dimanche 31 mai 2015

Dernier numéro de History of psychiatry

History of psychiatry

June 2015; 26 (2)

J Cutting
First rank symptoms of schizophrenia: their nature and origin 
Full Text (PDF)

Warwick Brunton
‘At variance with the most elementary principles’: the state of British colonial lunatic asylums in 1863 
Full Text (PDF)

Harry Yi-Jui Wu
World citizenship and the emergence of the social psychiatry project of the World Health Organization, 1948–c.1965 
Full Text (PDF)

Claire Hilton
Psychiatrists, mental health provision and ‘senile dementia’ in England, 1940s–1979
Full Text (PDF)

Adrián Gramary, Cláudia Lopes, and João Pedro Ribeiro
Herculano Sá de Figueiredo (1911–74): a sculptor in the Conde de Ferreira Hospital, Portugal 
Full Text (PDF)

Classic Text No. 102
Johan Schioldann and  German Berrios
‘The meaning of the symptom in psychiatry. An overview’, by Hans W. Gruhle (1913) 
Full Text (PDF)

Book Reviews

Gaia Domenici
Book Review: Paul Bishop, Carl Jung
Full Text (PDF)

Sarah Edwards
Book Review: Francesca Scott, Kate Scarth and Ji Won Chung (eds), Picturing Women’s Health
Full Text (PDF)

Emily Baum
Book Review: Howard Chiang (ed.), Psychiatry and Chinese History
Full Text (PDF)

Ellizabeth Ann Danto
Book Review: Kate Schechter, Illusions of a Future – Psychoanalysis and the Biopolitics of Desire
Full Text (PDF)

Edgar Jones
Book Review: David Cantor and Edmund Ramsden (eds), Stress, Shock and Adaptation in the Twentieth Century
Full Text (PDF)

Research on the history of psychiatry
Research on the history of psychiatry: Dissertation Abstracts 
Full Text (PDF)

Le futur de l'histoire de la psychologie

Does the History of Psychology have a Future ? 

Call for papers

History of Psychology invites submissions for a special issue on the future of the history of psychology.

20 years ago, Kurt Danziger published an article with the provocative title, “Does the history of psychology have a future?” and it led to a great deal of comment and debate. The institutional position of the field does not seem to have improved in the meantime. The graduate program in history and theory of psychology at the University of New Hampshire was the only one of its kind in the USA and it was ended in 2009. Although the history of psychology is still widely taught at the undergraduate level, concerns have been expressed over a possible decline in the number of psychology departments offering the course. Professional historians have become increasingly prominent in the field. Could the subject eventually be handed over to them, as has already happened with the history of the physical sciences? Should this development be welcomed? There are many issues to be addressed.

We welcome contributions on any aspect of the subject. In order to get as many different perspectives as possible, we welcome contributions from authors in different disciplines (especially psychologists and historians), authors at different stages in their career (from graduate students to emeriti) and authors from different parts of the world. We are well aware that the current situation in the USA may not be representative of the situation elsewhere.

The submission deadline is July 15, 2015. 

The main text of each manuscript, exclusive of figures, tables, references, or appendixes, should not exceed 35 double-spaced pages (approximately 7,500 words). Initial inquiries regarding the special issue may be sent to the regular editor, Nadine Weidman (weidman@fas.harvard.edu) or the guest editor, Adrian Brock (adrian.c.brock@gmail.com).

Papers should be submitted through the regular submission portal for History of Psychology(http://www.apa.org/journals/hop/submission.html) with a cover letter indicating that the paper is to be considered for the special issue.

samedi 30 mai 2015

Psychose, psychanalyse et psychiatrie dans l'Amérique d'après-guerre

Psychosis, Psychoanalysis and Psychiatry in Post War USA: On the borderland of madness

Orna Ophir

Hardcover: 226 pages
Publisher: Routledge (June 1, 2015)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 113882352X
ISBN-13: 978-1138823525

Covering the last four decades of the 20th century, this book explores the unwritten history of the struggles between psychoanalysis and psychiatry in post war USA, inaugurated by the neo-somatic revolution which had profound consequences for the treatment of psychotic patients. Analysing and synthesising major developments in this critical and clinical field, Orna Ophir discusses how leading theories redefined what schizophrenia is, and how to treat it, offering a fresh interpretation of the nature and challenges of the psychoanalytic profession. The book also considers the internal dynamics and conflicts within mental health organizations, their theoretical paradigms and therapeutic practices.

Opening a timely debate considering both the continuing relevance and the inherent limitations of the psychoanalytic approach, the book demonstrates how psychoanalysts reinterpreted their professional identity by formalizing and disseminating knowledge among their fellow practitioners, while negotiating with neighbouring professions in the medical fields, such as psychiatry, pharmacology, and the burgeoning neurosciences. Chapters explore the ways in which psychoanalysts constructed - and also transgressed upon - the boundaries of their professional identity and practice as they sought to understand schizophrenia and treat its patients. The book argues that among the many relationships psychoanalysis sustained with psychiatry, some weakened their own social role as service providers, while others made the theory and practice of psychoanalysis a viable contender in the jurisdictional struggles between professions.

Psychosis, Psychoanalysis and Psychiatry in Post War USA will appeal to researchers, academics, graduate students and advanced undergraduates who are interested in the history of psychoanalysis, psychiatry, the medical humanities, and the history of science and ideas. It will also be of interest to clinicians, health care professionals and other practitioners.

Colloque de la SFHSH

Colloque de la SFHSH - Histoire des sciences humaines et sociales

Appel à communications

Paris, 5-6 novembre 2015

De nombreux travaux de recherches, souvent isolés, ont porté et portent sur l'histoire des sciences humaines et sociales. En France, une société (la Société Française pour l'Histoire des Sciences de l'Homme, SFHSH) et une revue (La Revue d'histoire des sciences
humaines) ont entrepris depuis plusieurs décennies de donner à ce domaine de recherche une consistance intellectuelle qui fasse apparaître des thématiques émergentes, souvent transversales aux disciplines des sciences humaines et sociales contemporaines.

Emanant de la SFHSH, cet appel à communication vise à renforcer la visibilité des recherches en histoire des sciences humaines et sociales et à susciter échanges et dialogues entre jeunes chercheurs et chercheurs confirmés qui travaillent souvent dans des institutions ou des disciplines distinctes. Au cours de ces échanges, des problématiques et des objets nouveaux pourront émerger, tandis que des objets déjà étudiés pourront être revisités.

Les propositions de symposium et de communications pourront porter sur les pistes de recherche et de problématisation suivantes (liste non
limitative) :

-Enquêtes et terrains.

-Usages et applications. Des sciences pour l'action.

-Acteurs et actrices.

-La question des frontières des sciences humaines et sociales. Arts, littérature, sciences de la nature etc.

-Pratiques, méthodes, cultures matérielles des sciences humaines et sociales.

-Historicité, sources, historiographies des sciences humaines et sociales.


-Circulations, réceptions, appropriations

Les propositions de symposiums (trois à cinq participants) devront comporter une présentation générale de la thématique (une page environ accompagnée d’une courte bibliographie, quelques lignes de présentation de l’auteur) et les résumés de chaque communication (une page environ accompagnée d’une courte bibliographie, quelques lignes de présentation de l’auteur)

Les propositions de communication hors symposium comporteront une page environ, accompagnées d'une courte bibliographie et quelques lignes de biographie de l’auteur.

Ces propositions devront être adressées à la fois à Jacqueline Carroy (secrétaire de la SFHSH) et Nathalie Richard (présidente de la SFHSH) pour le lundi 20 juin 2015.

Le conseil d'administration de la SFHSH est le comité scientifique du colloque. Il examinera les propositions en juin 2015 et fera connaître ses réponses aux participants début juillet 2015.

Composition du conseil scientifique du colloque : Jacqueline Carroy,  
Anne-Sophie Chambost, Laurent Clauzade, Jean-Christophe Coffin, Stéphanie  Dupouy, Wolf Feuerhahn, Hervé Guillemain, Nathalie Richard.

Frais d’inscription au colloque :
Non membres : 40€
Membres de la SFHSH à jour de leur cotisation : 10€
Étudiants : 10€

Nathalie Richard
Chargée de mission culture scientifique, technique et industrielle Professeur d'histoire contemporaine CERHIO (CNRS UMR 6258) Université du Maine, Le Mans, France

vendredi 29 mai 2015

La création du système de santé américain

Ensuring America's Health: The Public Creation of the Corporate Health Care System 

Christy Ford Chapin 

Hardcover: 368 pages
Publisher: Cambridge University Press (May 31, 2015)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 110704488X
ISBN-13: 978-1107044883

Ensuring America's Health explains why the US health care system offers world-class medical services to some patients but is also exceedingly costly with fragmented care, poor distribution, and increasingly bureaucratized processes. Based on exhaustive historical research, this work traces how public and private power merged to favor a distinctive economic model that places insurance companies at the center of the system, where they both finance and oversee medical care. Although the insurance company model was created during the 1930s, it continues to drive health care cost and quality problems today. This wide-ranging work not only evaluates the overarching political and economic framework of the medical system but also provides rich narrative detail, examining the political dramas, corporate maneuverings, and forceful personalities that created American health care as we know it. This book breaks new ground in the fields of health care history, organizational studies, and American political economy.

L'éthique médicale dans la Colombie du XIXe siècle

Medical Ethics in 19th-Century Colombia: The medical profession in a newly independent country

Eduardo Diaz Amado, MD PhD
Associate Professor, Bioethics Institute, Pontifical Xavierian University, Bogota, Colombia

Wednesday, 24 June 2015, 11.00 a.m., Department of Philosophy, Seminar Room 005, 48 Old Elvet, Durham

With the rise and rapid worldwide expansion of bioethics since the mid-20th century the way to define “the ethical” in medicine has changed dramatically. In this context, the term “medical ethics” ended up being associated with what bioethicists themselves depict as the old (unacceptable) style of practising medicine, that is, medical paternalism and medical ethics understood as mere “medical etiquette”. However, in the last few years scholars from different sides, including historians of medicine and bioethicists themselves, have started to adopt a historical approach instead of the bioethicists’ tale to explain the nature and history of medical ethics. This has proven to be a very fruitful undertaking. Inspired by this trend, a collaborative research project on the history of medical ethics in Colombia and the United Kingdom in the 19th century, a comparative study, was launched at the end of 2014. In this presentation I will discuss three aspects related to the Colombian branch of the project: first, the expected contributions of this research initiative not only for bioethics, but also for the development of related fields like history and philosophy of medicine as well as medical humanities; second, the question of how to understand “medical ethics” in a “historical perspective”; and third, an overview of some preliminary findings of the project, in particular that in Colombia shaping the medical profession and building a new country were processes that went hand in hand in this century. 

jeudi 28 mai 2015

Hippocrate et l'institution de la médecine

La pratique, le discours et la règle. Hippocrate et l'institution de la médecine

Jean Lombard

Hippocrate et Platon, études de philosophie de la médecine
ISBN : 978-2-343-06371-3 • 15 mai 2015 • 164 pages

La médecine antique nous semble balbutiante et périmée. Elle peut se lire comme un début, une avancée glorieuse mais réversible à laquelle la médecine moderne aurait d'une certaine façon mis un terme. Pourtant, plus qu'un moment daté elle est un commencement, où la médecine de l'Occident est instituée. Hippocrate représente un accès à la genèse archivée mais vivante du geste médical.

Peter Warren Travelling Scholarship

The Peter Warren Travelling Scholarship

Call for applications

The Peter Warren Travelling Scholarship funds research projects undertaken by residents, in Royal College accredited programs, studying the history of specialty medicine or postgraduate medical education in Canada. It honours Dr. Charles Peter Warren, FRCPC, the inaugural chair of the Royal College’s History and Heritage Advisory Committee, who provided leadership in our history and heritage activities until his death in May 2011 and made significant contributions over his professional career to the history of medicine in Canada.

Scholarship funds up to $1,500 for studies in specialty medical history

Residents pursuing studies in the history of specialty medicine or postgraduate medical education in Canada are invited to apply for the Royal College’s Peter Warren Travelling Scholarship.

The scholarship funds up to $1,500 per project and encourages recipients to visit our celebrated Roddick Room library in Ottawa, Ont., and research the historical archives of the Royal College.

Click here to apply. Send your submissions to awards@royalcollege.ca before September 11, 2015, 4 p.m., EST. Contact us via the same email address if you have any questions.

This opportunity is open to residents in a Royal College accredited postgraduate program. Full eligibility criteria and submission details are on our website.

mercredi 27 mai 2015

Anatomies humaine et animale sous Louis XIV

The Courtiers' Anatomists: Animals and Humans in Louis XIV's Paris 

Anita Guerrini

Hardcover: 352 pages
Publisher: University Of Chicago Press; 1 edition (May 27, 2015)
Language: English
ISBN-13: 978-0226247663

The Courtiers' Anatomists is about dead bodies and live animals in Louis XIV's Paris--and the surprising links between them. Examining the practice of seventeenth-century anatomy, Anita Guerrini reveals how anatomy and natural history were connected through animal dissection and vivisection. Driven by an insatiable curiosity, Parisian scientists, with the support of the king, dissected hundreds of animals from the royal menageries and the streets of Paris. Guerrini is the first to tell the story of Joseph-Guichard Duverney, who performed violent, riot-inducing dissections of both animal and human bodies before the king at Versailles and in front of hundreds of spectators at the King's Garden in Paris. At the Paris Academy of Sciences, meanwhile, Claude Perrault, with the help of Duverney’s dissections, edited two folios in the 1670s filled with lavish illustrations by court artists of exotic royal animals.

Through the stories of Duverney and Perrault, as well as those of Marin Cureau de la Chambre, Jean Pecquet, and Louis Gayant, The Courtiers' Anatomists explores the relationships between empiricism and theory, human and animal, as well as the origins of the natural history museum and the relationship between science and other cultural activities, including art, music, and literature.

Vaccination and Anti-Vaccination

Vaccination and Anti-Vaccination: The Science, History, Ethics, Public Health, Medical, and Policy Aspects of a Contested Issue

McMaster Demystifying Medicine seminar series 2015

This event is co-organized with the Hannah Unit in the History of Medicine.

Thursday, May 28, 2015
2:00 pm to 5:00 pm (NEW: please see detailed program here)

MDCL 3020, building 52 (please click here for map)

Ellen Amster | Jason A. Hannah Chair in the History of Medicine, Department of Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics and Department of History [Historian]

Julie Emili | Director of Public Health and Preventive Residency Program, Department of Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics [Public Health]

Gordon Guyatt | Distinguished Professor, Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics and Department of Medicine, CLARITY program [EBM]

Mark Loeb | Director of Infectious Disease Program, Department of Pathology and Molecular Medicine, Department of Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics [Infectious disease]

Matthew Miller | McMaster Immunology Research Center, Department of Biochemistry and Biomedicine. [Immunology]

Jeffrey Pernica | Head of the Division of Pediatric Infectious Disease and Associate Professor in the Department of Pediatrics [Pediatrics, infectious disease]

Learning Objectives:
To develop a more complex and interdisciplinary understanding of vaccination itself and its social, ethical, legal, medical, economic, scientific, historical, and political implications.
To understand anti-vaccination and vaccine hesitancy in multidisciplinary perspective, (social, ethical, legal, medical, economic, and political).
To provide clinical health care professionals with specific information about vaccines, vaccination, contagious disease and anti-vaccination, for use in interactions with patients, the public, and stakeholders.
To develop new strategies for educating the public and patients about vaccines, and strategies for inviting collaboration by key social actors and stakeholders.

Contact Info:
Dr. Kjetil Ask or Dr. Ellen Amster
Email: demystifyingmedicine@gmail.com, amstere@mcmaster.ca

Sara Sellers
Phone: 905-525-9140 Ext. 76706
Accreditation statement:

Each seminar meets the accreditation criteria of The College of Family Physicians of Canada and has been accredited by McMaster Continuing Health Science Education for up to 1.5 Mainpro-M1 credits.

This activity is an Accredited Group Learning Activity (Section 1) as defined by the Maintenance of Certification program of The Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada and approved by McMaster Continuing Health Science Education for up to 1.5 MOC Section 1 credits

Attendees seeking accreditation will need an ETA (Event Tracking Assistant) account. Please contact Sara Sellers to set up an account.

mardi 26 mai 2015

Histoire de l'allergie alimentaire

Another Person's Poison: A History of Food Allergy

Matthew Smith

Series: Arts and Traditions of the Table: Perspectives on Culinary History
Hardcover: 312 pages
Publisher: Columbia University Press; 1 edition (May 26, 2015)
Language: English
ISBN-13: 978-0231164849

To some, food allergies seem like fabricated cries for attention. For others, they pose a dangerous health threat. Food allergies are bound up with so many personal and ideological concerns that it is difficult to determine what is medical and what is myth. This book parses the political, economic, cultural, and genuine health factors of a phenomenon that now dominates our interactions with others and our understanding of ourselves. Surveying the history of food allergy from ancient times to the present, Another Person's Poison also gives readers a clear grasp of new medical findings on allergies and what they say about our environment, our immune system, and the nature of the food we consume.

For most of the twentieth century, food allergies were considered a fad or junk science. While many physicians and clinicians argued that certain foods could cause a range of chronic problems, from asthma and eczema to migraines and hyperactivity, others believed that allergies were psychosomatic. Another Person's Poison traces the trajectory of this debate and its effect on public-health policy and the production, manufacture, and consumption of food. Are rising allergy rates purely the result of effective lobbying and a booming industry built on self-diagnosis and expensive remedies? Or should physicians become more flexible in their approach to food allergies and more careful in their diagnoses? Exploring the issue from scientific, political, economic, social, and patient-centered perspectives, this book is the first to engage fully with the history of what is now a major modern affliction, illuminating society's troubled relationship with food, disease, and the creation of medical knowledge.

Postdoctorat en histoire de la médecine à Zurich

Postdoc in history of medicine (60%), Zurich, Switzerland

Call for applications

The history of medicine group within the Center for Medical Humanities of the University of Zurich, Switzerland, seeks to make two appointments (60%) at postdoctoral level, tenable from 1 September 2015. 
Applications are welcome from scholars with research expertise in any aspect of the history of medicine, in any region of the world, in the period since 1900. We would particularly welcome applications from scholars whose work connects with areas of global health, infectious diseases, HIV/AIDS, drug therapies and public health. 
The post-holder will be expected to contribute to the delivery of teaching in this broad area at all levels. The history of medicine section at Zurich builds on Erwin H. Ackerknecht’s legacy of an internationally respected, research-active environment and hopes to be a leading voice for the development of Medical Humanities at the University of Zurich. 
The successful candidate will play an important role in the further development of the teaching, research, public engagement and international reputation of the history of medicine group, as well as working closely with colleagues in the Bioethics and History Departments and in other departments and faculties in Switzerland and elsewhere. Further information on the history of medicine group is available on http://www.mhiz.uzh.ch/
Applications should be sent electronically by 29 May 2015 to Professor Flurin Condrau, Center for Medical Humanities, University of Zurich, flurin.condrau@uzh.ch.

lundi 25 mai 2015

Histoire de l'otologie

History of Otology Volume II A Tribute to Adam Politzer

A. Mudry

Publisher: Wayenborgh Publishing
Price: € 160.00 / US $ 208.00
ISBN 13: 978-90-6299-464-9
Publication date: 2015-02-02

Albert Mudry’s History of Otology is fittingly subtitled: A Tribute to Adam Politzer. It has been over a century since Politzer published his classic Geschichte der Ohrenheilkunde (History of Otology) in 1907. His ambitious volume represented the first comprehensive book length treatment of the subject and has long been the standard reference source on otological history.

It would not be accurate to consider Mudry’s new volume merely an updated edition of Politzer’s classic. While Mudry’s treatment of the subject mirrors Politzer’s chronological approach, and both works cover the same era (antiquity through the mid-19th century), this contribution is fundamentally a new work. As such, it was created more in the spirit of an homage to Politzer, as an act of reverence and tribute, rather than an effort to modernize a book which was reflective of its time and place.

As scholars, the similarities and contrasts between Politzer and Mudry are noteworthy. Each dedicated themselves to excellence in both clinical otology and teaching; each prolific authors with extensive published scholarship; and each ardent bibliophiles with extensive personal libraries of historical texts. However, their career paths diverged in important ways. Politzer only undertook his History of Otology at the end of his nearly a half century of practicing otology. Politzer is better known for his Lehrbuch der Ohrenheilkunde (Textbook of Otology), written during the prime of his career, which is widely acknowledged to be the dominant textbook of its era. This clinical textbook appeared an impressive five editions over three decades (1878 – 1908). Politzer was an erudite scholar who routinely included historical context in his publications, but he lacked formal training as an historian.

Mudry, in contrast to his predecessor, is a classically trained historian with a PhD in History from the University of Lausanne. Unlike Politzer, Mudry has dedicated his entire career as a scholar to the study of otologic history. Among otologists who publish historical work of in the field, he is the only one who possesses advanced training in historical research methods. It is not coincidental that one of Mudry’s most noteworthy contributions has been his 333 page biography entitled: Adam Politzer, A Life for Otology.

As a 21st century historian, Mudry had several important advantages over his predecessor. Benefitting from today’s international marketplace for old books, journals, and manuscripts, Mudry has amassed an impressive personal library in otological history of some 1200 items (Politzer’s library possessed a mere 229 works)1. Politzer principally used historical resources in Vienna libraries and a few other European sites. Aided by modern high speed travel and bibliographic search engines, Mudry has scoured the world for primary source historical material which was not readily available to Politzer. Today, many of the more common historical otological texts and journals are available online in full text, greatly expediting their study. Despite these modern conveniences, creation of a comprehensive compendium of otological history from entirely original sources remains a Herculean task. Important sources can be rare, at times unique, and are widely dispersed geographically. They also appear in a diversity of languages with most earlier references written in Latin or Greek. A key skill of both Politzer and Mudry is a broad facility for languages. Politzer’s history was written in German, the dominant language of scholarship in its time, and not translated into English for three quarters of a century (1981). Mudry’s work appears in English, the more widely accessible language of the present time. In another notable enhancement, the new edition, unlike Politzer’s, contains historical illustrations.

Writing a century after Politzer, Mudry has the added perspective and context provided by the dramatic evolution of otology during the 20th century. During this era enormous advances in our understanding ear physiology and disease processes were achieved. Revolutions in technology such as microscopic surgery, electric drills, and electronic hearing aids greatly enhanced the otological armamentarium. I was pleased to learn that Mudry has plans to complete a thorough study of the second half of the 19th and entire 20th century. This promises to be a most welcome and valuable contribution.

Politzer’s 1907 Textbook of Otology was a masterful effort for its time, but nevertheless had limitations in scope, depth, and also contained more than a few errors, omissions, and inaccuracies. Mudry’s new volume surpasses Politzer’s efforts in its comprehensiveness, accuracy, depth of coverage, and exclusive use of primary sources. It shares one important attribute with Polizer’s 1907 text – that it is unlikely to be surpassed in the coming century. There can be little doubt that Politzer would be pleased that care of his legacy has passed to such capable hands.

Prochaine séance de la Société Française d'Histoire de la Médecine

Prochaine séance de la Société Française d'Histoire de la Médecine 

SAMEDI 13 JUIN 2015 à 14h30

Salle du Conseil de l’ancienne Faculté,
12 Rue de l’École de Médecine, 1er étage,
75006 Paris (métro Odéon)

Bardia SABET-AZAD Mutation des concepts thérapeutiques en Perse

Marianne ALTITMORVILLEZ Emile Espérandieu et les cachets d'oculistes romains

Philippe BONNICHON La mort accidentelle d’Henri II : étude anatomo-clinique

David STEEL Une opération en 1878 sur l'épaule de Juliette Gide, mère d'André Gide, par les Drs Brouhardel et Berger

La prochaine séance aura lieu le 24 octobre 2015 au Val-de-Grâce (le programme de la rentrée sera diffusé en septembre)

dimanche 24 mai 2015

Artémidore et l'interprétation des rêves

Artémidore et l'interprétation des rêves

Journée d'études

Vendredi 05 juin 2015

Faculté de Médecine de Montpellier
Salle du Conseil
de 8h45 à  18h00

Le seul traité antique d’onirocritique préservé dans sa totalité est celui d’Artémidore de Daldis, auteur grec de la fin du IIe siècle de notre ère. Depuis septembre 2007, le groupe Artémidore en a entrepris une nouvelle édition et traduction annotée. En mars 2009, il a organisé une première journée d’études autour de cette œuvre et de l’interprétation des rêves en général. Celle-ci sera la cinquième.


8h45 accueil des participants

9h Nicole Belayche (EPHE, UMR 8210 AnHiMA), « Les Oneirocritica dans le contexte religieux de leur temps »

9h50 Francis Prost (Université Paris I, ArScAn), « Artémidore et ses statues »

10h40 pause

11h10 Marc Geoffroy (CNRS, LEM), « Le texte de l’Artémidore arabe »

12h00 déjeuner

14h00 Jean-Marie Flamand (CNRS, IRHT), « Artémidore dans l’Europe du XVIe siècle : résurgence et résistances »

14h50 Jacqueline Carroy (EHESS, Centre Alexandre-Koyré), « Artémidore au XIXe siècle »

15h40 pause

16h10 Christophe Pébarthe (Université Bordeaux III, Ausonius), « Michel Foucault, lecteur d’Artémidore »

17h conclusions

Groupe Artémidore
laboratoire CRISES (EA 4424)
Université Paul-Valéry Montpellier

Julien du Bouchet (julien.dubouchet@wanadoo.fr)
Christophe Chandezon (chrchandezon@wanadoo.fr)

Chirurgiens et médecins dans l'Irak médiéval

Surgeons and Physicians in Medieval Iraq

Professor Emilie Savage-Smith

Annual Bonham-Carter Lecture

Thursday, June 11, 2015 - 18:00 to 19:15
The British Academy, 10 Carlton House Terrace, London, SW1Y 5AH

Baghdad led the world in medicine and surgery during the Abbasid period. Following organised efforts to determine what earlier societies knew of medical care, Baghdadi physicians produced a rich and innovative medical literature while government officials demonstrated serious interest in public health. Muslim, Christian and Jewish physicians worked together in hospitals and served as court physicians. In this illustrated lecture for BISI, Professor Emilie Savage-Smith will give examples of the treatments available in Baghdad during the ninth and tenth centuries for ailments such as asthma, hay fever, sore throat, infected tonsils, missing teeth, eye inflammations, cataracts, broken bones, embedded arrowheads, indigestion, diarrhoea, and dislocated shoulders.

samedi 23 mai 2015

Les prospectus des charlatans londoniens pré-modernes

Healing Words: The Printed Handbills of Early Modern London Quacks

Roberta Mullini

Series: Interkulturelle Begegnungen. Studien Zum Literatur- Und Kulturtransfer (Book 18)
Hardcover: 264 pages
Publisher: Peter Lang Pub Inc (May 22, 2015)
Language: English
ISBN-13: 978-3631664773

During the English Restoration, London unlicensed health carers printed handbills as the easiest way to advertise their medical practices. In order to increase our awareness of irregular medical practitioners as a cultural phenomenon and examine their language, two collections of handbills have been transcribed. The study analyses the lexicon used to address readers, the traits of orality in written communication as well as the places where proprietary medicines were sold. Furthermore it looks closely at the visual impact of some handbills and the role of anti-quack satire at the end of the seventeenth century.

La troisième pandémie de peste

Plague's third pandemic: A history of disease ecology

Professor Susan Jones from the University of Minnesota

All are welcome to attend the Kings College London Annual Lecture in the History of Health and Medicine, to be held at 5pm on Weds 3 June in the Anatomy Lecture Theatre, K6.29, Strand Building, Strand, followed by a reception in the anatomy museum.

Between the 1860s and 1950, the “third pandemic” of bubonic plague spread globally via infected rats, ships, and people through urban “plague ports.” Public health officials in ports of entry in former settler societies—South Africa and the United States among them—blamed Asian immigration and severely disciplined the “foreign” people, rats and fleas thought to have imported the disease. To their shock, the disease appeared again within a few years, this time among native white farmers living inland, and “sylvatic” (wild) animals. As South African plague investigator J. Alexander Mitchell put it, the discovery of a link between sylvatic plague and human epidemics was a “rude awakening” that “opened a new chapter in the history of plague” and changed the identity of the disease. This lecture combines historical analysis and recent phylogenetic evidence to trace plague’s changing identity from a disease of people and rats, to a larger biological phenomenon affecting a wide array of species and places. In the process, plague’s social, cultural and scientific identities underwent significant transformation. No longer could public health officials hope that “the disease had been completely eradicated from the country,” nor was it ever likely to be eradicated—a conclusion that has reverberated through the decades to inform our current concerns over emergent and re-emergent diseases.

vendredi 22 mai 2015

Jonas Salk

Jonas Salk: A Life

Charlotte DeCroes Jacobs

Hardcover: 576 pages
Publisher: Oxford University Press; 1 edition (May 19, 2015)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0199334412
ISBN-13: 978-0199334414

When a waiting world learned on April 12, 1955, that Jonas Salk had successfully created a vaccine to prevent poliomyelitis, he became a hero overnight. Born in a New York tenement, humble in manner, Salk had all the makings of a twentieth-century icon-a knight in a white coat. In the wake of his achievement, he received a staggering number of awards and honors; for years his name ranked with Gandhi and Churchill on lists of the most revered people. And yet the one group whose adulation he craved--the scientific community--remained ominously silent. "The worst tragedy that could have befallen me was my success," Salk later said. "I knew right away that I was through-cast out."

In the first complete biography of Jonas Salk, Charlotte DeCroes Jacobs unravels Salk's story to reveal an unconventional scientist and a misunderstood and vulnerable man. Despite his incredible success in developing the polio vaccine, Salk was ostracized by his fellow scientists, who accused him of failing to give proper credit to other researchers and scorned his taste for media attention. Even before success catapulted him into the limelight, Salk was an inscrutable man disliked by many of his peers. Driven by an intense desire to aid mankind, he was initially oblivious and eventually resigned to the personal cost--as well as the costs suffered by his family and friends. And yet Salk remained, in the eyes of the public, an adored hero.

Based on hundreds of personal interviews and unprecedented access to Salk's sealed archives, Jacobs' biography offers the most complete picture of this complicated figure. Salk's story has never been fully told; until now, his role in preventing polio has overshadowed his part in co-developing the first influenza vaccine, his effort to meld the sciences and humanities in the magnificent Salk Institute, and his pioneering work on AIDS. A vivid and intimate portrait, this will become the standard work on the remarkable life of Jonas Salk.

La santé à l'écran de part et d'autre du Rhin

Bien-être, mieux être : la santé à l'écran de part et d'autre du Rhin

Trois projections-rencontres autour d'archives filmiques 

En abordant le thème de la santé et de l'environnement, Rhinfilm invite à prolonger la découverte des films « inédits » - institutionnels et amateurs – dans le Rhin supérieur. Films de prévention, films d'information sanitaire, film de sécurité professionnel… Dans la première moitié du XXe siècle, le cinéma utilitaire a fréquemment placé la santé au coeur de son discours. Il s'agit d'encourager la pratique du sport, de stigmatiser la consommation d'alcool sur le lieu de travail, d'informer sur les aménagements d'hygiène nécessaires dans l'espace public ou domestique. Diffusant une morale des corps, le cinéma utilitaire promeut par ailleurs la maîtrise de l'environnement par des efforts d'équipement et des innovations techniques. A ces mises en scène de commande, les différentes séances de Rhinfilm associent des archives de films amateurs. Pour ce cycle, nous distinguerons ceux qui gardent mémoire des étapes du combat écologiste entrepris par Solange Fernex : images d'un cinéma amateur et militant au service d'une mobilisation politique de part et d'autre du Rhin.

Soirée I. Le corps entre norme et idéal.
Jeudi 28 mai 2015 au Cinéma l’Odyssée à 20h00

Soirée II. Le corps moyen de production : travail, sécurité et rendement.
Lundi 1 juin 2015 au Cinéma l’Odyssée à 20h30

Soirée III. Le corps et l’environnement : santé et écologie.
Jeudi 4 juin 2015 à la Salle des Fêtes de l’Hôpital civil de Strasbourg à 19h00

L'entrée est libre.
Plus d'informations : http://rhinfilm.unistra.fr/cycles-projections-rencontres/evenement/?tx_ttnews[tt_news]=10555
Télécharger l'affiche : http://dhvs.u-strasbg.fr/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/bienetre01.jpg

Le projet « Projections du Rhin Supérieur, RHINFILM » implique les Universités de Strasbourg et de Heidelberg, en partenariat avec l'Association MIRA (Mémoire des Images Réanimées d'Alsace) dans le cadre du programme INTERREG IV Offensive Sciences, avec le soutien de l'Union Européenne, la Région d'Alsace, le Ministère pour la Science, la Recherche et l'Art du Land de Bade-Wurtemberg, le Ministère de la Formation, des Sciences, de la Culture et de la Jeunesse du Land de Rhénanie-Palatinat via les Fonds Européen de Développement Régional (FEDER) – Dépasser les frontières : projet après projet.

jeudi 21 mai 2015

Cosmétiques dans l'Allemagne moderne

The Science of Beauty: Culture and Cosmetics in Modern Germany, 1750-1930 

Annelie Ramsbrock

Hardcover: 280 pages
Publisher: Palgrave Macmillan (May 20 2015)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1137489804
ISBN-13: 978-1137489807

What did the cosmetics practices of middle-class women in the nineteenth century have in common with the repair of men's bodies mutilated in war? What did the New Woman of the Weimar years have to do with the field of social medicine that emerged in the same period? They were all part of a conversation about the cosmetic modification of bodies, a debate shaped by scientific knowledge and normative social models. Conceived as a cultural history, this book examines the history of artificially created beauty in Germany from the late Enlightenment to the early days of National Socialist rule.

Réseau irlandais d'histoire des sciences et de la médecine

History of Science Technology & Medicine Network Ireland Inaugural Conference

Call for Papers

Maynooth University
13-14 November 2015

Supported by the Irish Research Council New Foundations scheme

Organised by: HSTM Network Ireland

In co-operation with: Department of History, Maynooth University, HSTM Network Ireland

The HSTM Network Ireland fosters research, teaching and public engagement in the history of science, technology and medicine (HSTM) in Ireland. It brings together researchers based in Ireland and welcomes overseas members with relevant interests. We aim to raise the profile of HSTM in Ireland and link Irish-based researchers to an international community of scholars. The Network is organising an inaugural conference to promote awareness of archival sources for HSTM on the island, advocate HSTM as a subject at all levels of education, support and develop public events with an HSTM element, and produce an accessible bibliography of HSTM research.

Inaugural Conference
The conference committee (composed of Ida Milne (Queen’s University Belfast), Ian Miller (Centre for the History of Medicine in Ireland, University of Ulster) and Adrian James Kirwan (Maynooth University)) is accepting abstracts for the HSTM Network Ireland’s inaugural conference to take place at Maynooth University on 13-14 November 2015. The event will showcase innovative, original research currently being pursued by established and early-career researchers working in HSTM in Ireland (broadly defined).

While the theme of the event is open, the committee proposes to prioritise research that is original, unpublished, interdisciplinary and methodologically innovative.

Potential areas include (but are not restricted to):
  • History of biomedical sciences
  • History and Philosophy of Science
  • History of military technology
  • Medical Humanities
  • Medieval science and technology
  • Early-modern science and technology
  • Computing history
  • History of telecommunications
  • History of psychiatry and psychology
  • Cartographic History
  • Maritime science and technology
  • History of medical ethics and bioethics
  • History of Mathematics
  • History of the body
  • History of earth sciences
  • History of engineering
  • HSTM in education
  • HSTM archival resources
  • HSTM heritage

Applicants should email an abstract (of no more than 300 words) and a short biography (no more than 100 words) to hstm.conf.2015@gmail.com by 29 June 2015. Informal enquiries should also be sent to this address. Proposals for panels and roundtables (of one and a half hour duration) are also encouraged.

Further information
The conference committee have organised several roundtable discussions and presentations. These will include panels on HSTM education, the promotion of HSTM heritage, and the compilation and promotion of HSTM resources, potential contributors to these are welcome. 

A limited number of travel bursaries are available and may be awarded to presenters without access to other sources of funding.

All correspondence in relation to the conference should be sent tohstm.conf.2015@gmail.com

mercredi 20 mai 2015

Histoire de la psychologie en Amérique latine

Universitas Psychologica special issue dedicated to History of Psychology

Año 2014 - Volumen 13 - Número 5

Edited by Hugo Klappenbach (Universidad Nacional de San Luís, Argentina), Ana Maria Talak (Universidad de La Plata, Argentina), Cristiana Facchinetti (Fundação Oswaldo Cruz, Brazil) and Ana Jacó (Universidad do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, Brasil).


Presentation Special Issue Consolidation of the history of psychology in Latin and Iberoamerica.
Ana Maria Talak, Ana Maria Jacó-Vilela, Hugo Klappenbach

The Idea of Rational Psychology in Christian Wolff’s German Metaphysics (1720) 
Saulo Araujo, Thiago Constâncio Ribeiro Pereira

Stray Women: Psychology and Prostitution in Postwar Spain
Javier Bandrés, Eva Zubieta, Rafael Llavona

Scientific Exchanges between France and Brazil in the History of Psychology. The Role of Georges Dumas between 1908 and 1946
Carolina S Bandeira de Melo, Regina de Freitas Campos

The Child Mental Hygiene Clinic in Brazil. Psychology as a Resource
Roselania Francisconi Borges, Maria Lucia Boarini

Medicine, Mental Health and Psy Knowledge in the Construction of Maternity and Childhood in Argentina: an Analisys through the Journal Madre y Niño (1934-1935)
Ana Briolotti, Sebastián Matías Benítez

Applied Psychology. The Case of the Baer, Wolf and Risley Prescriptions for Applied Behavior Analysis
Heliodoro Carpintero Capell, Victoria del Barrio, Richard Mababu

Mental test implementation in the National Technical School in the period between 1942 and 1959: An analysis from the questioning of the notions of center and periphery
Alexandre de Carvalho Castro

Foundational Psychological Clues of Citizenry Self-Government: the “Psychology of the Spanish People” as a Case Study (1902-1918)
Jorge Castro Tejerina

A Brief History of Psychology in the City of La Plata (1906-1966)
Alejandro Dagfal

Psychology and social policies: A historical overview of psychological practice in Brazilian Public Health
Isabel Fernandes de Oliveira, Dr. Oswaldo Hajime Yamamoto

Georg F. Nicolai: Aports for Study of Pavlov Ideas in Argentina
Fernando José Ferrari

Psychology and Mental Hygiene in Brazil: The History to Be Told
Fernanda Freire Figueira, Maria Lucia Boarini

Psychological Publications in the Journal of the Paraguayan Institute
José Emilio García Noce

Henri Wallon in Spanish: Argentine Milestones of a Transnational Itinerary (1935-1976)
Luciano Nicolás García

Germán Greve Schlegel and Reception of Psychoanalysis in Chile: The Story of a “Probably German” Chilean Physician
Mariano Ruperthuz Honorato

European Psychologists in Andean Countries (Bolivia, Ecuador, and Peru) in the First Half of the 20th Century
Ramon Leon

“The Inclusion of Parents in the Picture of the Analytic Situation”. Family Psi Disciplines and Values in the Fifties Argentina
Florencia Adriana Macchioli

From a Psychiatric Epidemiology to a Positive Psychology. History of the Scientific Trajectory of María Martina Casullo
Luciana Mariñelarena-Dondena

The “Museum of Psychology” as a Strategy for the Construction of the Oral History of Psychology
Hernán Camilo Pulido Martínez, Luz Mery Carvajal Marín, Lina Maria Plata Castillo, Veronica Rivera Serna

Behavior Therapy and Modelo Latinoamérica; Assembling and Demarcating Psychology in Colombia
Fredy A Mora-Gámez

Production of Psychological Evidence in the Legal Debate about Gay Adoption in Colombia
Paola Moreno

Science and politics in times of the Cold War: A psychological examination of Spanish children in exile
Annette Mülberger

Small Citizens: The Construction of the Child in the First Subjectivity Spanish and Latin American Childcare
José Carlos Loredo Narciandi, Belén Jiménez Alonso

Towards the Experimental and Laboratorial Psychiatry: The Constitution of a German-Brazilian Community in Mental Medicine (1900-1914)
Pedro Felipe Neves de Muñoz

A history of South African (SA) Psychology
Lionel Nicholas

The Overview of a Foreigner. José Ortega y Gasset’s Thinking about Psychology in Argentinian Men and Women
Ana Elisa Ostrovsky, Luis Alberto Moya

War of the Schools and psychology: Colombia 1876
Gilberto Oviedo

Psychological Science and Professionalization in Argentina and Brazil: 1930-1980
María Andrea Piñeda, Ana Jacó-Vilela

Behaviorism reception in Argentina and Brazil: A study of two universities, 1960-1970
Fernando Polanco, Rodrigo Lopes Miranda

Following the tracks of an emerging area: bibliometric analysis of Latin American Political Psychology in the 2000-2010 period
Lucila Polo, Juan Carlos Godoy, Débora Imhoff, Silvina Brussino

Amanda Labarca (1886-1975) and her Psychological References in the Educational Context in Chile
Gonzalo Salas, Rodolfo Mardones, Miguel Gallegos, Fernando P Ponce

Beginnings of Psychology in Córdoba: Teaching at the Institute of Philosophy
Patricia Scherman

A history of educational psychology at Peru
Tomás Caycho

Poste d'enseignant à l'université de York

Teaching Fellow in the History of Science and Medicine

Call for applications

University of York - Department of History

Location: York
Salary:  £30,434 a year
Hours: Full Time
Contract Type: Contract / Temporary
Job Ref: 4267

Closes: 15th June 2015

The University of York seeks to appoint a full-time, fixed-term Teaching Fellow in the History of Science and Medicine in the Early Modern Period (from 1500 to 1800). The position is based in the Department of History on the Heslington West campus and available from 15 September 2015 for nine months until 14 June 2016.

You will be responsible for developing and delivering teaching across the Department, marking assignments and supervising students.

You should have a postgraduate degree in the area of History of Science/Medicine or cognate field (or equivalent experience), with appropriate knowledge of the subject area to be able to develop and deliver teaching to students at different levels of academic ability. Proven experience of teaching at undergraduate and/or postgraduate level in the Higher Education sector is essential, as is evidence of planning and design of teaching material.

For further information and to apply on-line, please click on the ‘Apply’ button below.

The University of York is committed to promoting equality and diversity.

mardi 19 mai 2015

Les psychoses de l’arrière

Les psychoses de l’arrière, de la Grande Guerre au XXIe siècle  

Guerres mondiales et conflits contemporains, n° 257, 2015/1

Éditeur : Presses Universitaires de France
ISBN : 9782130651024
ISSN : 0984-2292
Pages : 168

Hervé Guillemain, Stéphane Tison

Stéphane Tison
Loin du front, la folie ? Les civils internés à l’asile durant la Grande guerre

Hervé Guillemain
La psychose est-elle le fruit de l’Histoire ? À propos de la crise de septembre 1938 et de l’exode de mai-juin 1940

Fanny Le Bonhomme
Viols en temps de guerre, psychiatrie et temporalités enchevêtrées. Expériences de femmes violées par les soldats de l’Armée Rouge entre la fin de la Seconde Guerre mondiale et le début de la période de paix (République démocratique allemande, 1958-1968)

Nathalie Zajde
Permettre aux morts de mourir. Psychopathologie et prise en charge des séquelles de la shoah

Caroline Leduc
Une mission syrienne. Témoignage

Expérience de la désinstitutionnalisation à Saint-Jean-de-Dieu

Le branle-bas général à Saint-Jean-de-Dieu: Expérience de la désinstitutionnalisation, 1930-1976 

Conférence de Marie-Claude Thifault 

Le mercredi 03 juin 2015 - 19 h à 20 h 30

Institut Universitaire en Santé Mentale de Montréal

Conférence grand public
«Ouvrir les portes de l’hôpital, débarrer les portes de l’hôpital», selon le psychiatre Denis Lazure, n’était pas une façon d’imager sa pensée, mais bien un geste concret nourri par le vent de changements qu’insufflait la révolution psychiatrique des années 1960. Certes, la Commission d’études des hôpitaux psychiatriques et les conclusions de son rapport (Bédard, 1962) permettaient de croire à un vaste projet de désinstitutionnalisation psychiatrique au Québec. Nous jugeons qu’il est à propos de déplacer le point de vue sur la question de cette grande réforme pour s’intéresser à celui du patient lui-même. Cela afin de nous demander quelles sont ses propres inquiétudes quant à l’avenir suite au processus institutionnel de mise en liberté définitive? Ce questionnement propose une réévaluation des résultats peu concluants qu’a connus la première vague de désinstitutionnalisation psychiatrique au Québec, cette fois-ci, attachée à relater et prendre en compte l’expérience des patients.
Cette présentation sera tirée du livre Désinstitutionnalisation psychiatrique en Acadie, en Ontario français et au Québec (PUQ, 2014)



Marie-Claude Thifault, professeure agrégée
Titulaire, Chaire de recherche sur la francophonie canadienne en santé
Directrice, Unité de recherche sur l’histoire du nursing, Faculté des sciences de la santé, Université d'Ottawa, Canada

Inscription - Gratuit

L'inscription n'est pas obligatoire mais elle est fortement recommandée.
Pour vous inscrire, cliquez svp sur le bouton orange «Je veux m'inscrire à l'évènement» situé en bas à droite de la page. http://www.iusmm.ca/evenements/conference/2015/3juin-le-branle-bas-saint-jean-de-dieu.html


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lundi 18 mai 2015

L’alimentation et la santé des enfants dans le Sénégal colonial

L’alimentation et la santé des enfants dans le Sénégal colonial (1905-1960)

Mor Ndao

Préface du Professeur Iba Der Thiam.

La librairie universitaire - Thèses et essais
2015, 484 p. ISBN : 978-2-343-05428-5

Cet ouvrage, composé de trois parties subdivisées en une dizaine de chapitres, propose une approche historique des questions de santé et les modalités de prise en charge des enfants. Il y est étudié l’état nutritionnel des enfants pour mieux mettre en exergue ses relations avec la santé avant d’analyser les pathologies prioritaires, la politique sanitaire et d’action sociale des pouvoirs coloniaux en faveur de l’enfance.
La première partie examine le régime indigène consistant, pour l’essentiel, en nourritures céréalières végétales. En vérité, les populations vivent au régime des céréales et de leurs sous-produits. Avoir de quoi vivre pour les populations, c’est disposer de son mil ou de son riz.
La deuxième partie structurée en cinq chapitres explore l’évolution de la morbidité et de la mortalité des enfants dans la colonie de 1905 jusqu’à l’orée des années 1960. Elle examine les maladies virales dont certaines, spécifiques à l’enfance, à l’image de la rougeole et de la poliomyélite, constituent de véritables moissonneuses de vies infantiles.
La troisième partie, structurée en deux chapitres, examine la problématique de l’enfance ainsi que les modalités de sa prise en charge aussi bien dans les sociétés traditionnelles que sous la colonisation.

Transfusion et génétique au milieu du XXe siècle

Rare blood and unruly lives: transfusion, paper and genetics in the mid-twentieth century

Dr. Jenny Bangham (Max Planck Institute for the History of Science, Berlin)

Seminar, Tuesday 19 May, 16:00-17:30
Centre for the History of Science, Technology and Medicine (CHSTM) 
University of Manchester
Room 2.57, Simon Building, Brunswick Street, Manchester, M13 9PL

The plot of Emergency Call (1952)—part public-information film, part cinematic thriller—revolves around a search for ‘rare blood’. A five-year-old girl has arrived in hospital suffering from leukaemia, and to save her life the doctors need to transfuse her with three pints of blood. They realise that the only three people alive in the country of the correct blood group are: a missing boxer; a person they refer to as a “coloured” sailor; and a “murderer on the run”. The boxer is trying to evade the clutches of a criminal gang; the sailor refuses to donate owing to a past experience in which his blood was rejected because of the colour of his skin; while the ‘murderer’ is now hiding behind an assumed name and new identity. The film follows the heroic doctors as they set out to find and persuade the unruly would-be donors to give their blood.

This drama about ‘rare blood’ combines themes of race, civic duty, bureaucracy, and identity. These are also the major themes of my book project, which argues that the technologies of blood testing, storage, and administration expanded and consolidated the science of human genetics. During the mid-twentieth century, blood groups were abundantly produced and studied in hospitals, transfusion centres, doctors’ surgeries and university laboratories. They were also the first (and until the 1960s almost the only) sharply defined human genetic traits. Through the institutions, technologies and networks of blood transfusion, geneticists accumulated vast quantities of blood-group data, turning them into resources for studying human identity, difference and belonging. My paper offers a glimpse of how the infrastructures and bureaucracy of blood transfusion in Britain shaped postwar genetic research. It argues that the practices, politics and places of blood-group collection helped to establish the powerful authority of human life and its past.

Event co-organised by Ray Macauley and Amy Chambers