samedi 30 septembre 2017

La gestion de la perte d'audition en Grande-Bretagne

Managing the Experience of Hearing Loss in Britain, 1830–1930

Graeme Gooday & Karen Sayer

Hardcover: 126 pages
Publisher: Palgrave Pivot; 1st ed. 2017 edition (September 7, 2017)
Language: English
ISBN-13: 978-1137406873

This book looks at how hearing loss among adults was experienced, viewed and treated in Britain before the National Health Service. We explore the changing status of ‘hard of hearing’ people during the nineteenth century as categorized among diverse and changing categories of ‘deafness’. Then we explore the advisory literature for managing hearing loss, and techniques for communicating with hearing aids, lip-reading and correspondence networks. From surveying the commercial selling and daily use of hearing aids, we see how adverse developments in eugenics prompted otologists to focus primarily on the prevention of deafness. The final chapter shows how hearing loss among First World War combatants prompted hearing specialists to take a more supportive approach, while it fell to the National Institute for the Deaf, formed in 1924, to defend hard of hearing people against unscrupulous hearing aid vendors. This book is suitable for both academic audiences and the general reading public. All royalties from sale of this book will be given to Action on Hearing Loss and the National Deaf Children’s Society.

Séminaire de Dalhousie University

DMHS Talk/Speaker List 2017-2018

Oct 2 
“The Medical Report on the Halifax Explosion” Dr. Jock Murray
“The Scene of a Triumph of Surgery, the Response of Nova Scotia Doctors to the Halifax Explosion” Dr. Allan Marble

Nov 6 
“Role of Pharmacists in the Halifax Explosion” Mary MacCara
“Meaningful Hope in Medicine” Dr. Ian Cameron

Dec 4 
“Amputations and the Halifax Explosion” Dr. Karen Keddy
“Remembering the Halifax Explosion, the Beed family, 53 Gerrish Street” Blair Beed

Jan 8 
“Physician-politician: Dr. A. C. Hawkins' involvement with the Halifax Relief Commission during 1918” Dr. David Sutherland
“The General and the Neurosurgeon: the Relationship of General Currie and Wilder Penfield” Dr. Mark Sadler

Feb 5 
“The Influence of War on Advances in Anesthesia” Dr. Karim Mukhida
“Medical History of Pictou County” Dr. Allan Marble

Mar 5
“Trials of Madness: The Role of Civil Law in the Response to Mental Illness” Dr. James Moran, AMS-Pope Visiting Speaker

Apr 2
“Caesarean Delivery on Maternal Request” Dr. Tom Baskett
“The History of Surgical Needles and Syringes” Tara Lyle

May 7 Medical Student presentations


Ana Bela Sardinha
Administrative Assistant
Division of Medical Education & Continuing Professional Development
Dalhousie University, Faculty of Medicine
5849 University Ave., Rm C-106, Clinical Research Centre
PO Box 15000, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada B3H 4R2

Ph: (902) 494-1994 Fax: (902) 494-1479


vendredi 29 septembre 2017

L'éducation médicale irlandaise

Irish medical education and student culture, c.1850-1950

Laura Kelly

Liverpool University Press
ISBN: 9781786940599
Publication: September 30, 2017

This book is the first comprehensive history of medical student culture and medical education in Ireland from the middle of the nineteenth century until the 1950s. Utilising a variety of rich sources, including novels, newspapers, student magazines, doctors’ memoirs, and oral history accounts, it examines Irish medical student life and culture, incorporating students’ educational and extra-curricular activities at all of the Irish medical schools. The book investigates students' experiences in the lecture theatre, hospital, dissecting room and outside their studies, such as in ‘digs’, sporting teams and in student societies, illustrating how representations of medical students changed in Ireland over the period and examines the importance of class, religious affiliation and the appropriate traits that students were expected to possess. It highlights religious divisions as well as the dominance of the middle classes in Irish medical schools while also exploring institutional differences, the students’ decisions to pursue medical education, emigration and the experiences of women medical students within a predominantly masculine sphere. Through an examination of the history of medical education in Ireland, this book builds on our understanding of the Irish medical profession while also contributing to the wider scholarship of student life and culture. It will appeal to those interested in the history of medicine, the history of education and social history in modern Ireland.

Le sucre en France au XVIIIe siècle

Le goût de l’or blanc. Le sucre en France au XVIIIe siècle

Maud Villeret

Presses universitaires de Rennes
Collection : Tables des hommes
Format : 15,5 x 24 cm
Nombre de pages : 402 p.
Illustrations : Couleurs et N & B
ISBN : 978-2-7535-5667-6

Cet ouvrage montre comment le sucre s’est diffusé dans l’alimentation des Français au XVIIIe siècle, ainsi que les transformations économiques, sociales et culturelles induites par sa consommation croissante. L’étude porte sur la vallée de la Loire, à partir de Nantes, un des premiers ports coloniaux du royaume, jusqu’à Orléans, premier centre de raffinage.

Avec une préface de Natacha Coquery.

Avec le soutien de l’Institut européen d’histoire et des cultures de l’alimentation.

jeudi 28 septembre 2017

Bouddhisme et médecine

Buddhism and Medicine: An Anthology of Premodern Sources 

C. Pierce Salguero

Hardcover: 728 pages
Publisher: Columbia University Press (September 26, 2017)
Language: English
ISBN-13: 978-0231179942

From its earliest days, Buddhism has been closely intertwined with medicine. Buddhism and Medicine is a singular collection showcasing the generative relationship and mutual influence between these fields across premodern Asia. The anthology combines dozens of English-language translations of premodern Buddhist texts with contextualizing introductions by leading international scholars in Buddhist studies, the history of medicine, and a range of other fields.

These sources explore in detail medical topics ranging from the development of fetal anatomy in the womb to nursing, hospice, dietary regimen, magical powers, visualization, and other healing knowledge. Works translated here include meditation guides, popular narratives, ritual manuals, spells texts, monastic disciplinary codes, recipe inscriptions, philosophical treatises, poetry, works by physicians, and other genres. All together, these selections and their introductions provide a comprehensive overview of Buddhist healing throughout Asia. They also demonstrate the central place of healing in Buddhist practice and in the daily life of the premodern world.

Les glossaires médicaux de la tradition hébraïque

Medical Glossaries in the Hebrew Tradition: Shem Tov Ben Isaac, Sefer Almansur. With a Supplement on the Romance and Latin Terminology 

Gerrit Bos, Guido Mensching & Julia Zwink

Imprint: BRILL 
Publication Date: August 2017
Format: Hardback
Pages, Illustr.: xii, 118 pp.
ISBN13: 9789004352025

The Sefer Almansur contains a pharmacopeia of about 250 medicinal ingredients with their Arabic names (in Hebrew characters), their Romance (Old Occitan) and occasionally Hebrew equivalents. The pharmacopeia, which describes the properties and therapeutical uses of simple drugs featured at the end of Book Three of the Sefer Almansur. This work was translated into Hebrew from the Arabic Kitāb al-Manṣūrī (written by al-Rāzī) by Shem Tov ben Isaac of Tortosa, who worked in Marseille in the 13th century.

Gerrit Bos, Guido Mensching and Julia Zwink supply a critical edition of the Hebrew text, an English translation and an analysis of the Romance and Latin terminology in Hebrew transcription. The authors show the pharmaceutical terminological innovation of Hebrew and of the vernacular, and give us proof of the important role of medieval Jews in preserving and transferring medical knowledge.

mercredi 27 septembre 2017

La luminothérapie en Grande-Bretagne

Soaking up the rays: Light therapy and visual culture in Britain, c. 1890-1940 

Tania Anne Woloshyn

Hardcover: 320 pages
Publisher: Manchester University Press; 1 edition 
September 30, 2017
Language: English
ISBN-13: 978-1784995126

Soaking up the rays forges a new path for exploring Britain's fickle love of the light by investigating the beginnings of light therapy in the country from c.1890-1940. Despite rapidly becoming a leading treatment for tuberculosis, rickets and other infections and skin diseases, light therapy was a contentious medical practice. Bodily exposure to light, whether for therapeutic or aesthetic ends, persists as a contested subject to this day: recommended to counter skin conditions as well as Seasonal Affective Disorder and depression; closely linked to notions of beauty, happiness and well-being, fuelling tourism abroad and the tanning industry at home; and yet with repeated health warnings that it is a dangerous carcinogen.

By analysing archival photographs, illustrated medical texts, advertisements, lamps, and goggles and their visual representation of how light acted upon the body, Woloshyn assesses their complicated contribution to the founding of light therapy.

Le monde relationnel des soins à travers les dossiers médicaux

Le monde relationnel des soins à travers les dossiers médicaux de Montfort

Conférence de Marie-Claude Thifault, PhD et Sandra Harrisson, PhD

18 octobre 2017 de 12h à 13h
Lieu : Hôpital Montfort - 713 Ch, Montréal - Ottawa (ON) K1K0T2 – Auditorium 1D211A

Lunch : Le lunch sera offert aux participants inscrits
Information : 613.746-4621 p. 6023 ou

mardi 26 septembre 2017

Histoire de l'infertilité

The Palgrave Handbook of Infertility in History: Approaches, Contexts and Perspectives

Gayle Davis & Tracey Loughran (Editors)

Hardcover: 663 pages
Publisher: Palgrave Macmillan; September 2, 2017
Language: English
ISBN-13: 978-1137520791

This ground-breaking, interdisciplinary volume provides an overdue assessment of how infertility has been understood, treated and experienced in different times and places. It brings together scholars from disciplines including history, literature, psychology, philosophy, and the social sciences to create the first large-scale review of recent research on the history of infertility. Through exploring an unparalleled range of chronological periods and geographical regions, it develops historical perspectives on an apparently transhistorical experience. It shows how experiences of infertility, access to treatment, and medical perspectives on this ‘condition’ have been mediated by social, political, and cultural discourses. The handbook reflects on and interrogates different approaches to the history of infertility, including the potential of cross-disciplinary perspectives and the uses of different kinds of historical source material, and includes lists of research resources to aid teachers and researchers. It is an essential ‘go-to’ point for anyone interested in infertility and its history.

Race et classe en Grande-Bretagne et en Amérique

Race et classe en Grande-Bretagne et en Amérique (XVIIe-XIXe siècle)

Appel à communication

Les nouvelles populations rencontrées en Afrique et en Amérique suite aux premières découvertes à l’époque moderne, captèrent l’intérêt des naturalistes européens qui cherchèrent à catégoriser l’espèce humaine en différents sous-groupes raciaux ayant des traits biologiques et moraux communs. De cette classification émergea l’idée de supériorité « naturelle » d’un groupe par rapports aux autres, celui de l’élite blanche européenne. Ainsi, les taxonomies raciales qui se développèrent aux XVIIe, XVIIIe et XIXe siècles en Grande-Bretagne et en Amérique étaient et continuent d’être inséparables des questions de classe et de hiérarchisation sociale.

L’objet de ce colloque sera donc de chercher à comprendre comment ce nouveau discours racial est venu structurer l’ensemble des sociétés britannique et américaine entre le XVIIe et le XIXe siècle. Il sera ainsi intéressant d’étudier la circulation des discours de race et de classe, comment le langage racial est venu alimenter la représentation des différentes strates sociales composant ces deux sociétés. Quelle importance revêtait le corps physique dans la distinction des différentes classes sociales ? Comment les corps et les esprits des élites et des nobles étaient-ils distingués de ceux du reste de la société ? Comment l’idée de race est-elle venue justifier les notions de « sang pur » et d’hérédité ? De quelles façons certains groupes se trouvaient « naturellement » privilégiés ou « naturellement » exclus ? Les minorités sociales comme les indigents ou les femmes étaient-ils marginalisés et stigmatisés de la même manière que les Africains ou les Amérindiens ?

Une approche comparative entre les sociétés de part et d’autre de l’Atlantique ou les études diachroniques seront appréciées.

Les pistes suivantes pourront être explorées:
  • La généalogie et la hiérarchie familiale
  • La variété des espèces humaines en philosophie et chez les naturalistes
  • L’évolution des savoirs médicaux, de la notion d’hérédité et la hiérarchisation des populations humaines
  • L’évolution des discours sur la race du XVIIe au XIXe siècle
  • Les justifications biologiques de l’esclavage
  • L’hérédité et la transmission génétique de l’aristocratie
  • Le corps humain et ses représentations
  • Les représentations artistiques et littéraires de la race et la classe
  • La représentation de l’Africain ou de l’Amérindien en Europe
  • La solidarité de classe et de race
  • Les représentations racialisées de l’indigent, de l’aristocrate, de l’Irlandais, de la femme
  • La perception de l’idéal physique et du métissage
  • Race et nation: la supériorité ethnique/raciale anglo-saxonne
  • La race et l’environnement : la dégénérescence des colons américains ou à contrario la supériorité de la « race américaine »
  • Race et femmes, féminité, le fait « d’être femme », ou « d’être efféminé » en rapport

Ce colloque accueillera des chercheurs débutants et confirmés de toute branche disciplinaire.

Les communications pourront être faites en français ou en anglais.

Certaines communications pourront être publiées dans des actes de colloque.
Modalités de soumission
Les propositions d’environ 300 mots et une courte biographie sont à envoyer à Anne-Claire Faucquez, Tim Mc Inerney et Michaël Roy
avant le 30 septembre 2017. 

Comité d’organisation
Anne-Claire Faucquez, Université Paris VIII, Vincennes-St Denis, TransCrits.
Tim Mc Inerney, Université Paris VIII, Vincennes-St Denis, TransCrits.
Michaël Roy, Université Paris Nanterre, CREA.
Bibliographie sélective

Balibar, Étienne and Immanuel Wallerstein. Race, nation, classe: Les identités ambiguës. Paris: La Découverte, 1988.

Brown, Kathleen M. Good Wives, Nasty Wenches, and Anxious Patriarchs: Gender, Race, and Power in Colonial Virginia. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1996.

Chaplin, Joyce E. Subject Matter: Technology, the Body, and Science on the Anglo-American Frontier, 1500–1676. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 2001.

Curran, Andrew. Anatomy of Blackness: Science and Slavery in an Age of Enlightenment. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2013.

Dain, Bruce. A Hideous Monster of the Mind: American Race Theory in the Early Republic. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 2002.

Davis, David Brion, Alden T. Vaughan, Virginia Mason Vaughan, Emily C. Bartels, Robin Blackburn, Benjamin Braude, James H. Sweet, Jennifer L. Morgan, Karen Ordahl Kupperman, and Joyce E. Chaplin. “Constructing Race: Differentiating Peoples in the Early Modern World.” William and Mary Quarterly, 3rd ser. 54.1 (January 1997): 7–252.

Harvey, Sean P. Native Tongues: Colonialism and Race from Encounter to the Reservation. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 2015.

Horsman, Reginald. Race and Manifest Destiny: The Origins of American Racial Anglo-Saxonism. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1980.

Nussbaum, Felicity A. The Limits of the Human: Fictions of Anomaly, Race and Gender in the Long Eighteenth Century. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2003.

Shoemaker, Nancy. A Strange Likeness: Becoming Red and White in Eighteenth-Century North America. New York: Oxford University Press, 2004.

Sidbury, James. Becoming African in America: Race and Nation in the Early Black Atlantic. New York: Oxford University Press, 2007.

lundi 25 septembre 2017

Henri Wallon (1879–1962)

Henri Wallon (1879 –1962 ) : action pensée, pensée de l’action. Itinéraires croisés : politique, philosophique, psychologique

Serge Netchine • Gaby Netchine-Grynberg

H enri Wallon (1879–1962), éminent psychologue de l’enfant, fut aussi, à partir des années 1900, un acteur de la vie intellectuelle et politique française. Cet ouvrage parcourt les grands thèmes de ses recherches sur les enfants sou ffrant ou non de pathologies mentales, en les articulant à ses engagements de citoyen et à ses positionnements intellectuels. Sont envisagées, au regard du contexte politique et culturel, les prises de position et les actions e ectuées par Henri Wallon au cours d’une période historique qui fut riche en événements et en retournements. De plus, cette recherche illustre la
détermination d’une doctrine philosophique intégrant le résultat des controverses entre courants spiritualistes et matérialistes apparues tout au long des XIX et XX siècles ainsi que l’élaboration d’une démarche scienti fique sur le développement psychologique qui intègre des enjeux pratiques et sociétaux. Ce livre met finalement en lumière ce qui, du parcours d’Henri Wallon, mérite d’être souligné et d’intervenir dans les problèmes contemporains.

Alfred Binet, expérimentateur

Alfred Binet, expérimentateur. Entre archives de la psychologie et éducation physique 


jeudi 12 octobre
BnF | François-Mitterrand | Salle 70 | Quai François Mauriac, Paris 13e | 9h – 17h30

9h30 Mot d’accueil de la BnF : Laurence Le Bras

Ouverture des présidents de la Société Binet-Simon : Bernard Andrieu, Serge Nicolas, Jacqueline Descarpentries et Guy Avanzini

Les archives Alfred Binet et l’influence familiale et sur les familles
Modérateurs : Alexandre Klein (Université de Laval, Québec) et Alix Garnier (Université de Lille 3, Profeor-Cirel)

9h50 Les archives Binet et la photographie familiale. Bernard Andrieu (Université de Paris Descartes, TEC) et Séverine Parayre (ISP-Faculté d’éducation, TEC)

10h15 Educability, Disability and the Making of Family: the case of American Adoption (conférence en anglais). Sandy Sufian (University of Illinois-Chicago, États-Unis)

10h40 Echanges avec la salle

11h Pause-café

Archives et instruments d’Alfred Binet
Modérateurs : Bernard Andrieu (Université de Paris Descartes, TEC) et Guy Avanzini (Société Binet-Simon)

11h15 Les instruments d’Alfred Binet. Serge Nicolas (Université de Paris Descartes)

11h40 « Trouver la vraie formule de l’expérience », Comment les archives d’Alfred Binet nous éclairent sur la nature de son expérimentalisme. Alexandre Klein (Université de Laval, Québec)

12h05 Echanges avec la salle

12h30-14h Déjeuner

L’expérimentalisme : psychologie et pédagogie
Modérateurs : Xavier Riondet (Université de Lorraine, LISEC) et Séverine Parayre (ISP-Faculté d’éducation, TEC)

14h « L’étude de l’intelligence des écoliers » : l’influence d’Alfred Binet sur la psychologie scolaire de Marcel Foucault. Sylvain Wagnon (Université de Montpellier, LIRDEF)

14h20 La réception espagnole de la mesure de l’intelligence chez Binet. Diego Delgado Pastor (Université de Cádiz, Espagne)

14h40 Echanges avec la salle

15h10-15h30 pause-café

Instruments et normes chez Alfred Binet
Modérateurs : Henri-Louis Go (Université de Lorraine, LISEC) et Jacqueline Descarpentries (Université de Paris 8, EXPERICE)

15h30 La psychologie de la prestidigitation : approche pionnière de Binet fondée sur l’utilisation de la chronophotographie et de l’observation. Cyril Thomas et André Didierjean (Université de Franche-Comté)

15h50 Entre mesure et dramaturgie. L’usage du dynamomètre chez Alfred Binet. Loig Le Sonn (Université de Paris Descartes, TEC)

16h10 Norme, normalité et anormalité au XXIe siècle ? Christelle Potier (ISP-Faculté d’éducation, ICP-Paris)

16h30 Echanges avec la salle

17h-17h15 Pause-café

17h15-17h30 Synthèse par Jacqueline Descarpentries (Université de Paris 8, EXPERICE) et Prix de thèse

20h AG dînatoire de la Société Binet-Simon et de la revue Recherches & Éducations

Vendredi 13 octobre
Université Paris-Descartes | 1 rue Lacretelle, Paris 15e | 9h – 16h30

9h Accueil

Education physique et débilités corporelles
Modérateurs : Olivier Vors (Université d’Aix-Marseille) et Isabelle Joing (Université de Lille 2)

9h30 Education physique et débilités corporelles. Bernard Andrieu (Université de Paris Descartes, TEC)

10h Tests, mesures céphalométriques et éducation corporelle des jeunes sourds-muets. Martial Meziani (INS HEA) et Didier Séguillon (INS HEA)

10h20 L’échelle métrique d’Alfred Binet (1857-1911) comme outil de diagnostic de la débilité mentale : contexte historique, médical, politique et social (1878-1911). Isabelle Cavé (Docteure EHESS)

10h40 Echanges avec la salle

11h-11h20 Pause-café

Fatigue physique et fatigue intellectuelle
Modérateurs : Jacqueline Descarpentries (Université de Paris 8, EXPERICE) et Stéphane Zygart (Université de Lille 3, STL)

11h20 Fatigue physique et fatigue intellectuelle dans le burnout. Pascal Perault (psychiatre)

11h40 L’éducation physique et/ou psychomotrice à l’école maternelle. Fabrice Delsahut (ESPE Paris)

12h Echanges avec la salle

12h30-14h Pause déjeuner

Enfance, anormalités et débilités corporelles
Modérateurs : Bernard Andrieu (Université de Paris Descartes, TEC) et Loig Le Sonn (Université de Paris Descartes, TEC)

14h Débilités corporelles infantiles et redressement physique (XVIIIe-XIXe siècles). Séverine Parayre (ISP-Faculté d’éducation, TEC)

14h20 Les enfants poliomyélitiques et l’élaboration des normes de rééducation dans la première moitié du XXe siècle. Stéphane Zygart (Université de Lille 3, STL)

14h40 La normativité dans la fabrique de l’enfant symptôme. Maxime Dauphin (Université de Paris 8, EXPERICE)

15h La norme des enfants anormaux. Jacqueline Descarpentries (Université de Paris 8, EXPERICE)

15h20 Echanges avec la salle

15h50-16h15 Pause-café

16h15 Synthèse par Alix Garnier (Université de Lille3, Proféor-Cirel)

16h30 Clôture par les présidents de la Société Binet-Simon Bernard Andrieu et Jacqueline Descarpentries

dimanche 24 septembre 2017

La santé globale à l'heure de l'urgence

Unprepared. Global Health in a Time of Emergency

Andrew Lakoff

University of California Press
Paperback, 240 pages
August 2017
ISBN: 9780520295766

Recent years have witnessed an upsurge in global health emergencies—from SARS to pandemic influenza to Ebola to Zika. Each of these occurrences has sparked calls for improved health preparedness. In Unprepared, Andrew Lakoff follows the history of health preparedness from its beginnings in 1950s Cold War civil defense to the early twenty-first century, when international health authorities carved out a global space for governing potential outbreaks. Alert systems and trigger devices now link health authorities, government officials, and vaccine manufacturers, all of whom are concerned with the possibility of a global pandemic. Funds have been devoted to cutting-edge research on pathogenic organisms, and a system of post hoc diagnosis analyzes sites of failed preparedness to find new targets for improvement. Yet, despite all these developments, the project of global health security continues to be unsettled by the prospect of surprise.

Le prix Wallace Stegner

The Wallace Stegner Prize for a manuscript in Environmental Humanities

Call for applications

The Wallace Stegner Prize will be awarded to the best monograph submitted to the Press in the broad field of environmental humanities. To compete for this award, manuscripts must emphasize interdisciplinary investigations of the natural and human environments and their fundamental interconnectedness, research in primary and secondary sources, and high quality writing in the tradition of Wallace Stegner. Preference will be given to projects that discuss issues related to the American West. We welcome book-length manuscripts that emphasize narrative form and draw on the humanities, as well as the particular methods and perspectives of history, geography, natural history, environmental science, creative nonfiction, or related disciplines to consider environmental subjects, broadly defined. These criteria reflect the legacy of Wallace Stegner as a student of the American West, as a spokesman for the environment, and as a teacher of creative writing. The winner of the Wallace Stegner Prize will receive a $5,000 award and a publication contract with the University of Utah Press.

Submission deadlines are in odd numbered years.

Stegner Prize Judges:
Peter J. Blodgett, H. Russell Smith Foundation Curator of Western American History, Huntington Library

Robert B. Keiter, Wallace Stegner Professor of Law and Director, Wallace Stegner Center for Land, Resources, and the Environment, University of Utah

Stephen Trimble, award-winning photographer and writer, author of twenty-two books.

2017 Prize Submission Guidelines
Manuscripts must be in English and double-spaced in a 12-point font and should include contemplated figures. Photocopies of figures are acceptable for initial consideration.
Manuscript length is limited to a maximum of 170,000 words.
Manuscripts must be postmarked by December 30, 2017. Early submissions are encouraged. If you desire proof of delivery, send the manuscript using a delivery confirmation service.
Manuscripts that do not win the Wallace Stegner Prize will also be considered for book publication.
Works simultaneously submitted to other publishers or contests will not be considered.
Portions of submitted manuscripts may have appeared previously in journals or anthologies, but previously published monographs will not be considered.
The competition is open to all authors except current students, faculty, and staff of the University of Utah as well as current and former employees of The University of Utah Press.
All submissions should include a cover letter indicating that this is a submission for the Wallace Stegner Prize, the complete manuscript including all illustrations and supplementary materials, and a c.v. or resumé. 
The winning manuscript will be announced by The University of Utah Press in September 2018.

Please send all submissions to:

The University of Utah Press
c/o The Wallace Stegner Prize
J. Willard Marriott Library
295 South 1500 East, Suite 5400
Salt Lake City, Utah 84112-0860
Contact Info: 

For more information, please contact Hannah new at

The University of Utah Press
295 South 1500 East, Ste 5400
SLC, Utah 84112

Contact Email: 

samedi 23 septembre 2017

Une histoire du canapé d'analyse

On the Couch. A Repressed History of the Analytic Couch from Plato to Freud

Nathan Kravis

MIT Press
 224 pp. | 124 color illus., 48 b&w illus
August 2017 
ISBN: 9780262036610

The peculiar arrangement of the psychoanalyst’s office for an analytic session seems inexplicable. The analyst sits in a chair out of sight while the patient lies on a couch facing away. It has been this way since Freud, although, as Nathan Kravis points out in On the Couch, this practice is grounded more in the cultural history of reclining posture than in empirical research. Kravis, himself a practicing psychoanalyst, shows that the tradition of recumbent speech wasn’t dreamed up by Freud but can be traced back to ancient Greece, where guests reclined on couches at the symposion (a gathering for upper-class males to discuss philosophy and drink wine), and to the Roman convivium (a banquet at which men and women reclined together). From bed to bench to settee to chaise-longue to sofa: Kravis tells how the couch became an icon of self-knowledge and self-reflection as well as a site for pleasure, privacy, transgression, and healing.

Kravis draws on sources that range from ancient funerary monuments to furniture history to early photography, as well as histories of medicine, fashion, and interior decoration, and he deploys an astonishing array of images—of paintings, monuments, sculpture, photographs, illustrations, New Yorker cartoons, and advertisements. 

Kravis deftly shows that, despite the ambivalence of today’s psychoanalysts—some of whom regard it as “infantilizing”—the couch continues to be the emblem of a narrative of self-discovery. Recumbent speech represents the affirmation in the presence of another of having a mind of one’s own.

Séminaire du CHSTM

CHSTM seminar series

September–December 2017 

On Tuesdays at 4pm in 2.57 Simon Building, University of Manchester, with tea and biscuits from 3.30 pm.

26 September
Jonas Kure Buer (University of Oslo)
Pharmaceutics and semantics: Drug categories as meaning-making devices – or how medical facts become “hard”

10 October
Marianne de Laet (Harvey Mudd College)
Sniffing on a leash: Where body boundaries end

24 October
Robin Scheffler (MIT)
A contagious cause: The search for cancer viruses and the growth of American biomedicine

7 November
Graham Mooney (Johns Hopkins University)
Healing in transit: Moving towards a critical history of the ambulance

21 November

James Poskett (University of Warwick)
Django’s phrenologist: Science, slavery and material culture, 1791–1861

12 December
Kathryn Schoefert (King’s College London)
One medicine, one brain? Comparative neuropathologies around 1960

If you have any questions please direct them to the organisers: Pratik Chakrabarti ( or me ( We look forward to seeing you at the first seminar of the term on 26 September at 4pm with Dr Jonas Kure Buer (University of Oslo).

vendredi 22 septembre 2017

Les femmes poivrotes

Lady Lushes: Gender, Alcoholism, and Medicine in Modern America 

Michelle L. McClellan

Series: Critical Issues in Health and Medicine
Hardcover: 234 pages
Publisher: Rutgers University Press; 1 edition (August 31, 2017)
Language: English
ISBN-13: 978-0813576985

According to the popular press in the mid twentieth century, American women, in a misguided attempt to act like men in work and leisure, were drinking more. “Lady Lushes” were becoming a widespread social phenomenon. From the glamorous hard-drinking flapper of the 1920s to the disgraced and alcoholic wife and mother played by Lee Remick in the 1962 film “Days of Wine and Roses,” alcohol consumption by American women has been seen as both a prerogative and as a threat to health, happiness, and the social order.

In Lady Lushes, medical historian Michelle L. McClellan traces the story of the female alcoholic from the late-nineteenth through the twentieth century. She draws on a range of sources to demonstrate the persistence of the belief that alcohol use is antithetical to an idealized feminine role, particularly one that glorifies motherhood. Lady Lushes offers a fresh perspective on the importance of gender role ideology in the formation of medical knowledge and authority.

Histoire des cordons sanitaires

Barriers without Borders. Global and transdisciplinary perspectives on sanitary cordons throughout history

Call for Papers

2nd International Conference of the QSN 
University of the Balearic Islands, Palma de Mallorca, 

7-8 November 2018 

Sanitary cordons to regulate and control the spread of bubonic plague were developed in Italy in the 14th century in parallel with maritime quarantine (mainly lazarettos) and came to be quickly imposed by other Mediterranean/European countries. Today, various types of cordons are still being used ‘to control the spread of epizootics and to mitigate the impact of both newly emerging and re-emerging infectious diseases upon the human population’ (Cliff, 2009) with the 21st-century pandemics of Ebola or avian flu showing their continued utility. At this juncture one finds a stunning paradox: despite their functions as instruments of isolation/separation, sanitary cordons came to be highly appreciated, legitimized and defended by state authorities and frequently by the populations themselves. By the 1800s, they had already been accepted and utilized in most countries of the world.

The success of sanitary cordons was also measured by their widespread adoption across various social and cultural domains. Thus, sanitary cordons became inseparable from military and political demarcations of territorial borders especially, but by no means exclusively, at the state level.

Well-known cases include the cordon set-up against the plague in the Austrian-Ottoman border as from 1770; the so called ‘yellow fever cordon’ set up in the Catalan sector of the French-Spanish border in 1822; and the one established against cholera on the Ottoman-Persian frontier during the 1850s. The concept of the ‘common good’ via the preservation of public health was also used as an argument to legitimize, consolidate and militarize borders through the setting up of cordons. On the other hand, as sanitary cordons were set up to separate healthy sectors of a community – or indeed whole populations – from others considered sick, they were directly involved in processes of nation-building, international conflict or colonial domination. Sanitary cordons helped to define and ‘protect’ national identities and, at the same time, ‘isolate’ and control various provincial, national and colonial ‘others’. This was legitimized through old and new medical theories, scientific discourse or just pure prejudice or a combination of all these.

Sanitary cordons were also successfully ‘translated’ into the fields of politics and diplomacy, where the concept has been employed metaphorically to refer to attempts to prevent the spread of an ideology or another deemed dangerous to the international or the social order. For example, in 1917, the French minister of Foreign Affairs employed such a term to designate the new states (Finland, the Baltic republics, Poland and Romania) established along the Western border of the USSR (as buffer states) against the spread of the Bolshevist revolution into Central and Western Europe. Besides geography, politics and diplomacy, personal narratives of sanitary cordons became a sort of subgenre in modern literature, where they have also been used as metaphors to deal with issues of social control, identity/alterity or dystopic futures.

Incorporating all these perspectives and seeking papers with original research approaches, this conference wants to explore sanitary cordons throughout history to the present as they were put in place and employed in different parts of the globe and different social and cultural domains. Topics to be addressed could include, among others:
- Origins and development of sanitary cordons for the prevention of epidemics throughout history to the present: concepts, practices, regulations, global expansion, unknown or understudied historical cases throughout the world.
- Patterns of sanitary cordons throughout history and in different regions/countries of the world.
- Sanitary cordons as border sites of negotiation and/or resistance.
- Pre-modern and non-European forms of isolation/separation of diseased groups or communities from the rest in all their diversity (and cultural specificities).
- Literary narratives recounting eye-witness accounts/experience of cordons or employing the metaphor ‘sanitary cordons’ on issues of identity and otherness, liminality, movement/migration, global inequality, and so on.
- Memorialization: sanitary cordons in the collective imaginaries, shared memories, material culture/heritage sites, lieux de mémoire.
- Sanitary cordons and the construction, and expansion, of early-modern/modern borders of states, provinces or any other territorial demarcations.
- Place of non-human creatures and organisms (animals, plants, substances) within cordons.
- Juridical, ethical, humanitarian and religious issues raised by the use of cordons in public health, war, political struggle, migration control, and human rights.
- Sanitary cordons and science: particularly the connections between contagionism and hygiene, as well as the part played by novel advances in medicine – bacteriology.
- Relations with power: effective sanitary cordons and types of state projections of power (national sovereignty, central administrative state development, Imperial/colonial state power).
- Connections between cordons and other forms of quarantine, isolation hospitals and the public health systems. Sanitary cordons and western medicalization of society: surveillance and disciplinary processes.

Please submit your paper proposal of up to 400 words before 31st October 2017 to this address:

After that date, more information will be provided about the venue, travel and accommodation options, as well as funding opportunities.

jeudi 21 septembre 2017

Histoires de la contagion post-mortelle

Histories of Post-Mortem Contagion. Infectious Corpses and Contested Burials

Editors: Lynteris, Christos, Evans, Nicholas (Eds.)

Palgrave Macmillan
Medicine and Biomedical Sciences in Modern History
Copyright 2018 
278 p. 
ISBN 978-3-319-62929-2

This edited volume draws historians, anthropologists and archaeologists together to explore the contested worlds of epidemic corpses and their disposal. Why are burials so frequently at the center of disagreement, recrimination and protest during epidemics? Why are the human corpses produced in the course of infectious disease outbreaks seen as dangerous, not just to the living, but also to the continued existence of society and civilization? Examining cases from the Black Death to Ebola, contributors challenge the predominant idea that a single, universal framework of contagion can explain the political, social and cultural importance and impact of the epidemic corpse.

Perdants, outsiders et hérétiques dans l'histoire de la médecine

Rewrite Conflicts: The Role of Losers, Heretics, and Outsiders in the History of Medicine

Call for Papers

Invited editor: Fabrizio Baldassarri

A multifaceted narration characterizes the contrapositions between schools, factions, theories, and practices in the history of medicine. Yet, studying these conflicts helps to shed light on those actors traditional historiographies usually relegate to secondary roles: surgeons, practitioners, apothecaries, botanists, astronomers, chymists, men and women devoted to the knowledge of simples. Especially when following losers, outsiders, heretics, and marginalized scholars, medical conflicts reveal epistemologically fruitful paths that help to track the changes buttressing early modern bio-medical revolution. While academic physicians required the support of theologians to rule out these practices as responsible for heresies, errors, and charlatanisms, kings frequently credited such outsiders as court physicians (i.e., Ambroise Paré, Guy de La Brosse), elevating their knowledge and experience to a crucial role. Slowly, these actors entered medical schools and academies, rewriting early modern history of medicine.
This fascicule aims to reconstruct this conflicting situation, and to analyse diverse cases of such outsiders and losers, moving from the sixteenth to the eighteenth centuries (wider focuses are accepted as well). Research articles coming from different fields (history of philosophy, psychology, science, medicine, botany, ideas, intellectual history, and history of life sciences…) are welcome.
Societate și Politică is a peer-reviewed scholarly journal published by Vasile Goldiș Western University of Arad, Romania. See
Papers no longer than 8.000 words or book reviews no longer than 800 words should be submitted by email to by 15 December 2017. Paper will go through double-blind peer-review process. Publication is scheduled by 30 April 2018.
For the authors guidelines see:

mercredi 20 septembre 2017

Les sujets de la malaria

Malarial Subjects. Empire, Medicine and Nonhumans in British India, 1820–1909

Rohan Deb Roy

Publisher: Cambridge University Press
Print publication year: 2017
Online ISBN: 9781316771617

Malaria was considered one of the most widespread disease-causing entities in the nineteenth century. It was associated with a variety of frailties far beyond fevers, ranging from idiocy to impotence. And yet, it was not a self-contained category. The reconsolidation of malaria as a diagnostic category during this period happened within a wider context in which cinchona plants and their most valuable extract, quinine, were reinforced as objects of natural knowledge and social control. In India, the exigencies and apparatuses of British imperial rule occasioned the close interactions between these histories. In the process, British imperial rule became entangled with a network of nonhumans that included, apart from cinchona plants and the drug quinine, a range of objects described as malarial, as well as mosquitoes. Malarial Subjects explores this history of the co-constitution of a cure and disease, of British colonial rule and nonhumans, and of science, medicine and empire.

Les expériences négatives du soin

“Bads” in healthcare: Negative experience as an impetus to reform in nineteenth and twentieth centuries

Call for Papers

21st and 22nd of June 2018 at the Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW), School of Health, Winterthur (Switzerland).

European Conference of the Swiss Society of the History of Health and Nursing (GPG-HSS) in Cooperation with the European Association for the History of Nursing (EAHN) and the European Journal for Nursing History, Theory and Ethics (ENHE)

Cultural expectations of ‘good care’ change according to context. They vary according to time and place. They are constantly shaped and reshaped by knowledge and techniques of health professions; by bodily and emotional needs and sensations; by symbols and rituals of attention and of sympathy; by religious ideas; and by views of justice, of caring human relations and of the person’s dignity. Individual experiences sometimes harmonize with expectations so that patients, and their nurses, midwives and physiotherapists, all feel satisfied. But sometimes, whether during birth, while nursing a newborn or a dying person, or whether engaging in some other healthcare process, things can and do go wrong. Bad things can happen – and these can be compounded by the failure of systems to intervene, to ‘turn things around’. Those involved can be left with negative experiences and may suffer consequences. According to the Dutch Philosopher Annemarie Mol such experiences are termed ambiguously as “bads” in care: “There is something else that bothers me. It is that somehow writing about the goods of care is just too nice. Too cosy. There are also bads to address, but how to do so?”1 

This international Conference will provide an opportunity for scholars from a range of disciplines to debate historical research relating to this subject. It will consider both individual and collective experiences of healthcare; explanations for bad care; and descriptions of ways in which individuals and groups have attempted to find impetus for reform. The history of Europe and its colonies in the 19th and 20th Centuries contain many examples of so-called “bads” in healthcare. During this time science based medical knowledge and techniques gained a powerful position within the logics of care and within the systems and practices of health professions. “Good” healthcare was redefined. And yet, the materiality, symbolisms and rituals of care continued to be understood in terms of the Judao-Christian religious context, coupled with bourgeois ideas of social justice, moral behaviour and human dignity.

Through decades, different cultures of care responded to what they considered “bad” in attention, protection or kindness. During the “Age of Extremes” (1914-1991) – to use the term coined by Eric Hobsbawm – totalitarian ideologies and race biology, dictatorial regimes, authoritarian societies and economies at war put pressure on the multifaceted cultures of care; at times, healthcare was perverted and destroyed by these ideologies and political pressures.

From the 1960s on, organisations of victims and of patients, social and feminist movements as well as critical scholars launched historical studies and social inquiries to disclose neglect, failures of care, mistreatments and abuse in medical, psychiatric and foster care institutions in past and present. These processes are still ongoing and they contribute to reforms in healthcare, to acts of apology, to compensation and to commemorative cultures. The history of nursing, midwifery, physio- and other health therapies started to investigate the past role and responsibilities of denominational nurses and health professionals from the 1990s onwards. The aim of this European conference is to enlarge our understanding of how these professions were interlinked with “bads” in healthcare, of how they addressed and responded to negative experiences and how they contributed to the improvement of healthcare in the 19th and 20th centuries.

The conference calls for contributions from scholars who can present research relating to negative experiences of and with health professionals such as nurses, midwives and therapists. Their starting point should be the individual or the collective experience of health professionals and/or of patients and family members with bad care. They should find answers to these questions: What shaped experience of “bads” as the actors addressed them? Whom did they make responsible for their negative experiences? How did they explain them? What did they claim? How did the actors involved deal with the negative experiences? How did those made responsible for “bads” respond to re-establish their standards of good healthcare, reputation and trustworthiness? How did this process contribute to reforms in healthcare?

The following fields of research are suggested:

1) patients and patient’s organisations: rights of patients and family members; complaints about “bads” in professional health care; goals for compensation and/or improvement; strategies to gain influence; networking for cooperation with health professionals.

2) professional standards: “good” in healthcare turns “bad” or vice versa; theory and ethics of “bads”; norms of professional competences; the significance of research to negative care experiences; development of methods for quality improvements.

3) everyday “bads” of professionals in healthcare: narratives of “bads” in care relations with patients and relatives, superiors, colleagues; trans-professional cooperation; the search for reforms in practice.

4) managing “bads”: the institutionalisation and role of ethics committees; surveys and the steering of patient’s and collaborator’s satisfaction.

5) Care in public: media scandals; ‘heroes’ and ‘villains’ in care; healthcare in court; effects of public discussions for healthcare improvements.

6) The quest for historical research: victims turn into witnesses; the role and work of committees of inquiry; integration or not of the blamed professionals; development reconciliation and of commemorative cultures for “bads” in past healthcare.

Registration, Presentations and Reimbursements

To participate at the conference, please apply with an abstract of 400 words maximum, which includes title, research question, methods, and sources used as well as results, before the 30th of November 2017 via email to The Conference Committee will disclose its decisions relating to the acceptance or non-acceptance of papers by the 15th of January 2018. The spoken language at the conference will be English. A slot of 30 minutes per paper will be permitted, and papers will be allotted in threes, to 90-minute panels.
A maximum of 20 minutes should be used for each paper; the remainder of the time is reserved for discussion. The fundraising for the conference is still ongoing so that the reimbursement of the costs of accommodation, travel and meals cannot yet be guaranteed.

Please send any enquiries to

Conference Committee

Switzerland: Sabina Roth, MA, independant historian, Zürich, president of GPG-HSS. Joëlle Droux, PhD, UNIGE, Genève. Kristin Hammer, registered midwife, MA, ZHAW, Winterthur. Véronique Hasler, MA, physiotherapist, HESAV, UNIL, Lausanne. Séverine Pilloud, PhD,
HEdS-La Source, Lausanne. On behalf of EAHN and ENHE: Prof. Dr. Christine Hallett, Manchester UK, Prof. Dr. Susanne Kreutzer, Münster D, PD Dr. Karen Nolte, Würzburg D.

mardi 19 septembre 2017

L'anti-psychiatrie britannique

The British Anti-Psychiatrists: From Institutional Psychiatry to the Counter-Culture, 1960-1971 

Oisín Wall

Series: Routledge Studies in Cultural History (Book 54)
Hardcover: 256 pages
Publisher: Routledge; 1 edition (August 31, 2017)
Language: English
ISBN-13: 978-1138048560

The British anti-psychiatric group, which formed around R.D. Laing, David Cooper, and Aaron Esterson in the 1960s, burned bright, but briefly, and has left a long legacy. This book follows their practical, social, and theoretical trajectory away from the structured world of institutional psychiatry and into the social chaos of the counter-culture. It explores the rapidly changing landscape of British psychiatry in the mid-Twentieth Century and the apparently structureless organisation of the part of the counter-culture that clustered around the anti-psychiatrists, including the informal power structures that it produced.

The book also problematizes this trajectory, examining how the anti-psychiatrists distanced themselves from institutional psychiatry while building links with some of the most important people in post-war psychiatry and psychoanalysis. The anti-psychiatrists bridged the gap between psychiatry and the counter-culture, and briefly became legitimate voices in both. Wall argues that their synthesis of disparate discourses was one of their strengths, but also contributed to the group’s collapse.

The British Anti-Psychiatrists offers original historical expositions of the Villa 21 experiment and the Anti-University. Finally, it proposes a new reading of anti-psychiatric theory, displacing Laing from his central position and looking at their work as an unfolding conversation within a social network.

Les esprits biologiques

Making Biological Minds


21st-22nd September, 2017

University of Leeds, UK

Organised by Sean Dyde, in cooperation with the University of Leeds and the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme.

The neurosciences are flourishing, while the relationship between the neurosciences and the humanities is not. Whereas some scholars have welcomed closer collaboration, much work attempting to bring the two together can seem off-puttingly imperial or else preparatory to a larger engagement. These deficiencies in turn have generated widespread doubt that either side has anything to learn from the other. In this two-day conference, we will argue differently. We explore ways in which the broad range of practices, methods and theories within the neurosciences and the humanities may offer cooperation, while the disciplines still retain their professional identities. Both fields working towards a common goal to describe, however tantalisingly, what it means to be human.

The speakers are:

Felicity Callard (Birkbeck University of London)
Reverie, Daydreams and Mind-Wandering in the Twentieth- and Twenty-First Century Mind and Brain Sciences

Alfred Cheesman (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin)
Measuring the “Broken Brain”: Neuroimaging and the “Biological Revolution” in American and British Psychiatry

Stephen T Casper (Clarkson University, United States)
A History of Locked-in Syndrome: The Making of Neurological Consciousness, 1880-Present

Chuanfei Chin (National University of Singapore)
Neuroscientific Impasses and Historical Insights

Stephanie Eichberg (Zentrum für Literatur- und Kulturforschung)
From Metaphor to Molecule: Decoding the Languages of Pain

Liam Kempthorne (University College London) and Sean Dyde (University of Leeds)
Neuroscience and the Humanities: Where to from here?

Åsa Jansson (Durham University)
The Politics of the Borderline Brain: Dialectical Behaviour Therapy and Neoliberalism in Swedish Psychiatry

Natasha Lushetich (LaSalle College of the Arts)
The Extended Mind in a Technologically Augmented Body: Neuroplasticity and Bio-Sociality

Richard Milne (University of Cambridge) and Joanna Latimer (University of York)
Pathology’s Progress: Molecular Mobilities and the Neuroscientific Body

Elfed Huw Price (Independent Scholar)
Personhood and the Brain

Tom Quick (University of Manchester)
History in the Laboratory: Digitization, Education, and Design at the Laboratory of Physiology, Anatomy, and Genetics, University of Oxford

Kathryn Schoefert (King’s College London)
Making the Biological Brain: An Organismic View of Neurosciences and Humanities

Roger Smith (Institute of the History of Science and Technology, Russian Federation)
The Sensing of Movement

Claudia Stein (University of Warwick)
Visions of Economic Man: Biomedical Bodies, Political Economy and History around 1900

Gonzalo Talavera (University of Leeds)
Max Isserlin and the Role of Aphasiology in the Debate on Psychologism in Early Twentieth-Century Germany

Priya Umachandran (King’s College London)
Brain Policy Now?

More details of the conference, including abstracts, can be found at:

The event is free, but places are limited, so please register at:

Attendees may also be interested in attending our celebrations for the 60th anniversary of History and Philosophy of Science at the University of Leeds, to be held on the 19th and 20th of September. Further information can be found at:

lundi 18 septembre 2017

Histoire de la mort imminente

Mort imminente. Genèse d'un phénomène scientifique et culturel

Jelena Martinović

Collection: Fabrica
Date de publication: 12.06.2017
Nombre de pages: 224
ISBN: 978-2-94-0563-14-2

Sensation de bien-être, voyage hors du corps, passage au travers d’un tunnel de ténèbres, ascension vers l’«empyrée»: les représentations liées à l’expérience de mort imminente ont profondément influencé l’imaginaire collectif et la conception que nous nous faisons des derniers instants de l’existence, suggérant ni plus ni moins la possibilité d’une vie après la vie. Signalée dès l’Antiquité et observée au sein de différentes cultures à travers le monde, cette expérience fut progressivement prise en compte par la médecine et la psychologie occidentales, avant de connaitre un succès populaire considérable à partir des années 1970.

A travers la figure du psychiatre américain Russell Noyes, Mort imminente restitue de la genèse de ce succès, et montre qu’il trouve son origine, dès les années 1950, au sein du domaine médical nord-américain. Contemporaines de la naissance des soins palliatifs, de la thérapie psychédélique, de la thanatologie et des humanités médicales, les études consacrées à l’expérience de mort imminente ont contribué à l’essor des arts de mourir aux Etats-Unis. Elles ont aussi, et surtout, permis de voir dans l’événement potentiellement traumatique que constitue cette expérience un puissant facteur de transformation personnelle.

Panorama détaillé d’un domaine et d’une époque, l’ouvrage de Jelena Martinović constitue une passionnante enquête historique qui plonge le lecteur au cœur des enjeux et des évolutions de la recherche scientifique.

Poste à Southern Illinois University Edwardsville

Assistant Professor of History of Science and Medicine at Southern Illinois University Edwardsville

Call for applications

Faculty Position FY18-030
September 14, 2017

Position Title
Assistant Professor of History of Science and Medicine

Hiring Unit
College of Arts and Sciences, Department of Historical Studies

Job Description/Responsibilities
The History Department at Southern Illinois University Edwardsville invites applications for a tenure-track position field in the History of Medicine or Science with a non-US focus. Faculty in the Department of Historical Studies teach three courses per semester. The Department emphasizes innovation in our undergraduate courses by highlighting historical thinking skills including primary source analysis in history “labs,” applied historical methods, interdisciplinary courses, and opportunities to collaborate with professional schools. Teaching responsibilities in the 3/3 load include introductory survey courses in World History or Western Civilization, service courses for majors on historical research or careers in history, and upper-level, including graduate, courses in the candidate's field of expertise and broader non-US teaching fields. The candidate is also encouraged to teach interdisciplinary courses with faculty in CAS as well as with our professional schools, such as Nursing, Pharmacy, and Engineering. Faculty who can foster collaborative interdisciplinary research and apply for external funding are highly desirable.

Additionally, the Department offers an MA degree and a PhD in History through our cooperative doctoral program with Southern Illinois University Carbondale, as well as a post-baccalaureate certificate in museum studies. The History Department at Southern Illinois University Edwardsville is a dedicated group of teacher-scholars who value both teaching and research excellence.

Minimum Qualifications
A Ph.D. in History or closely related discipline is required at the time of employment beginning in August 2018. Persons who have not completed all degree requirements by the beginning of the contract period (ABD) may be considered for a one-year term appointment at the rank of instructor until the degree is completed. College-level teaching experience and grant-writing experience is preferred.

dimanche 17 septembre 2017

Les critiques de Freud

Freud Wars. Un siècle de scandales

Samuel Lézé

Presses universitaires de France
Date de parution: 06/09/2017
Nombre de pages: 180
Code ISBN:  978-2-13-079245-1

Pourquoi Freud, mort depuis 1939, fait-il encore scandale aujourd’hui ? Plus encore que la psychanalyse, c’est sa personne qui est régulièrement attaquée. Dernier éclat en date : la parution, en 2010, du Crépuscule d’une idole de Michel Onfray, qui faisait suite au Livre noir de la psychanalyse (2005). En affirmant que les théories freudiennes ne sont qu’une série de fables, les détracteurs de Freud s’inscrivent dans une intrigue de longue durée. Un siècle de scandales qui, au lieu d’atteindre Freud, l’ont édifié en mythe. Un siècle de Freud Wars qu’il faut maintenant exhumer pour comprendre les erreurs de ceux qui ont tenté de détruire non seulement le psychanalyste, mais aussi l’homme. Car, finalement, dénigrer Freud, c’est le populariser. Mieux : c’est accomplir une prophétie qu’il n’a lui-même cessé de prédire.

Le texte à l’épreuve de la folie et de la littérature

Le texte à l’épreuve de la folie et de la littérature

Marc Décimo & Tanka G. Tremblay 

Les presses du réel 
Septembre 2017

Une somme consacrée aux liens étroits entre littérature et folie, du XVIIIe siècle jusqu'à nos jours.
Où commence et finit la Littérature ? Où commence et finit la folie ? De l'histoire de ces limites traitent depuis le XVIIIe siècle jusqu'à nos jours Disraeli, Philarète Chasles, Gabriel Peignot, Nodier – autour de la question des « fous littéraires » –, Delepierre, les Agathopèdes, les deux Brunet, de nombreux érudits, Alfred Jarry, et des aliénistes, Calmeil, Sentoux, Lombroso, Nordau, Réja, puis Chambernac, Queneau, Breton, Perec, Blavier, des universitaires et tant d'autres…
Ainsi que faire du Journal de Madopolis, du prêtre adamite Fulmen Cotton, des pré-oulipiens, de Gleïzès (l'inventeur du végétarisme), des farfadets de Berbiguier de Terre-Neuve du Thym, de Jules Allix (atteint d'escargotomanie), de la philanthropophagie de Paulin Gagne, de Jean-Pierre Brisset (atteint de grenouillomanie), du marquis de Camarasa et de ses brouettes, de Perreaux (l'inventeur de la moto), de Normand Lamour et de tant d'autres ?

Médecine et biologie arabes

Revue Arabic Biology and Medicine

Appel à contributions

Dans le cadre de la promotion des études sur l’histoire des sciences de la vie arabes, la revue en ligne Arabic Biology and Medicine, a historical Journal,, revue scientifique à comité de lecture, lance un appel à contributions sur des thématiques touchant à l’histoire des sciences de la vie écrites en langue arabe. Les travaux sur la médecine, la biologie, la zoologie, la botanique, la pharmacie et la pharmacopée, les sciences agronomiques et la science vétérinaire ainsi que leur diffusion et transmission dans les sphères culturelles arabo-islamiques sont particulièrement sollicités. Les textes proposés à la Rédaction pourront porter sur des questions historiques et/ou épistémologiques touchant des périodes contemporaines ou anciennes. Sera également accueillie avec beaucoup d’intérêt toute proposition d’analyse ou de recension d'ouvrage portant sur ces thématiques. 
Merci d’envoyer votre proposition (ainsi que vos coordonnées et une courte bio) au rédacteur en chef Ahmed Aarab et à l’équipe de rédaction à 
Les manuscrits doivent être originaux et ne peuvent pas être en cours de soumission pour une autre publication ; ils peuvent être rédigés en anglais, en français ou en arabe; ils ne doivent pas dépasser 50 000 signes (espaces et notes compris) et avoir un résumé (10-20 lignes). De courts papiers peuvent être soumis.

samedi 16 septembre 2017

Le témoignage d’un caporal infirmier

Milec le soldat méconnu. Le témoignage d’Emile Madec (1891-1917), caporal infirmier au 19e régiment d’infanterie de Brest 

Soizick Le Pautremat

Préface de Nicolas Beaupré

Éditeur : Vagamundo
Nombre de Pages : 352
ISBN : 979-10-92521-19-1

L’ouvrage regroupe les carnets de guerre d’Émile Madec, de nombreux extraits de sa correspondance avec sa marraine de guerre, sa famille, ses amis, ainsi que quelques dessins et aquarelles qu’il a réalisés au front. Les textes et documents visuels sont établis, présentés et annotés par Soizick Le Pautremat qui signe également le prologue de cet ouvrage préfacé par l’historien Nicolas Beaupré et enrichi d’une soixantaine de documents visuels inédits. »


Soizick Le Pautremat est née le 12 janvier 1947 à Plouguenast (Côtes d’Armor). Elle vit à Port-Louis, dans le Morbihan. Elle est professeur agrégé d’histoire-géographie en retraite. En 1968, elle reçoit, de sa grand-tante Françoise Madec, les carnets de guerre, dessins, aquarelles et derniers effets personnels de son grand-oncle Émile Madec, dit «Milec», né le 24 juillet 1891 à Pont-Aven et mort pour la France le 7 mai 1917 lors de la bataille du Chemin des Dames. Persuadée que ces carnets pouvaient être utiles, qu’ils viendraient compléter les souvenirs contenus dans les «Cahiers du 19e R.I.» et apporter une autre vision de la guerre, celle d’un infirmier, elle décide de les publier.

Mon ambition est de montrer, à partir de l’exemple d’un caporal infirmier, que ces hommes soignants ont encore des informations, non négligeables, à nous apprendre sur cette guerre et qu’ils ne sont pas, comme je l’ai lu «les embusqués des tranchées». Mon travail de mémoire se double alors d’un «devoir de connaissance», selon l’expression de François Bédarida, pour aboutir à une reconnaissance de ceux que je nomme les «soldats méconnus». Émile Madec n’était pas seulement un Poilu : artisan comme son père, il était aussi artiste de formation, soldat infirmier par choix et humaniste de culture."

Corps masculins dans la nation

Corps masculins : représentations littéraires et iconographiques de la nation

Appel à communications


19 et 20 avril 2018

Université de Nantes
Chemin de la Censive du Tertre
44300 Nantes

Depuis une dizaine d’années les études sur le genre et les masculinités gagnent de la place dans le paysage académique français grâce aux nouvelles approches théoriques d’analyse culturelle venues particulièrement des pays anglophones (Butler, Connell, etc.), et ce malgré l’opposition de plus en plus criante de certains groupes religieux et d’une partie de la société civile (La Manif pour Tous, Civitas, Sens commun) qui dénoncent une manipulation idéologique de la part des universitaires dans le but de défaire le genre organisant les modes de fonctionnement sociaux et les rapports de domination.

Dans ce contexte de forte remise en cause des luttes pour l’égalité de genre et pour les droits des personnes LGBTIQ, il importe de continuer les réflexions engagées lors de la journée d’études « Masculinités hispaniques : déviances et résistances dans la littérature hispanophone contemporaine » (réalisée en octobre 2016) à partir d’une nouvelle perspective d’analyse : les rapports étroits entre masculinité et nation.

Déjà en 1983, l’œuvre de référence Imagined Communities de Benedict Anderson, avait apporté un nouvel éclairage sur les modes de fonctionnement en communauté et le processus de formation de l’imaginaire lié à la nation. Les origines de la conscience nationale et les attributs qui lui ont été associés s’avèrent inséparables des caractérisations du corps masculin. En effet, la virilité a été utilisée de manière très productive dans les descriptions idéales de la nation et de ses représentants. Plus récemment, Tod W. Reeser (2010) a analysé que dans le discours de la nation et de la masculinité, ces caractérisations sont « imaginées, limitées et démarquées ». Ce phénomène apparaît par exemple dans les représentations viriles de l’armée comme corps défensif de la nation ou, au contraire, dans les traits féminins ou efféminés attribués à l’ennemi. Selon ce spécialiste, «la masculinité peut aider à faire apparaître la nationalité comme naturelle». Ainsi, la naturalisation de la nation et celle du corps masculin s’insèrent au sein d’un seul et même processus discursif.

Ces éléments de réflexion nous invitent à interroger l’articulation des représentations de la masculinité à celles de la nation dans la littérature et les arts visuels du XIXe au XXIe siècles. Les aires culturelles à aborder ainsi que la langue des textes littéraires n’ont pas de limite. Cependant les communications doivent être proposées en français ou en anglais. Elles pourront se centrer sur un ou plusieurs des axes proposés ci-dessous, mais ils ne sont aucunement restrictifs :

• La virilité comme identité nationale genrée.

• Masculinités, discours belliqueux et représentations de l’armée.

• Discours colonialistes et féminisation de l’ennemi.

• Discours patriarcal et métaphorisation féminine de la nation.

• L’amitié masculine, les idéaux de fraternité et la nation.

• Hétéronormativité et imaginaire de la patrie.

• Représentations de l’acte sexuel, du viol et de la séduction dans les discours nationaux.

• Homophobie et discours national.


Sergio Coto-Rivel, MCF, Université de Nantes

Cécile Fourrel de Frettes, MCF, Université Paris 13

Jennifer Houdiard, MCF, Université de Nantes 

Date limite pour l’envoi des propositions : 10 janvier 2018

Langues des communications : français ou anglais

Propositions de 500 mots maximum, brève biobibliographie

Une publication sélective des articles issus des communications est envisagée dans la revue Itinéraires. Littérature, textes, cultures.

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