias, psychologue, psychanalyste, donatrice des archives
Catherine Lavielle, documentaliste, responsable Bibliothèques et documentation, GHT Paris – Psychiatrie & Neurosciences 

9h40 Apport de l’observation dans la clinique des bébés et liens avec la psychopathologie 
Pr Pierre Delion, psychiatre, psychanalyste, professeur des universités-praticien hospitalier émérite en pédopsychiatrie à l’Université de Lille-II 

10h10 Pour une histoire du film d’observation clinique en psychiatrie: quelques repères de contextualisation au 20è siècle 
Marianna Scarfone, maître de conférences, DHVS – Département d’histoire des sciences de la vie et de la santé, Université de Strasbourg
Pr Christian Bonah, Directeur du Département d’histoire des sciences de la vie et de la santé, Université de Strasbourg, Université de Strasbourg

10h40 Échanges avec la salle 

10h55 Pause 

11h10 Les racines d’un centre référent pour les troubles du langage et des apprentissages chez l’enfant : actualité de l’héritage d’Ajuriaguerra 
Dr Évelyne Lenoble, pédopsychiatre, psychanalyste, praticien hospitalier, responsable de l’unité de psychopathologie de l’enfant et de l’adolescent, CHSA

11h30 Naissance de la graphothérapie clinique, témoignage 
Marie-Alice Du Pasquier, psychologue, psychanalyste, présidente de l’Association pour l’enseignement de la graphothérapie clinique 

11h50 Clinique et recherche à l’époque d’Ajuriaguerra
Témoignage Claire Meljac, psychologue, Docteur en psychologie

12h10 Échanges avec la salle et conclusion de la matinée Dr Évelyne Lenoble

Claire Meljac 30 mn

jeudi 26 octobre 2017

Épidémies et épizooties

Épidémies, épizooties. Des représentations anciennes aux approches actuelles

François Clément (dir.)

Presses universitaires de Rennes
Collection : Histoire
Format : 15,5 x 24 cm
Nombre de pages : 264 p. 
Illustrations : N & B
ISBN : 978-2-7535-5540-2

Les crises sanitaires ont contribué de façon autonome à modeler l’évolution des sociétés. La maladie dévoile le corps tout autant que le corps, par les marques qu’il porte ou par sa position dans l’espace, révèle la crise sanitaire. Or ce corps disparu demeure paradoxalement quelque chose de vivant à cause de la maladie, fût-il réduit à des ossements ou à une citation dans un texte. Le présent ouvrage constitue le deuxième volume d’Histoire et Nature paru aux PUR en 2011.

Avec le soutien de l’université de Nantes.

La culture genrée de la pédiatrie

Pink and Blue: The Gendered Culture of Pediatrics

Call for Contributions

We are currently working on assembling an edited volume on the historical relationship between cultural notions of gender and pediatrics.

The book, tentatively titled Pink and Blue: The Gendered Culture of Pediatrics, will explore how gender serves as an organizing principle of pediatrics and frames how practitioners interpret patients’ bodies, development, and psychological well-being, and how pediatrics in turn shapes cultural understandings of girlhood and boyhood. We are specifically interested in contributions that investigate the reciprocity between cultural expectations and gendered therapeutics in depth, and that explore how gender as a dynamic category relates to race, class, sexuality, and ability. Other possible topics include gendered therapeutic recommendations, pediatrics’ role in defining gender, gender and disease diagnosis, and more. Contributions already slated for the volume address such topics as infectious disease, height and growth, sexual behavior, medical education, disease prevention, and diet. Though our methodological approach to the topic is primarily historical, we welcome interdisciplinary approaches as well.

Pink and Blue is co-edited by Elena Conis and Sandra Eder, University of California, Berkeley, and Aimee Medeiros, University of California, San Francisco. We are currently collecting authors and plan to hold a short meeting of contributors at the 2018 AAHM meeting in Los Angeles.

Potential contributors are invited to send short abstracts (of approximately 300 - 400 words) and a short biography (of no more than one to two sentences) to by January 10, 2018. We look forward to hearing from you – and if you have any questions at all, please let us know. We are happy to send feedback on rough ideas in advance of the January deadline.

Thank you and best wishes,
Aimee, Elena, and Sandra

mercredi 25 octobre 2017

L'impérialisme médical dans l'Afrique du Nord française

Medical Imperialism in French North Africa: Regenerating the Jewish Community of Colonial Tunis 

Richard C. Parks

Series: France Overseas: Studies in Empire and Decolonization
Hardcover: 216 pages
Publisher: University of Nebraska Press; October 1, 2017
ISBN-13: 978-0803268456

French-colonial Tunisia in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries witnessed shifting concepts of identity, including varying theories of ethnic essentialism, a drive toward “modernization,” and imperialist interpretations of science and medicine. As French colonizers worked to realize ideas of a “modern” city and empire, they undertook a program to significantly alter the physical and social realities by which the people of Tunisia lived, often in ways that continue to influence life today.

Medical Imperialism in French North Africa demonstrates the ways in which diverse members of the Jewish community of Tunis received, rejected, or reworked myriad imperial projects devised to foster the social, corporeal, and moral “regeneration” of their community. Buttressed by the authority of science and medicine, regenerationist schemes such as urban renewal projects and public health reforms were deployed to destroy and recast the cultural, social, and political lives of Jewish colonial subjects. Richard C. Parks expands on earlier scholarship to examine how notions of race, class, modernity, and otherness shaped these efforts. Looking at such issues as the plasticity of identity, the collaboration and contention between French and Tunisian Jewish communities, Jewish women’s negotiation of social power relationships in Tunis, and the razing of the city’s Jewish quarter, Parks fills the gap in current literature by focusing on the broader transnational context of French actions in colonial Tunisia.

Conformité, résistance, dilaogue et déviance

Conformity, Resistance, Dialogue and Deviance in Health and Medicine

Call for Papers

Society for the Social History of Medicine (SSHM) 2018 Biennial Conference
University of Liverpool
11-13 July 2018

Deadline for Proposals
Friday 2 February 2018

The Society for the Social History of Medicine hosts a major biennial, international, and interdisciplinary conference. In July 2018 it will meet in Liverpool to explore the theme of ‘Conformity, Resistance, Dialogue and Deviance in Health and Medicine’.

This broad theme plays on several levels. It reflects our local Liverpool health heritage as a site of public health innovation; independent and at times radical approaches to health politics, health inequalities, health determinants, treatment and therapies (including technological innovation, community and collective practices, and the use of arts in health).

We envisage that this conference theme will also stimulate participants to think about how medical orthodoxy has been shaped and re-molded, and how patients and practitioners choose to conform to conventional practices, seek alternatives, resist or compromise. The theme further facilitates a transnational conference strand, examining the construction of, and attitudes towards, Western and other medical traditions and health systems. In light of this theme, the 2018 conference committee encourages papers, sessions, round-tables and other interventions that examine, challenge, and refine histories of conformity, resistance, dialogue and deviance in medicine and health. These might be set in relation to inclusions, exclusions and injustices; insiders, outsiders and mediators; peoples, places and cultures; and diverse and expanding new social histories of health and medicine.

But the biennial conference is not exclusive in terms of its theme, and reflects the diversity of the discipline of the social history of medicine. Proposals that consider all topics relevant to histories of health and medicine broadly conceived are invited. Nor are submissions restricted to any area of study: we welcome a range of disciplinary approaches, time periods and geographical contexts. Submissions from scholars across the range of career stages are most welcome, and especially from postgraduate and early career researchers.

Possible topics include:
  • Health and medicine in colonial, postcolonial and transnational contexts
  • The political economy of health and medicine
  • Theories and practices of conformity and deviancy in health and medicine
  • New ways of framing working within the social history of medicine
  • Radical politics and resistance to dominant medical knowledge and practice
  • Critical theory and social movements such as feminist, postcolonial, disability and queer theory and activism in relation to health and medicine
  • Relations between different cultures of health and medicine
  • Inequalities of health and medical care
  • · Public health
  • · The environment and health
  • Animals, disease and health
  • Work and health
  • Arts and health
  • Popular representations of health and medicine

Individual submissions should include a 250 word abstract, including five key words and a one paragraph CV/resume with contact information.

Panel submissions should include three papers (each with a 250 word abstract, including five key words and a short CV), a chair, and a 100-word panel abstract.

Round table submissions should include the names of four participants (each with a short CV), a chair, a 500-word abstract and five key words.

We also invite poster presentations, short films and ideas for new sessions.

Please visit the Society’s website

Call closes Friday 2 February 2018 1700 GMT

All submissions and enquiries to be sent to

mardi 24 octobre 2017

La Mettrie

La Mettrie. Philosophie, science et art d’écrire

Sous la direction de Adrien Paschoud & François Pépin

Collection : Histoire du matérialisme
Octobre 2017
Nombre de pages 308 
ISBN 978-2-37361-1298

Julien Offray de La Mettrie (1709-1751) est une des figures les plus subversives du siècle des Lumières. Célèbre en son temps pour avoir défendu un monisme radical, qui lui valut nombre de critiques et de condamnations officielles, La Mettrie est l’un des premiers penseurs à se revendiquer matérialiste. Mais il fut aussi et d’abord un médecin, un auteur et un traducteur de nombreux ouvrages médicaux et scientifiques. Ses centres d’intérêt comprennent tous les champs environnant la médecine, notamment la physiologie, l’histoire naturelle, la chimie, les politiques publiques. La Mettrie fut encore un écrivain, sans doute sous-estimé, sachant allier attaques ad hominem, ironie et déplacements subtils dans une volonté toujours réaffirmée d’ébranler toutes les formes d’orthodoxie.

C’est à ces divers aspects, dont l’articulation n’est pas toujours aisée, que le présent ouvrage s’est intéressé. Il réunit des spécialistes de La Mettrie, de la philosophie du XVIIIe siècle, de l’histoire des sciences et de la littérature.

lundi 23 octobre 2017

Bernard Mandeville

Bernard Mandeville: A Treatise of the Hypochondriack and Hysterick Diseases (1730) 

Sylvie Kleiman-Lafon (Editor)

Series: International Archives of the History of Ideas
Hardcover: 238 pages
Publisher: Springer; October 15, 2017
Language: English
ISBN-13: 978-3319577791

This work reflects on hypochondria as well as on the global functioning of the human mind and on the place of the patient/physician relationship in the wider organisation of society. First published in 1711, revised and enlarged in 1730, and now edited and published with a critical apparatus for the first time, this is a major work in the history of medical literature as well as a complex literary creation. Composed of three dialogues between a physician and two of his patients, Mandeville’s Treatise mirrors the digressive structure of a talking cure. Thanks to the soothing and enlightening effects of this casual conversation, the physician Mandeville demonstrates the healing power of words for a class of patients that he presents as men of learning who need above all to be addressed in their own language. Mandeville’s aim was to delineate his own cure for hypochondria and hysteria, which consisted of a talking cure followed by diet and exercise, but also to discuss the practice of medicine in England and continental Europe at a time when physicians were beginning to lose ground to apothecaries. Opposing a purely theoretical approach to medicine, Mandeville takes up the principles presented by Francis Bacon, Thomas Sydenham, and Giorgio Baglivi, and advocates a medical practice based on experience and backed up by time-tested theories.

Une histoire croisée des médecines alternatives et de la médecine académique

Pour en finir avec les médecines « parallèles ». Une histoire croisée des médecines alternatives et de la médecine académique (XIXe-XXe siècles)

Journée d’études 

Mardi 21 novembre

Le Mans-Université 
Salle Pierre Belon (BU) - 10h-17h00
Contact :

Les médecines dites parallèles font l’objet depuis quelques années d’une relecture historique qui les sort du double écueil de l’hagiographie et de la dénonciation stérile de pratiques non scientifiques. Elles peuvent être considérées, par-delà leurs différences techniques et la variété de leurs contextes d’émergence, comme un objet historique cohérent connecté aux évolutions de la médecine moderne et lié par une même culture critique à l’égard des conceptions académiques et industrielles de la santé. Si le statut de leurs acteurs les place assurément aux frontières du professionnalisme et de l’amateurisme, la sociologie des groupes qui les portent et les interrogations qu’ils soulèvent dans le domaine de la santé leur confèrent en réalité une position centrale dans une optique d’histoire sociale de la santé. La relation entre une orthodoxie – dont on pourrait évidemment discuter l’homogénéité présumée – et cette hétérodoxie – dont on commence à esquisser au contraire la cohérence –, doit être interrogée sans négliger tous les points de contacts réels entre ces deux pôles du champ de la santé. L’expansion de la seconde est souvent liée aux évolutions internes de la première. Nombre des fondateurs de ces pratiques alternatives émanent des cercles de la médecine académique. Ce faisant, cette réinscription historique des pratiques dites « parallèles » au cœur du récit devrait être pensée selon un modèle cyclique, et non sur un modèle linéaire et/ou binaire. Aux périodes de marginalisation succèdent des périodes d’intégration aux pratiques médicales, expérimentales et hospitalières. La journée d’études explorera les manières de produire un nouveau récit sur ces pratiques à partir d’exemples récemment exhumés par les historiens : acupuncture, naturisme, homéopathie, médecine des plantes, médecines orientales, ostéopathie, végétarisme, radiesthésie…

Accueil à partir de 9H30


Hervé Guillemain (Le Mans université, CERHIO FRE 2004) – Introduction de la journée

Lucia Candelise (UMR Chine, Corée et Japon - EHESS/CNRS) "L'acupuncture en France (fin XIXe et XIXe siècle) : figures clés et circulation des savoirs.”

Ida Bost (Laboratoire d'Ethnologie et de Sociologie Comparative, Nanterre) "Des herboristes aux pharmaciens : autopsie d'une relation complexe (France, XIXe-XXe siècle)".



Sylvain Villaret (Le Mans Université, VIPS² EA 4636) « Prendre une voie parallèle : un remède salutaire pour une médecine "condamnée" : le cas de la médecine naturiste française (XVIIIe siècle – première moitié du XXe siècle).

Olivier Faure (Lyon III - LAHRA), "Le moment 1830 des médecines "hétérodoxes" en France".


12h30 Pause déjeuner


Léo Bernard (E.P.H.E., Paris Sciences & Lettres, Laboratoire d’Études sur les Monothéismes), « La médecine néo-hippocratique des années 1930 : le temps d’une rencontre. »

Arnaud Baubérot (Université Paris-Est Créteil, CRHEC EA 4392), "La santé par l'alimentation. Pour une histoire du végétarisme contemporain"



Nicole Edelman (Paris-Ouest Nanterre, HAR), "Les apories du somnambulisme magnétique (1784-1895)"

Hervé Guillemain (Le Mans Université – CERHIO FRE 2004), « Une volonté de faire science. Les praticiens de la radiesthésie médicale dans l’entre deux guerres »


16h30 Café

dimanche 22 octobre 2017

L'histoire des pollutions à l'âge industriel

La Contamination du monde. Une histoire des pollutions à l'âge industriel

François Jarrige et Thomas Le Roux

Le Seuil
L'Univers historique
Date de parution 05/10/2017
480 pages
EAN 9782021085761

Autrefois sources de nuisances locales circonscrites, les effets des activités humaines sur l’environnement se sont transformés en pollutions globales. Le climat se réchauffe, les mers s’acidifient, les espèces disparaissent, les corps s’altèrent : en rendre compte d’un point de vue historique permet de ne pas sombrer dans la sidération ni dans le découragement face à un processus qui semble devenu inéluctable. Car le grand mouvement de contamination du monde qui s’ouvre avec l’industrialisation est avant tout un fait social et politique, marqué par des cycles successifs, des rapports de force, des inerties, des transformations culturelles. En embrassant l’histoire des pollutions sur trois cents ans, à l’échelle mondiale, François Jarrige et Thomas Le Roux explorent les conflits et l’organisation des pouvoirs à l’âge industriel, mais aussi les dynamiques qui ont modelé la modernité capitaliste et ses imaginaires du progrès.

François Jarrige est maître de conférences à l’université de Bourgogne. Il a notamment publié Technocritiques. Du refus des machines à la contestation des technosciences (La Découverte, 2014).

Thomas Le Roux est chargé de recherches au CNRS (CRH-EHESS). Il est notamment l’auteur de Le Laboratoire des pollutions industrielles, Paris, 1770-1830 (Albin Michel, 2011).

Histoire des humanités environnementales

Environmental Humanities in Historical Perspective

Call for papers

The Ohio State University Department of Classics, in collaboration with OSU’s Discovery Theme for Environmental Humanities and the Humanities Institute, is proud to announce its 15th annual graduate student colloquium: Human | Nature: Environmental Humanities in Historical Perspective.

A sense of urgency characterizes contemporary discussions about ecological welfare and anthropogenic effects on the non-human environment. At the core of this discourse lie questions with a long history of artistic, philosophical, political and religious expression. The proper management of space and resources, the negotiation of shifting boundaries between the “human” and “natural” worlds (however one chooses to define these categories), as well as the contemplation of humanity’s place among the living and nonliving co-inhabitants of Earth are all pursuits basic to human survival and livelihood. Moreover, the ways earlier generations found to represent the natural world they experienced and their human community's place within it have shaped the way we think and talk about such matters today.

This colloquium will bring together scholars from a range of humanities disciplines to share and discuss theoretically-informed approaches to the study of human-environmental relationships throughout history. We encourage contributions from graduate students in all fields of the humanities, including anthropology, archaeology, art history, classics, English, geography, history, landscape architecture, philosophy, theology and related fields.

Possible topics include:
• The concept of nature and the natural, or wilderness and the wild 
• The construction of space and place in literature or the physical environment
• Landscapes and seascapes in literary or artistic representations
• Relations between urban and agricultural/pastoral zones
• Demarcation of sacred space
• Hybridization, cultivation and domestication
• Environmental effects of technological developments
• Permanence, impermanence and shifting boundaries
• Habitats and dwelling spaces

Keynote speaker: Timothy Saunders, Volda University College
Opening remarks: Chris Otter, The Ohio State University

Abstracts of 250-300 words and any inquiries may be sent to
Abstracts should be submitted no later than November 15th, 2017.

samedi 21 octobre 2017

Des fous et des hommes avant l’art brut

Des fous et des hommes avant l’art brut – suivi de Marcel Réja : L’Art chez les fous – Le dessin, la prose, la poésie – 1907 (édition critique et augmentée)
Marc Décimo

Les presses du réel
18 x 25,5 cm (broché)
480 pages (160 ill. n&b)
ISBN : 978-2-84066-911-1

Textes de Benjamin Pailhas, Joseph Capgras, Maurice Ducosté, Ludovic Marchand, Georges Petit.

Un essai introductif sur l'art asilaire, depuis la belle époque jusqu'à la théorisation de l'art brut, suivi d'une réédition critique et augmentée de la célèbre étude de l'aliéniste français du début du XXe siècle Marcel Réja sur la production artistique chez les « fous ». Quand Jean Dubuffet cristallise l'art brut, André Breton rappelle la gêne croissante qu'avaient les aliénistes à s'accorder autour de l'art des fous. Cette quête – à la fois esthétique et médicale – trouve, autour du Musée de la folie du docteur Marie et du livre-phare de Marcel Réja, une réflexion nouvelle qui vient interroger le sens commun à propos des limites de l'art et de la folie, question qui va hanter le XXe siècle.

Professeur d'histoire de l'art contemporain à Paris-X Nanterre, Régent du Collège de 'Pataphysique (chaire d'Amôriographie littéraire, ethnographique et architecturale), Marc Décimo est linguiste, sémioticien et historien d'art.

vendredi 20 octobre 2017

La campagne de Barbara Robb

Improving Psychiatric Care for Older People: Barbara Robb’s Campaign 1965-1975 

 Claire Hilton

Series: Mental Health in Historical Perspective
Hardcover: 283 pages
Publisher: Palgrave Macmillan; October 14, 2017
Language: English
ISBN-13: 978-3319548128

This book tells the story of Barbara Robb and her pressure group, Aid for the Elderly in Government Institutions (AEGIS). In 1965, Barbara visited 73-year-old Amy Gibbs in a dilapidated and overcrowded National Health Service psychiatric hospital back-ward. She was so appalled by the low standards that she set out to make improvements. Barbara’s book Sans Everything: A case to answer was publicly discredited by a complacent and self-righteous Ministry of Health. However, inspired by her work, staff in other hospitals ‘whistle-blew’ about events they witnessed, which corroborated her allegations. Barbara influenced government policy, to improve psychiatric care and health service complaints procedures, and to establish a hospitals' inspectorate and ombudsman. The book will appeal to campaigners, health and social care staff and others working with older people, and those with an interest in policy development in England, the 1960s, women’s history and the history of psychiatry and nursing.

Les cultures matérielles de la psychiatrie

Material Cultures of Psychiatry

Call for papers

3 mai 20184 mai 2018
Department for History and Ethics of Medicine Hamburg

Deadline: 15 December 2017
Languages: German, English

In the past, our ideas of psychiatric hospitals and their history have been shaped by objects like straitjackets, cribs and binding belts. These powerful objects are often used as a synonym for psychiatry and the way psychiatric patients are treated. But what do we really know about the social life (see Majerus 2011) of psychiatric patients and the stories of less spectacular objects in the everyday life of psychiatric institutions? What do we know about the material cultures of these places in general?

The workshop will use the term “material cultures” very broadly and in the plural. This term refers not only to medical objects, objects of therapy and objects of care, but also to everyday cultural objects. The latter are subject to change when they enter the realm of psychiatry, where they become part of the specific cultural praxis of psychiatric institutions: a bed clearly changes its meaning in a psychiatric hospital, but so do flowers, a mirror and a blanket. The term “material cultures” also includes phenomena that have a material dimension like air, light, colours and sound (see Kalthoff et al. 2016). The use of the term in the plural should make us aware of the different, often competing cultural practices that emerge when we focus on the application and appropriation of objects and materials by patients, doctors and nursing staff. It also raises the question of the extent to which material cultures influence both therapeutic treatment and the production of knowledge.

Objects as agents
Objects can be described as agents since they have a stabilising, destabilising and transforming impact on the practice of psychiatry; they organise social relationships, influence or predetermine the practice of psychiatry, have an impact on power relations and create specific self-relations and relationships with others. Presentations should analyse objects from the history of psychiatry as agents and explore their fields of action.

Means of appropriation and expropriation
The (artistic) works of patients, as found in historical collections such as the Prinzhorn Collection in Heidelberg and the Morgenthaler Collection in Bern, are impressive testimonies of the manifold ways that patients appropriated the different materials of psychiatric hospitals, including remnants, clippings, bedsprings and much more. They are part of a material culture of psychiatry and bear its traces. In parallel, patients’ works as well as personal belongings were subject to expropriation, interpreted as symptoms of a disease or used for the implementation of new (power) relations. Appropriation concerned not only materials but also therapeutic objects or objects of care that had to be appropriated by patients, doctors and nursing staff.

Scenography of things
The term “scenography” refers to the design of stage scenery. It draws attention to the spatial arrangement of people and things as well as the scripts that are inscribed in an object, which the spatial arrangement (of a ward, a day room, a hall) should express. It poses the question of how objects and material phenomena structured the perception, communication and movements of patients, nursing staff and doctors, and how these spatial arrangements of objects and agents influenced the interactions and power relations between them.

How do objects of therapy and objects of care, as well as everyday cultural objects, materials and material phenomena, acquire their specific meaning for the various agents of a psychiatric institution? What transformation process do they go through? What transformations do these objects undergo in practice? Objects should also be seen as an interface, where ways of thinking and acting meet, condense, shift and materialise.

Examining the material cultures of psychiatry involves looking at questions of economy: the economy of the institution, individual economies like the exchange of materials and things, the economical use of materials, etc. In what ways do the economic conditions of the institution influence the material cultures of psychiatry and how do these cultures affect the economy of the institution?

Presentations should take into account the social and cultural background of objects of psychiatry, their various meanings, their involvement in actions, their ability to act and to shape social and spatial relations as well as their reference to practices of knowledge, specific discourses and power relations. Corresponding approaches referring to the “material turn” are the focus of much interest in the cultural and social sciences and have been the subject of research in the history of medicine, but they have been neglected in historical research on psychiatry, at least in the German-speaking realm.

Possible research objects for your presentations could be the following: beds, baths, doors, corridors, walls, bed screens, tables, chairs, bedside tables and bath tubs; tools, dishes, knives, spoons and forks; murals, bars, fences, windows; bowling alleys; keys and locks; paintings, books, plants, flowers, mirrors; light, darkness, water, electricity, smells; syringes, needles, sleeping pills and tranquilisers, straitjackets, binding belts; blankets, pillows, sheets, clothes, white coats, fabrics; straw, seaweed, horse hair, paper, packing material, cigarettes; telephones, watchs, typewriters; food, etc.

We are also interested in discussing the epistemic value of a material approach for the history of psychiatry and its possible additions to or corrections of this history. What agents, practices and social interactions come into view when we focus on the material dimensions of psychiatry? What agents and practices that previously went unnoticed gain significance by focusing on the material cultures of psychiatry? And what new perspectives on the psychiatric institution open up?

Please submit an abstract (max. 2000 characters) with a short CV to by 15 December 2017. Inventive approaches and presentations are especially welcome. We would also be delighted to receive proposals for artistic work.

The workshop is part of the research project “Bed and Bath: Objects and Spaces of Therapy in Psychiatry of the 19th and 20th century” (head of project: Univ. Prof. Dr Heinz-Peter Schmiedebach), funded by the German Research Foundation. We are not yet sure that travel and accommodation costs will be fully covered.

It is planned to publish the papers presented at the workshop in an edited book. The contributions (15 to 20 papers) should be submitted by 10 July 2018 to ensure a quick turnaround.

Frank, Michael C./Gockel, Bettina/Hauschild, Thomas/Kimmich, Dorothee/Malke, Kirsten: Fremde Dinge – zur Einführung, in Frank, Michael C./Gockel, Bettina/Hauschild, Thomas/Kimmich, Dorothee/Malke, Kirsten (eds): Fremde Dinge. (= Zeitschrift für Kulturwissenschaften 1) Bielefeld 2007, 9-16.
Ledebur, Sophie: Schreiben und Beschreiben. Zur epistemischen Funktion von psychiatrischen Krankenakten, ihrer Archivierung und deren Übersetzung in Fallgeschichten. In: Berichte zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte 34 (2011), 102‐124.
Schäfer, Armin: Lebendes Dispositiv. Hand beim Schreiben, in Borck, Cornelius/Schäfer, Armin (eds): Psychographien. Zürich, Berlin 2006, 241-265.
Kalthoff, Herbert/Cress, Torsten/Röhl, Tobias: Einleitung. Materialität in Kultur und Gesellschaft, in: Kalthoff, Herbert/Cress, Torsten/Röhl, Tobias (eds): Materialität. Herausforderungen für die Sozial- und Kulturwissenschaften. Paderborn 2016.
Majerus, Benoît: La baignore, le lit et la porte. La vie sociale des objets de la psychiatrie, in: Genèses 2011/1 (82), 95-119.
Topp, Leslie: Freedom and the Cage: Modern Architecture and Society in Central Europe 1890-1914, Penn State University Press 2017.

Dr Monika Ankele
Universitätsklinikum Hamburg-Eppendorf
Zentrum für Psychosoziale Medizin
Institut für Geschichte und Ethik der Medizin (Geb. N30b)
Martinistraße 52
D-20246 Hamburg

Prof. Benoît Majerus
Université du Luxembourg
Luxembourg Centre for Contemporary and Digital History
Maison des Sciences Humaines
11, Porte des Sciences
L-4366 Esch-sur-Alzette

jeudi 19 octobre 2017

La régulation des maladies vénériennes dans le Japon occupé

Sanitized Sex: Regulating Prostitution, Venereal Disease, and Intimacy in Occupied Japan, 1945-1952 

Robert Kramm 

Series: Asia Pacific Modern (Book 15)
Hardcover: 299 pages
Publisher: University of California Press (October 3, 2017)
Language: English
ISBN-13: 978-0520295971

Sanitized Sex analyzes the development of new forms of regulation concerning prostitution, venereal disease, and intimacy during the American occupation of Japan after the Second World War, focusing on the period between 1945 and 1952. It contributes to the cultural and social history of the occupation of Japan by investigating the intersections of ordering principles like race, class, gender, and sexuality. It also reveals how sex and its regulation were not marginal but key issues in the occupation politics and postwar state- and empire-building, U.S.-Japan relations, and American and Japanese self-imagery. An analysis of the “sanitization of sex” uncovers new spatial formations in the postwar period. The regulation of sexual encounters between occupiers and occupied was closely linked to the disintegration of the Japanese empire and the rise of U.S. hegemony in the Asia-Pacific region during the Cold War era. An analysis of the sanitization of sex thus sheds new light on the configuration of postwar Japan, the process of decolonization, the postcolonial formation of the Asia-Pacific region, and the particularities of postwar U.S. imperialism. More than a book about the regulation of sex between occupiers and occupied in postwar Japan, Sanitized Sex offers a reading of the intimacies of empires—defeated and victorious.

Religion et guérison

Tenure-Track Position in Religion and Healing

Call for applications

University of North Carolina at Charlotte

The Department of Religious Studies at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte invites applications for a tenure-track position at the rank of Assistant Professor in the field of Religion and Healing to begin August 2018. Applicants are required to have a Ph.D. in Religious Studies or a related field at the time of appointment, teaching experience at the university level, an active research agenda that critically examines the intersections of religious practices and traditions with physical and/or mental health, and which complements our department’s existing strengths, and a commitment to diversity initiatives and expanding diversity and inclusion within the department. Time period, region of research specialization and methodological approach are open; possible areas of focus include, but are not limited to: history of science, medicine, and religion; critical race and ethnic studies; anthropology and sociology; and the body in religion. Desired qualifications include research and pedagogic expertise in religions of the Global South; experience with quantitative research methodologies or digital humanities; and experience teaching Religious Studies theories and methods.

Applicants must be prepared to contribute to the undergraduate and graduate degree programs in Religious Studies as well as the University’s general education program.

mercredi 18 octobre 2017

Histoire du handicap

The Routledge History of Disability

Edited by Roy Hanes, Ivan Brown & Nancy E. Hansen

Series: Routledge Histories
512 pages
October 4th 2017

The Routledge History of Disability explores the shifting attitudes towards and representations of disabled people from the age of antiquity to the twenty-first century. Taking an international view of the subject, this wide-ranging collection shows that the history of disability cuts across racial, ethnic, religious, cultural, gender and class divides, highlighting the commonalities and differences between the experiences of disabled persons in global historical context. 

The book is arranged in four parts, covering histories of disabilities across various time periods and cultures, histories of national disability policies, programs and services, histories of education and training and the ways in which disabled people have been seen and treated in the last few decades. Within this, the twenty-eight chapters discuss topics such as developments in disability issues during the late Ottoman period, the history of disability in Belgian Congo in the early twentieth century, blind asylums in nineteenth-century Scotland and the systematic killing of disabled children in Nazi Germany.

Illustrated with images and tables and providing an overview of how various countries, cultures and societies have addressed disability over time, this comprehensive volume offers a global perspective on this rapidly growing field and is a valuable resource for scholars of disability studies and histories of disabilities.

50e congrès Cheiron

50th Annual Meeting of Cheiron: The International Society for the History of Behavioral and Social Sciences 

Call for Papers

Conference Date: June 21-24, 2018
Conference Location: University of Akron, Akron, Ohio
Submission Due Date: January 15, 2018, 5pm CST

Papers, posters, symposia/panels, or workshops are invited for the 50th annual meeting of Cheiron: The International Society for the History of Behavioral and Social Sciences. The conference will be held at the University of Akron, in Akron, Ohio, with Cathy Faye as local host. The University of Akron is the home of the Cummings Center for the History of Psychology, home to the National Museum of Psychology and the Archives of the History of American Psychology.

The Akron-Canton Airport is about a 20-minute drive from campus. Cleveland Hopkins International Airport is a 45-minute drive from campus. Dormitory accommodations will be available at a very affordable price, along with local hotel options. Further travel details will provided in the coming months.

Submissions may deal with any aspect of the history of the human, behavioral, and social sciences or related historiographical and methodological issues. For this year’s 50th meeting, we particularly encourage submissions that address changes in historiography in the behavioral and social sciences over the past half century. All submissions should conform to the guidelines listed below.

All submissions must be received by 5pm CST, January 15, 2018. Please email your proposals to the 2018 Program Chair, Robert Kugelmann, at

All papers, posters, and proposed symposia/panels should focus on new and original work, i.e. the main part of the work should not have been published or presented previously at other conferences.

To facilitate the peer review and planning process, please provide a separate page that includes: a) title; b) author’s name and affiliation; c) author’s mail and email address and phone number; d) audio/visual needs. In all types of proposals below, names of authors/presenters should not be indicated anywhere but on the separate cover page for the submission.

Papers: Submit a 700-800 word abstract plus references that contains the major sources that inform your work. Presentations at the meeting will be 20-25 minutes in length.

Posters: Submit a 300-400 word abstract plus references that contains the major sources that inform your work.

Symposia/Panels: Organizer should submit a 250-300 word abstract describing the symposium as a whole and a list of the names and affiliations of the participants. Each participant should submit a 300-600 word abstract plus references that contains the major sources that inform your work.

Workshops: Organizer should submit a 250-300 word abstract describing the workshop and, if applicable, a list of the names and affiliations of those participating.

Special Events for Cheiron's 50th
To celebrate Cheiron's 50th meeting, some special events are planned. Kathy Milar is in charge of the Anniversary Planning Committee. Special events are in the planning stages and anyone with ideas should contact Kathy at for further information.

Travel Stipends & Young Scholar Award

Travel Stipends: Cheiron will make funds available to help defray travel expenses for students, as well as other scholars facing financial hardship, who present at the conference. We encourage everyone to apply for support from their home institutions. The Travel Stipend is limited to $100 to $300 per accepted submission; stipends for co-authored presentations must be divided among the presenters. If you wish to be considered for the Travel Stipend, please apply by sending the Program Chair a separate email message, explaining your status, at the same time that you submit your proposal.

Young Scholar Award: Since 2008, Cheiron has awarded a prize for the best paper or symposium presentation by a young scholar. To be eligible for consideration, the young scholar must be the sole or first author on the paper and must be responsible for the bulk of the work of the paper. The young scholar must be a student currently or must have completed doctoral work not more than 5 years prior to the meeting.

About three weeks after the meeting, applicants for this award will submit a copy of the presented paper (rather than the abstract); it may include further, minor changes. Submissions go to the Cheiron Executive Officer, who sets the exact deadline, and the entries will be judged by members of the Program Committee and the Review Committee. The winner will receive a certificate from Cheiron and will be asked to submit the paper to the Journal of the History of the Behavioral Sciences within a reasonable period of time. The Award winner may ask Cheiron for assistance in preparing the paper for submission to JHBS. If the paper is accepted by JHBS for publication, the winner will receive a $500 honorarium from the publisher, Wiley-Blackwell, in recognition of the Cheiron Young Scholar Award. Please note that the award committee may choose not to grant an award in any given year and that the honorarium depends on publication in JHBS, in addition to winning the Award.



Concerning meeting program, or the Travel Stipend, contact the 2018 Program Chair:

Robert Kugelmann, Psychology Department, University of Dallas
Telephone: 972-721-5268 (office)

For questions about local arrangements, contact Cathy Faye at

For questions about the Young Scholar Award or general organizational issues, contact David K. Robinson, Cheiron Executive Officer:

Anyone wanting to contribute ideas for the 50th anniversary, contact Kathy Milar:

mardi 17 octobre 2017

Les formes du savoir médical à la Renaissance

Formes du savoir médical à la Renaissance

GIACOMOTTO-CHARRA Violaine et VONS Jacqueline

Date de parution: 1 Octobre 2017
ISBN: 9782858924684

Les études réunies dans cet ouvrage constituent le premier volet, consacré aux savoirs médicaux, d’un projet plus ample qui a eu pour but de contribuer à l’analyse des formes du savoir scientifique à la Renaissance. Elles résultent des réflexions menées pendant plusieurs années au sein de deux séminaires, l’un ayant porté sur la « Pratique du dialogue et de la dispute dans les textes médicaux (1450-1650) », l’autre ayant exploré les « Formes du savoir » de 1400 à 1750, ainsi que d’une journée d’étude consacrée aux régimes de santé à la Renaissance.

À travers des approches variées, les auteurs qui ont contribué à ce volume s’interrogent sur la spécificité du savoir médical renaissant et sur sa mise en forme par rapport aux savoirs antiques et médiévaux. L’ouvrage est organisé en deux parties : l’une, plus théorique, porte sur l’analyse générale des formes du savoir médical dans leur ensemble, l’autre, plus pratique, est consacrée au genre épistémique du régime de santé.

Les cultures médico-textuelles françaises

French Medico-Textual Cultures

Call for Papers

Queen’s University Belfast, 9–10 March 2018

Confirmed Keynote Speakers: Prof. Holly Tucker (Vanderbilt) and Dr Larry Duffy (Kent)

The aim of this conference is to consider the reciprocal influence of French and francophone medical and cultural texts in shaping popular and professional understandings of illness, disease and the patient experience. We invite proposals for papers focussing on the ways in which French cultural texts (literature, film, graphic novel, blog, documentary...) engage with developments in medical research, as well as the role played by cultural texts in representing the pathogenic origins, contagious action and lived reality of a wide range of diseases from the early-modern period to the present day.

Questions to be addressed include:
• How do medical and cultural texts develop a mutually-reinforcing understanding of illness and disease?

• How is disease textually transmitted across genres and disciplinary boundaries?

• How do first-person narratives of illness engage with medical texts or theories, and vice-versa?

• How do cultural representations of disease influence medical and scientific concepts of health and disease, and vice-versa?

• In what ways do cultural texts comment on the patient experience of national healthcare systems and their potential flaws?

• How do physician-writers use cultural texts to engage the public in the work that they do?

Proposals of c. 250 words for 20-minute papers (in French or English) that deal with any aspect of the above questions should be emailed to the conference organiser, Dr Steven Wilson (, by Friday 24 November 2017.

This event is supported by the British Academy and the Modern Languages Core Disciplinary Research Group at Queen’s.