lundi 31 décembre 2012

Les différents visages de la mort

The different faces of death: regional differentiation in cause- specific mortality

Call for papers for a session, 38th Annual Meeting of the SSHA in Chicago IL, 21-24 November, 2013

Nynke J.M. van den Boomen, MA
PhD Candidate Historical Demography
History Department
Radboud University Nijmegen

Death goes by a large variety of faces. Mortality differentiation does not only become clear when figures for various age categories are compared or when death is studied for both sexes separately; different causes of death affect the population in different ways, too. Moreover, death rates strongly vary from place to place, be it countries, municipalities or districts. Finally, the numerous faces of death change over time just as well. 

By analyzing death’s different appearances, the interaction between mortality determinants becomes clearer. However, to grasp the complicated interplay between the dynamics affecting health, it is best to perform mortality research from various perspectives, ranging from an individual to an international level. In recent years, many studies have been devoted to look at mortality at an individual level. Nevertheless, to reveal the mechanisms behind differentiation in death, it is necessary to compare a larger quantity of communities. By approaching mortality from a meso-level, individual and communal mortality risks can be put in a broader perspective. 

This session centres around cause-specific mortality. In accordance with Abdel Omran’s epidemiologic transition theory, this angle is most likely to show the differences in a municipality’s ability to control or at least intervene in its disease environment. In line with Omran’s thinking, changes in the cause-specific mortality patterns can give away discrepancies in the shift towards modernity. Uncovering cause-specific mortality patterns can help us answer questions about matters such as the possible existence of an Era of Re-emerging Infectious Diseases or the diffusion of so-called Man-made diseases. 

The ever-growing number of digitized quantitative datasets provides historical researchers with the necessary data to conduct meso-level studies. In this sense, this session sets out to highlight the potential digitized sources provide for historical mortality research. 

Preliminary session topics:

Preferably, paper proposals will be on the following topics. Other topics may be suggested, naturally.

- Epidemiologic transitions in time and space.

- Mortality patterns for one specific cause of death or category of causes of death (e.g. tuberculosis, measles, smallpox, dysentery, coronary diseases, suicide) .

- Social and economic aspects of cause-specific mortality differentiation.

- Cultural aspects of cause-specific mortality differentiation.

- Political aspects of cause-specific mortality differentiation.

- Methods in spatial analysis of cause-specific mortality data.

Submission of abstracts:
The session is to take place during the 38th Annual Meeting of the SSHA in Chicago IL, 21-24 November, 2013. You are invited to send your paper proposals in the form of a 300 to 500 word abstract, in English. The abstract needs to state clearly what the research questions will be, what data will be used in the analysis and what the (preliminary) eventual argument of the paper will be. Proposals can be sent to: I kindly request you to send the abstract before 1 February, 2013. The final paper is due 1 November, 2013.

For further questions, please do not hesitate to contact me by email. For general information on the 38th Annual Meeting of the Social Science History Association, see the SSHA website:

Horloge biologique

The Golden Anniversary of Timing: The Internal Clock Model

Call for Papers for a Special Issue of Timing & Time Perception

Hosted by John Wearden & Argiro Vatakis

The year of 2013 marks the 50th anniversary of the publication of Michel Treisman’s classic paper – Temporal discrimination and the indifference interval. Implications for a model of the “internal clock”.
Psychological Monographs: General and Applied, 77(13), 1963, 1-31. By positing an “internal clock” based on a pacemaker, counter, store, and comparator this paper provided a foundation for the study of timing and time perception, which led to the subsequent development and expression of scalar timing theory as an information-processing model (Gibbon, Church, and Meck, 1984). The journal of Timing & Time Perception celebrates this anniversary through a special issue devoted to one of the most popular approaches to understanding time perception – the “internal clock”. This special issue aims to cover historically the precursors of the internal clock (e.g., Alderson, 1974; Bell, 1966; Francois, 1927; Hoagland, 1933, 1935), the development of Treisman’s 1963 model, and current research directions and experiments conducted using the “internal clock” as a guiding principle in the understanding of timing and time perception in humans and other animals.

Submission procedure:

Full paper submission by March 1st, 2013.

Instructions for submission: The submission website is located at: To ensure that all manuscripts are correctly identified for inclusion into the special issue it is important to select “Special Issue: Golden Anniversary” when you reach the “Article Type” step in the submission process. Papers should not be more than 20 pages. For more details on format please visit and take a look at "Instructions for Authors".

Standard peer review/revision process will be followed.

Final decisions are expected by May 20th, 2013.

Histoire de la colère

Discourses of Anger in the Early Modern Period

Call for papers 

Proposals for contributions to a volume on discourses of anger in the Early Modern Period to be published in the series Intersections are invited. The volume will be edited by Karl A.E. Enenkel (Münster University) and Anita Traninger (Freie Universität Berlin). 

Intersections is a peer-reviewed series on interdisciplinary topics in Early Modern Studies published by Brill (Leiden/Boston). Contributions may come from any of the disciplines within the humanities, such as history, art history, literary history, book history, church history, social history, cultural history, and history of ideas. Each volume focuses on a single theme and consists of essays that explore new perspectives on the subject of study. The series aims to open up new areas of research on early modern culture and to address issues of interest to a wide range of disciplines.

Emotion, the perceived counterpoint to reason, has received intense attention in the humanities and the social sciences in recent decades. Anger, however, has traditionally been conceived as pertaining to both reason and passion, since it involves complex mechanisms of rational judgment of social situations but is at the same time characterized by untamed/violent emotional repercussions. Aristotle held that anger was the morally justified seeking of revenge following the incurrence of a slight. Being thus conceived of as a social emotion, anger has since been construed as being composed of sadness and hope, as involving social and moral categories, and as mediating between the past and the future.
Even though anger is characterized as a just reaction to social misdemeanor, it has not been acknowledged universally as a socially beneficial reaction. The Stoics insisted that it was necessary to suppress it at the first showing of angry symptoms in order to achieve freedom from the disturbance of emotions which forms the basis of the good life; Christianity, where Stoic views were adopted very early on, found it difficult to reconcile the idea of anger as the just reaction of a virtuous man with its ideals of passivity.
In the Early Modern period, this already ambiguous conception was complicated by a changing intellectual framework. The Early Modern period sees long-term shifts between traditional systems of thought: a mounting criticism of Aristotelianism, a forceful contestation of Scholasticism, the factioning of religious belief and the emergence of contesting theologies along with moral canons, the rediscovery and transformative appropriation of Stoic and Sceptic doctrines, to name but a few. We are interested in how the notion of anger is informed by these developments.
Despite the recent surge in research on the history of emotions, there is no comprehensive, interdisciplinary account of notions of anger in the early modern period. There is a host of studies on ‚ancient anger‘, and the Middle Ages have also received due attention, but the early modern period has been neglected in this regard, despite a wealth of sources and despite the fact that wide-spread speculation about the emotions in general emerged in Early Modern times.
Thus in our volume, we ask contributors to discuss the fate of anger with a view to the tensions between these developments. Contributors to the volume are invited to trace the framing of anger in various discourses in the Early Modern period, including theology, philosophy, literature, medicine, law, political theory, and the arts, as well as to account for changes in the discourses of anger in this era. We would like to see discussions of anger as a contested field, one that is goverened and defined in various ways by various discourses which may nevertheless converge in literary and non-literary texts, images, religious practice, scholarly debates, etc.
Fields of inquiry and questions to be discussed may include (but are not limited to) the following:
1. Notions of anger: How is anger theorized in the various philosophical and theological schools? Are traditional views being re-valued in the early modern period? Are there alternative and/or new conceptions that gain momentum? Which re-hierarchizations take place?
2. The anthropology of anger: How do notions of anger tie in with concepts of corporeality? How does human anger compare to divine or angelic wrath or even the fury of spirits? How and in what regards is anger gendered – can women be truly angry? How does anger relate to notions of masculinity? Which modes of bodily, facial, gestural expression are seen as signalling anger?
3. Social consequences of anger: What are the uses and functions of anger? Does anger keep having positive connotations? How does anger relate to notions of social order? How does it figure in debates about the management of the passions?
4. The morality of anger: Is anger construed as a sin? Where does it range within the hierarchy of sins in the various religious denominations? What are the trajectories of debates about anger in theology, in casuistry or in moral philosophy?
5. Anger and the arts: Does anger fulfil particular functions in motivating narratives in literature? Are there genre-specific traditions of representing anger (e.g. in emblem books, revenge tragedies, novels, etc.)? How is anger reflected in music and the dramatic arts? Are there visual codes for anger?
6. Remedies of anger: What remedies are there against anger? How do medical attempts at reigning in anger relate to meditative or spiritual practices to pacify an angry mind? Is there a shift in preferred therapies?

The volume is scheduled to be published in 2014. Proposals of about 300 words should be sent electronically to both editors before 1 March, 2013: (Anita Traninger) (Karl Enenkel)
The decision about the acceptance of papers will be communicated before 1 May, 2013.
For more information see:

dimanche 30 décembre 2012

Corps et contestation


Edited by Patrizia Gentile (associate professor in the Institute of Interdisciplinary Studies at Carleton University) and Jane Nicholas  (associate professor in the Department of Women’s Studies at Lakehead University). 

University of Toronto Press, Scholarly Publishing Division © 2012

From fur coats to nude paintings, and from sports to beauty contests, the body has been central to the literal and figurative fashioning of ourselves as individuals and as a nation. In this first collection on the history of the body in Canada, an interdisciplinary group of scholars explores the multiple ways the body has served as a site of contestation in Canadian history in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries.

Showcasing a variety of methodological approaches, Contesting Bodies and Nation in Canadian History includes essays on many themes that engage with the larger historical relationship between the body and nation: medicine and health, fashion and consumer culture, citizenship and work, and more. The contributors reflect on the intersections of bodies with the concept of nationhood, as well as how understandings of the body are historically contingent. The volume is capped off with a critical introductory chapter by the editors on the history of bodies and the development of the body as a category of analysis.

Mouvement sourd

De la Langue des Signes française à la reconnaissance sociale des sourds

Sylvain Kerbourc'h

coll. Logiques sociales
ISBN : 978-2-296-55859-5
 mai 2012
250 pages

Aujourd'hui, il est commun de voir et d'entendre parler de la Langue des Signes française (LSF) et des sourds. La visibilité sociale dont ils bénéficient s'est construite à travers la diversité des modes d'expression de leur langue et de leur "culture sourde". Ce qui apparaît aujourd'hui pour beaucoup comme une évidence ne relevait en France, au début des années 1970, d'aucune réalité.

samedi 29 décembre 2012

Dents, dentistes et art dentaire

Dents, dentistes et art dentaire
Histoire, pratiques et représentations. Antiquité, Moyen Age, Ancien Régime
Sous la direction de Frank Collard et Evelyne Samama

ISBN : 978-2-336-29012-6
janvier 2013
370 pages
Prix éditeur  35,63 €

Cet ouvrage reprend les actes du sixième colloque qui s'est tenu sur l'histoire de la médecine, des pratiques et des représentations médicales dans les sociétés anciennes. Les contributions présentées ici donnent un éclairage sur les représentations, mentales et iconographiques, de la bouche et des dents tout autant que les techniques, médicales ou non, mises en oeuvre, durant l'Antiquité, le Moyen-Age et sous l'Ancien Régime.

L'acupuncture en France

La réception de l'acupuncture en France  
Une biographie revisitée de George Soulié de Morant (1878-1955)

Johan Nguyen

ISBN : 978-2-336-00358-0 
novembre 2012 
232 pages
Prix éditeur : 22,80 €

A partir de 1930, l'acupuncture commence à être pratiquée par les médecins français et des consultations sont créées dans les hôpitaux parisiens, grâce à George Soulié de Morant (1878-1955), sinologue et consul de France en Chine. Témoin, lors d'une épidémie de choléra, de l'efficacité remarquable de l'acupuncture, il devient "médecin chinois". Mais ce récit officiel est porteur de bien des ambiguïtés. Ce livre explique comment et pourquoi l'acupuncture a pu s'implanter en France en 1930 et en France seulement.

vendredi 28 décembre 2012

le retour de la biographie

The Return of Biography: Reassessing Life Stories in Science Studies

Call for contributions

Organiser: Dr Boris Jardine (Science Museum, Curator of History of Science)

Commentator: Prof. Ludmilla Jordanova (Chair in Modern History, King's College London)

Date: 18 July 2013

Location: The Science Museum, London, United Kingdom

To coincide with the close of the biographical exhibition Codebreaker: Alan Turing's Life and Legacy, the Science Museum invites participation in a one-day workshop on the role of biography in science studies.
The lived life serves as an organising principle across disciplines. We talk of the biographies of things and places, and we use personal narratives to give shape to history. Biography is central to historians' work but often unacknowledged and untheorised: it is used to inspire and to set examples and to order our thinking about the world, but is a primarily a literary mode; biographies written for popular audiences provide material for the most abstruse work across disciplines; and the canon of well-known lives dictates fashions in research.
For historians of science, technology and medicine this is a particularly pressing issue: their discipline is founded on the 'great men' account of discovery and advance, and, though that has long since been discarded, the role of the individual in historical narratives has not diminished, and heroic tales have themselves become a legitimate subject of inquiry. For writers and researchers in other fields, the question remains: how do the lives of individuals intersect with cultural trends and collective enterprise?

We invite contributions on, but not limited to, the following:
*Literary techniques in biographical narrative
*Non-human biographies (buildings, objects, ideas)
*Fictional biography
*The importance of scientific heroes in science communication
*The role of biography in collaborative and 'big' science
*Biographies as archetypes: the life scientific
*Discontinuities in working and intellectual lives
*The role of 'industries' (Darwin, Newton etc)
*The relation of named archives to historical projects.

Deadline for proposals: 31 January 2013.

Please submit an abstract of no more than 300 words, for a talk of 20 minutes, as an e-mail attachment along with your name, institutional affiliation and email address to All enquiries should also be sent to this address.

Corps, Techniques et société

Le GT 41 "Corps, Techniques et société" organise pour l'année 2013 trois séances sur le thème "Corps et techniques: Voir et connaitre". Le premier le 22 janvier accueillera l'historienne Barbara Duden.

Vous trouverez de suite le programme des trois séances et joint le PDF du programme detaillé.

Mardi 22 janvier  2013

Barbara Duden (Professeure de sociologie, Université de Leibniz, Hanovre - Allemagne)

« Une étude du 'gène familier' dans la perspective de l'historien des sens »

Mardi 12 mars 2013

Rafael Mandressi (Chargé de recherches, CNRS/Centre Alexandre Koyré)

 « Cadavres avec vue : techniques de dissection et tactiques démonstratives dans la première modernité européenne
 (XVIe-XVIIe siècle) »

Mardi 16 avril

Claudia Mattalucci (Université de Milan, CREAM (Centro di Ricerche Etno-antropologiche) - Italie)

Technologies de visualisation et avortement: pratiques médicales et expériences des femmes

Pauline Higgins (sage-femme, SciencesPo-SPEAP) sous réserve

Projection et  discussion autour du documentaire de Pauline Higgins Passage (2007 - France - 19 minutes - DV Cam)

Horaire : 16h00-18h30
Lieu : CETCOPRA - Université Paris 1. 17, rue de Tolbiac. 75013 Paris. 5ème étage
(RER C ou Métro ligne 14, bus 62 ou 89)

jeudi 27 décembre 2012


femmes à la toilette

Pascal Bonafoux

Seuil , Paris
collection Beaux livres
Parution : octobre 2012

Qu'y a-t-il de commun entre une toile anonyme de l'école de Fontainebleau du XVIe siècle, une toile de Roy Lichtenstein, une autre de Vermeer, ou de Seurat, ou de Boucher, ou de Rembrandt ? A priori, rien. Mais...

Le thème de la femme à la toilette est l'un des rares, très rares qui traversent l'histoire de l'art de l'Antiquité à nos jours. Du bain à la mise en place d'une dernière boucle d'oreille, cette succession de soins et de rites met en évidence le corps de la femme et sa volonté, une fois parée, de provoquer le désir. Or ce désir est lui-même une métaphore de la peinture.

L'ambition de ce livre est donc de révéler ce qu'a pu être, ce que continue d'être cette stratégie du désir. Que certaines des femmes qui «posèrent» pour les peintres aient été des déesses, comme Diane ou Vénus, des personnages de la Bible, comme Suzanne ou Esther, et que d'autres aient été parfaitement anonymes, ne change rien à l'affaire. Il ne s'agit que de femme, de peinture et de désir.

Prix du Comité d'histoire de la sécurité sociale

Prix du Comité d'histoire de la sécurité sociale (2013)

Créé en 1973 au sein du ministère des Afaires sociales, le Comité d'histoire de la sécurité sociale a pour mission de contribuer à une meilleure connaisance de la spécificité de l'histoire de la sécurité sociale et plus largement de l'histoire de la protection sociale de l'Ancien Régime à nos jours, de susciter des travaux scientifiques et d'en assurer ou d'en aider la diffusion. Dans cet esprit, le Comité d'histoire à décidé de récompenser, chaque année, des thèses et des travaux du niveau master, achevés depuis moins de trois ans, se rapportant à l'histoire de la protection sociale au sens large (chômage et action sociale inclus), y compris dans sa dimension internationale.

Pour ce faire, quatre prix seront accordés et décernés par le Comité d'histoire fin 2013 d'un montant de :
. 2 500 € et 2 000 € pour les thèses consacrées à des travaux de recherches historiques inédits
. 1 500 € et 1 000 € pour encourager à la réalisation de travaux de recherches de niveau master.
Modalités de soumission d'une candidature

Les personnes souhaitant concourrir pour l'un de ces prix doivent transmettre leurs travaux
avant le 30 mars 2013 en deux exemplaires papier au Secrétariat du Comité d'histoire de la sécurité sociale, ministère des affaires sociales et de la santé pièce M. 5068b à son adresse postale : 14 avenue Duquesne, 75350 PARIS 07 SP.

Ces prix concernent des travaux originaux achevés depuis moins de trois ans et se rapportant à l'histoire de la protection sociale.

Doivent être adressés au Comité d'histoire de la Sécurité sociale : 
deux exemplaires papiers (en français) du document concourant (qui ne seront pas retournés) 
une copie papier du rapport de soutenance pour les thèses,
un curriculum vitae
un résumé papier d'environ 8 000 signes (2 pages dactylographiées)

Ne peuvent concourrir, les auteurs de travaux ayant déjà fait de récompenses.
Composition du conseil scientifique
Mme Catherine Omnès, présidente du conseil scientifique
M. Yannick Marec, vice-président du conseil scientifique

Les membres :
M. Michel Dreyfus, directeur de recherches au Centre d'Histoire sociale du XXe siècle
M. Robert Fonteneau, administrateur civil honoraire, Chss
M. Patrick Fridenson, directeur d'études à l'EHESS,
M. Nicolas Hatzfeld, maître de conférences à l'université d'Evry,
Mme Catherine Rollet, professeur émérite de démographie à l'université de Versailles-Saint-Quentin-en-Yveline,
M. Bruno Valat, maître de conférences à l'université de Toulouse, secrétaire de rédaction de la revue d'histoire de la protection sociale
M. Olvier VERNIER, professeur d'histoire du droit à l'université de Nice

Administratifs :
Mireille LE ROUX, Directeur exécutif du CHSS,
Dominique SERE, secrétaire permanente du CHSS,
Elisabeth DE SMET, Assistante du CHSS et Assistante d'édition,
Pierrette DAHMAL, assistante du CHSS.

mercredi 26 décembre 2012

Valentine Greatrakes

  • The Miraculous Conformist: Valentine Greatrakes, the Body Politic, and the Politics of Healing in Restoration Britain

    Elmer Peter, Senior Lecturer in History of Science, Technology and Medicine, Open University

  • Relié: 304 pages
  • Editeur : OUP Oxford (décembre 2012)
  • Langue : Anglais
  • ISBN-10: 0199663963
  • ISBN-13: 978-0199663965

In 1666 Valentine Greatrakes achieved brief but widespread fame as a miracle healer. Dubbed the 'Stroker', he is widely believed to have touched and cured thousands of men, women, and children suffering from a large range of acute diseases and chronic conditions. His actions attracted the attention of the King, Charles II, as well as other eminent figures at court and in the various institutions of government and learning, including the newly founded Royal Society. However, there was little consensus as to the nature and origin of his gift and, following a brief period of intense lobbying on his behalf, he retired to Ireland and relative obscurity. Most histories of this period rarely grant the strange events surrounding the appearance of Greatrakes much more than an occasional footnote. Here, however, for the first time the compelling story of Greatrakes the man, and his place in the history of seventeenth-century Britain, is told in full for the first time. Based on extensive research in Irish and English archives, it reveals a fascinating account of one man's engagement with, and response to, some of the most important events of the period, including the Irish Rebellion of 1641, the English civil wars, the Cromwellian Conquest of Ireland, and the Restoration of 1660. In the process, it shows how Greatrakes' claims to heal the bodies of the sick and maimed were in large part a response to broader divisions within the fractured body politic of Britain - an approach that was enthusiastically received by many prominent figures in church and state who were eager to seek reconciliation and rapprochement in the early years of the Restoration.

Ecrire les corps

Writing Bodies: Gender and Medicine in the Nineteenth Century 

Call for Papers for Special Issue: Nineteenth-Century Gender Studies Summer 2013

Nineteenth Century Gender Studies (Issue Editors Ally Crockford and Lena Wånggren)
Scholars are invited to submit articles for the Nineteenth-Century Gender Studies special issue ‘Writing Bodies: Gender and Medicine in the Nineteenth Century’. Nineteenth-Century Gender Studies is a peer-reviewed, online journal committed to publishing insightful and innovative scholarship on gender studies and nineteenth-century British literature, art and culture. The journal endorses a broad definition of gender studies and welcomes submissions that consider gender and sexuality in conjunction with race, class, place and nationality. This special issue aims to situate nineteenth-century gender studies within a wider conversation that is taking place regarding health, medicine, and embodiment across the humanities and social sciences, to address a critical gap in the conversations about the intersection of nineteenth-century gender politics and medicine.
Critical discussion of gender and medicine in the nineteenth century has often relied on a dichotomy in which ‘male medical discourse’ (Vertinsky, 1994) stands in opposition to the image of the female patient. Furthermore, most feminist research on gender and medicine in the nineteenth century has been done on the medicalisation or, in the fin de siècle, ‘hysterisation’ of women. This special issue proposes to problematise this dichotomy and expand the notion of gender and medicine to include topics which have previously been overlooked. Medical technologies, institutionalisation, and more complex approaches to the practitioner/patient relationship tend to be excluded from discussions of gender and embodiment in the nineteenth century, but they are essential to a comprehensive exploration of medicine as it evolved throughout the century.
Building off of works such as Catherine Judd’s Bedside Seductions: Nursing and the Victorian Imagination, 1830-1880 (1998), Kristine Swenson’s Medical Women and Victorian Fiction (2005), Miriam Bailin’s The Sickroom in Victorian Fiction: The Art of Being Ill (2007), and Tabitha Sparks’s The Doctor in the Victorian Novel: Family Practices (2009), this issue will seek to reformulate an approach to gender and medicine, which has traditionally been more interested in the role of women in the medical sphere. As well as discussing women in medicine, this issue will extend its reach to consider masculinity, sexualities, gender and the non-human, and the way that notions of gender influence medical narratives just as medicine influences constructions of gender.
We invite submissions that explore topics such as:
Medical narratives
The culture of medical journals
Literary and artistic constructions of medicine and the body
Medical technologies
Institutionalisation of medicine
The gendered body
Emotive embodiment
Illness narratives
Constructions of disability
Medicalisation of the body
Anatomical texts
Reproductive technologies and the rise of obstetrics
Performativity and modes of looking
Medical museums

We welcome articles of 5,000-8,000 words, and in MLA format. Please use US spelling and citations. With the submission you should also include a 250-300 word abstract and a 50 word biographical note, the latter which will be posted if accepted for publication. Please send an electronic version of your submission, in Word or .doc format, to both editors: Lena Wånggren ( and Ally Crockford ( The deadline for submissions is 1st March 2013.

We also welcome book reviews and review essays, especially on the themes of gender, the body, and medicine, but also on wider issues regarding gender in the nineteenth century. If you want to submit a book review, please contact the reviews editor Susan David Bernstein (

Histoire de la médecine en Asie du Sud-Est

5th International Conference on The History of Medicine in Southeast Asia (HOMSEA 2014)

To be held in Manila, The Philippines
9-11 January 2014

Conference Host: Department of History, Ateneo de Manila University

All proposals on the subject of the history of medicine and health in Southeast Asia will be considered, but preference will be given to those on the following themes in Southeast Asia:
 The history of medical education
 Indigenous medical traditions
 History of military medicine
 Medical biographies
 Organising the medical profession
 Women's health and family planning
 Medicine and social development
 Travel, contact, exchange, and circulation of medicine  Colonial and national medicine  Historical medical texts  Medicine and religious practices  Chinese and Indian medicine  Early medical professionals

Please submit a one-page proposed abstract for a 20-minute talk, and a one-page CV, by 1 March 2013 to: Laurence Monnais:

Please note that it may be possible to subsidize some of the costs of participation for scholars from less wealthy countries, and for graduate and postgraduate students.

lundi 24 décembre 2012

André Breton

André Breton médecin malgré lui 

Gilbert Guiraud

Paris : L'Harmattan, 2012.
90 p.
EAN 9782336008196

Ecrivain, poète, essayiste, théoricien du surréalisme, qui se souvient qu'André Breton a fait des études de médecine, au cours desquelles il a été confronté à la psychoanalyse selon Freud. Gilbert Guiraud nous emmène dans un périple initiatique, en ne s'attachant qu'à sa période médicale: son affectation, sur sa demande, au centre de neurologie de Saint-Dizier, sa rencontre avec Aragon à l'hôpital du Val-de-Grâce, son expérience de brancardier et de médecin auxiliaire durant la guerre.


Prosopographie du soin

Workshop: Prosopography of Healthcare

Call for Papers
Date: 1 June 2013

Venue: Kingston University

There is a growing band of historians conducting prosopographical projects on topics relating to healthcare. The subjects of known projects span the centuries and the trades, from mediaeval to the 20th century, including nursing and medicine. A small group of nursing prosopographers (brought together originally through Katherine Keats-Rowan's excellent, but now mothballed, Centre for Prosopography at Oxford) has decided the time is right to convene a new group. This call for papers is to anyone who is, has been, or is thinking of working on the history of healthcare, using prosopography as an integral methodology. We plan to convene a workshop/conference to discuss current and future projects, share ideas and experiences. If you are interested in participating please send a short abstract (200 words) describing your project (or project idea) to arrive by 28 February 2013, to Sue Hawkins at

Conveners: Sue Hawkins  (Centre for the Historical Record, Kingston University); Carmen Mangion (Dept. History, Birkbeck College London; Helen Sweet, Wellcome History of Medicine Unit, Oxford University).

dimanche 23 décembre 2012

Médecine en Inde britannique

Medical Encounters in British India

Deepak Kumar is Professor of History of Science and Education at the Zakir Husain Centre for Educational Studies, School of Social Sciences, Jawaharlal Nehru University. 
Raj Sekhar Basu is Associate Professor in the Department of History at the University of Calcutta.

This volume explores the nature of interactions between the East and the West in the field of medicine. It brings into focus conditions and historical processes through which there was an interaction between the social and medical domains, particularly under the rubric of colonialism. It discusses India's medical tradition and the challenges it faced when modern medical system entered the country; the exchange of knowledge between India and the west; and the influence of local medicinal knowledge on its colonial counterpart. The exchange of ideas and that of tradition was not a simple journey but rather a long and tortuous trajectory which was characterized by both assimilation as well as initiative which sought to differentiate one set of ideas from another. The level of interaction was seldom smooth and it was often ridden with the languages of dominance and hegemony. Through specific examples and case studies, the book also analyses various ailments and the changing medical domain from the point of view of the existing social norms/conditions.

Une cure de l'esprit

Spirit Cure: A History of Pentecostal Healing

Joseph W. Williams is Assistant Professor of Religion at Rutgers University.

  • Hardcover: 256 pages
  • Éditeur: Oxford University Press (22 janvier 2013)
  • Langue: English
  • ISBN-10: 0199765677

Joseph W. Williams examines the changing healing practices of pentecostals in the United States over the past 100 years, from the early believers, who rejected mainstream medicine and overtly spiritualized disease, to the later generations of pentecostals and their charismatic successors, who dramatically altered the healing paradigms they inherited. Williams shows that over the course of the twentieth century, pentecostal denunciations of the medical profession often gave way to ''natural'' healing methods associated with scientific medicine, natural substances, and even psychology. By 2000, figures such as the pentecostal preacher T. D. Jakes appeared on the Dr. Phil Show, other healers marketed their books at mainstream retailers such as Wal-Mart, and some developed lucrative nutritional products that sold online and in health food stores across the nation. Exploring the interconnections, resonances, and continued points of tension between adherents and some of their fiercest rivals, Spirit Cure chronicling adherents' embrace of competitors' healing practices and illuminates pentecostals' dramatic transition from a despised minority to major players in the world of American evangelicalism and mainstream American culture.

Société espagnole d'histoire de la psychologie

XXVI Symposium de la Sociedad Española de Historia de la Psicología

El XXVI Symposium de la Sociedad Española de Historia de la Psicología (SEHP) se celebrará en Valencia del 9 al 11 de mayo de 2013. Se admitirán contribuciones, en formato de comunicación oral o poster que tengan relación directa con la temática propia de la Historia de la Psicología. Este año además, se incorporarán mesas dedicadas a temáticas específicas como:

1) Historia de la Psicología española;
2) Mujeres en la Historia de la psicología;
3)Albert Ellis (1913-2007): Historia de la Psicología Clínica y las terapias cognitivo-conductuales;
4) Watson y el manifiesto conductista de 1913: La Psicología desde el punto de vista Conductista (100 años después)

Los interesados han de enviar un resumen, en castellano, de 550-750 palabras para comunicación y de 150-250 para posters, ANTES DEL 15 DE FEBRERO DE 2013. Todos los resúmenes se enviarán, a través del correo electrónico ( ) y en formato pdf a la Secretaria del comité organizador.

Más información sobre el Symposium disponible en: y a través de nuestro correo electrónico:

samedi 22 décembre 2012

Les femmes nerveuses

Nervous Women: Two Centuries of Women and their Psychiatrists

  • Paperback: 176 pages
  • Éditeur: Lannoo Publishers (Acc) (16 janvier 2013)
  • Langue: English
  • ISBN-10: 9401403783

The Museum Dr. Guislain in Ghent is a unique and prestigious museum with a vast collection on the history of psychiatry and an internationally acclaimed collection of outsider art. The museum also organises temporary exhibitions based on the fascination for the 'not-ordinary', where delusion and science, art and culture are exposed in a different way.

For centuries, women have been considered more ‘nervous’ than men, more susceptible to instability and mental illness, more often bothered by spirits and demons. But are they really more ‘mentally ill’?
In the 19th century some women seemed to go mad due to a lack of behavioural freedom. In the early 21st century some women actually seem to succumb to the burden of ‘freedom’. The image of demands imposed on them by society to have a successful career, look beautiful and lead an exciting social life sometimes seems to be too much. But is it really?
The exhibition presents seven patient-psychiatrist ‘couples’: a remarkable history of how society and psychiatry evolve, how certain syndromes such as hysteria are phenomena of their time and how our times provoke and endure new forms of disturbed behaviour.
Nervous women wants to feed the debate about the ‘specific’ position of women in psychiatry.Nervous women is an exhibition about mania, melancholia, weak nerves, theatrical tics, passionate love, self-mutilation, boredom, rebellion and self-starvation.
With work by, among others: Eric De Volder, Diane Arbus, Yayoi Kusama,  Tracey Emin, Delphine Boël, Anne-Mie Van Kerckhoven, Paul McCarthy, Kati Heck, Barbara Krüger, Cindy Sherman, Viviane Joakim, Markus Schinwald, Hans-Peter Feldmann, Madge Gill, Weegee, Gao Brothers, Lili Dujourie, Guerilla Girls, Alfons Mucha, Louise Bourgeois, Gertrude Schwyzer, Félicien Rops, Unica Zürn, Nobuyoshi Araki, Annie Sprinkle, Ann Huybens, Zoulika Bouabdellah, Eleanor Antin, Philip Huyghe, Elodie Antoine, Tracey Snelling, Shadi Ghadirian and Luc Tuymans.

Le dossier de patient

You are warmly invited to the Annual Lecture of the History of Health and Medicine seminar series:

16th January Anatomy Lecture Theatre, Strand Campus, 5pm

John Harley Warner (Avalon Professor and Chair, History of Medicine, Yale
University) will give the History of Health and Medicine Annual Lecture on 'Narrative at the Bedside:

The Transformation of the Patient Record in the Long Nineteenth Century'

Prof Warner's abstract:

Between the early and closing decades of the nineteenth century, the hospital patient chart was transformed.  Drawing on surviving manuscript patient charts, and focusing on the United States, I first trace how a discursively rich record was supplanted by one that expressed narrative preferences for precision and exactitude, quantification and visualization, impersonality and detachment, uniformity and standardization, and an aspiration to universalism.  In the process, the textual presence of not only the individuated sick person but also the individual physician all but vanished, part of a larger program to eradicate "the personal equation."  I then explore the epistemological, technical, and moral choices at work in shaping this modern medical case record, giving particular attention to how the new version of scientific medicine that the experimental laboratory emblemized brought to the practice of clinical narrative a new aesthetic preference.  I suggest how this transformation in the clinical practice of writing took part in making and expressing a new kind of professional identity, reshaping clinicians' conceptions both of patients and of themselves and setting in place one cornerstone in the grounding of modern medicine-with lasting biomedical and human consequences.  I close by looking at efforts early in the twentieth century to establish this model for clinical narrative as the norm, and at the reaction against this program just after the close of the First World War, part of a broader postwar impulse to reenchant the art of healing in an age of medical science.

Further details of events in this series are available at

vendredi 21 décembre 2012


Psychical Research and Parapsychology in the History of Medicine and the Sciences

Registration is now open for our conference Psychical Research and Parapsychology in the History of Medicine and the Sciences, to be held at University College London on 25-27 January 2013. 

To register offline, please contact Andreas Sommer at

Conference Programme

Friday, 25 January
10.00-10.45. Registration
Session 1
10.45. A. Sommer, Welcome & Historiographies of psychical research, or: What does it mean to be rational?
11.30. A. Sech et al., William James and psychical research: Toward a radical science of mind
12.00. R. Noakes, Exceptional phenomena: Congruence of psychical and physical sciences, circa 1870-1930
12.30. Lunch break
Session 2
14.00. I. Kidd, Was Sir William Crookes epistemically virtuous?
14.30. S. Delorme, Physiology or psychic powers? William Carpenter’s notion of ‘unconscious cerebration’ in the debate over spiritualism in mid-Victorian Britain
15.00. T. Trochu, On some unknown historical aspects of the British Society for Psychical Research’s foundation: ‘Mind-reading or muscle-reading?’ A controversy with George Miller Beard
15.30. Tea/Coffee break
Session 3
16.00. R. Evrard, Pierre Janet and the enchanted boundary of psychical research
16.30. J. Gyimesi, Psychical research and psychoanalysis in Hungary
Saturday, 26 January
Session 4
11.00. E. Sutton, Mrs. Piper, ‘mind-cure’, and the medical epistemology of William James
11.30. M.T. Brancaccio, Enrico Morselli and the psychology of spiritism
12.00. S. Shamdasani, Mediumship and serial paradigmicity: S. W. and Jung
12.30 Lunch Break
Session 5
14.00. S. Normandin, Vitalism, psychical research and medical thought in France, 1857-1940
14.30. S. Dieguez, At the margin of the margin: Paul Sollier and unorthodox science at the turn of the XXth century
15.00. A. Puglionesi, The cream puff, the surprise visit, the sudden feeling of danger: relational knowledge-making in psychical research
15.30 Tea/Coffee break
Session 6
16.00. A. Mülberger & A. Graus, Who is talking? Mental dissociation and spiritualist mediumship in Spain
16.30. F. de Sio & C. Marazia, Give me a dog and I will move the earth. Animals as experimental ‘levers’ in the quest for psychic phenomen
17.00. Tea/Coffee break
17.30. Keynote Lecture:
I. Grattan-Guinness, Some remarks on physical mediumship
Sunday, 27 January
Session 7
11.00. J. Kragh, A contested society: psychical research in Denmark, 1905-1950
11.30. G. Blowers et al., ‘Explaining the inexplicable’: The beginnings of psychic research in Republican China (1917-1920)
12.00. E. Bauer, ‘Psychohygiene’ (mental hygiene) and parapsychology
12.30. Lunch break
Session 8
13.30. W. Kramer, The first use of EEG in The Netherlands was within psychical research
14.00. I. Kloosterman, The vital feature of early Dutch parapsychology. Animal magnetism and the Dutch SPR in the 1920s
14.30. H. Wolffram, The medium as criminal: Psychical research, criminology and female criminality in early twentieth-centuryGermany
15.00 Tea/Coffee break
Session 9
15.30. K. Price, Negotiating authority in 1960s dream letters to J.B. Priestley
16.00. A. Thornton, Spirited ladies: Women, psychical research and psychology in the early 20th century
16.30: End

Bourse Alice Fisher

Alice Fisher Society Fellowship


The Barbara Bates Center for the Study of the History of Nursing offers a fellowship of up to $5,000 to support research and ongoing collaboration with Center nurse historians. Selection of Alice Fisher Society scholars will be based on evidence of interest in and aptitude for historical research related to nursing. The scholarships are open to those with masters’ and doctoral level preparation. It is expected that the research and new materials produced by Alice Fisher Society scholars will help ensure the growth of scholarly work focused on the history of nursing. Fisher scholars will participate in Center activities and will present their research at a Center seminar. We are grateful to the Alumni of the Philadelphia General Hospital School of Nursing, who established this fellowship.

Recipients of the award who are foreign nationals must comply with U.S. State Department, immigration, and university regulations.

Deadline for submission of applications: December 31, 2012.

Date of awards: March 31, 2013.


The application should be sent via e-mail to Barbra Mann Wall, PhD, RN ( The application should not exceed 6 pages double-spaced. The outline below specifies the information which should be included in your application. The form and length of your application should be adapted to the research that you propose to do.

Aim(s): Begin with a concise statement of the aims of the research that you wish to do in the Center and relate these aims to your own long-term historical research goals.

Background Significance: Give a brief background of your research idea; this will enable reviewers to place your proposal within the context of the present state of historical knowledge about the study area. Explain the importance you expect your results to have. Please be sure to cite the published work of others which relates to your topic.

Previous Work: Describe briefly any work that you have done in this area or in closely related studies. Cite personal publications, if any. Be sure to enclose a sample of your writing, whether published or unpublished.

Methods: Explain how you intend to approach your study and, where appropriate, the parts of the Center's collections that you will use to achieve your aims. The Center's collections are listed at

Facilities: Describe existing resources at your disposal-such as other collections-which will help you in carrying out this project. Note whether other collections in the Philadelphia region might be helpful in your research.

Other Research Support: Include an overview of your existing and pending research support.

Budget: Outline and itemize budget detailing the ways that you will be using the fellowship and briefly justify the items.

Curriculum Vitae: Please include a resume of professional accomplishments including education, research publications and other publications relevant to the project you propose.


Each application will be reviewed by the members of the Barbara Bates Center for the Study of the History of Nursing Fellowship Review Committee.

The committee will make its decision about the 2013 winner of the Alice Fisher Society Fellowship as promptly as possible. Every effort will